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1. The phenomenon of yoga in the imagination of Turkish nursing students: "The way to place goodness in the heart".

2. Power and positionality in the practice of health system responsiveness at sub-national level: insights from the Kenyan coast.

3. Mental health stigma and health-seeking behaviors amongst pregnant women in Vietnam: a mixed-method realist study.

4. From the periphery to inclusion within the health system: promoting community health worker empowerment as a way forward.

5. Using an internet-based platform to provide online and offline healthcare services for discharged patients.

6. "I wasn't sure it would work. I was just trying": an ethnographic study on the choice of abortion methods among young women in Kilifi County, Kenya, and Atlantique Department, Benin.

7. Contextualizing the experiences of Black pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: 'It's been a lonely ride'.

8. Reducing inequities in maternal and child health in rural Guatemala through the CBIO+ Approach of Curamericas: 6. Management of pregnancy complications at Community Birthing Centers (Casas Maternas Rurales).

9. Optimising a clinical decision support tool to improve chronic kidney disease management in general practice.

10. Discrimination, disadvantage and disempowerment during COVID-19: a qualitative intrasectional analysis of the lived experiences of an ethnically diverse healthcare workforce in the United Kingdom.

11. Using a customer discovery process to enhance the potential dissemination and scalability of a family healthy weight program for rural communities and small towns.

12. Implementation of a crisis resolution team service improvement programme: a qualitative study of the critical ingredients for success.

13. Rural healthcare professionals' participation in Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): beyond a binary decision.

14. Smart glasses use experience of nursing graduate students: qualitative study.

15. Distinct experiences and care needs of advanced cancer patients with good ECOG performance status: a qualitative phenomenological study.

16. Design and implementation of an online admissions interview for selection to nursing and midwifery programmes: a partnership approach.

17. Relational security: conceptualization and operationalization in small-scale, strengths-based, community-embedded youth justice facilities.

18. Power imbalances and equity in the day-to-day functioning of a north plus multi-south higher education institutions partnership: a case study.

19. "I don't want my marriage to end": a qualitative investigation of the sociocultural factors influencing contraceptive use among married Rohingya women residing in refugee camps in Bangladesh.

20. Nurses' and clients' perspectives after engagement in the co-designing of solutions to improve provider-client relationships in maternal and child healthcare: a human-centered design study in rural Tanzania.

21. "Tie your camel first, then rely on God": reconceptualizing Javanese Islamic values to support palliative care at home.

22. Analyzing body dissatisfaction and gender dysphoria in the context of minority stress among transgender adolescents.

23. "I think they should give primary health care a little more priority". The primary health care in Caribbean SIDS: what can be said about adaptation to the changing climate? The case of Dominica— a qualitative study.

24. A qualitative assessment of the impact of a community-embedded intervention on beneficiaries' attitudes and beliefs about adolescent sexual reproductive health in Ebonyi State, Southeast, Nigeria.

25. Supporting self-management in women with pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy: a mixed-methods sequential comparative case study.

26. Perceptions of nurse educators and nursing students on the model for facilitating 'presence' in large class settings through reflective practices: a contextual inquiry.

27. Offering vegetables to children at breakfast time in nursery and kindergarten settings: the Veggie Brek feasibility and acceptability cluster randomised controlled trial.

28. Health equity related challenges and experiences during the rapid implementation of virtual care during COVID-19: a multiple case study.

29. "They talked to me rudely". Women perspectives on quality of post-abortion care in public health facilities in Kenya.

30. How gender is socially constructed in policy making processes: a case study of the Adolescent and Youth Health Policy in South Africa.

31. Empowering nurses: exploring self-managed organizations in Indian healthcare.

32. Participant and workplace champion experiences of an intervention designed to reduce sitting time in desk-based workers: SMART work & life.

33. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in Alberta, Canada.

34. Medicinal plants of the upper Aswa River catchment of northern Uganda - a cultural crossroads.

35. "You can create a little bit more closure in your own story when someone really connects with it": exploring how involvement in youth peer support work can promote peer development.

36. Implementing a nurse-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy intervention to reduce the impact of hot flushes/night sweats in women with breast cancer: a qualitative process evaluation of the MENOS4 trial.

37. A new scale assessing the stressors and rewards of children's hospice work.

38. The development of practice standards for patient education in nurse-led clinics: a mixed-method study.

39. 'The tabloid test': a qualitative interview study on the function and purpose of termination of pregnancy review committees in Victoria, Australia.

40. Doing primary care integration: a qualitative study of meso-level collaborative practices.

41. Remote continuous monitoring with wireless wearable sensors in clinical practice, nurses perspectives on factors affecting implementation: a qualitative study.

42. How do changes in motivation to prevent pregnancy influence contraceptive continuation? Results from a longitudinal study with women who receive family planning services from Community Pharmacists and Patent and Proprietary Medicine Vendors in Nigeria.

43. Equity, justice, and social values in priority setting: a qualitative study of resource allocation criteria for global donor organizations working in low-income countries.

44. Research on the learning experience of virtual simulation class experimental teaching and learning based on the perspective of nursing students.

45. Development of attributes and attribute levels for a discrete choice experiment on patients' and providers' choice for antiretroviral therapy service in Northwest Ethiopia.

46. Can payment by results ensure equitable access to contraceptive services? a qualitative case study.

47. Ethnobotanical inventory of medicinal plants used by Cashinahua (Huni Kuin) herbalists in Purus Province, Peruvian Amazon.

48. Policy actors' perceptions of public participation to tackle health inequalities in Scotland: a paradox?

49. General practice wide adaptations to support patients affected by DVA during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid qualitative study.

50. Women's and health providers' perceptions of companionship during labor and childbirth: a formative study for the implementation of WHO companionship model in Burkina Faso.