
Showing total 31 results
31 results

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1. K3 surfaces with maximal finite automorphism groups containing M 20

2. The Benson - Symonds invariant for ordinary and signed permutation modules

3. Polyvector fields and polydifferential operators associated with Lie pairs

4. Analyzing the Weyl Construction for Dynamical Cartan Subalgebras

5. The transitive groups of degree 48 and some applications

6. n-low elements and maximal rank k reflection subgroups of Coxeter groups

7. Interval Garside structures related to the affine Artin groups of type A˜

8. Long-range correlations of sequences modulo 1

9. Generalized parafermions of orthogonal type

10. Finitely generated subgroups of branch groups and subdirect products of just infinite groups

11. G-covering subgroup systems for some classes of σ-soluble groups

12. Two results on the character degree sums

13. The congruence subgroup problem for finitely generated nilpotent groups

14. Complete first-order theories of some classical matrix groups over algebraic integers

15. On Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities and $A_p$-weights for $L$-shape arcs

16. Minimal invariable generating sets

17. FKT is not universal — A planar Holant dichotomy for symmetric constraints

18. Level-zero van der Kallen modules and specialization of nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials at t = infinity

19. A proof of Perrin-Riou's Heegner point main conjecture

20. Credal Clustering for Imbalanced Data

21. Friezes, weak friezes, and T-paths

22. Interpolating with outer functions

23. Normal orthogonality spaces

24. On simultaneous conjugation of permutations

25. Bricks over preprojective algebras and join-irreducible elements in Coxeter groups

26. Pure semisimplicity conjecture and Artin problem for dimension sequences

27. p-adic Wan-Riemann hypothesis for Zp-towers of curves

28. The Robin problem on rectangles

29. Random walks on Fibonacci treelike models

30. Strong sums of projections in type II factors

31. On the sum of character degrees coprime to p and p-nilpotency of finite groups