
Showing total 42 results
42 results

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1. Discrimination, disadvantage and disempowerment during COVID-19: a qualitative intrasectional analysis of the lived experiences of an ethnically diverse healthcare workforce in the United Kingdom.

2. Design and implementation of an online admissions interview for selection to nursing and midwifery programmes: a partnership approach.

3. Unpacking the "complex" in complex evaluations: lessons learned conducting large scale evaluations of maternal and child health programmes over 20 years of collaborative research in Ghana.

4. "Chiropractic is manual therapy, not talk therapy": a qualitative analysis exploring perceived barriers to remote consultations by chiropractors.

5. Comparing factors associated with overall satisfaction for different forms of remote breastfeeding support in the UK.

6. A qualitative study of the experiences of insulin use by older people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

7. End of life decision making when home mechanical ventilation is used to sustain breathing in Motor Neurone Disease: patient and family perspectives.

8. A qualitative study of informal caregiver perceptions of the benefits of an early dementia diagnosis.

9. Women's experiences of attempted suicide in the perinatal period (ASPEN-study) – a qualitative study.

10. "They seemed to be like cogs working in different directions": a longitudinal qualitative study on Long COVID healthcare services in the United Kingdom from a person-centred lens.

11. Young people's experiences of physical activity insecurity: a qualitative study highlighting intersectional disadvantage in the UK.

12. Co-designing adult weight management services: a qualitative study exploring barriers, facilitators, and considerations for future commissioning.

13. Women's use of online health and social media resources to make sense of their polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis: a qualitative study.

14. Adaptive strategies used by surgical teams under pressure: an interview study among senior healthcare professionals in four major hospitals in the United Kingdom.

15. The ebbs and flows of empathy: a qualitative study of surgical trainees in the UK.

16. The experiences and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young carers: practice implications and planning for future health emergencies.

17. "Systems seem to get in the way": a qualitative study exploring experiences of accessing and receiving support among informal caregivers of people living with chronic kidney disease.

18. Implementation of national guidance for self-harm among general practice nurses: a qualitative exploration using the capabilities, opportunities, and motivations model of behaviour change (COM-B) and the theoretical domains framework.

19. Clinical service delivery implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with Inflammatory bowel disease: a qualitative study.

20. General practice nurse trainees' perspectives on general practice nursing as a career choice: qualitative findings from a vocational training scheme in the United Kingdom (UK).

21. Barriers and facilitators to health care access for people experiencing homelessness in four European countries: an exploratory qualitative study.

22. International comparison of professional competency frameworks for nurses: a document analysis.

23. Widening participation – recruitment methods in mental health randomised controlled trials: a qualitative study.

24. The experiences of patients with advanced heart failure, family carers, and health professionals with palliative care services: a secondary reflexive thematic analysis of longitudinal interview data.

25. Initial insights into the impact and implementation of Creating Active Schools in Bradford, UK.

26. Trusting relationships between patients with non-curative cancer and healthcare professionals create ethical obstacles for informed consent in clinical trials: a grounded theory study.

27. Causes of stress and poor wellbeing among paramedic students in Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom: a cross-cultural qualitative study.

28. Understanding the support needs of parents of children with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a qualitative descriptive study in the UK.

29. UK government's new placement legislation is a 'good first step': a rapid qualitative analysis of consumer, business, enforcement and health stakeholder perspectives.

30. Gum health and quality of life—subjective experiences from across the gum health-disease continuum in adults.

31. What does family building mean? A qualitative exploration and a new definition: a UK-based study.

32. The lived experience of severe mental illness and long-term conditions: a qualitative exploration of service user, carer, and healthcare professional perspectives on self-managing co-existing mental and physical conditions.

33. Do palliative care patients and relatives think it would be acceptable to use Bispectral index (BIS) technology to monitor palliative care patients' levels of consciousness? A qualitative exploration with interviews and focus groups for the I-CAN-CARE research programme

34. Social prescribing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study of service providers' and clients' experiences.

35. Vocational rehabilitation via social firms: a qualitative investigation of the views and experiences of employees with mental health problems, social firm managers and clinicians.

36. Use of external evidence for design and Bayesian analysis of clinical trials: a qualitative study of trialists' views.

37. Challenges and visions for managing pain-related insomnia in primary care using the hybrid CBT approach: a small-scale qualitative interview study with GPs, nurses, and practice managers.

38. Achieving inclusive research priority-setting: what do people with lived experience and the public think is essential?

39. Making large-scale surgical trials possible: collaboration and the role of surgical trainees.

40. An evaluation of the process of informed consent: views from research participants and staff.

41. Embedding qualitative research in randomised controlled trials to improve recruitment: findings from two recruitment optimisation studies of orthopaedic surgical trials.

42. Accessing and utilising gender-affirming healthcare in England and Wales: trans and non-binary people's accounts of navigating gender identity clinics.