20 results on '"Skoglund, Sara"'
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2. Copper-based nanoparticles induce high toxicity in leukemic HL60 cells
- Author
Rodhe, Ylva, Skoglund, Sara, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Potácová, Zuzana, and Möller, Lennart
- Published
- 2015
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3. Genotoxic and mutagenic properties of Ni and NiO nanoparticles investigated by comet assay, γ‐H2AX staining, Hprt mutation assay and ToxTracker reporter cell lines
- Author
Åkerlund, Emma, Cappellini, Francesca, Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, Islam, Shafiqul, Skoglund, Sara, Derr, Remco, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Hendriks, Giel, Karlsson, Hanna L., and Johnson, G.
- Published
- 2018
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4. Calcium-dependent cyto- and genotoxicity of nickel metal and nickel oxide nanoparticles in human lung cells
- Author
Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, Gliga, Anda R., Åkerlund, Emma, Skoglund, Sara, Wallinder, Inger Odnevall, Fadeel, Bengt, and Karlsson, Hanna L.
- Published
- 2018
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5. Impact of the urban environment on people's experiences
- Author
Skoglund, Sara
- Subjects
Grönområden ,Urbana upplevelser ,Green area ,Urban hållbar utveckling ,Urbana social-ekologiska system ,Urban experiences ,Miljövetenskap ,Urban social-ecological systems ,Urban sustainable development ,Environmental Sciences - Abstract
Den mänskliga populationen har tredubblats på 70 år och det råder konsensus om att människan är den dominerande faktorn till klimatförändringarna och den negativa påverkan på ekosystemens processer. Det betonar att den globala utvecklingen främst vilar i mänsklighetens händer, inte minst den urbana utvecklingen då städer i hög grad driver på klimatpåverkan. Därför behövs social-ekologiska hållbara system i städerna utvecklas för att bidra till global hållbarhet och för att främja människors välbefinnande. I städer är grönområden viktiga för människors välbefinnande och gynnar även den ekologiska anknytningen som är betydande för miljöfrämjande värderingar vilket understryker vikten av invånares integreringsmöjligheter med grönområden. Studier pekar däremot på att upplevd otrygghet kan hindra integreringen med grönområden och att kvinnor i högre utsträckning upplever barriärer än män. Samuelsson, Peterson, Legeby, Brandt, & Barthel (2018) studie syftade till att undersöka människors upplever i Stockholm ur ett miljöpsykologiskt perspektiv. Med den studien som utgångspunkt syftar detta examensarbete till fördjupad förståelse för hur den urbana miljön påverkar registrerade upplevelser baserat på upplevd trygghet och även ur ett könsperspektiv. Samuelsson et al. (2018) utgick från en upplevelse- och deltagande baserad metodik för att förena rumsliga och erfarenhetsmässiga aspekter. I detta examensarbete utfördes därmed två statistiska kvantitativa analyser där den första syftade till att studera samband mellan upplevelser baserat på upplevd trygghet och miljökvalitet. Resultatet visade att positiva trygga upplevelser registrerats främst i grönområden och negativa otrygga i byggd stadsmiljö. Baserat på så få negativa registrerade upplevelser i grönområden syftade den andra analysen till att enbart analysera skillnaden mellan kön och positivt registrerade upplevelser i grönområden och i byggd stadsmiljö. Resultatet visade att kvinnor skattar både byggd stadsmiljö och grönområden i högre grad än män. Resultatet visade även att grönområden i högre grad skattats som positiva än byggd stadsmiljö. Det fanns ingen interaktionseffekt mellan kön och miljökvalitet, men en tendens till ett signifikant resultat. Utifrån behovet att utveckla hållbara social-ekologiska system i städer för att främja global hållbarhet finns även ett behov att studera människors upplevelser i den urbana miljön. Utifrån resultaten i examensarbetet dras slutsatsen om att åtgärder i stadsutvecklingsprocessen främst bör riktas att designa den byggda stadsmiljön för att främja människors välbefinnande och att grönområden ska bibehållas och stärkas. Studier har visat på att kvinnor i högre utsträckning upplever barriärer för att interagera med grönområden men detta resultat visade inga belägg för det utan tvärtom att kvinnor skattar upplevelser i grönområden högre än män. Därmed anses det vara intressant att i framtida studier studera andra individuella skillnader som kan påverka upplevelserna, exempelvis fysiska och psykiska barriärer. Det vore även intressant att vidare studerar hur element i den urbana miljön, som belysning och bullernivåer, påverkar människors upplevelser och upplevda trygghet. Dessutom bidrar det här examensarbetet med betydande förbättringsförslag till hur framtida PPGIS-undersökningar kan utformas för att förbättra analysmöjligheterna. The human population has tripled in 70 years and there is a consensus that humankind is the dominant factor in climate change and that ecosystem processes are adversely affected. It emphasizes that global development is primarily in the hands of humanity and, not least, the urban development as cities are greatly driving climate change. This requires sustainable urban systems to contribute to global sustainability and to promote people's well-being. In cities, green spaces are particularly important for people's well-being and also promote the ecological connection that is important for environmental-promoting values. It underlines the importance of residents' integration opportunities with green spaces. Studies, on the other hand, suggest that perception of unsafety can hinder integration with green spaces and that women experience barriers to a greater extent than men. Samuelsson, Peterson, Legeby, Brandt, & Barthel (2018) study aimed to investigate people's experiences in Stockholm from an environmental-psychology perspective. Based on this study, this thesis aims at a deeper understanding of how the urban environment affects experiences based on perceived safety and from a gender perspective. Samuelsson et al. (2018) study was based on an experience- and participation-based approach to combining spatial and experiential aspects. In this work, two quantitative statistical analyses were carried out in which the first analysis was aimed to study whether there were links between experiences, based on perceived safety, and environmental quality. The result showed that positive safe experiences were recorded mainly in green areas and negative unsafe in built urban environments. Based on a small percentage of negative experiences in green areas the second analysis aimed to analyze only the difference between gender and positively recorded experiences in green areas and in built urban environments. The results showed that women estimating both built urban environment and green spaces in a higher grade than men based on perceived safety. The results also showed that green spaces were more appreciated as positive experiences than built urban environments. There was no statistical interaction between gender and environmental quality, but a tendency of a significant result. Based on the necessity to develop sustainable social-ecological systems in cities to promote global sustainability, there is also a need to study people's experiences in the urban environment. Based on the results of this thesis, it is concluded that actions in the urban development process should primarily focus on designing the built urban environment in order to promote people's well-being and green spaces should primarily be maintained and strengthened. Studies have shown that women in a greater extent experience barrier to integrate with green spaces, but this thesis showed no evidence of this, instead women rate experiences in green spaces higher than men. Therefore, it is considered interesting to study individual differences that can affect experiences instead, such as physical and mental barriers. It would also be interesting if future studies aimed to study how elements of the urban environment, such as lighting and noise levels, affect people's experiences and perceived safety. In addition, this thesis contributes significant improvement proposals to how future PPGIS surveys can be designed to improve analysis opportunities.
- Published
- 2021
6. Den urbana miljöns inverkan på människors upplevelser
- Author
Skoglund, Sara and Skoglund, Sara
- Abstract
Den mänskliga populationen har tredubblats på 70 år och det råder konsensus om att människan är den dominerande faktorn till klimatförändringarna och den negativa påverkan på ekosystemens processer. Det betonar att den globala utvecklingen främst vilar i mänsklighetens händer, inte minst den urbana utvecklingen då städer i hög grad driver på klimatpåverkan. Därför behövs social-ekologiska hållbara system i städerna utvecklas för att bidra till global hållbarhet och för att främja människors välbefinnande. I städer är grönområden viktiga för människors välbefinnande och gynnar även den ekologiska anknytningen som är betydande för miljöfrämjande värderingar vilket understryker vikten av invånares integreringsmöjligheter med grönområden. Studier pekar däremot på att upplevd otrygghet kan hindra integreringen med grönområden och att kvinnor i högre utsträckning upplever barriärer än män. Samuelsson, Peterson, Legeby, Brandt, & Barthel (2018) studie syftade till att undersöka människors upplever i Stockholm ur ett miljöpsykologiskt perspektiv. Med den studien som utgångspunkt syftar detta examensarbete till fördjupad förståelse för hur den urbana miljön påverkar registrerade upplevelser baserat på upplevd trygghet och även ur ett könsperspektiv. Samuelsson et al. (2018) utgick från en upplevelse- och deltagande baserad metodik för att förena rumsliga och erfarenhetsmässiga aspekter. I detta examensarbete utfördes därmed två statistiska kvantitativa analyser där den första syftade till att studera samband mellan upplevelser baserat på upplevd trygghet och miljökvalitet. Resultatet visade att positiva trygga upplevelser registrerats främst i grönområden och negativa otrygga i byggd stadsmiljö. Baserat på så få negativa registrerade upplevelser i grönområden syftade den andra analysen till att enbart analysera skillnaden mellan kön och positivt registrerade upplevelser i grönområden och i byggd stadsmiljö. Resultatet visade att kvinnor skattar både byggd stadsmiljö och, The human population has tripled in 70 years and there is a consensus that humankind is the dominant factor in climate change and that ecosystem processes are adversely affected. It emphasizes that global development is primarily in the hands of humanity and, not least, the urban development as cities are greatly driving climate change. This requires sustainable urban systems to contribute to global sustainability and to promote people's well-being. In cities, green spaces are particularly important for people's well-being and also promote the ecological connection that is important for environmental-promoting values. It underlines the importance of residents' integration opportunities with green spaces. Studies, on the other hand, suggest that perception of unsafety can hinder integration with green spaces and that women experience barriers to a greater extent than men. Samuelsson, Peterson, Legeby, Brandt, & Barthel (2018) study aimed to investigate people's experiences in Stockholm from an environmental-psychology perspective. Based on this study, this thesis aims at a deeper understanding of how the urban environment affects experiences based on perceived safety and from a gender perspective. Samuelsson et al. (2018) study was based on an experience- and participation-based approach to combining spatial and experiential aspects. In this work, two quantitative statistical analyses were carried out in which the first analysis was aimed to study whether there were links between experiences, based on perceived safety, and environmental quality. The result showed that positive safe experiences were recorded mainly in green areas and negative unsafe in built urban environments. Based on a small percentage of negative experiences in green areas the second analysis aimed to analyze only the difference between gender and positively recorded experiences in green areas and in built urban environments. The results showed that women estimating both built urban environme
- Published
- 2021
7. Genotoxic and mutagenic properties of Ni and NiO nanoparticles investigated by comet assay, γ‐H2AX staining, Hprt mutation assay and ToxTracker reporter cell lines
- Author
Åkerlund, Emma, Cappellini, Francesca, Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, Islam, Shafiqul, Skoglund, Sara, Derr, Remco, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Hendriks, Giel, Karlsson, Hanna L., and Johnson, G.
- Subjects
Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase ,Cell Survival ,Green Fluorescent Proteins ,Metal Nanoparticles ,Bronchi ,reporter cell lines ,Histones ,nickel ,Mice ,Genes, Reporter ,Animals ,Humans ,Research Articles ,nanomaterials ,Cells, Cultured ,Embryonic Stem Cells ,lung cells ,Mutagenicity Tests ,genotoxicity ,Epithelial Cells ,High-Throughput Screening Assays ,Oxidative Stress ,Mutation ,Biological Assay ,Comet Assay ,Research Article ,DNA Damage ,Mutagens - Abstract
Nickel (Ni) compounds are classified as carcinogenic to humans but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Furthermore, effects related to nanoparticles (NPs) of Ni have not been fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate genotoxicity and mutagenicity of Ni and NiO NPs and compare the effect to soluble Ni from NiCl2. We employed different models; i.e., exposure of (1) human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC) followed by DNA strand break analysis (comet assay and γ‐H2AX staining); (2) six different mouse embryonic stem (mES) reporter cell lines (ToxTracker) that are constructed to exhibit fluorescence upon the induction of various pathways of relevance for (geno)toxicity and cancer; and (3) mES cells followed by mutagenicity testing (Hprt assay). The results showed increased DNA strand breaks (comet assay) for the NiO NPs and at higher doses also for the Ni NPs whereas no effects were observed for Ni ions/complexes from NiCl2. By employing the reporter cell lines, oxidative stress was observed as the main toxic mechanism and protein unfolding occurred at cytotoxic doses for all three Ni‐containing materials. Oxidative stress was also detected in the HBEC cells following NP‐exposure. None of these materials induced the reporter related to direct DNA damage and stalled replication forks. A small but statistically significant increase in Hprt mutations was observed for NiO but only at one dose. We conclude that Ni and NiO NPs show more pronounced (geno)toxic effects compared to Ni ions/complexes, indicating more serious health concerns. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 59:211–222, 2018. © 2017 The Authors Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Environmental Mutagen Society
- Published
- 2017
8. Silver nanoparticles modulate lipopolysaccharide-triggered Toll-like receptor signaling in immune-competent human cell lines
- Author
Gliga, Anda R., De Loma, Jessica, Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, Skoglund, Sara, Keshavan, Sandeep, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Karlsson, Hanna L., Fadeel, Bengt, Gliga, Anda R., De Loma, Jessica, Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, Skoglund, Sara, Keshavan, Sandeep, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Karlsson, Hanna L., and Fadeel, Bengt
- Abstract
Silver (Ag) nanoparticles are commonly used in consumer products due to their antimicrobial properties. Here we studied the impact of Ag nanoparticles on immune responses by using cell lines of monocyte/macrophage and lung epithelial cell origin, respectively. Short-term experiments (24 h) showed that Ag nanoparticles reduced the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in THP-1 cells under serum-free conditions. ICP-MS analysis revealed that cellular uptake of Ag was higher under these conditions. Long-term exposure (up to 6 weeks) of BEAS-2B cells to Ag nanoparticles also suppressed pro-inflammatory cytokine production following a brief challenge with LPS. Experiments using reporter cells revealed that Ag nanoparticles as well as AgNO3 inhibited LPS-triggered Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling. Furthermore, RNA-sequencing of BEAS-2B cells indicated that Ag nanoparticles affected TLR signaling pathways. In conclusion, Ag nanoparticles reduced the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to LPS, likely as a result of the release of silver ions leading to an interference with TLR signaling. This could have implications for the use of Ag nanoparticles as antibacterial agents. Further in vivo studies are warranted to study this., QC 20200331
- Published
- 2020
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9. Silver nanoparticles modulate lipopolysaccharide-triggered Toll-like receptor signaling in immune-competent human cell lines
- Author
Gliga, Anda R., primary, De Loma, Jessica, additional, Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, additional, Skoglund, Sara, additional, Keshavan, Sandeep, additional, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, additional, Karlsson, Hanna L., additional, and Fadeel, Bengt, additional
- Published
- 2020
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10. Additional file 1: of Calcium-dependent cyto- and genotoxicity of nickel metal and nickel oxide nanoparticles in human lung cells
- Author
Bucchianico, Sebastiano Di, Gliga, Anda, Åkerlund, Emma, Skoglund, Sara, Wallinder, Inger, Fadeel, Bengt, and Karlsson, Hanna
- Abstract
Table S1. Chromatid- and chromosome-type aberrations and mitotic index. Figure S1. Apoptotic and Necrotic indices by CBMN Cyt assay. Figure S2. Representative metaphases of BEAS-2B cells (DOCX 267 kb).
- Published
- 2018
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11. A novel explanation for the enhanced colloidal stability of silver nanoparticles in the presence of an oppositely charged surfactant
- Author
Skoglund, Sara, Blomberg, Eva, Wallinder, Inger Odnevall, Grillo, Isabelle, Pedersen, Jan Skov, and Bergstrom, L. Magnus
- Subjects
The structural behavior in aqueous mixtures of negatively charged silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) together with the cationic surfactants cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (DTAC), respectively, has been investigated using SANS and SAXS. From our SANS data analysis we are able to conclude that the surfactants self-assemble into micellar clusters surrounding the Ag NPs. We are able to quantify our results by means of fitting experimental SANS data with a model based on cluster formation of micelles with very good agreement. Based on our experimental results, we propose a novel mechanism for the stabilization of negatively charged Ag NPs in a solution of positively charged surfactants in which cluster formation of micelles in the vicinity of the particles prevents the particles from aggregating. Complementary SAXS and DLS measurements further support this novel way of explaining stabilization of small hydrophilic nanoparticles in surfactant-containing solutions.
- Published
- 2017
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12. Silver nanoparticles modulate lipopolysaccharidetriggered Toll-like receptor signaling in immunecompetent human cell lines.
- Author
Gliga, Anda R., De Loma, Jessica, Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, Skoglund, Sara, Keshavan, Sandeep, Wallinder, Inger Odnevall, Karlsson, Hanna L., and Fadeel, Bengt
- Published
- 2020
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13. Genotoxic and mutagenic properties of Ni and NiO nanoparticles investigated by comet assay,-H2AX staining, Hprt mutation assay and ToxTracker reporter cell lines
- Author
Åkerlund, Emma, Cappellini, Francesca, Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, Islam, Shafiqul, Skoglund, Sara, Derr, Remco, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Hendriks, Giel, Karlsson, Hanna L., Åkerlund, Emma, Cappellini, Francesca, Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, Islam, Shafiqul, Skoglund, Sara, Derr, Remco, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Hendriks, Giel, and Karlsson, Hanna L.
- Abstract
Nickel (Ni) compounds are classified as carcinogenic to humans but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Furthermore, effects related to nanoparticles (NPs) of Ni have not been fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate genotoxicity and mutagenicity of Ni and NiO NPs and compare the effect to soluble Ni from NiCl2. We employed different models; i.e., exposure of (1) human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC) followed by DNA strand break analysis (comet assay and -H2AX staining); (2) six different mouse embryonic stem (mES) reporter cell lines (ToxTracker) that are constructed to exhibit fluorescence upon the induction of various pathways of relevance for (geno)toxicity and cancer; and (3) mES cells followed by mutagenicity testing (Hprt assay). The results showed increased DNA strand breaks (comet assay) for the NiO NPs and at higher doses also for the Ni NPs whereas no effects were observed for Ni ions/complexes from NiCl2. By employing the reporter cell lines, oxidative stress was observed as the main toxic mechanism and protein unfolding occurred at cytotoxic doses for all three Ni-containing materials. Oxidative stress was also detected in the HBEC cells following NP-exposure. None of these materials induced the reporter related to direct DNA damage and stalled replication forks. A small but statistically significant increase in Hprt mutations was observed for NiO but only at one dose. We conclude that Ni and NiO NPs show more pronounced (geno)toxic effects compared to Ni ions/complexes, indicating more serious health concerns. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 59:211-222, 2018., QC 20180404
- Published
- 2018
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14. Surface reactivity of metal nanoparticles : - importance of surface active agents and biomolecules from a transformation, mobility and toxicity perspective
- Author
Skoglund, Sara
- Subjects
size distribution ,Chemical Sciences ,risk assessment ,characterization ,nanotoxicology ,Kemi ,metal nanoparticles ,metal release ,surfactants - Abstract
Metallic nanoparticles possess unique properties due to their size and are widely used in e.g. consumer products. From this follows a need to identify and assess potential risks of human and environmental exposure. Their size facilitates uptake in organisms and disruption of various biological processes. Together with a high reactivity, mainly due to their large surface area in solution, they are both commonly used in different applications and of a potential safety concern. Risk assessment requires hence in-depth knowledge on the particle characteristics and their behavior in solution but also how these properties change with time and exposure conditions and whether these characteristics can be linked to toxicity following nanoparticle exposure. This thesis addresses these aspects with a main focus on metal nanoparticles and elaborates on the importance of characterization, how such measurements can be done, and on interactions with surfactants and biomolecules and toxic effects.Silver nanoparticles are, due to their antibacterial properties, often used in sportswear to prevent sweat odor. During laundry they may be dispersed and interact with surfactants of the washing powder, influencing their properties and stability in solution. These aspects are addressed in Papers I, III and V on silver nanoparticles of different size and surface coatings. The stability was shown to depend on the surface charge and the concentration of the surfactant. The stability and extent of silver release were reduced upon sequential exposure, indicating the importance of the particle history on their bioaccessibility, mobility and potential toxicity. A mechanism was proposed for how silver nanoparticles are stabilized in surfactant solutions.Toxic effects of silver nanoparticles of different size and coatings on cultivated lung cells, Paper II, and effects of copper-containing nanoparticles on different blood cells, Paper IV, were studied in vitro. The smallest particles were most cytotoxic and the “Trojan horse” mechanism played an important role, meaning that the nanoparticles facilitate cellular uptake followed by ion-release.Difficulties in the determination and interpretation of the zeta potential, related to the surface charge, of metal nanoparticles in complex solutions are elucidated in Paper VI. Guidelines are provided on how to accurately assess this property. QC 20170111
- Published
- 2017
15. Understanding Resistance to Organizational Change : A Cognitive Approach
- Author
Skoglund, Sara and Morehed, Emmy
- Subjects
Organizational Change ,Cognitive Perception ,Resistance to Change - Abstract
Title: Understanding resistance to organizational change: a cognitive approach Authors: Emmy Morehed & Sara Skoglund Level: Degree thesis, 30 hp Keywords: Organizational change, Resistance to change, Cognitive perception Background: Organizational change is a naturally occurring phenomenon and is vital for the survival of organizations. However, the majority of organizational change initiatives result in failure. Resistance to change has been found to be the key reason for this organizational change failure. It is therefore important for change agents to understand and manage the change recipients’ resistance to change, in order to achieve organizational change success. Research question: What role does the change recipients’ cognitive perception of organizational change have, when assessing their resistance to change? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop our understanding of the change recipients’ resistance to organizational change, as it is cognitively perceived, in order to enhance the existing knowledge of resistance and how it in turn can be successfully managed by change agents. In this way, our purpose includes contributing with a theoretical development in regards to the change recipients’ cognitive perception of organizational change as well as providing change agents with managerial implications. Method: A qualitative research approach was applied, which included a case study design consisting of multiple cases. Semi-structured interviews and observations were the methods used for collecting the empirical data. The ten respondents were selected from one Swedish company, based on a theoretical sampling method. The data analysis method included both a within-case analysis as well as a cross-case analysis. Theoretical framework: The structure of the theoretical framework is based on three themes. The first theme considers organizational change, where our working definition and theories regarding organizational change are presented. The second theme considers resistance to change, where we define and present the theories regarding resistance to change. The third and last theme considers the change recipient’s cognitive perception of organizational change, where we provide our definitions of, and the theories regarding, the cognitive elements. Findings: The change recipients’ cognitive evaluation of organizational change have an important role, when assessing their resistance to change. In regards to the change process, knowledge required to handle the change is found to be the most important cognitive element. Change usefulness is found to be the second most important one. Advantages and disadvantages, as well as change necessity, are not found to be important cognitive elements.
- Published
- 2016
16. Difficulties and flaws in performing accurate determinations of zeta potentials of metal nanoparticles in complex solutions—Four case studies
- Author
Skoglund, Sara, primary, Hedberg, Jonas, additional, Yunda, Elena, additional, Godymchuk, Anna, additional, Blomberg, Eva, additional, and Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, additional
- Published
- 2017
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17. Difficulties and flaws in performing accurate determinations of zeta potentials of metal nanoparticles in complex solutions-Four case studies
- Author
Skoglund, Sara, Hedberg, Jonas, Yunda, Elena, Godymchuk, Anna, Blomberg, Eva, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Skoglund, Sara, Hedberg, Jonas, Yunda, Elena, Godymchuk, Anna, Blomberg, Eva, and Odnevall Wallinder, Inger
- Abstract
The zeta potential (ZP) is a parameter commonly used to characterize metal nanoparticles (NPs) in solution. Such determinations are for example performed in nanotoxicology since the ZP influences e.g. the interaction between cells and different biomolecules. Four case studies on different metal NPs (Cu and Zn NPs, and citrate capped Ag NPs) are presented in this study in order to provide guidance on how to accurately interpret and report ZP data. Solutions of high ionic strength (150 mM NaCl) induce a higher extent of particle agglomeration (elucidated with Ag NPs) when compared with conditions in 10 mM NaCl, which further complicates the prediction of the ZP due to e.g. sedimentation and broadening of the zeta potential distribution. The particle size is seldom included specifically in the standard ways of determining ZP (Huckel and Smoluchowski approximations). However corrections are possible when considering approximations of the Henry function. This was seen to improve the analysis of NPs, since there are cases when both the Huckel and the Smulochowski approximations are invalid. In biomolecule-containing cell media (BEGM), the signal from e.g. proteins may interfere with the measured ZP of the NPs. The intensity distribution of the ZP of both the blank solution and the solution containing NPs should hence be presented in addition to the mean value. Due to an increased ionic strength for dissolving of metal NPs (exemplified by Zn NPs), the released metal ions must be considered when interpreting the zeta potential measurements. In this work the effect was however negligible, as the particle size was several hundred nm, conditions that made the Smoluchowski approximation valid despite an increased ionic strength. However, at low ionic strengths (mM range) and small-sized NPs (tens of nm), the effect of released metal ions can influence the choice of model for determining the zeta potential. Sonication of particle dispersions influences not only the extent of met, QC 20170824
- Published
- 2017
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18. Antibacterial silver nanocluster/silica composite coatings on stainless steel
- Author
Ferraris, M., Perero, S., Ferraris, S., Miola, M., Verne, E., Skoglund, Sara, Blomberg, Eva, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Ferraris, M., Perero, S., Ferraris, S., Miola, M., Verne, E., Skoglund, Sara, Blomberg, Eva, and Odnevall Wallinder, Inger
- Abstract
A coating made of silver nanocluster/silica composites has been deposited, Via a radio frequency (RF) co-sputtering technique, for the first time onto stainless steel (AISI 304L) with the aim to improve its antibacterial properties. Different thermal treatments after coating deposition have been applied in order to optimize the coating adhesion, cohesion and its antibacterial properties. Its applicability has been investigated at realistic conditions in a cheese production plant. The physico-chemical characteristics of the coatings have been analyzed by means of different bulk and surface analytical techniques. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle measurements and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were employed to assess coating morphology, composition, surface roughness, wetting properties, size and local distribution of the nanoparticles within the coating. Tape tests were used to determine the adhesion/cohesion properties of the coating. The amount and time-dependence of released silver in solutions of acetic acid, artificial water, artificial tap water and artificial milk were determined by means of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The antibacterial effect of the coating was evaluated at different experimental conditions using a standard bacterial strain of Staphylococcus aureus in compliance with National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) and AATCC 147 standards. The Ahearn test was performed to measure the adhesion of bacteria to the coated stainless steel surface compared with a control surface. The antibacterial coating retained its antibacterial activity after thermal treatment up to 450 degrees C and after soaking in common cleaning products for stainless steel surfaces used for e.g. food applications. The antibacterial capacity of the coating remained at high levels for 1-5 days, and showed a good capacity to reduce the adhesion of bacteria up to 30 days. Only a few p, QC 20170210
- Published
- 2017
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19. A novel explanation for the enhanced colloidal stability of silver nanoparticles in the presence of an oppositely charged surfactant
- Author
Skoglund, Sara, primary, Blomberg, Eva, additional, Wallinder, Inger Odnevall, additional, Grillo, Isabelle, additional, Pedersen, Jan Skov, additional, and Bergström, L. Magnus, additional
- Published
- 2017
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20. Genotoxic and mutagenic properties of Ni and NiO nanoparticles investigated by comet assay, γ‐H2AX staining, <italic>Hprt</italic> mutation assay and ToxTracker reporter cell lines.
- Author
Åkerlund, Emma, Cappellini, Francesca, Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano, Islam, Shafiqul, Skoglund, Sara, Derr, Remco, Odnevall Wallinder, Inger, Hendriks, Giel, and Karlsson, Hanna L.
- Subjects
NICKEL compounds ,NICKEL oxide ,NANOPARTICLES ,EPITHELIAL cells ,CELL lines - Abstract
Nickel (Ni) compounds are classified as carcinogenic to humans but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Furthermore, effects related to nanoparticles (NPs) of Ni have not been fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate genotoxicity and mutagenicity of Ni and NiO NPs and compare the effect to soluble Ni from NiCl
2 . We employed different models; i.e., exposure of (1) human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC) followed by DNA strand break analysis (comet assay and γ‐H2AX staining); (2) six different mouse embryonic stem (mES) reporter cell lines (ToxTracker) that are constructed to exhibit fluorescence upon the induction of various pathways of relevance for (geno)toxicity and cancer; and (3) mES cells followed by mutagenicity testing (Hprt assay). The results showed increased DNA strand breaks (comet assay) for the NiO NPs and at higher doses also for the Ni NPs whereas no effects were observed for Ni ions/complexes from NiCl2 . By employing the reporter cell lines, oxidative stress was observed as the main toxic mechanism and protein unfolding occurred at cytotoxic doses for all three Ni‐containing materials. Oxidative stress was also detected in the HBEC cells following NP‐exposure. None of these materials induced the reporter related to direct DNA damage and stalled replication forks. A small but statistically significant increase inHprt mutations was observed for NiO but only at one dose. We conclude that Ni and NiO NPs show more pronounced (geno)toxic effects compared to Ni ions/complexes, indicating more serious health concerns. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 59:211–222, 2018. © 2017 The Authors Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Environmental Mutagen Society [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2018
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