
Showing total 304 results
304 results

Search Results

1. Hand hygiene monitoring: Comparison between app and paper forms for direct observation.

2. The risk factors for silent aspiration: A retrospective case series and literature review.

3. An exploratory study of longitudinal trajectory of language, swallowing and cognition post endovascular clot retrieval.

4. Characteristics of drawing deficits in people with aphasia: Differences between symbolic and realistic drawn objects.

5. Shake it or light it! The effects of cueing in desktop‐VR learning environments on search time and learning.

6. Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with music therapy in non‐fluent aphasia after stroke: A randomised controlled study.

7. Comprehensive Assessment of Reading in Aphasia (CARA) reading questionnaire—German version.

8. Towards a fuller picture: Triangulation and integration of the measurement of self‐regulated learning based on trace and think aloud data.

9. Exploring the effectiveness of a regional nurse practitioner led, long‐acting injectable buprenorphine‐based model of care for opioid use disorder.

10. Non‐linguistic comprehension, social inference and empathizing skills in autistic young adults, young adults with autistic traits and control young adults: Group differences and interrelatedness of skills.

11. 'Turning up and tuning in'. Factors associated with parental non‐attendance and non‐adherence in intervention for young children with speech, language communication needs.

12. Virtual INSIGHT: Improving natural social interaction: Group reHabilitation after traumatic brain injury.

13. Enhancing concrete structures education: Impact of virtual reality on motivation, performance and usability for undergraduate engineering students.

14. Adaptation and validation of the European Portuguese Communication and Symbolic Behaviour Scales Developmental Profile™ (CSBS DP™) Infant–Toddler Checklist.

15. Spelling problems after early oral language difficulties.

16. Language gains in 4–6‐year‐old children with developmental language disorder and the relation with language profile, severity, multilingualism and non‐verbal cognition.

17. Pragmatic deficits in patients with schizophrenia and right hemisphere damage: A pilot study.

18. Who benefits and who doesn't in virtual reality learning: An experimental study comparing two types of school.

19. Incorporating hands‐on experiments into an online science course.

20. Convergent validity of functional communication tools and spoken language comprehension assessment in children with cerebral palsy.

21. Factors that influence development of speech pathology skills required for videofluoroscopic swallowing studies.

22. Comparing music‐ and food‐evoked autobiographical memories in young and older adults: A diary study.

23. "Impaired Resilience (00210)" in patients under fertility treatment: Clinical validation study.

24. Phonological acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese: Ages of customary production, acquisition and mastery.

25. Improving short‐term academic performance in the flipped classroom using dynamic geometry software.

26. Effects of low load exercise with and without blood-flow restriction on microvascular oxygenation, muscle excitability and perceived pain.

27. Changes in activity and content of messages of an Estonian Facebook group during transition to distance learning at the beginning of the COVID‐19 pandemic.

28. Barriers and facilitators: Clinicians' opinions and experiences of telehealth before and after their use of a telehealth platform for child language assessment.

29. Speech–language pathology students' perceptions of simulation‐based learning experiences in stuttering.

30. Running women or women runners: Does identity salience affect intention to exercise outside and feelings of safety?

31. The effect of real word stimuli versus non‐word stimuli on oral diadochokinetic rates across the life span: An item discrimination analysis.

32. Where less is more: Limited feedback in formative online multiple‐choice tests improves student self‐regulation.

33. Comparative interaction patterns of groups in an open network environment: The role of facilitators in collaborative learning.

34. Prelinguistic communication complexity predicts expressive language in initial minimally verbal autistic children.

35. Combined effects of age and hearing impairment on utterances and requests for clarification in spontaneous conversation and a referential communication task.

36. Efficacy of online communication partner training package for student healthcare professionals.

37. Evaluation devices in the narratives of deaf/hard of hearing and hearing Arabic‐speaking adolescents.

38. Mapping active and collaborative learning in higher education through annotations in hyper‐video by learning analytics.

39. Return to Learn ECHO: Telementoring for School Personnel to Help Children Return to School and Learning After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.

40. Relationship between physical activity and health in individuals with intellectual disability.

41. GKC‐CI: A unifying framework for contextual norms and information governance.

42. Re‐viewing performance: Showing eye‐tracking data as feedback to improve performance monitoring in a complex visual task.

43. Picture‐naming test for a linguistically diverse population with cognitive impairment and dementia.

44. Isolated effect of filler particle size on surface properties of experimental resin composites before and after toothbrush abrasion.

45. Understanding Critical Health Literacy Among Adolescents: Psychometric Properties of the CHLA Questionnaire in Lower Secondary Schools in Norway.

46. Competence development in collaborative hybrid learning among health sciences students: A quasi‐experimental mixed‐method study.

47. A study on learning analytics of using mobile augmented reality application to enhance cultural competence for design cultural creation in higher education.

48. Reduced duration of stuttering‐like disfluencies and consistent anticipatory slowing during an adaptation task.

49. What should we evaluate when we use technology in education?

50. Early identification of depressive symptoms in school‐aged children: Psychometric properties and validation of a new short version of Short Mood & Feelings Questionnaire.