38 results on '"Tavolaro, S."'
Search Results
2. Characterization of small (
- Author
Schieda, N., Lim, R.S., McInnes, M.D.F., Thomassin, I., Renard-Penna, R., Tavolaro, S., and Cornelis, F.H.
- Published
- 2018
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3. Transition zone and anterior stromal prostate cancers: Evaluation of discriminant location criteria using multiparametric fusion-guided biopsy
- Author
Tavolaro, S., Mozer, P., Roupret, M., Comperat, E., Rozet, F., Barret, E., Drouin, S., Vaessen, C., Lucidarme, O., Cussenot, O., Boudghène, F., and Renard-Penna, R.
- Published
- 2018
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4. Genetic landscape of ultra-stable chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients
- Author
Raponi, S., Del Giudice, I., Marinelli, M., Wang, J., Cafforio, L., Ilari, C., Piciocchi, A., Messina, M., Bonina, S., Tavolaro, S., Bordyuh, M., Mariglia, P., Peragine, N., Mauro, F.R., Chiaretti, S., Molica, S., Gentile, M., Visentin, A., Trentin, L., Rigolin, G.M., Cuneo, A., Diop, F., Rossi, D., Gaidano, G., Guarini, A., Rabadan, R., and Foà, R.
- Published
- 2018
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5. Evidence for X(3872) in Pb-Pb Collisions and Studies of its Prompt Production at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
- Author
Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Ambrogi, F., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., Ero, J., Del, Valle, Escalante, A., Flechl, M., Fruhwirth, R., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Kratschmer, I, Liko, D., Madlener, T., Mikulec, I, Rad, N., Schieck, J., Schofbeck, R., Spanring, M., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C-E, Zarucki, M., Drugakov, V, Mossolov, V, Gonzalez, Suarez, J., Darwish, M. R., Wolf, De, E. A., Croce, Di, Janssen, D., Kello, X., Lelek, T., Pieters, A., Sfar, M., Rejeb, H., Van, Haevermaet, Van, Mechelen, Van, Putte, Van, Remortel, Blekman, N., Bols, F., Chhibra, E. S., D'Hondt, S. S., Clercq, De, Lontkovskyi, J., Lowette, D., Marchesini, S., Moortgat, I, Python, S., Tavernier, Q., Van, Doninck, Van, Mulders, Beghin, P., Bilin, D., Clerbaux, B., Lentdecker, De, Delannoy, G., Dorney, H., Favart, B., Grebenyuk, L., Kalsi, A., Moureaux, A. K., Popov, L., Postiau, A., Starling, N., Thomas, E., L. V., Velde, Er, Vanlaer, C., Vannerom, P., Cornelis, D., Dobur, T., Khvastunov, D., Niedziela, I, Roskas, M., Skovpen, C., Tytgat, K., Verbeke, M., Vermassen, W., Vit, B., Bruno, M., Caputo, G., David, C., Delaere, P., Delcourt, C., Giammanco, M., Lemaitre, A., Prisci, V, Aro, J., Saggio, A., Vischia, P., Zobec, J., Alves, G. A., Silva, Correia, G., Hensel, C., Moraes, A., Batista Das Chagas, Belchior, E., Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Coelho, E., Costa, Da, E. M., Silveira, Da, Damiao, G. G., De Jesus, D., Martins, De Oliveira, C., Souza, De, Fonseca, S., Malbouisson, H., Martins, J., Figueiredo, Matos, D., Jaime, Medina, M., Almeida, De, Melo, M., Herrera, Mora, C., Mundim, L., Nogima, H., Prado Da Silva, Teles, W. L., Rebello, P., Rosas, Sanchez, L. J., Santoro, A., Sznajder, A., Thiel, M., Tonelli, Manganote, E. J., Da Silva De Araujo, Torres, F., Pereira, Vilela, A., Bernardes, C. A., Calligaris, L., Fern, ez Perez Tomei, Gregores, T. R., Lemos, E. M., Mercadante, D. S., Novaes, P. G., Padula, S. F., S, Ra, S., Aleks, Rov, Antchev, A., Hadjiiska, G., Iaydjiev, R., Misheva, P., Rodozov, M., Shopova, M., Sultanov, M., Bonchev, G., Dimitrov, M., Ivanov, A., Litov, T., Pavlov, L., Petkov, B., Petrov, P., Fang, A., Gao, W., Yuan, X., Ahmad, L., Hu, M., Wang, Z., Chen, Y., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. S., Jiang, M., Leggat, C. H., Liao, D., Liu, H., Spiezia, Z., Tao, A., Yazgan, J., Zhang, E., Zhang, H., Zhao, S., Agapitos, J., Ban, A., Levin, G., Li, A., Li, J., Li, L., Mao, Q., Qian, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, D., Xiao, Q., Avila, M., Cabrera, C., Florez, A., Gonzalez, Hern, C. F., Ez, Segura, Delgado, M. A., Mejia, Guisao, Ruiz, Alvarez, J. D., Salazar, Gonzalez, C. A., Vanegas, Arbelaez, Godinovic, N., Lelas, N., Puljak, D., Sculac, I, Antunovic, T., Kovac, Z., Brigljevic, M., Ferencek, V, Kadija, D., Mesic, K., Roguljic, B., Starodumov, M., Susa, A., Ather, T., Attikis, M. W., Erodotou, A., Ioannou, E., Kolosova, A., Konstantinou, M., Mavromanolakis, S., Mousa, G., Nicolaou, J., Ptochos, C., Razis, F., Rykaczewski, P. A., Saka, H., Tsiakkouri, H., Finger, D., Finger, M., r. M., J, Kveton, A., Tomsa, J., Ayala, E., Jarrin, Carrera, E., Mahmoud, M. A., Mohammed, Y., Bhowmik, S., Antunes De Oliveira, Carvalho, A., Dewanjee, R. K., Ehataht, K., Kadastik, M., Raidal, M., Veelken, C., Eerola, P., Forthomme, L., Kirschenmann, H., Osterberg, K., Voutilainen, M., Garcia, F., Havukainen, J., Heikkila, J. K., Karimaki, V, Kim, M. S., Kinnunen, R., Lampen, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Laurila, S., Lehti, S., Linden, T., Siikonen, H., Tuominen, E., Tuominiemi, J., Luukka, P., Tuuva, T., Besancon, M., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Fabbro, B., Faure, J. L., Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Givernaud, A., Gras, P., Monchenault, De, Hamel, G., Jarry, P., Leloup, C., Lenzi, B., Locci, E., Malcles, J., R, Er, Rosowsky, J., Sahin, A., Savoy-Navarro, M. O., Titov, A., Yu, M., Ahuja, G. B., Amendola, S., Beaudette, C., Bonanomi, F., Busson, M., Charlot, P., Diab, C., Falmagne, B., Cassagnac, De, Granier, R., Kucher, I, Lobanov, A., Perez, Martin, C., Nguyen, M., Och, O, Paganini, C., Rembser, P., Salerno, J., Sauvan, R., Sirois, J. B., Zabi, Y., Zghiche, A., Agram, A., J-L, Rea, Bloch, J., Bourgatte, D., Brom, G., J-M, Chabert, Collard, E. C., Conte, C., Fontaine, E., J-C, Gele, Goerlach, D., Grimault, U., Bihan, Le, A-C, Tonon, Van, Hove, Gadrat, P., Beauceron, S., Bernet, S., Boudoul, C., Camen, G., Carle, C., Chanon, A., Chierici, N., Contardo, R., Depasse, D., Mamouni, El, Fay, H., Gascon, J., Gouzevitch, S., Ille, M., Jain, B., Laktineh, Sa, Lattaud, I. B., Lesauvage, H., Lethuillier, A., Mirabito, M., Perries, L., Sordini, S., Torterotot, V, Touquet, L., G. V., Donckt, Er, Viret, M., Toriashvili, S., Tsamalaidze, T., Autermann, Z., Feld, C., Klein, L., Lipinski, K., Meuser, M., Pauls, D., Preuten, A., Rauch, M., Schulz, M. P., Teroerde, J., Erdmann, M., Fischer, M., Ghosh, B., Hebbeker, S., Hoepfner, T., Keller, K., Mastrolorenzo, H., Merschmeyer, L., Meyer, M., Millet, A., Mocellin, P., Mondal, G., Mukherjee, S., Noll, S., Novak, D., Pook, A., Pozdnyakov, T., Quast, A., Radziej, T., Rath, M., Reithler, Y., Roemer, H., Schmidt, J., Schuler, A., Sharma, S. C., Wiedenbeck, A., Zaleski, S., Flugge, S., Ahmad, G., Haj, W., Hlushchenko, O., Kress, T., Muller, T., Nowack, A., Pistone, C., Pooth, O., Roy, D., Sert, H., Stahl, A., Martin, Aldaya, M., Asmuss, P., Babounikau, I, Bakhshiansohi, H., Beernaert, K., Behnke, O., Martinez, Bermudez, A., Bin, Anuar, Borras, A. A., Botta, K., Campbell, V, Cardini, A., Connor, A., Rodriguez, P., Consuegra, S., Contreras-Campana, C., Danilov, V, Wit, De, Defranchis, A., Pardos, M. M., Diez, C., Damiani, Dominguez, D., Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Eichhorn, T., Elwood, A., Eren, E., Banos, Estevez, L. I., Gallo, E., Geiser, A., Grohsjean, A., Guthoff, M., Haranko, M., Harb, A., Jafari, A., Jomhari, N. Z., Jung, H., Kasem, A., Kasemann, M., Kaveh, H., Keaveney, J., Kleinwort, C., Knolle, J., Krucker, D., Lange, W., Lenz, T., Lidrych, J., Lipka, K., Lohmann, W., Mankel, R., Melzer-Pellmann, I-A, Meyer, A. B., Missiroli, M., Mnich, J., Mussgiller, A., Myronenko, V, Adan, Perez, D., Pflitsch, S. K., Pitzl, D., Raspereza, A., Saibel, A., Savitskyi, M., Scheurer, V, Schutze, P., Schwanenberger, C., Shevchenko, R., Singh, A., Ricardo, Sosa, R. E., Tholen, H., Turkot, O., Vagnerini, A., Van De Klundert, Walsh, M., Wen, R., Wichmann, Y., Wissing, K., Zenaiev, C., Zlebcik, O., Aggleton, R., Bein, R., Benato, S., Benecke, L., Dreyer, A., Ebrahimi, T., Feindt, A., Frohlich, F., Garbers, A., Garutti, C., Gonzalez, E., Gunnellini, D., Haller, P., Hinzmann, J., Karavdina, A., Kasieczka, A., Klanner, G., Kogler, R., Kovalchuk, R., Kurz, N., Kutzner, S., Lange, V, Lange, J., Malara, T., Multhaup, A., Niemeyer, J., Reimers, C. E. N., Rieger, A., Schleper, O., Schumann, P., Schw, S., T, J., Sonneveld, J., Stadie, H., Steinbruck, G., Vormwald, B., Zoi, I, Akbiyik, M., Baselga, M., Baur, S., Berger, T., Butz, E., Caspart, R., Chwalek, T., Boer, De, Dierlamm, W., Morabit, El, Faltermann, K., Giffels, N., Gottmann, M., Hartmann, A., Heidecker, F., Husemann, C., Iqbal, U., Kudella, M. A., Maier, S., Mitra, S., Mozer, S., Muller, M. U., Muller, D., Musich, Th, Nurnberg, M., Rabbertz, G., Savoiu, K., Schafer, D., Schnepf, D., Schroder, M., Shvetsov, M., Simonis, I, Ulrich, H. J., Wassmer, R., Weber, M., Wohrmann, M., Wolf, C., Wozniewski, R., Anagnostou, S., Asenov, G., Daskalakis, P., Geralis, G., Kyriakis, T., Loukas, A., Paspalaki, D., Stakia, G., Diamantopoulou, A., Karathanasis, M., Kontaxakis, G., Manousakis-katsikakis, P., Panagiotou, A., Papavergou, A., Saoulidou, I, Theofilatos, N., Vellidis, K., Vourliotis, K., Bakas, E., Kousouris, G., Papakrivopoulos, K., Tsipolitis, I, Zacharopoulou, G., Evangelou, A., Foudas, I, Gianneios, C., Katsoulis, P., Kokkas, P., Mallios, P., Manitara, S., Manthos, K., Papadopoulos, N., Strologas, I, Triantis, J., Tsitsonis, F. A., Bartok, D., Chudasama, M., Csanad, R., Major, M., P. M., Al, K., Mehta, A., Pasztor, G., Suranyi, O., Veres, I, Bencze, G., Hajdu, G., Horvath, C., Sikler, D., Veszpremi, F., Vesztergombi, V., Beni, G., Czellar, N., Karancsi, S., Molnar, J., Szillasi, J., Raics, Z., Teyssier, P., Trocsanyi, D., Ujvari, Z. L., Csorgo, B., Metzger, T., Nemes, W. J., Novak, F., Choudhury, T., Komaragiri, S., Tiwari, J. R., Bahinipati, P. C., Kar, S., Kole, C., Mal, G., Bindhu, P., Muraleedharan Nair, V. K., Nayak, A., Sahoo, D. K., Swain, S. K., Bansal, S., Beri, S. B., Bhatnagar, V, Chauhan, S., Dhingra, N., Gupta, R., Kaur, A., Kaur, M., Kaur, S., Kumari, P., Lohan, M., Meena, M., Eep, S, Sharma, K., Singh, S., Virdi, J. B., Walia, A. K., Bhardwaj, G., Choudhary, A., Garg, B. C., Gola, R. B., Keshri, M., Kumar, S., Ashok, Naimuddin, Priyanka, M., Ranjan, P., Shah, K., Aashaq, Sharma, Bhardwaj, R., Bharti, R., Bhattacharya, M., Bhattacharya, R., Bhaw, S., Eep, U., Bhowmik, D., Dutta, S., Ghosh, S., Gomber, B., Maity, M., Mondal, K., N, An, Purohit, S., Rout, A., Saha, P. K., Sarkar, G., Sharan, S., Singh, M., Thakur, B., Behera, S., Behera, P. K., Kalbhor, S. C., Muhammad, P., Pujahari, A., Sharma, P. R., Sikdar, A., Dutta, A. K., Jha, D., Mishra, V, Netrakanti, D. K., Pant, P. K., Shukla, L. M., Aziz, P., Bhat, T., Dugad, M. A., Mohanty, S., Sur, G. B., Verma, N., Ravindra, Kumar, Banerjee, S., Bhattacharya, S., Chatterjee, S., Das, P., Guchait, M., Karmakar, S., Majumder, G., Mazumdar, K., Sahoo, N., Sawant, S., Dube, S., Kansal, B., Kapoor, A., Kothekar, K., P, Ey, Rane, S., Rastogi, A., Sharma, A., Chenarani, S., Etesami, S., Khakzad, S. M., Najafabadi, M., Mohammadi, M., Naseri, M., Hosseinabadi, Rezaei, F., Felcini, M., Grunewald, M., Abbrescia, M., Aly, R., Calabria, C., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., Cristella, L., Filippis, De, Palma, De, Florio, Di, Elmetenawee, A., Fiore, W., Gelmi, L., Iaselli, A., Ince, G., Lezki, M., Maggi, S., Maggi, G., Merlin, M., Miniello, J. A., My, G., Nuzzo, S., Pompili, S., Pugliese, A., Radogna, G., Ranieri, R., Selvaggi, A., Silvestris, G., Simone, L., Venditti, F. M., Verwilligen, R., Abbiendi, P., Battilana, G., Bonacorsi, C., Borgonovi, D., Braibant-Giacomelli, L., Campanini, S., Capiluppi, R., Castro, P., Cavallo, A., Codispoti, F. R., Cuffiani, G., Dallavalle, M., Fabbri, G. M., Fanfani, F., Fontanesi, A., Giacomelli, E., Giommi, P., Gr, L., I, C., Guiducci, L., Iemmi, F., Meo, Lo, Marcellini, S., Masetti, S., Navarria, G., Perrotta, F. L., Primavera, A., Rossi, F., Rovelli, A. M., Siroli, T., Tosi, G. P., Albergo, N., Costa, S., Mattia, Di, Potenza, A., Tricomi, R., Tuve, A., Barbagli, C., Cassese, G., Ceccarelli, A., Ciulli, R., Civinini, V, D'Aless, C., Ro, R., Fiori, F., Focardi, E., Latino, G., Lenzi, P., Meschini, M., Paoletti, S., Sguazzoni, G., Viliani, L., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Piccolo, D., Bozzo, M., Ferro, F., Mulargia, R., Robutti, E., Tosi, S., Benaglia, A., Beschi, A., Brivio, F., Ciriolo, V, Dinardo, M. E., Dini, P., Gennai, S., Ghezzi, A., Govoni, P., Guzzi, L., Malberti, M., Malvezzi, S., Menasce, D., Monti, F., Moroni, L., Paganoni, M., Pedrini, D., Ragazzi, S., Fatis, De, Tabarelli, T., Valsecchi, D., Zuolo, D., Buontempo, S., Cavallo, N., Iorio, De, Crescenzo, Di, Fabozzi, A., Fienga, F., Galati, F., Iorio, G., Layer, A. O. M., Lista, L., Meola, L., Paolucci, S., Rossi, P., Sciacca, B., Voevodina, C., Azzi, E., Bacchetta, P., Bisello, N., Boletti, D., Bragagnolo, A., Carlin, A., Checchia, R., Manzano, P., De Castro, P., Dorigo, T., Dosselli, U., Gasparini, F., Gasparini, U., Gozzelino, A., Hoh, S. Y., Margoni, M., Meneguzzo, A. T., Pazzini, J., Presilla, M., Ronchese, P., Rossin, R., Simonetto, F., Tiko, A., Tosi, M., Zanetti, M., Zotto, P., Zucchetta, A., Zumerle, G., Braghieri, A., Fiorina, D., Montagna, P., Ratti, S. P., Re, V, Ressegotti, M., Riccardi, C., Salvini, P., Vai, I, Vitulo, P., Biasini, M., Bilei, G. M., Ciangottini, D., Fano, L., Lariccia, P., Leonardi, R., Manoni, E., Mantovani, G., Mariani, V, Menichelli, M., Rossi, A., Santocchia, A., Spiga, D., Rosov, K., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, G., Bertacchi, V, Bianchini, L., Boccali, T., Castaldi, R., Ciocci, M. A., Dell'Orso, R., Donato, S., Giannini, L., Giassi, A., Grippo, M. T., Ligabue, F., Manca, E., Orli, M, Messineo, G., Palla, A., Rizzi, F., Rol, A., I, G., Chowdhury, Roy, S., Scribano, A., Spagnolo, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, G., Turini, N., Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G., Cavallari, F., Cipriani, M., Del, Re, Marco, Di, Diemoz, E., Longo, M., Meridiani, E., Organtini, P., G. P., Olfi, F., Paramatti, R., Quaranta, C., Rahatlou, S., Rovelli, C., Santanastasio, F., Soffi, L., Tramontano, R., Amapane, N., Arcidiacono, R., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Bartosik, N., Bellan, R., Bellora, A., Biino, C., Cappati, A., Cartiglia, N., Cometti, S., Costa, M., Covarelli, R., Demaria, N., Fern, Ez, Gonzalez, J. R., Kiani, B., Legger, F., Mariotti, C., Maselli, S., Migliore, E., Monaco, V, Monteil, E., Monteno, M., Obertino, M. M., Ortona, G., Pacher, L., Pastrone, N., Pelliccioni, M., Angioni, Pinna, G. L., Romero, A., Ruspa, M., Salvatico, R., Sola, V, Solano, A., Soldi, D., Staiano, A., Trocino, D., Belforte, S., Elise, C, Casarsa, V, Cossutti, M., Rold, Da, Della, Ricca, Vazzoler, G., Zanetti, F., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, D. H., Lee, G. N., Lee, J., Moon, S. W., C. S., Oh, Pak, Y. D., I, S., Sekmen, S., Son, D. C., Yang, Y. C., Kim, H., Moon, D. H., Francois, B., Kim, T. J., Park, J., Cho, S., Choi, S., Go, Y., Ha, S., Hong, B., Lee, K., Lee, K. S., Lim, J., Park, S. K., Roh, Y., Yoo, J., Goh, J., Kim, H. S., Almond, J., Bhyun, J. H., Choi, J., Jeon, S., Kim, J., Kim, J. S., Lee, H., Lee, S., Nam, K., Oh, M., S. B., Oh, Radburn-Smith, B. C., Yang, U. K., Yoo, H. D., Yoon, I, Jeon, D., Kim, J. H., Lee, J. S. H., Park, I. C., Watson, I. J., Choi, Y., Hwang, C., Jeong, Y., Lee, Y., Yu, I, Veckalns, V., Dudenas, V, Juodagalvis, A., Rinkevicius, A., Tamulaitis, G., Vaitkus, J., Idris, Mohamad, F., Abdullah, Wan, W. A. T., Yusli, M. N., Zolkapli, Z., Benitez, J. F., Hern, Ez, Castaneda, A., Quijada, Murillo, J. A., Palomo, Valencia, L., Castilla-Valdez, H., De La Cruz-Burelo, Heredia-De La Cruz, Lopez-Fern, I, Ez, R., Sanchez-Hern, Ez, Moreno, A., Carrillo, S., Oropeza, Barrera, Ramirez-Garcia, C., Vazquez, Valencia, Eysermans, F., Pedraza, J., I, Salazar, Ibarguen, H. A., Uribe, Estrada, Pineda, C., Morelos, A., Mijuskovic, J., Raicevic, N., Krofcheck, D., Bheesette, S., Butler, P. H., Lujan, P., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, M., Awan, M. I. M., Hassan, Q., Hoorani, H. R., Khan, W. A., Shah, M. A., Shoaib, M., Waqas, M., Avati, V, Grzanka, L., Malawski, M., Bialkowska, H., Bluj, M., Boimska, B., Gorski, M., Kazana, M., Szleper, M., Zalewski, P., Bunkowski, K., Byszuk, A., Doroba, K., Kalinowski, A., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Olszewski, M., Walczak, M., Araujo, M., Bargassa, P., Bastos, D., Francesco, Di, Faccioli, A., Galinhas, P., Gallinaro, B., Hollar, M., Leonardo, J., Niknejad, N., Seixas, T., Shchelina, J., Strong, K., Toldaiev, G., Varela, O., Afanasiev, J., Bunin, S., Ershov, P., Golutvin, Y., Gorbunov, I, Kamenev, I, Karjavine, A., Korenkov, V, Lanev, V, Malakhov, A., Matveev, A., Mitsyn, V, Moisenz, V. V., Palichik, P., Perelygin, V, Shmatov, V, Skatchkov, S., Yuldashev, N., Zarubin, B. S., Zhiltsov, A., Chtchipounov, V, Golovtcov, L., Ivanov, V, Kim, Y., Kuznetsova, V, Levchenko, E., Murzin, P., Oreshkin, V, Smirnov, V, Sosnov, I, Sulimov, D., Uvarov, V, Vorobyev, L., Reev, A., Dermenev, Yu, Gninenko, A., Golubev, S., Karneyeu, N., Kirsanov, A., Krasnikov, M., Pashenkov, N., Tlisov, A., Toropin, D., Epshteyn, A., Gavrilov, V, Lychkovskaya, V, Nikitenko, N., Popov, A., Pozdnyakov, V, Safronov, I, Spiridonov, G., Stepennov, A., Toms, A., Vlasov, M., Zhokin, E., Aushev, A., Bychkova, T., Chistov, O., Danilov, R., Polikarpov, M., Tarkovskii, S., Reev, E., Azarkin, V, Dremin, M., Kirakosyan, I, Terkulov, M., Belyaev, A., Boos, A., Demiyanov, E., Ershov, A., Gribushin, A., Kodolova, A., Korotkikh, O., Lokhtin, V, Obraztsov, I, Petrushanko, S., Savrin, S., Snigirev, V, Vardanyan, A., Barnyakov, I, Blinov, A., Dimova, V, Kardapoltsev, T., Skovpen, L., Azhgirey, Y., Bayshev, I, Bitioukov, I, Kachanov, S., Konstantinov, V, D. M., Rik, P., Petrov, V, Ryutin, R., Slabospitskii, S., Sobol, A., Troshin, S., Tyurin, N., Uzunian, A., Volkov, A., Babaev, A., Iuzhakov, A., Okhotnikov, V, Borchsh, V, Ivanchenko, V, Tcherniaev, E., Adzic, P., Cirkovic, P., Dordevic, M., Milenovic, P., Milosevic, J., Stojanovic, M., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz, Maestre, Alvarez, Fern, Ez, A., Bachiller, I, Barrio, Luna, Bedoya, M., Cristina, F., Brochero, Cifuentes, J. A., Carrillo, Montoya, Cepeda, C. A., Cerrada, M., Colino, M., De la Cruz, Delgado, Peris, Fern, A., Ramos, Ez, Flix, J. P., Fouz, J., M. C., Gonzalez, Lopez, Goy, Lopez, Hern, S., J. M., Ez, Josa, I, Moran, M., Navarro, Tobar, Perez-Calero, Yzquierdo, Puerta, Pelayo, Redondo, J., Romero, I, Sanchez, Navas, Soares, S., Triossi, M. S., Willmott, A., Albajar, C., Troconiz, De, Reyes-Almanza, J. F., Alvarez, Gonzalez, Cuevas, B., Erice, J., Fern, C., Menendez, Ez, Folgueras, J., Gonzalez, Caballero, Palencia, Cortezon, Ramon, Alvarez, Rodriguez, Bouza, V, Sanchez, Cruz, Cabrillo, S., Calderon, I. J., Chazin, Quero, Duarte, Campderros, Fern, J., Ez, M., Manteca, Ez, P. J., Garcia, Alonso, Gomez, A., Martinez, Rivero, Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, Matorras, P., Piedra, Gomez, Prieels, J., Ricci-Tam, C., Rodrigo, F., Ruiz-Jimeno, T., Russo, A., Scodellaro, L., Vila, L., Vizan, Garcia, Sonnadara, J. M., Dharmaratna, D. U. J., Wickramage, W. G. D., Aarrestad, N., Abbaneo, T. K., Akgun, D., Auffray, B., Auzinger, E., Baechler, G., Baillon, J., Ball, P., Barney, A. H., Bendavid, D., Bianco, J., Bocci, M., Bortignon, A., Bossini, P., Brondolin, E., Camporesi, E., Caratelli, T., Cerminara, A., Chapon, G., Cucciati, E., D'Enterria, G., Dabrowski, D., Daci, A., Daponte, N., David, V, Davignon, A., Roeck, De, Deile, A., Maria, Di, Dobson, R., Dunser, M., Dupont, M., Elliott-Peisert, N., Emriskova, A., Fallavollita, N., Fasanella, F., Fiorendi, D., Franzoni, S., Fulcher, G., Funk, J., Giani, W., Gigi, S., Gill, D., Glege, K., Gouskos, F., Gruchala, L., Guilbaud, M., Gulhan, M., Hegeman, D., Heidegger, J., Iiyama, C., Innocente, Y., James, V, Janot, T., Karacheban, P., Kaspar, O., Kieseler, J., Krammer, J., Kratochwil, M., Lange, N., Lecoq, C., Long, P., Lourenco, K., Malgeri, C., Mannelli, L., Massironi, M., Meijers, A., Mersi, F., Meschi, S., Moortgat, E., Mulders, F., Ngadiuba, M., Niedziela, J., Nourbakhsh, J., Orfanelli, S., Orsini, S., Pantaleo, L., Pape, F., Perez, L., Peruzzi, E., Petrilli, M., Petrucciani, A., Pfeiffer, G., Pierini, A., Pitters, M., Rabady, F. M., Racz, D., Rovere, M., Sakulin, M., Salfeld-Nebgen, H., Scarfi, J., Schafer, S., Schwick, C., Selvaggi, C., Sharma, M., Silva, A., Snoeys, P., Sphicas, W., Steggemann, P., Summers, J., Tavolaro, S., Treille, V. R., Tsirou, D., Van, Onsem, Vartak, G. P., Verzetti, A., Wozniak, M., Zeuner, K. A., Caminada, W. D., Deiters, L., Erdmann, K., Horisberger, W., Ingram, R., Kaestli, Q., Kotlinski, H. C., Langenegger, D., Rohe, U., Backhaus, T., Berger, M., Cal, P., Ri, A., Chernyavskaya, N., Dissertori, G., Dittmar, M., Donega, M., Dorfer, C., Espinosa, Gomez, T. A., Grab, C., Hits, D., Lustermann, W., Manzoni, R. A., Meinhard, M. T., Micheli, F., Musella, P., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pauss, F., Perovic, V, Perrin, G., Perrozzi, L., Pigazzini, S., Ratti, M. G., Reichmann, M., Reissel, C., Reitenspiess, T., Ristic, B., Ruini, D., Becerra, Sanz, D. A., Schonenberger, M., Shchutska, L., Olsson, Vesterbacka, M. L., Wallny, R., Zhu, D. H., Amsler, C., Botta, C., Brzhechko, D., Canelli, M. F., Cosa, De, Del, Burgo, Kilminster, R., Leontsinis, B., Mikuni, S., Neutelings, V. M., Rauco, I, Robmann, G., Schweiger, P., Takahashi, K., Wertz, Y., Kuo, S., Lin, C. M., Roy, W., Sarkar, A., Yu, T., Chang, S. S., Chao, P., Chen, K. F., Hou, P. H., W-S, Li, Y. Y., Lu, R-S, Paganis, Psallidas, E., Steen, A., Asavapibhop, A., Asawatangtrakuldee, B., Srimanobhas, C., Suwonj, N., Ee, N., Bat, A., Boran, F., Celik, A., Damarseckin, S., Demiroglu, Z. S., Dolek, F., Dozen, C., Dumanoglu, I, Gokbulut, G., Guler, Emine, Gurpinar, Guler, Y., Hos, I, Isik, C., Kangal, E. E., Kara, O., Topaksu, Kayis, A., Kiminsu, U., Onengut, G., Ozdemir, K., Simsek, A. E., Tok, U. G., Turkcapar, S., Zorbakir, I. S., Zorbilmez, C., Isildak, B., Karapinar, G., Yalvac, M., Atakisi, I. O., Gulmez, E., Kaya, M., Kaya, O., Tekten, S., Yetkin, E. A., Cakir, A., Cankocak, K., Komurcu, Y., Sen, S., Cerci, S., Kaynak, B., Ozkorucuklu, S., Cerci, Sunar, D., Grynyov, B., Levchuk, L., Bhal, E., Bologna, S., Brooke, J. J., Burns, D., Clement, E., Cussans, D., Flacher, H., Goldstein, J., Heath, G. P., Heath, H. F., Kreczko, L., Krikler, B., Paramesvaran, S., Sakuma, T., Nasr-Storey, El, Seif, S., Smith, V. J., Taylor, J., Titterton, A., Bell, K. W., Brew, C., Brown, R. M., Cockerill, D. J. A., Coughlan, J. A., Harder, K., Harper, S., Linacre, J., Manolopoulos, K., Newbold, D. M., Olaiya, E., Petyt, D., Reis, T., Schuh, T., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H., Thea, A., Tomalin, I. R., Williams, T., Bainbridge, R., Bloch, P., Bonomally, S., Borg, J., Breeze, S., Buchmuller, O., Bundock, A., Chahal, Gurpreet, Singh, Colling, D., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., Della, Negra, Everaerts, M., Hall, P., Iles, G., Komm, G., Langford, M., Lyons, J., Magnan, L., A-M, Malik, Martelli, S., Milosevic, A., Morton, V, Nash, A., Palladino, J., Pesaresi, V, Raymond, M., Richards, D. M., Rose, A., Scott, A., Seez, E., Shtipliyski, C., Stoye, A., Strebler, M., Tapper, T., Uchida, A., Virdee, K., Wardle, T., Webb, N., Winterbottom, S. N., Zecchinelli, D., Zenz, A. G., Cole, S. C., Hobson, J. E., Khan, P. R., Kyberd, A., Mackay, P., Reid, C. K., Teodorescu, I. D., Zahid, L., Brinkerhoff, S., Call, A., Caraway, K., Dittmann, B., Hatakeyama, J., Madrid, K., Mcmaster, C., Pastika, B., Smith, N., Bartek, C., Dominguez, R., Uniyal, A., Hern, R., Vargas, A. M., Buccilli, A., Cooper, I, Gleyzer, S., V, S., Henderson, C., Rumerio, P., West, C., Albert, A., Arcaro, D., Demiragli, Z., Gastler, D., Richardson, C., Rohlf, J., Sperka, D., Spitzbart, D., Suarez, I, Sulak, L., Zou, D., Benelli, G., Burkle, B., Coubez, X., Cutts, D., Duh, Y. T., Hadley, M., Heintz, U., Hogan, J. M., Kwok, K. H. M., Laird, E., Sberg, L, Lau, G., Lee, K. T., Narain, J., Sagir, M., Syarif, S., Usai, R., Wong, E., W. Y., Yu, Zhang, D., W. B., Brainerd, R., Breedon, C., Sanchez, R., Calderon De La Barca, M., Chertok, M., Conway, J., Conway, R., Cox, P. T., Erbacher, R., Flores, C., Funk, G., Jensen, F., Ko, W., Kukral, O., L, Er, Mulhearn, R., Pellett, M., Pilot, D., Shi, J., Taylor, M., Tos, D., Tripathi, K., Wang, M., Zhang, Z., Bachtis, F., Bravo, M., Cousins, C., Dasgupta, R., Florent, A., Hauser, A., Ignatenko, J., Mccoll, M., Nash, N., Regnard, W. A., Saltzberg, S., Schnaible, D., Stone, C., Valuev, B., Burt, V., Chen, K., Clare, Y., Gary, R., Shirazi, J. W., Ghiasi, S. M. A., Hanson, G., Karapostoli, G., Long, O. R., Manganelli, N., Negrete, Olmedo, M., Paneva, I, Si, M., Wimpenny, W., Yates, S., Zhang, B. R., Branson, Y., Chang, J. G., Cittolin, P., Cooperstein, S., Deelen, S., Derdzinski, N., Duarte, M., Gerosa, J., Gilbert, R., Hashemi, D., Klein, B., Krutelyov, D., Letts, V, Masciovecchio, J., May, M., Padhi, S., Pieri, S., Tadel, V, Wurthwein, M., Yagil, F., Della, Porta, Zevi, G., Amin, N., Ari, Bh, Campagnari, R., Citron, C., Dutta, M., Inc, V, Ela, J., Marsh, B., Mei, H., Ovcharova, A., Qu, H., Richman, J., Sarica, U., Stuart, D., Wang, S., Erson, D., Bornheim, A., Cerri, O., Dutta, I, Lawhorn, J. M., Lu, N., Mao, J., Newman, H. B., Nguyen, T. Q., Pata, J., Spiropulu, M., Vlimant, J. R., Xie, S., Zhu, R. Y., Alison, J., Rews, M. B., Ferguson, T., Mudholkar, T., Paulini, M., Sun, M., Vorobiev, I, Weinberg, M., Cumalat, J. P., Ford, W. T., Macdonald, E., Mulholl, T., Patel, R., Perloff, A., Stenson, K., Ulmer, K. A., Wagner, S. R., Alex, Er, Cheng, J., Chu, Y., Datta, J., Frankenthal, A., Mcdermott, A., Patterson, K., Quach, J. R., Ryd, D., Tan, A., Tao, S. M., Thom, Z., Wittich, J., Zientek, P., Abdullin, M., Albrow, S., Alyari, M., Apollinari, M., Apresyan, G., Apyan, A., Banerjee, A., Bauerdick, S., Beretvas, L. A. T., Berry, A., Berryhill, D., Bhat, J., Burkett, P. C., Butler, K., Canepa, J. N., Cerati, A., Cheung, G. B., Chlebana, H. W. K., Cremonesi, F., Elvira, M., Freeman, V. D., Gecse, J., Gottschalk, Z., Gray, E., Green, L., Grunendahl, D., Gutsche, S., Hanlon, O., Harris, J., Hasegawa, R. M., Heller, S., Hirschauer, R., Jayatilaka, J., Jindariani, B., Johnson, S., Joshi, M., Klijnsma, U., Klima, T., Kortelainen, B., Kreis, M. J., Lammel, B., Lewis, S., Lincoln, J., Lipton, D., Liu, R., Liu, M., Lykken, T., Maeshima, J., Marraffino, K., Mason, J. M., Mcbride, D., Merkel, P., Mrenna, P., Nahn, S., O'Dell, S., Papadimitriou, V, Pedro, V, Pena, K., Ravera, C., Hall, F., Reinsvold, A., Ristori, L., Schneider, B., Sexton-Kennedy, E., Soha, A., Spalding, W. J., Spiegel, L., Stoynev, S., Strait, J., Taylor, L., Tkaczyk, S., Tran, V, Uplegger, N., Va, L., Ering, E. W., Vidal, R., Weber, H. A., Woodard, A., Acosta, D., Avery, P., Bourilkov, D., Cadamuro, L., Cherepanov, V, Errico, F., Field, R. D., Guerrero, D., Joshi, B. M., Kim, M., Konigsberg, J., Korytov, A., K. H., Lo, Matchev, K., Menendez, N., Mitselmakher, G., Rosenzweig, D., Shi, K., Wang, J., Zuo, X., Joshi, Y. R., Adams, T., Askew, A., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V, Johnson, K. F., Khurana, R., Kolberg, T., Martinez, G., Perry, T., Prosper, H., Schiber, C., Yohay, R., Zhang, J., Baarm, M. M., Hohlmann, M., Noonan, D., Rahmani, M., Saunders, M., Yumiceva, F., Adams, M. R., Apanasevich, L., Betts, R. R., Cavanaugh, R., Chen, X., Dittmer, S., Evdokimov, O., Gerber, C. E., Hangal, D. A., Hofman, D. J., Kumar, V, Mills, C., Oh, G., Roy, T., Tonjes, M. B., Varelas, N., Viinikainen, J., Wang, H., Wang, X., Wu, Z., Alhusseini, M., Bilki, B., Dilsiz, K., Durgut, S., Rajula, G, Haytmyradov, R. P., Khristenko, M., Koseyan, V, Merlo, O. K., J-P, Mestvirishvili, Moeller, A., Nachtman, A., Ogul, J., Onel, H., Ozok, Y., Penzo, F., Snyder, A., Tiras, C., Wetzel, E., Yi, J., Blumenfeld, K., Cocoros, B., Eminizer, A., Gritsan, N., V, A., Hung, W. T., Kyriacou, S., Maksimovic, P., Mantilla, C., Roskes, J., Swartz, M., Vami, T. A., Barrera, Baldenegro, C., Baringer, P., Bean, A., Boren, S., Bylinkin, A., Isidori, T., Khalil, S., King, J., Krintiras, G., Kropivnitskaya, A., Lindsey, C., Majumder, D., Mcbrayer, W., Minafra, N., Murray, M., Rogan, C., Royon, C., Ers, S, Schmitz, S., Takaki, E., Tapia, J. D., Wang, Q., Williams, J., Wilson, G., Duric, S., Kaadze, K., Kim, D., Maravin, Y., Mendis, D. R., Mitchell, T., Modak, A., Mohammadi, A., Rebassoo, F., Wright, D., Baden, A., Baron, O., Belloni, A., Eno, S. C., Feng, Y., Hadley, N. J., Jabeen, S., Jeng, G. Y., Kellogg, R. G., Mignerey, A. C., Nabili, S., Seidel, M., Skuja, A., Tonwar, S. C., Wang, L., Wong, K., Abercrombie, D., Allen, B., Bi, R., Br, T, Busza, S., Cali, W., D'Alfonso, I. A., Ceballos, M., Gomez, G., Goncharov, M., Harris, P., Hsu, D., Klute, M., Kovalskyi, D., Lee, Y-J, Luckey, P. D., Maier, B., Marini, A. C., Mcginn, C., Mironov, C., Narayanan, S., Niu, X., Paus, C., Rankin, D., Rol, Rol, C., Shi, G., Stephans, Z., Sumorok, G. S. F., Tatar, K., Velicanu, K., Wyslouch, T. W., Chatterjee, B., Evans, R. M., Guts, A., Hansen, S., Hiltbr, P., Jain, J., Kubota, Sh, Lesko, Y., Mans, Z., Revering, J., Rusack, M., Saradhy, R., Schroeder, R., Strobbe, N., Wadud, N., Acosta, M. A., Oliveros, J. G., Bloom, S., Chauhan, K., Claes, S., Fangmeier, D. R., Finco, C., Golf, L., Kamalieddin, F., Kravchenko, R., Siado, I, Snow, J. E., Stieger, G. R., Tabb, B., Agarwal, W., Harrington, G., Iashvili, C., Kharchilava, I., Mclean, A., Nguyen, C., Parker, D., Pekkanen, A., Rappoccio, J., Roozbahani, S., Alverson, B., Barberis, G., Freer, E., Haddad, C., Hortiangtham, Y., Madigan, A., Marzocchi, G., Morse, B., Nguyen, D. M., Orimoto, V, Skinnari, T., Tishelman-Charny, L., Wamorkar, A., Wang, T., Wisecarver, B., Wood, A., Bhattacharya, D., Bueghly, S., Fedi, J., Gilbert, G., Gunter, A., Hahn, T., Odell, K. A., Schmitt, N., Sung, M. H., Velasco, K., Bucci, M., Dev, R., Goldouzian, N., Hildreth, R., Anampa, M., Hurtado, K., Jessop, C., Karmgard, D. J., Lannon, K., Li, W., Loukas, N., Marinelli, N., Mcalister, I, Meng, F., Musienko, Y., Ruchti, R., Siddireddy, P., Smith, G., Taroni, S., Wayne, M., Wightman, A., Wolf, M., Alimena, J., Bylsma, B., Cardwell, B., Durkin, L. S., Francis, B., Hill, C., Ji, W., Lefeld, A., Ling, T. Y., Winer, B. L., Dezoort, G., Elmer, P., Hardenbrook, J., Haubrich, N., Higginbotham, S., Kalogeropoulos, A., Kwan, S., Lange, D., Lucchini, M. T., Luo, J., Marlow, D., Mei, K., Ojalvo, I, Olsen, J., Palmer, C., Piroue, P., Stickl, D., Tully, C., Malik, S., Norberg, S., Barker, A., Barnes, V. E., Chawla, R., Das, S., Gutay, L., Jones, M., Jung, A. W., Mahakud, B., Miller, D. H., Negro, G., Neumeister, N., Peng, C. C., Piperov, S., Qiu, H., Schulte, J. F., Trevisani, N., Wang, F., Xiao, R., Xie, W., Cheng, T., Dolen, J., Parashar, N., Baty, A., Behrens, U., Dildick, S., Ecklund, K. M., Freed, S., Geurts, F. J. M., Kilpatrick, M., Kumar, Arun, Padley, B. P., Redjimi, R., Roberts, J., Rorie, J., Shi, W., Leiton, Stahl, A. G., Tu, Z., Zhang, A., Bodek, A., Barbaro, De, Demina, P., Dulemba, R., Fallon, J. L., Ferbel, C., Galanti, T., Garcia-Bellido, M., Hindrichs, A., Khukhunaishvili, O., Ranken, A., Taus, E., Chiarito, R., Chou, B., J. P. G., Rakota, A., Gershtein, Y., Halkiadakis, E., Hart, A., Heindl, M., Hughes, E., Kaplan, S., Laflotte, I, Lath, A., Montalvo, R., Nash, K., Osherson, M., Salur, S., Schnetzer, S., Somalwar, S., Stone, R., Thomas, S., Acharya, H., Delannoy, A. G., Spanier, S., Bouhali, O., Dalchenko, M., Mattia, De, Delgado, M., Eusebi, A., Gilmore, R., Huang, J., Kamon, T., Kim, T., Luo, H., Malhotra, S., Marley, S., Mueller, D., Overton, R., Pernie, D., Rathjens, L., Safonov, D., Akchurin, A., Damgov, N., Guio, De, Hegde, F., Kunori, V, Lamichhane, S., Mengke, S. W., Muthumuni, T., Peltola, S., Undleeb, T., Volobouev, S., Wang, I, Whitbeck, Z., Greene, A., Gurrola, S., Janjam, A., Johns, R., Maguire, W., Melo, C., Ni, A., Padeken, H., Romeo, K., Sheldon, F., Tuo, P., Velkovska, S., Verweij, J., Arenton, M., Barria, M. W., Cox, P., Cummings, B., Hakala, G., Hirosky, J., Joyce, R., Ledovskoy, M., Neu, A., Tannenwald, C., Wang, B., Wolfe, Y., Xia, E., Harr, F., Karchin, R., Poudyal, P. E., Sturdy, N., Thapa, J., Black, P., Bose, K., Buchanan, T., Caillol, J., Carlsmith, C., Dasu, D., Bruyn, De, Dodd, I, Galloni, L., He, C., Herndon, H., Herve, M., Hussain, A., Lanaro, U., Loeliger, A., Loveless, A., Sreekala, R., Madhusudanan, J., Mallampalli, A., Pinna, D., Ruggles, T., Savin, A., Sharma, V, Smith, W. H., Teague, D., Trembath-reichert, S., and Cms, Collaboration
- Subjects
MODEL ,Physics and Astronomy ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,QUARK-GLUON PLASMA ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The first evidence for X(3872) production in relativistic heavy ion collisions is reported. The X(3872) production is studied in lead-lead (Pb-Pb) collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair, using the decay chain X(3872) -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-) -> mu(+) mu(-) pi(+)pi(-). The data were recorded with the CMS detector in 2018 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 1.7 nb(-1). The measurement is performed in the rapidity and transverse momentum ranges vertical bar y vertical bar < 1.6 and 15 < p(T) < 50 GeV/c. The significance of the inclusive X(3872) signal is 4.2 standard deviations. The prompt X(3872) to psi 2S yield ratio is found to be rho(Pb-Pb) = 1.08 +/- 0.49(stat) +/- 0.52(syst), to be compared with typical values of 0.1 for pp collisions. This result provides a unique experimental input to theoretical models of the X(3872) production mechanism, and of the nature of this exotic state.
- Published
- 2022
6. 15 minutes pour comprendre les enjeux radiologiques autour de l’ischémie mésentérique aiguë
- Author
Pommier, R., Cazejust, J., Copin, P., Tavolaro, S., Hamrouni, A., and Ronot, M.
- Published
- 2020
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7. Percutaneous CT-guided cyanoacrylate glue plugging for fluid leakage after interventional oncologic procedure
- Author
Tavolaro, S., Ben Ammar, M., Nouri-Neuville, M., and Cornelis, F.H.
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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8. Multimodal image-guided electrochemotherapy of unresectable liver metastasis from renal cell cancer
- Author
Cornelis, F.H., Korenbaum, C., Ben Ammar, M., Tavolaro, S., Nouri-Neuville, M., and Lotz, J.P.
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
9. Comment je fais un drainage biliaire percutané ?
- Author
Cazejust, J., Pommier, R., and Tavolaro, S.
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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10. P2.19 Comparison of Brachial and Central Blood Pressures from 2 Sphygmocor Xcel Systems Equipped with a 2M and 6M-Long Hose
- Author
Stoer, S., Soulat, G., Tavolaro, S., Millasseau, S., Khettab, H., Boutouyrie, P., Laurent, S., and Mousseaux, E.
- Published
- 2015
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11. Évaluation échographique de l’atteinte cardiaque dans le syndrome de Sneddon sans anticorps antiphospholipide et potentielle association avec la sévérité de l’atteinte neurologique : une étude de cohorte rétrospective de 61 patients
- Author
Assan, F., primary, de Zuttere, D., additional, Bottin, L., additional, Tavolaro, S., additional, Barbaud, A., additional, Alamowitch, S., additional, Francès, C., additional, and Chasset, F., additional
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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12. Les voies biliaires ne sont pas toujours dilatées en cas de sténose anastomotique après transplantation hépatique
- Author
Cazejust, J., primary, Pommier, R., additional, and Tavolaro, S., additional
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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13. 56 Peak Skin Dose evaluation for vascular clinical procedures in interventional radiology: a comparison between three computation numerical solutions
- Author
Gardavaud, F., primary, Tavolaro, S., additional, Gussenmeyer-Mary, N., additional, Cornelis, F., additional, and Boudghène, F., additional
- Published
- 2018
- Full Text
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14. Characterization of small (<4 cm) solid renal masses by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging: Current evidence and further development
- Author
Schieda, N., primary, Lim, R.S., additional, McInnes, M.D.F., additional, Thomassin, I., additional, Renard-Penna, R., additional, Tavolaro, S., additional, and Cornelis, F.H., additional
- Published
- 2018
- Full Text
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15. New targets for hepatocellular carcinoma therapy: the Myc/PRMT5/RNAP II circuit
- Author
Porcu, C., primary, Illi, B., additional, Nasi, S., additional, Tavolaro, S., additional, and Balsano, C., additional
- Published
- 2018
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16. Refined karyotype-based prognostic stratification of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with a low-and very-low-risk genetic profile
- Author
Giudice, I Del, Rigolin, G. M., Raponi, S., Cafforio, L., Ilari, C., Wang, Jiguang, Bordyuh, M., Piciocchi, A., Marinelli, M., Nanni, M., Tavolaro, S., Filetti, M., Bardi, A., Tammiso, E., Volta, E., Negrini, M., Saccenti, E., Mauro, F. R., Rossi, D., Gaidano, G., Guarini, A., Rabadan, R., Cuneo, A., Foà, R., Giudice, I Del, Rigolin, G. M., Raponi, S., Cafforio, L., Ilari, C., Wang, Jiguang, Bordyuh, M., Piciocchi, A., Marinelli, M., Nanni, M., Tavolaro, S., Filetti, M., Bardi, A., Tammiso, E., Volta, E., Negrini, M., Saccenti, E., Mauro, F. R., Rossi, D., Gaidano, G., Guarini, A., Rabadan, R., Cuneo, A., and Foà, R.
- Published
- 2018
17. Oleuropein and copper: New perspectives against liver disease
- Author
Balsano, C., primary, Porcu, C., additional, Sideri, S., additional, and Tavolaro, S., additional
- Published
- 2018
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18. Refined karyotype-based prognostic stratification of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with a low- and very-low-risk genetic profile
- Author
Giudice, I Del, primary, Rigolin, G M, additional, Raponi, S, additional, Cafforio, L, additional, Ilari, C, additional, Wang, J, additional, Bordyuh, M, additional, Piciocchi, A, additional, Marinelli, M, additional, Nanni, M, additional, Tavolaro, S, additional, Filetti, M, additional, Bardi, A, additional, Tammiso, E, additional, Volta, E, additional, Negrini, M, additional, Saccenti, E, additional, Mauro, F R, additional, Rossi, D, additional, Gaidano, G, additional, Guarini, A, additional, Rabadan, R, additional, Cuneo, A, additional, and Foà, R, additional
- Published
- 2017
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19. IRM multiparamétrique et biopsies ciblées : intérêt pour la détection et la caractérisation des cancers prostatiques de la zone de transition
- Author
Tavolaro, S., primary, Mozer, P., additional, Comperat, E., additional, Roupret, M., additional, Rozet, F., additional, Barret, E., additional, Lucidarme, O., additional, Cussenot, O., additional, and Renard-Pena, R., additional
- Published
- 2016
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20. SAT-185 - New targets for hepatocellular carcinoma therapy: the Myc/PRMT5/RNAP II circuit
- Author
Porcu, C., Illi, B., Nasi, S., Tavolaro, S., and Balsano, C.
- Published
- 2018
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21. PP.03.16
- Author
Stroer, S., primary, Soulat, G., additional, Tavolaro, S., additional, Millasseau, S., additional, Khettab, H., additional, Boutouyrie, P., additional, Laurent, S., additional, and Mousseaux, E., additional
- Published
- 2015
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22. Comparison of brachial and central blood pressures from 2 SphygmoCor XCEL systems equipped with a 2m and 6m-long hose.
- Author
Stoer, S., Soulat, G., Tavolaro, S., Millasseau, S., Khettab, H., Boutouyrie, P., Laurent, S., and Mousseaux, E.
- Published
- 2015
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23. Diagnosis Yield and Safety of Surgical Biopsy in Interstitial Lung Diseases: A Prospective Study.
- Author
Radu D, Freynet O, Kambouchner M, Boubaya M, Nunes H, Uzunhan Y, Brillet PY, Guiraudet P, Noorah MZ, Israël-Biet D, Le Pimpec-Barthes F, Juvin K, Charpentier A, Gibault L, Assouad J, Naccache JM, Antoine M, Tavolaro S, Alifano M, Honoré I, L'Huillier JP, Debrosse D, Dupin C, Pradère P, Debray MP, Cazes A, Mordant P, Castier Y, Beloucif S, Crestani B, Lévy V, Martinod E, and Valeyre D
- Subjects
- Humans, Prospective Studies, Retrospective Studies, Biopsy methods, Lung pathology, Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted adverse effects, Lung Diseases, Interstitial diagnosis, Lung Diseases, Interstitial surgery
- Abstract
Background: Surgical lung biopsy is essential in the diagnostic algorithm of interstitial lung disease (ILD) of unknown cause. Safety concerns have been recently reiterated. This study prospectively assessed the yield of diagnosis and safety of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical lung biopsy (VATS-LB) for ILD diagnosis., Methods: This prospective study, conducted in 6 ILD-referral Paris hospitals, included 103 patients with ILD. VATS-LB was proposed after initial multidisciplinary discussion. A final diagnosis was made after the procedure, during a second multidisciplinary discussion. The main outcome was to determine the final diagnoses and their proportion after VATS-LB. Other outcomes were the percentage of change in diagnosis and treatment propositions after VATS-LB and adverse events during 3 months after the operation, postoperative pulmonary function, quality of life, and pain., Results: A definite diagnosis was reached in 87 patients (84.4%), and 16 remained unclassifiable (15.6%). After VATS-LB, the hypothesized diagnosis changed in 65 patients (63.1%) and treatment changed in 41 patients (39.8%). One patient died of acute exacerbation. In-hospital complications were predicted by a shorter preoperative 6-minute walking test distance and by forced vital capacity lower than 77%. Postoperative quality of life was not modified at 3 months, whereas forced vital capacity decreased slightly. Postoperative neuropathic pain was revealed in 5% of patients at 1 month and in 2% at 3 months., Conclusions: VATS-LB dramatically changed preoperative hypothetical diagnoses and treatment in ILD of unknown cause, with good patient survival in ILD referral centers., (Copyright © 2022 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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24. Reply to "Spectral CT for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Diagnosis: More Is Yet to Be Known".
- Author
Daoud B, Cazejust J, Tavolaro S, Durand S, Pommier R, Hamrouni A, and Bornet G
- Subjects
- COVID-19 Testing, Humans, SARS-CoV-2, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, COVID-19
- Published
- 2021
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25. The dark side of histones: genomic organization and role of oncohistones in cancer.
- Author
Amatori S, Tavolaro S, Gambardella S, and Fanelli M
- Subjects
- Epigenesis, Genetic, Humans, Mutation, Carcinogenesis genetics, Genome, Histones genetics, Neoplasms genetics, Neoplasms physiopathology
- Abstract
Background: The oncogenic role of histone mutations is one of the most relevant discovery in cancer epigenetics. Recurrent mutations targeting histone genes have been described in pediatric brain tumors, chondroblastoma, giant cell tumor of bone and other tumor types. The demonstration that mutant histones can be oncogenic and drive the tumorigenesis in pediatric tumors, led to the coining of the term "oncohistones." The first identified histone mutations were localized at or near residues normally targeted by post-translational modifications (PTMs) in the histone N-terminal tails and suggested a possible interference with histone PTMs regulation and reading., Main Body: In this review, we describe the peculiar organization of the multiple genes that encode histone proteins, and the latter advances in both the identification and the biological role of histone mutations in cancer. Recent works show that recurrent somatic mutations target both N-terminal tails and globular histone fold domain in diverse tumor types. Oncohistones are often dominant-negative and occur at higher frequencies in tumors affecting children and adolescents. Notably, in many cases the mutations target selectively only some of the genes coding the same histone protein and are frequently associated with specific tumor types or, as documented for histone variant H3.3 in pediatric glioma, with peculiar tumors arising from specific anatomic locations., Conclusion: The overview of the most recent advances suggests that the oncogenic potential of histone mutations can be exerted, together with the alteration of histone PTMs, through the destabilization of nucleosome and DNA-nucleosome interactions, as well as through the disruption of higher-order chromatin structure. However, further studies are necessary to fully elucidate the mechanism of action of oncohistones, as well as to evaluate their possible application to cancer classification, prognosis and to the identification of new therapies.
- Published
- 2021
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26. Could Spectral CT Have a Potential Benefit in Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)?
- Author
Daoud B, Cazejust J, Tavolaro S, Durand S, Pommier R, Hamrouni A, and Bornet G
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, COVID-19 diagnostic imaging, Lung diagnostic imaging, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Abstract
OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential benefit of spectral imaging, notably electron density imaging, in patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19), by retrospectively reviewing the cases of four patients who each underwent two chest CT scans for confirmed COVID-19. CONCLUSION. The use of spectral CT with electron density imaging could improve the assessment of lung lesion extent in patients with early-stage COVID-19.
- Published
- 2021
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27. Echocardiographic features in antiphospholipid-negative Sneddon's syndrome and potential association with severity of neurological symptoms or recurrence of strokes: a longitudinal cohort study.
- Author
Assan F, de Zuttere D, Bottin L, Tavolaro S, Courvoisier DS, Barbaud A, Alamowitch S, Francès C, and Chasset F
- Subjects
- Cohort Studies, Echocardiography, Female, Humans, Longitudinal Studies, Middle Aged, Recurrence, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic, Stroke diagnostic imaging, Stroke epidemiology, Stroke etiology
- Abstract
Aims: Sneddon's syndrome (SS) may be classified as antiphospholipid positive (aPL+) or negative (aPL- SS). An association between Libman-Sacks (LS) endocarditis and strokes has been described in aPL+ patients. To describe cardiac involvement in aPL- SS and assess the potential association between LS endocarditis and severity or recurrence of neurological symptoms., Methods and Results: This longitudinal cohort study included aPL- SS patients followed in our departments between 1991 and June 2018. All patients underwent transthoracic 2D and Doppler echocardiography at diagnosis. Follow-up echocardiography was performed annually and the potential relationship between LS endocarditis development and neurovascular relapse as well as long-term cardiac worsening was prospectively assessed. We included 61 patients [52 women; median age 45 (range 24-60)]. For valvular involvement, 36 (59%) patients showed leaflet thickening; 18 (29.5%) had LS endocarditis at baseline. During a median follow-up of 72 months, LS endocarditis developed in eight (17.4%) patients, and 13 (28.3%) showed significant worsening of their cardiac status, including two who needed valvular replacement. After adjusting for baseline antithrombotic treatment regimen, neither the presence of LS endocarditis at baseline nor development during follow-up was associated with neurological relapse [hazard ratio (HR): 1.06, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.33-4.74, P = 0.92] and [HR: 0.38, 95% CI: 0.02-1.89, P = 0.31], respectively., Conclusion: A long-term follow-up is needed to detect cardiac complications in aPL- SS. No change in neurological relapse was observed in patients presenting LS endocarditis occurrence during follow-up without any modification in antithrombotic treatment. Further research is necessary to assess the usefulness of treatment escalation in these patients., (Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author(s) 2020. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.)
- Published
- 2021
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28. Pyogenic lung abscess in an infectious disease unit: a 20-year retrospective study.
- Author
Maitre T, Ok V, Calin R, Lassel L, Canestri A, Denis M, Hamidi M, Tavolaro S, Verdet C, Parrot A, Cadranel J, and Pialoux G
- Subjects
- Hospital Units, Humans, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Liver Abscess, Pyogenic epidemiology, Liver Abscess, Pyogenic therapy
- Abstract
Background: Pyogenic lung abscesses are rare and poorly described infections. This study aimed to describe their prognostic factors., Methods: We retrospectively included all patients hospitalized between 1 January 1998 and 1 June 2018, with an International Classification of Diseases, version 10 (IDC-10) diagnosis of pyogenic lung abscess, from the Diamm based medical records (Micro6, Nancy, France). Parasitic, fungal, or mycobacterial lung abscesses were excluded., Results: A total of 64 patients were included. Abscesses were associated with immunosuppression in 28 patients, including HIV infection and immunosuppressive therapy for eight and 12 patients, respectively. Bacterial identification was obtained for 36 patients. Nine patients (14%) developed lung abscesses after hematogenous dissemination. They differed from bronchogenic abscesses by their younger age ( p = 0.03), the absence of smoking or emphysema ( p = 0.05), Staphylococcus aureus ( p = 0.001) or Streptococcus spp. ( p = 0.05) isolation, and the smaller size of their abscess ( p = 0.02). Overall, evolution was marked by radiological sequelae (46.9%), relapse (12.5%), and death (4.8%). Radiological sequelae occurred more frequently during the course of bronchogenic abscesses ( p = 0.02), particularly when they spontaneously discharged ( p = 0.04). Relapses were more frequent in patients with emphysema ( p = 0.04) and when Haemophilus influenzae was isolated ( p = 0.04). In multivariate analysis, poor outcomes, including death, sequelae, and relapse occurred more frequently in patients who had bronchogenic abscess ( p = 0.02), and in those who received antibiotics during less than 6 weeks ( p = 0.05)., Conclusion: A duration of antibiotic treatment of less than 6 weeks and bronchogenic presentation were globally associated with poor outcome of pyogenic lung abscesses. These data should be considered when proposing guidelines for the care of pyogenic lung abscesses. The reviews of this paper are available via the supplemental material section .
- Published
- 2021
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29. Impact of simultaneous measurement of central blood pressure with the SphygmoCor Xcel during MRI acquisition to better estimate aortic distensibility.
- Author
Soulat G, Millasseau S, Stroer S, Tavolaro S, Kachenoura N, Khettab H, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, and Mousseaux E
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Aging, Aorta physiopathology, Blood Pressure, Blood Pressure Determination instrumentation, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vascular Stiffness
- Abstract
Objectives: Aortic distensibility estimation of local aortic stiffness is based on local aortic strains and central pulse pressure (cPP) measurements. Most MRI studies used either brachial PP (bPP) despite differences with cPP, or direct cPP estimates obtained after MRI examination, assuming no major pressure variations. We evaluated the feasibility of assessment of cPP with a specific device fitted with a 6 m long hose (study1) and looked at the influence of using such cPP within the magnet instead of bPP on aortic distensibility in a control population (study 2)., Methods: Brachial and central pressures values were recorded with the SphygmoCor XCEL system fitted with 2 and 6 m long tubing randomly assigned on arms. A 6 m long tubing was used in the second study to measure aortic distensibility with MRI. Aortic distensibility was calculated using either bPP (bAD) or cPP (cAD)., Results: Study1, performed on 38 patients (mean age: 43 ± 17 years), showed no statistical difference between bPP and cPP measured with 2 or 6 m long tubing (0.41 ± 4.45 and 0.78 ± 3.18 mmHg, respectively, both P = ns). In study 2, cAD provided statistically higher values than bAD (1.87 ± 1.43 10 · mmHg, P < 0.001) especially in younger individuals (3.28 ± 0.86 10 · mmHg). The correlation between age and aortic distensibility was stronger with cAD (r = -0.92; P < 0,001) than with bAD (r = -0.88; P < 0.001)., Conclusion: cPP can be estimated with reasonable accuracy during MRI acquisition using a 6 m long tube. Using either cPP or bPP greatly influences aortic distensibility values, especially in young individuals in whom an accurate detection of early or accelerated vascular aging can be of major importance.
- Published
- 2019
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30. Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations: Safety and Efficacy of Microvascular Plugs.
- Author
Mahdjoub E, Tavolaro S, Parrot A, Cornelis F, Khalil A, and Carette MF
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Female, France, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Pulmonary Artery diagnostic imaging, Pulmonary Veins diagnostic imaging, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Arteriovenous Fistula diagnostic imaging, Arteriovenous Fistula therapy, Arteriovenous Malformations diagnostic imaging, Arteriovenous Malformations therapy, Embolization, Therapeutic instrumentation, Pulmonary Artery abnormalities, Pulmonary Veins abnormalities, Telangiectasia, Hereditary Hemorrhagic diagnostic imaging, Telangiectasia, Hereditary Hemorrhagic therapy, Tomography, X-Ray Computed methods
- Abstract
Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and efficacy of microvascular plugs for the treatment of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs)., Materials and Methods: From July 2014 to March 2017, 22 consecutive patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia underwent treatment of PAVMs using microvascular plugs. The number, location, and type (simple or complex) of PAVM and the diameter of the feeding artery were assessed at angiography. Safety was evaluated by successful detachment and absence of migration of the microvascular plug after deployment. Efficacy was assessed by technical success, defined as immediate stasis in the feeding artery above the microvascular plug at the time of angiography, and by the persistence rate at 1-year follow-up CT., Results: Thirty-nine PAVMs (36 simple and three complex) were treated with 52 microvascular plugs in 22 consecutive patients. Thirty-three PAVMs were undergoing initial treatment and six were undergoing retreatment after previous embolotherapy. All microvascular plugs were successfully detached. No microvascular plug migration was observed. The mean (± SD) feeding artery diameter was 2.3 ± 0.7 mm. Technical success was achieved for 51 of 52 (98%) microvascular plug deployments. Follow-up CT, which was available for 20 of 22 (91%) patients, with a mean delay of 12.6 ± 3.1 months, showed two persistent PAVMs (persistence rate, 6%), one due to recanalization through the microvascular plug and the other due to reperfusion from an untreated adjacent pulmonary feeding artery., Conclusion: Microvascular plugs are safe and effective for treatment of PAVMs, with a low persistence rate (6%) 1 year after treatment.
- Published
- 2018
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31. Management of severe hemoptysis.
- Author
Parrot A, Tavolaro S, Voiriot G, Canellas A, Assouad J, Cadranel J, and Fartoukh M
- Subjects
- Bronchoscopy methods, Hemoptysis diagnosis, Hemoptysis etiology, Humans, Severity of Illness Index, Disease Management, Embolization, Therapeutic methods, Hemoptysis therapy, Multidetector Computed Tomography methods
- Abstract
Introduction: Though rare, severe hemoptysis (SH) is associated with a mortality rate exceeding 50% when not managed properly. Areas covered: This paper reviews the recent epidemiological data regarding SH, the role of multidetector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA), and fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) in its management, as well as the value of current treatments. Expert commentary: MDCTA is becoming an essential modality, since it allows determining the location, etiology, and mechanism of the bleeding. FOB can be delayed, except when local control of bleeding is required. Emergency treatment relies on interventional radiology. Both bronchial and non-bronchial arteries should be explored during bronchial arteriography. Surgery must be considered in all operable patients if the cause of hemoptysis persists.
- Published
- 2018
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32. Bronchial Dieulafoy's Disease: Visualization of Embolization Particles in Bronchial Aspirate.
- Author
Bonnefoy V, Garnier M, Tavolaro S, Antoine M, Assouad J, Fartoukh M, and Gibelin A
- Subjects
- Aged, Bronchial Arteries pathology, Bronchoscopy methods, Combined Modality Therapy methods, Critical Illness, Follow-Up Studies, Hemoptysis etiology, Hemoptysis therapy, Humans, Intensive Care Units, Male, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive diagnostic imaging, Radiography, Thoracic methods, Recurrence, Risk Assessment, Treatment Outcome, Bronchial Arteries diagnostic imaging, Computed Tomography Angiography methods, Embolization, Therapeutic methods, Hemoptysis diagnostic imaging, Pneumonectomy methods, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive complications
- Published
- 2018
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33. Multiparametric MRI for Suspected Recurrent Prostate Cancer after HIFU:Is DCE still needed?
- Author
Lotte R, Lafourcade A, Mozer P, Conort P, Barret E, Comperat E, Ezziane M, de Guibert PJ, Tavolaro S, Belin L, Boudghene F, Lucidarme O, and Renard-Penna R
- Subjects
- Aged, Biopsy, Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Humans, Image Enhancement methods, Male, Prostate diagnostic imaging, Prostate surgery, Prostatic Neoplasms pathology, Retrospective Studies, Sensitivity and Specificity, Contrast Media, High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local diagnostic imaging, Prostatic Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Prostatic Neoplasms surgery
- Abstract
Purpose: To assess the added value of the dynamic contrast-enhanced sequence (DCE) to combination T2-weighted imaging (T2w) + diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in detecting prostate cancer (PCa) recurrence after HIFU (high-intensity focused ultrasound)., Methods: Forty-five males with clinical and biological suspected PCa recurrence were retrospectively selected. All underwent multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) before biopsies. Two readers independently assigned a Likert score of cancer likelihood on T2w + DWI + DCE and T2w + DWI images. Prostatic biopsies were taken as the gold standard., Results: Recurrent PCa was identified at biopsy for 37 patients (82%). Areas under the receiver-operating curve of T2w + DWI and T2w + DWI + DCE imaging were not significantly different for both readers. Using a Likert score ≥ 3 for the PCa diagnosis threshold, sensitivity at the lobe level for the (1) senior and (2) junior reader for T2w +DWI +DCE sensitivity was (1) 0.97 and (2) 0.94 vs. (1) 0.94 and (2) 0.97 for T2w + DWI., Conclusion: Accuracy of mpMRI was not significantly improved by adding DCE to T2w + DWI. Sensitivity was high for T2w + DWI + DCE and T2w + DWI with no significant difference for either the junior or senior reader., Key Points: • MpMRI has the capability to detect PCa recurrence in post-HIFU monitoring. • The sensitivity of T2w and DWI for detecting PCa recurrence was not improved by DCE. • Readers with different degrees of experience did not improve their performance with DCE.
- Published
- 2018
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34. Refined karyotype-based prognostic stratification of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with a low- and very-low-risk genetic profile.
- Author
Giudice ID, Rigolin GM, Raponi S, Cafforio L, Ilari C, Wang J, Bordyuh M, Piciocchi A, Marinelli M, Nanni M, Tavolaro S, Filetti M, Bardi A, Tammiso E, Volta E, Negrini M, Saccenti E, Mauro FR, Rossi D, Gaidano G, Guarini A, Rabadan R, Cuneo A, and Foà R
- Subjects
- Female, Genetic Profile, Humans, Karyotype, Karyotyping methods, Male, Mutation genetics, Prognosis, Risk Factors, Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell genetics, Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell pathology
- Published
- 2018
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35. [Imaging in the initial and preoperative assessment of endometriosis].
- Author
Thomassin-Naggara I, Kermarrec E, Beldjord S, Bazot M, Tavolaro S, and Darai E
- Subjects
- Endometriosis surgery, Female, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Preoperative Care, Ultrasonography, Endometriosis diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
The diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis is based on the combination of clinical examination, endovaginal ultrasonography and pelvic MRI. Ultrasonography displays a moderate sensitivity and a high specificity. Pelvien MRI displays a better sensitivity and lower specificity., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2017
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36. Complex US adnexal masses during pregnancy: Is pelvic MR imaging accurate for characterization?
- Author
Thomassin-Naggara I, Fedida B, Sadowski E, Chevrier MC, Chabbert-Buffet N, Ballester M, Tavolaro S, and Darai E
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Incidental Findings, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Pelvis pathology, Pregnancy, Prenatal Diagnosis methods, Prospective Studies, Reproducibility of Results, Retrospective Studies, Sensitivity and Specificity, Ultrasonography, Prenatal methods, Young Adult, Adnexal Diseases diagnosis, Pregnancy Complications diagnosis
- Abstract
Objective: To retrospectively evaluate the accuracy of pelvic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for the characterization of complex sonographic adnexal masses discovered in women during pregnancy., Study Design: The study population comprised 31 pregnant women (median age: 32 years (range: 19-42); mean gestation age of 16 weeks) referred to our institution for MR imaging for characterization of an adnexal mass discovered incidentally during routine ultrasound (US) for other indications. The population comprised of 31 women, with 36 adnexal lesions (mean size: 103mm [range: 20-290]), of which 27 were benign and 9 were malignant masses. Prospective US and MR reports were reviewed to determine the presence of a benign or malignant lesion. Two radiologists (R1 and R2) blinded to the final outcome, retrospectively evaluated the MR images using the criteria based on the A
DNEX MR-SCORE and classified the lesion as benign or malignant. The reference standard was surgical pathology or at least a 1-year imaging follow-up., Results: Prospective US and MR imaging correctly identified the diagnosis in 27/36 (75%) (95% confidence interval (CI): 58.9%-86.2%) and in 32/36 (88.9%) (95% CI: 74.6%-95.6%) of lesions, respectively. MR imaging with ADNEX MR-SCORE allowed a correct diagnosis in 32/36 (88.9%) (95% CI: 74.6%-95.6%) of lesions for R1 and in 30/36 (83.3%) (95% CI: 68.1%-92.1%) of lesions for R2. The sensitivities and specificities of MR imaging using the MR ADNEX MR-SCORE were 100% (95% CI: 70.1%-1000%) for both readers and 85.1% (95% CI: 67.5%-94%) and 77.7% (95% CI: 59.2%-89.4%) for R1 and R2, respectively. No malignancy was classified as benign using MR criteria. The reproducibility between the two readers was almost perfect, with a kappa of 0.914., Conclusion: MR imaging is highly accurate for the characterization of complex adnexal masses incidentally discovered during pregnancy., Clinical Relevance: MR imaging can accurately characterize adnexal masses in pregnancy and could be useful in opting for expectant management until delivery., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2017
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37. Chromosome aberrations detected by conventional karyotyping using novel mitogens in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Clinical and biologic correlations.
- Author
Rigolin GM, del Giudice I, Formigaro L, Saccenti E, Martinelli S, Cavallari M, Lista E, Tammiso E, Volta E, Lupini L, Bassi C, Bardi A, Sofritti O, Daghia G, Cavazzini F, Marinelli M, Tavolaro S, Guarini A, Negrini M, Foà R, and Cuneo A
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Chromosome Disorders genetics, Chromosomes, Human, Pair 13 genetics, Chromosomes, Human, Pair 17 genetics, Cytogenetics, Female, Humans, Immunoglobulin Heavy Chains genetics, In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence, Male, Middle Aged, Multivariate Analysis, Mutation, Phosphoproteins genetics, Prognosis, RNA Splicing Factors, Receptor, Notch1 genetics, Recombinant Proteins pharmacology, Ribonucleoprotein, U2 Small Nuclear genetics, Time-to-Treatment, Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 genetics, Chromosome Deletion, Interleukin-2 pharmacology, Karyotyping, Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell genetics, Mitogens pharmacology, Oligonucleotides pharmacology
- Abstract
To clarify whether karyotype aberrations (KA) involving regions not covered by the standard fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) panel have independent prognostic relevance, we evaluated KA by conventional cytogenetics in a learning cohort (LC; n = 166) and a validation cohort (VC; n = 250) of untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients. In the VC, novel mitogens were used to improve metaphase generation and TP53, NOTCH1, and SF3B1 mutations were assessed. KA undetected by FISH were found in 35 and 35% of the cases in the LC and VC, respectively. In addition to FISH, KA allowed reclassification of 23 and 26% of cases in the LC and VC, respectively, into a higher cytogenetic risk group. By multivariate analysis, both in the LC and VC, KA other than isolated 13q deletion correlated with a shorter time to first treatment (TFT; P < 0.001 and 0.003, respectively), while a complex karyotype predicted a worse overall survival (OS, P = 0.015 and 0.010, respectively). In the VC, where a comprehensive biologic assessment was performed, a shorter TFT was also predicted by stage (P < 0.001), IGHV mutational status (P = 0.05), and del(17p)/TP53 mutations (P = 0.033) while stage (P = 0.023) and del(17p)/TP53 mutations (P = 0.024) independently predicted a shorter OS. FISH results did not independently impact on TFT and OS, in the LC and VC cohorts; this was also the case for NOTCH1 and SF3B1 mutations in the VC. We suggest that in CLL, conventional karyotyping with novel mitogens could be more effective than FISH for the detection of KA allowing for a more precise refinement of prognosis., (© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)
- Published
- 2015
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38. Increased chronic lymphocytic leukemia proliferation upon IgM stimulation is sustained by the upregulation of miR-132 and miR-212.
- Author
Tavolaro S, Colombo T, Chiaretti S, Peragine N, Fulci V, Ricciardi MR, Messina M, Bonina S, Brugnoletti F, Marinelli M, Di Maio V, Mauro FR, Del Giudice I, Macino G, Foà R, and Guarini A
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Cell Proliferation, Female, Gene Regulatory Networks, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Immunoglobulin M immunology, Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell genetics, Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell immunology, MicroRNAs blood, Up-Regulation
- Abstract
To assess the involvement of microRNAs (miRNAs) in B-cell receptor (BCR) stimulation, we first evaluated miRNA profiling following IgM cross-linking in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells and in normal B lymphocytes. Second, we combined miRNA and gene expression data to identify putative miRNA functional networks. miRNA profiling showed distinctive patterns of regulation after stimulation in leukemic versus normal B lymphocytes and identified a differential responsiveness to BCR engagement in CLL subgroups according to the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region mutational status and clinical outcome. The most significantly modulated miRNAs in stimulated CLL are miR-132 and miR-212. Notably, these miRNAs appeared regulated in progressive but not in stable CLL. Accordingly, gene profiling showed a significant transcriptional response to stimulation exclusively in progressive CLL. Based on these findings, we combined miRNA and gene expression data to investigate miR-132 and miR-212 candidate interactions in this CLL subgroup. Correlation analysis pointed to a link between these miRNAs and RB/E2F and TP53 cascades with proproliferative effects, as corroborated by functional analyses. Finally, basal levels of miR-132 and miR-212 were measured in an independent cohort of 20 unstimulated CLL cases and both showed lower expression in progressive compared to stable patients, suggesting an association between the expression of these molecules and disease prognosis. Overall, our results support a model involving miR-132 and miR-212 upregulation in sustaining disease progression in CLL. These miRNAs may therefore provide new valuable strategies for therapeutic intervention., (© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)
- Published
- 2015
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