14 results on '"Seco I"'
Search Results
2. 4CPS-186 Implementation of a patient stratification model in outpatient pharmacy for immune-mediated dermatological diseases
- Author
Suñer, H, primary, López Broseta, PA, additional, Sacanella Anglès, I, additional, Pascual Carbonell, D, additional, Ciuciu, CD, additional, Jornet Montaña, S, additional, Plo Seco, I, additional, Ventura, MÁ Roch, additional, Vuelta Arce, MF, additional, and Canadell Vilarrasa, L, additional
- Published
- 2024
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3. 4CPS-094 Analysis of interventions on antibiotic prescriptions by the antimicrobial stewardship programs at the emergency department
- Author
Álvarez Atienza, S, primary, Martinez De La Cruz, P, additional, Plo Seco, I, additional, Moreno Nuñez, L, additional, Sanz Márquez, S, additional, Valverde Canovas, JF, additional, and Perez Encinas, M, additional
- Published
- 2023
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4. 5PSQ-097 Use and persistence of first-line biological treatments for psoriasis
- Author
Sanjuán Belda, A, primary, López Broseta, PA, additional, Sacanella Angles, I, additional, Suñer Barriga, H, additional, Jornet Montaña, S, additional, Martin Marqués, M, additional, Esteve Pitarch, E, additional, Hernandez, JDLMBoada, additional, Lloret Llorca, A, additional, Plo Seco, I, additional, and Canadell Vilarrasa, L, additional
- Published
- 2022
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5. 5PSQ-221 Safety profile of experimental therapies used in the COVID-19 pandemic based on data from the National Minimum Data Set
- Author
Oterino Moreira, I, primary, Sanz Marquez, S, additional, Carrasco Piernavieja, L, additional, Zhan Zhou, E, additional, Martinez Simón, JJ, additional, Salvador Llana, I, additional, Lorenzo Martínez, S, additional, Morales Catalan, MDC, additional, Plo Seco, I, additional, Roldan Navarro, P, additional, and Pérez Encinas, M, additional
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Carbonell, D. Pascual, Azuara, J. Bodega, Marques, M. Martin, Barriga, H. Suñer, Anglès, I. Sacanella, Ciuciu, CD, Broseta, P. López, Molina, A. García, Giner, S. Conde, Seco, I. Plo, and Vilarrasa, L. Canadell
- Published
- 2024
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7. Prediction of organic combined sewer sediment release and transport
- Author
Seco, I., Schellart, A.N., Gomez-Velentin, M., and Tait, S.
- Abstract
Accurate predictions of sediment loads released by sewer overflow discharges are important for being\ud able to provide protection to vulnerable receiving waters. These predictions are sensitive to the\ud estimated sediment characteristics and on the site-conditions of in-pipe deposit formation. Their\ud application without a detailed analysis and understanding of the “initial conditions” under which in-\ud sewer deposits were formed normally results in very poor estimations. In this study, in-sewer sediment\ud samples deposited during dry-periods in a combined sewer system were collected, and their properties\ud assessed. Parameters in the sediment transport relationship first proposed by Skipworth for in-pipe\ud deposits were estimated based on simulating the in-pipe deposit formation conditions in laboratory\ud erosion tests. The measured parameters were then used to simulate sediment transport through a small\ud combined sewer network for a number of rain events for which rainfall, hydraulic and water quality\ud data were available. Results showed that the model of Skipworth can provide good predictions of the\ud sediment loads released from such in-sewer deposits. The experimentally-derived calibration\ud parameters used with Skipworth’s model allowed for a realistic simulation of the in-sewer sediment\ud behaviour and so can be used to accurately estimate the sediment load released from combined sewer\ud systems during rainfall events.
- Published
- 2018
8. 4CPS-182 Experience with omalizumab in the treatment of uncontrolled persistent asthma
- Author
Martínez Simón, JJ, primary, Álvaro Alonso, EA, additional, Plo Seco, I, additional, Prieto Moix, S, additional, and Pérez Encinas, M, additional
- Published
- 2019
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9. 4CPS-126 Effectiveness and safety of nab-paclitaxel in patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas in a real-world setting
- Author
Plo Seco, I, primary, Sanmartin Fenollera, P, additional, Roldan Navarro, P, additional, Martinez Simon, JJ, additional, Oterino Moreira, I, additional, Toro Chico, P, additional, and Perez Encinas, M, additional
- Published
- 2019
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10. Coccoloba tunii (Polygonaceae), a new species from Chiapas (Mexico)
- Author
Arnelas Seco, I.
- Subjects
taxonomy ,food and beverages ,Polygonaceae ,Chiapas ,Mexico ,Coccoloba liebmannii - Abstract
Coccoloba tunii is here described as a new species from Mexico. Morphological characters of the leaf, inflorescence, and fruit show discontinuities among populations of C. tunii and its relative, C. liebmannii. In addition, both species exhibit different geographical patterns, C. tunii is exclusive of the Central Depression and Plateau of Chiapas (Mexico) at mid elevations, while C. liebmannii ranges from Oaxaca to Colima on lowlands along the Pacific watershed.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Suñer, H., Broseta, P. A. López, Anglès, I. Sacanella, Carbonell, D. Pascual, Ciuciu, C. D., Montaña, S. Jornet, Seco, I. Plo, Ventura, M. Á. Roch, Arce, M. F. Vuelta, and Vilarrasa, L. Canadell
- Published
- 2024
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12. Erosional strength in fine sediment mixtures with organic content: Observations from laboratory studies
- Author
Seco, I, primary, Zaramella, M, additional, Marion, A, additional, and Tait, S, additional
- Published
- 2016
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13. Immobilització d’àtoms aïllats i nanopartícules de Pd sobre magnetita. Comportament catalític
- Author
Caparrós Rodríguez, Francisco Javier, Rossell Alfonso, Oriol, Angurell Purroy, Inmaculada, Seco i García, Miquel Àngel, and Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Química Inorgànica i Orgànica
- Subjects
Atoms ,Nanopartícules ,Nanopartículas ,Àtoms ,Catalysis ,Ciències Experimentals i Matemàtiques ,Magnetite ,Paladio ,Catàlisi ,Magnetita ,Nanoparticles ,Átomos ,Pal·ladi (Element químic) ,Catálisis ,Palladium - Abstract
[cat] Les nanopartícules de metalls nobles han atret l’interès dels investigadors en els últims anys degut a la seva elevada activitat i selectivitat en un gran nombre de reaccions catalítiques. No obstant això, les nanopartícules metàl·liques tenen una gran tendència a aglomerar-se, tant en el procés de la seva síntesi com durant la reacció química. Això fa que sigui absolutament necessari que prèviament s’hagin d’immobilitzar en un suport. Dins d’un gran nombre de suports possibles, els òxids metàl·lics són els més àmpliament estudiats i emprats. Destaca en aquest grup la magnetita (Fe3O4) ja que pot ser separada del medi de reacció amb un imant extern, per la qual cosa minimitza la pèrdua de catalitzador i facilita el seu reús. En aquesta tesi s’ha demostrat que la deposició de pal.ladi sobre la superfície de nanopartícules de magnetita, prèviament funcionalitzades amb un lligand fosfino terminal, facilita la formació de nanopartícules de pal·ladi petites i homogènies. Si la quantitat de pal·ladi afegit durant la síntesi del catalitzador es redueix convenientment es possible dipositar únicament àtoms aïllats de pal·ladi (SACs). Es demostra a la bibliografia que la gran majoria de SACs descrits són excel·lents catalitzadors, atès que tots els àtoms són potencialment capaços d’actuar. Els catalitzadors sintetitzats en aquest treball, nanopartícules de Pd (Pd/Fe3O4) i Pd SACs, s’han investigat en tres reaccions catalítiques: reducció de 4-nitrofenol, acoblament creuat de Suzuki-Miyaura i hidrogenació d’estirè. Hem demostrat que tant les nanopartícules com els SACs de pal·ladi són excel·lents catalitzadors. Més concretament, les nanopartícules de Pd de 1 nm dipositades sobre nanopartícules de magnetita són el catalitzador més actiu enregistrat fins al moment per a la reducció de 4-nitrofenol. D’altra banda, en la reacció de Suzuki-Miyaura, els SACs de Pd han donat el valor d’activitat més elevat publicat fins ara en utilitzar 4-bromotoluè i àcid fenilborònic com a reactius. Tot i això, el reciclatge en aquesta reacció ha resultat força pobre. Pel que fa a la reacció d’hidrogenació d’estirè, s’ha observat com en reduir la grandària de les nanopartícules de pal·ladi, l’activitat catalítica augmenta degut a l’augment de la relació superfície / volum. Un fet realment sorprenent es que els SACs no han mostrat la més mínima activitat en aquesta reacció. Aquest resultat es pot atribuir, en principi, a l’elevada càrrega positiva sobre el Pd. En aquesta tesi també s’ha estudiat la influència dels lligands en el procés de dipositar nanopartícules de pal·ladi sobre nanopartícules de magnetita. En aquest context es van immobilitzar nanopartícules utilitzant diversos lligands que es caracteritzaven per contenir un grup fosfino o un grup amino terminal. Mitjançant diverses reaccions catalítiques s’ha conclòs que l’ús de lligands fosfino terminals condueix a millors resultats catalítics que les amines, molt més utilitzades en la bibliografia. Per tal d’ampliar aquest estudi, s’ha assajat per primera vegada el comportament dels SACs en la reacció d’hidrogenació de CO2. Aquesta és una reacció molt interessant ja que pot convertir un gas contaminant com és el CO2 en molècules amb major valor econòmic com són el metà o el metanol. Hem observat que els SACs de pal·ladi presenten una elevada selectivitat vers la formació d’alcohols terminals de dos o més carbonis, en especial etanol. En canvi, les nanopartícules de pal·ladi mostren major selectivitat vers la producció de metà i età. No obstant, en realitzar els experiments amb SACs a majors temperatures (350-400 °C), aquests aglomeren formant nanopartícules, i per tant, es perd selectivitat i la formació d’etanol disminueix. Per completar el nostre estudi, es van sintetitzar SACs de Pd sobre altres suports (CeO2, Al2O3 i ZnO) per observar i comparar el seu comportament en el procés d’hidrogenació de CO2. En aquests assajos s’ha demostrat que l’activitat i la selectivitat disminueixen fortament si es compara amb els resultats obtinguts amb magnetita. Hem posat, doncs, de manifest l’enorme influència que té el suport en l’activitat catalítica dels SACs. Sembla evident que la forta interacció magnetita-pal·ladi és un factor crucial per a la catàlisi., [eng] In the last years, noble metal nanoparticles have attracted the attention of researchers due to their high activity and selectivity in a large number of catalytic reactions. However, metallic nanoparticles have a great tendency to agglomerate in the synthesis as well as during the chemical reactions. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to immobilize the nanoparticles on a support. Between the large number of possible supports, metal oxides are the most studied and used. In this group the magnetite (Fe3O4) stands out because it can be easily isolated from the reaction media using an external magnet. This minimizes the losing of catalyst and it makes easier its reuse. In this thesis, we have demonstrated that the deposition of palladium on the surface of magnetite nanoparticles, previously functionalized with a terminal phosphine linker, facilitates the formation of small and homogenous palladium nanoparticles. If the palladium amount is conveniently reduced, it is possible to deposit only isolated palladium atoms (SACs). According to the bibliography, SACs are excellent catalysts because all the atoms are potentially able to participate in the reaction. The synthesized catalysts in this study (Pd nanoparticles and Pd SACs) have been investigated in three reactions: 4-nitrophenol reduction, Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling and styrene hydrogenation. We have demonstrated that the palladium nanoparticles and SACs are excellent catalysts. In particular, Pd nanoparticles of 1 nm deposited on magnetite nanoparticles are the best catalyst reported for the 4-nitrophenol reduction. On the other hand, Pd SACs are the most active catalysts reported up to now for the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction when 4-bromotoluene and phenylboronic acid are used as reactants. However, the catalyst recycling in this reaction was quite poor. About the styrene hydrogenation, it has been observed that when the palladium particle size is reduced, the catalytic activity rises due to the rising of the surface / volume relation. A really surprising fact is that SACs have shown no activity in this reaction. This result has been attributed to the high positive charge on the palladium. The influence of the linkers on the deposition process of the palladium nanoparticles on the magnetite nanoparticles has been studied too. In this context, the nanoparticles have been immobilized using different linkers equipped with a phosphine or an amine terminal group. Using different catalytic reactions we could see that phosphino terminal linkers lead to better catalytic results than those containing amino functions, which are more used in the bibliography. In order to expand this study, SACs have been used in the reaction of CO2 hydrogenation for first time. This is a really interesting reaction because it converts a pollutant, like the CO2, to higher value molecules like methane or methanol. We observed that the palladium SACs presents a high selectivity toward the formation of terminal alcohols of two or more carbons, especially ethanol. However, the palladium nanoparticles are more selective to the formation of methane and ethane. Nevertheless, when SACs are used at higher temperatures (350-400 °C) they agglomerate forming nanoparticles and, consequently, losing selectivity throw the formation of ethanol. In order to complete this study, palladium SACs were deposited on different supports (CeO2, Al2O3 and ZnO) in order to observe and compare their behavior on the CO2 hydrogenation process. In these assays we could see that the activity and the selectivity were strongly reduced if we compare them with the ones obtained with the magnetite. Here we have demonstrated the enormous influence of the support on the catalytic activity of the SACs. It seems evident that the strong interaction magnetite-palladium is a crucial factor in the catalysis.
- Published
- 2018
14. Effectiveness of antithrombotic prophylaxis in hospitalised patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
- Author
Quiros Ambel H, Crespo-Robledo P, Arribalzaga Juaristi K, Plo-Seco I, Martínez Simón JJ, Pérez Fernández E, and Perez Encinas M
- Subjects
- Humans, Anticoagulants therapeutic use, Patient Discharge, Fibrinolytic Agents therapeutic use, Aftercare, Risk Factors, SARS-CoV-2, Venous Thromboembolism diagnosis, Venous Thromboembolism epidemiology, Venous Thromboembolism prevention & control, COVID-19 complications
- Abstract
Background: Antithrombotic prophylaxis in hospitalised patients with SARS-CoV-2 acute infection has increased. Currently, most of the evidence relates to patients in intensive care units; however, there is little information on patients admitted to hospital wards and there is no consensus protocol on thromboprophylaxis during admission and after discharge., Objective: To assess the effectiveness of antithrombotic prophylaxis in patients admitted with COVID-19 and 30 days after discharge., Method: A prospective observational study was conducted of patients admitted with COVID-19 in which the hospital thromboprophylaxis protocol was applied, classifying the patients as having a standard or high risk of thrombosis. Pharmacists performed a daily follow-up and actively intervened during admission and at discharge. The main outcome measure was the global incidence of symptomatic venous thromboembolism (VTE) related to hospitalisation., Results: A total of 113 patients were included, 98.23% of whom were admitted to a hospital ward. The incidence of hospital-acquired VTE was 1.77%. In 75.22% of the subjects, thromboprophylaxis was adjusted to the protocol during admission. A total of 23 pharmaceutical interventions were conducted, with an adherence of 52.17%. At discharge, 94.28% of the patients who had no haemorrhage and ≥4 points on the Padua Prediction Score required thromboprophylaxis, aligning with the protocol. The global incidence of haemorrhagic events during the follow-up period was 0.88%., Conclusion: The incidence of hospital-acquired VTE was lower than that described in the literature. Although it cannot be certain that it is directly related to the instituted protocol, the data can show that the management of prevention of VTE is being optimally performed at the hospital. Long-term studies are needed to evaluate the incidence after discharge, as well as to agree on a specific protocol in the COVID-19 population for the prevention of these events during hospitalisation and post-discharge., Competing Interests: Competing interests: None declared., (© European Association of Hospital Pharmacists 2023. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.)
- Published
- 2023
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