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135 results

Search Results

1. Impact of the person‐centred intervention guided self‐determination across healthcare settings—An integrated review.

2. The patient representation struggle during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Missed opportunities for resilient healthcare systems.

3. In praise of postgraduate career clinics: Translating health professionals' willingness to engagement.

4. UK paediatric speech and language therapists' perceptions on the use of telehealth in current and future clinical practice: An application of the APEASE criteria.

5. "I feel broken": Chronicling burnout, mental health, and the limits of individual resilience in nursing.

6. A systematic review of the use of the concept family resilience in interventions with families with children and young people.

7. Preventing, mitigating, and managing future pandemics for people with an intellectual and developmental disability ‐ Learnings from COVID‐19: A scoping review.

8. Implementing Open Dialogue approaches: A scoping review.

9. Impact of COVID‐19 on digital practice in UK paediatric speech and language therapy and implications for the future: A national survey.

10. A qualitative study assessing allied health provider perceptions of telepractice functionality in therapy delivery for people with disability.

11. Menopause at work—An organisation‐based case study.

12. 'Like going into a chocolate shop, blindfolded': What do people with primary progressive aphasia want from speech and language therapy?

13. 'Is there something wrong with your voice?' A qualitative study of the voice concerns of people with laryngotracheal stenosis.

14. Experiences of South African speech–language therapists providing telepractice during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative survey.

15. The effectiveness of ūloa as a model supporting Tongan people experiencing mental distress.

16. The perspectives of Australian speech pathologists in providing evidence‐based practices to children with autism.

17. Walk‐in Together: A pilot study of a walk‐in online family therapy intervention.

18. 'I don't really know where I stand because I don't know if I took something away from her': Moral injury in South African speech–language therapists and audiologists due to patient death and dying.

19. The enigma: Decision‐making to transfer residents to the emergency department; communication and care delivery between emergency department staff and residential aged care facilities' nurses.

20. 'It Makes You Sit Back and Think Where You Wanna Go': Veteran experiences in virtual whole health peer‐led groups.

21. A self‐portrait: Design opportunities for a tool that supports children's involvement in brain‐related health care.

22. Programmatic adaptations to acute malnutrition screening and treatment during the COVID‐19 pandemic.

23. A qualitative analysis of the needs and wishes of people with type 2 diabetes and healthcare professionals for optimal diabetes care.

24. A retrospective study of patients presenting with speech and language therapy needs within multidisciplinary Long COVID services: A service evaluation describing and comparing two cohorts across two NHS Trusts.

25. Novice therapist, the client and therapy: Integrating the triad.

26. Similar values, different expectations: How do patients and providers view 'health' and perceive the healthcare experience?

27. Do we have friendly services to meet the needs of young women exposed to intimate partner violence in the Madrid region?

28. Key stakeholder perspectives on primary care for young people with an eating disorder: A qualitative study.

29. Direct‐to‐consumer genetic tests providing health risk information: A systematic review of consequences for consumers and health services.

30. Co‐designing a peer‐led model of delivering behavioural activation for people living with depression or low mood in Australian farming communities.

31. Perspectives of operational staff working in residential care and aged care reforms.

32. "I was always struggling": Caregivers' experiences of transitioning a child from oral to long‐term non‐oral feeding at an out‐patient hospital clinic in South Africa.

33. Priorities and preferences for care of people with multiple chronic conditions.

34. Supporting families of children with an undiagnosed genetic condition: Using co‐design to ensure the right person is in the right post doing the right job.

35. Nurses and COVID‐19 response in Botswana.

36. The experience of shared decision‐making for people with asthma: A systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies.

37. Using focus groups to inform a peer health navigator service for people who are transgender and gender diverse in Saskatchewan, Canada.

38. Patient and public involvement in the development of health services: Engagement of underserved populations in a quality improvement programme for inflammatory bowel disease using a community‐based participatory approach.

39. The acceptability of, and informational needs related to, self‐collection cervical screening among women of Indian descent living in Victoria, Australia: A qualitative study.

40. Uncovering communication strategies used in language‐discordant consultations with people who are migrants: Qualitative interviews with healthcare providers.

41. Item development for a patient‐reported measure of compassionate healthcare in action.

42. Public and patient involvement in the development of an internet‐based guide for persistent somatic symptoms (GUIDE.PSS): A qualitative study on the needs of those affected.

43. 'An extra level of kind of torment': Views and experiences of recurrent miscarriage care during the initial phases of COVID‐19 in Ireland—A qualitative interview study.

44. Patient and public co‐creation of healthcare safety and healthcare system resilience: The case of COVID‐19.

45. Perceptions of healthcare professional about the "PACE Steps to Success" palliative care program for long‐term care: A qualitative study in Switzerland.

46. Participation in healthcare consultations: A qualitative study from the perspectives of persons diagnosed with hand osteoarthritis.

47. Dual‐role nurse interpreter perceptions of language barriers and Spanish‐speaking patients: A qualitative study.

48. Patient perceptions of care quality and discharge information following same‐day cardiac catheterization laboratory procedures: A mixed‐methods study.

49. Using Fa'afaletui to explore Samoan consumers' experience and interpretation of mental health person‐centred care in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

50. Providing culturally appropriate residential dementia care for older adults with an Indian heritage: Perspectives from Sydney‐based stakeholders.