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96 results

Search Results

1. Clinical reasoning during dysphagia assessment and management in acute care: A longitudinal qualitative study.

2. Towards an Implementation‐STakeholder Engagement Model (I‐STEM) for improving health and social care services.

3. Looked after children's right to contact with birth parents: An Australian study.

4. A qualitative exploration of speech–language pathologists' approaches in treating spoken discourse post‐traumatic brain injury.

5. A qualitative study assessing allied health provider perceptions of telepractice functionality in therapy delivery for people with disability.

6. The oral language and emergent literacy skills of preschoolers: Early childhood teachers' self‐reported role, knowledge and confidence.

7. Who cares for the carer? Codesigning a carer health and wellbeing clinic for older care partners of older people in Australia.

8. Acceptability of a shared cancer follow‐up model of care between general practitioners and radiation oncologists: A qualitative evaluation.

9. Factors influencing speech pathology practice in dysphagia after stroke: A qualitative focus group study.

10. Benefits and challenges of electronic prescribing for general practitioners and pharmacists in regional Australia.

11. Piloting the Mockingbird Family™ in Australia: Experiences of foster carers and agency workers.

12. How the training pathways and capacity of rural physicians inform their scope of practice: A qualitative study examining the experiences of Australian and international medical graduates in South‐East New South Wales, Australia.

13. Valuing home modifications: The street‐level policy work of occupational therapists in Australian home modification practice.

14. A qualitative analysis of the needs and wishes of people with type 2 diabetes and healthcare professionals for optimal diabetes care.

15. Prescribing as affective clinical practice: Transformations in sexual health consultations through HIV pre‐exposure prophylaxis.

16. Mental health clinician training and experiences with utilization of advance statements in Victoria, Australia.

17. Perspectives of operational staff working in residential care and aged care reforms.

18. 'It's Just Not Working', a Qualitative Exploration of the Weight‐Related Healthcare Experiences of Individuals of Arab Heritage With Higher Weight in Australia.

19. Listening to the Voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Regional and Remote Australia About Traumatic Brain Injury From Family Violence: A Qualitative Study.

20. Assessing numeracy and medication calculations within undergraduate nursing education: A qualitative study.

21. Police, permits and politics: Navigating life on Australia's state borders during the COVID‐19 pandemic.

22. Barriers and Enablers for Accessing Rehabilitation Services: Findings From the Rehabilitation Choices Study, Part 1—Healthcare Professionals' Perspectives.

23. Patient and public involvement in preclinical and medical research: Evaluation of an established programme in a Discovery‐Based Medical Research Institute.

24. The silent world of assisted reproduction: A qualitative account of communication between doctors and patients undergoing in vitro fertilisation in Australia.

25. Experiences of goal planning in Australian community pharmacy settings for people experiencing mental illness: A qualitative study.

26. Let families decide: Barriers and enablers to participation in family‐assisted therapy for older people in transition care.

27. The graduate dietitian experience of employment and employability: A longitudinal qualitative research study from one Australian university.

28. The challenges facing residential aged care homes to participate in quality food and nutrition research.

29. 'Getting the vaccine makes me a champion of it': Exploring perceptions towards peer‐to‐peer communication about the COVID‐19 vaccines amongst Australian adults.

30. Living with dementia in regional Australia: The experience of acute care hospital management from the carer's perspective.

31. The roles and perspectives of an informatics pharmacist practicing in the Australian healthcare setting: a qualitative study.


33. Reducing barriers to the hepatitis C care cascade in prison via point‐of‐care RNA testing: a qualitative exploration of men in prison using an integrated framework.

34. Shifting the narrative and practice of assessing professionalism in dietetics education: An Australasian qualitative study.

35. Beyond the 'big smoke': Enabling supervision of ophthalmology trainees in regional, rural and remote Australia.

36. Parents' experiences with child protection during pregnancy and post‐birth.

37. Improving patient and carer access to information and support through head and neck cancer treatment and survivorship using experience‐based co‐design.

38. 'It's a constant changing environment, and we're just playing catch up': Hospital food services, food waste, and COVID‐19.

39. The perceptions of mental health clinicians integrating exercise as an adjunct to routine treatment of depression and anxiety.

40. Benefits and challenges to ophthalmology training via the Specialist Training Program.

41. 'Maybe what I do know is wrong...': Reframing educator roles and professional development for teaching Indigenous health.

42. 'What price do you put on your health?': Medical cannabis, financial toxicity and patient perspectives on medication access in advanced cancer.

43. Children's participation in child protection—How do practitioners understand children's participation in practice?

44. Impact of strengths model training and supervision on the therapeutic practice of Australian mental health clinicians.

45. Osteoarthritis management care pathways are complex and inefficient: A qualitative study of physiotherapist perspectives from specialised osteoarthritis services.

46. 'What are you hiding from me?' A qualitative study exploring health consumer attitudes and experiences regarding the patient‐led recording of a hospital clinical encounter.

47. Practitioner Experiences with Domestic and Family Violence in COVID‐19.

48. 'What's she doing here?' Overcoming barriers to the implementation of Expert by Experience positions in academia.

49. Co‐creation of a student‐implemented allied health service in a First Nations remote community of East Arnhem Land, Australia.

50. Participant perspectives of an online co‐design process to develop a prevention‐focused mental health and well‐being platform for primary producers.