137 results on '"Ptinidae"'
Search Results
2. Fifteen new species of the genus Trichodesma LeConte, 1861 from the Oriental Region (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Anobiinae).
- Author
ZAHRADNÍK, Petr and HÁVA, Jiří
- Subjects
The following fifteen new species: Trichodesma assamensis sp. nov. (India); T. bendai sp. nov. (India); T. chumphonica sp. nov. (Thailand); T. horaki sp. nov. (Thailand); T. klarae sp. nov. (India); T. lueeri (Thailand); T. meghalayaensis sp. nov. (India); T. oborili sp. nov. (Thailand); T. petrae sp. nov. (Malaysia); T. pici sp. nov. (Thailand); T. prudeki sp. nov. (Thailand); T. sonae sp. nov. (Laos); T. thailandica sp. nov. (Thailand); T. trimaculata sp. nov. (Thailand); T. tryznai sp. nov. (India) are described. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
3. New species from the genus Gastrallus Jacquelin du Val, 1860 from Central Europe (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae).
- Author
- Subjects
Gastrallus jelineki sp. nov. (species-group G. laevigatus) from Slovakia and Hungary (Central Europe) is described and compared with other species from this genus from Central Europe. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
4. A contribution to the knowledge of the genus Trichodesma LeConte, 1861 from the Afrotropical Region (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Anobiinae).
- Author
ZAHRADNÍK, Petr and HÁVA, Jiří
- Subjects
The new following species Trichodesma muehlei sp. nov. (Rwanda); T. kantneri sp. nov. (Zimbabwe); T. bilyi sp. nov. (RSA); T. snizeki sp. nov. (Kenya); T. vinolasi sp. nov. (RSA); T. haladai sp. nov. (RSA); T. murzini sp. nov. (Namibia); T. lackneri sp. nov. (Angola); T. tanzaniana sp. nov. (Tanzania); T. paralisae sp. nov. (Zambia); T. smrzi sp. nov. (Zambia); T. somalica sp. nov. (Somalia) are described, illustrated and compared with similar species. The species T. lateritia Pic, 1903 is newly recorded from Mozambique and T. soleri Viñolas, 2018 is newly recorded from Malawi. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
5. New records of non-native Coleoptera in Italy.
- Author
Ruzzier, Enrico, Morin, Lucio, Zugno, Matteo, Tapparo, Andrea, Bani, Luciano, and Di Giulio, Andrea
- Subjects
Background In the last decades, climate change and globalisation have been exacerbating the introduction of non-native beetles worldwide. Due toits peculiar territory, climate and geographical position in the middle of the Mediterranean Basin, Italy is one of the European countries with the highest number of intercepted, adventive and established nonnative beetles, some of which are invasive. In this perspective, producing new faunistic records and continuously updating reliable and easily accessible distributional data is a fundamental step in investigating and potentially preventing further species introduction. New information The aim of this contribution is to report and discuss new faunistic records of non-native Coleoptera in Italy. For some species, new records enlarge the previously-known distribution (e.g. the ambrosia beetles Anisandrus maiche (Kurentzov, 1941) and Cnestus mutilatus (Blandford, 1894) or the click beetle Monocrepidius posticus (Eschscholtz, 1829)), while for others (e.g. the scarab beetle Archophileurus spinosus Dechambre, 2006), data confirm their establishment and highlight a possible expansion phase. The false powderpost beetles Ptilineurus marmoratus (Reitter, 1877) and the longhorn beetle Xylotrechus chinensis (Chevrolat, 1852) are two new additions to the Italian fauna, while the establishment of the monotomid beetle Monotoma americana Aubé 1837 is confirmed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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6. First biological inclusion in Upper Cretaceous Texas amber, USA.
- Author
Cifuentes-Ruiz, Paulina, Friedman, Virginia, Lambert, Joseph B., Mustoe, George, Bugarin, Alejandro, and Vega, Francisco J.
- Subjects
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The first biological inclusion in Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber from Texas (USA) is here documented. Most of the Cretaceous ambers with biological inclusions are from Europe (Spain, France) and Myanmar (Asia). Although the coleopteran here reported is microscopic and incomplete, it preserves enough morphological details to be identified as a member of the Family Ptinidae Latreille, 1802. This antecedent is significative and reveals the potential of this Cretaceous amber to contain more diverse bioinclusions, since the paleoenvironment suggested by the sediments that contain the amber and the ecological affinity of recent representatives of the Ptinidae suggest a humid forest near an estuary, associated to deltaic plain deposits. Este hallazgo representa la inclusión biológica en ámbar más antigua en las Americas. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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7. Nicobium cretaceum sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae), a new species from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber.
- Author
HÁVA, Jiří and ZAHRADNÍK, Petr
- Subjects
SPECIES - Abstract
The species Nicobium cretaceum sp. nov. from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber is described, illustrated and compared with similar species. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
8. Contribución al conocimiento de Petalium nodieri Pic, 1939 de la Guayana Francesa / Contribution à la connaissance de Petalium nodieri Pic, 1939 de la Guyane française.
- Author
VIÑOLAS, Amador and MUÑOZ-BATET, Josep
- Subjects
SPECIES - Abstract
Copyright of R.A.R.E - Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie is the property of Association Roussillonnaise d Entomologie and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
9. Cavoptinus philippinensis sp. nov., a new species from the Philippines (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae).
- Author
HÁVA, Jiří and ZAHRADNÍK, Petr
- Subjects
SPECIES - Abstract
A new species Cavoptinus philippinensis sp. nov. belonging to the genus Cavoptinus Pic, 1931, stillincluding three species - Cavoptinus albonotatus Pic, 1931, Cavoptinus luzonicus Zahradník & Háva, 2017 and Cavoptinus palawanicus Háva & Zahradník, 2020, all from the Philippines, is described, illustrated and compared with other species of the genus. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
10. A new species of Xyletinus Latreille, 1809 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Xyletininae) from Eocene Baltic amber, with a key to known fossil species
- Author
A. Bukejs, V.I. Alekseev, and J. Háva
- Subjects
coleoptera ,ptinidae ,new species ,cenozoic ,tertiary ,fossil resin ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
A new extinct species of the genus Xyletinus Latreille, 1809, namely X. (s. str.) lobanovi sp. n., is described and illustrated from Eocene Baltic amber. This new extinct species resembles X. carsteni Háva et Zahradník, 2020 but differs from it in the dull, not shiny pronotum and elytra, uniformly rufous body and appendages and the lesser body size. A new species is close to X. arturi Háva et Zahradník, 2019, but can be distinguished in the lesser body size, flat elytral intervals and the widest in anterior one-third pronotum. A key to fossil species of Xyletinus is provided. Additionally, new fossil records for Ernobius nadravicus Alekseev, 2014 and Xyletinus arturi Háva et Zahradník, 2019 are presented.
- Published
- 2021
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11. Trichodesma verdugoi n. sp. (Coleoptera: Ptidinae : Anobiinae) de Somalia
- Author
Viñolas, Amador and Viñolas, Amador
- Abstract
Es descriu de Somalia una nova espècie del gènere Trichodesma, T. verdugoi n. sp. molt ben diferenciada per la pubescència de la part superior del cos i sobretot per la conformació ventral i lateral dedeagus, caràcters que la separen de les set espècies conegudes del continent africà. Shi adjunta la representació de lhabitus dels exemplars tipus, antena del mascle i ledeagus de totes les espècies africanes conegudes. També es comenta una nova localització de T. dentitibia Español, 1966, amb mapa de distribució de les dues espècies., A new species of the genus Trichodesma from Somalia is described. T. verdugoi n. sp. very well differentiated by the pubescence of the upper part of the body and especially by the ventral and lateral conformation of aedeagus, characters that separate it from the seven known species of the African continent. The representation of the habitus of the type specimens, male antennae and aedeagus of known African species are also indicated. A new location of T. dentitibia Español, 1966, with a distribution map of the two species, is also mentioned.
- Published
- 2024
12. Addenda al catàleg comentat dels Ptinidae (Coleoptera) de la Península Ibèrica, Illes Balears i Illes Canàries
- Author
Viñolas, Amador and Viñolas, Amador
- Abstract
Les recoŀleccions de Ptinidae efectuades a làrea ibèrica, balear i canàries en diferents projectes, així com les captures puntuals despècimens, amb lestudi daquest material ens han permès ampliar la distribució específica i donar noves dades sobre la seva biologia. Saporten noves cites sobre la distribució coneguda de 50 espècies pertanyents a 9 subfamílies. En diverses de les espècies es comenta la distribució i si són cites noves per a les províncies referenciades. També shi acompanya la bibliografia dalgunes espècies que han estat tractades recentment en diferents publicacions., The collections of Ptinidae carried out by different projects in the Iberian, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands area in different projects, as well as the occasional captures of specimens, with the study of said material has allowed us to expand their specific distribution and provide new data on their biology. New citations are provided on the known distribution of 50 species belonging to 9 subfamilies. We include comments on the distribution of some species and highlight the new records for a province. The references for some species that have been treated in recent publications is also attached., Las recolecciones de Ptinidae efectuadas en al área ibérica, balear y canaria en diferentes proyectos, así como las capturas puntuales de especímenes, con el estudio de dicho material nos han permitido ampliar su distribución específica y dar nuevos datos sobre su biología. Se aportan nuevas citas sobre la distribución conocida de 50 especies pertenecientes a 9 subfamilias. En varias de las especies se comenta su distribución y si son citas nuevas para las provincias referenciadas. También se acompaña la bibliografía de algunas especies que han sido tratadas recientemente en diferentes publicaciones.
- Published
- 2024
13. Una nova espècie del gènere Gastrallus Jacquelin du Val, 1860 de Togo (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Anobiinae) i relació de les espècies del gènere conegudes d’Àfrica
- Author
Viñolas, Amador and Viñolas, Amador
- Abstract
En l’estudi de vuit exemplars d’Anobiinae, col·lectats a Togo el mateix dia i lloc i pertanyents al gènere Gastrallus Jaquelin du Val, 1860, s’han detectat dues espècies, tres exemplars pertanyents a G. degallieri Español, 1992 espècie descrita de la República Centreafricana, i que amplien en gran manera la seva distribució i cinc exemplars més que pertanyen a una espècie nova per a la ciència, G. togoensis n. sp. Se n’efectua la descripció i es representa l’habitus, edeagus, antena i palp maxil·lar. S’inclou també relació de vint-i-set espècies del gènere conegudes fins ara d’Àfrica., In the study of eight specimens of Anobiinae, collected in Togo on the same day and place and belonging to the genus Gastrallus Jaquelin du Val, 1860, two species have been detected, three specimens belonging to G. degallieri Español, 1992 species described from the Central African Republic, which greatly expand their distribution and five other specimens belonging to a new species to science, G. togoensis n. sp. Its description is made and habitus, aedeagus, antenna and maxillary palp are represented. It also includes a list of the twenty seven species of the genus known up to now from Africa., En el estudio de ocho ejemplares de Anobiinae, colectados en Togo el mismo día y lugar y pertenecientes al género Gastrallus Jaquelin du Val, 1860, se han detectado dos especies, tres ejemplares pertenecientes a G. degallieri Español, 1992 especie descrita de la República Centroafricana, y que amplían en gran medida su distribución y otros cinco ejemplares que pertenecen a una especie nueva para la ciencia, G. togoensis n. sp. Se efectúa su descripción y se representa el habitus, edeago, antena y palpo maxilar. Se incluye también relación de las veintisiete especies del género conocidas hasta ahora de África.
- Published
- 2024
14. Species of Bostrichoidea (Coleoptera) new to the Palaearctic Region.
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- Subjects
Six new records from superfamily Bostrichoidea are presented from the Palaearctic Region. Three species are mentioned from the Czech Republic - two from the family Bostrichidae - Heterobostrychus brunneus (Murray, 1867), a record new to Czech Republic, and Sinoxylon anale Lesne, 1897, a record new to Moravia (Czech Republic). The last of them is from the family Ptinidae - Tricorynus tabaci (Guérin-Méneville, 1850), confirmed data from Czech Republic, Bohemia and a species new to Slovakia. Other two new records are from the family Ptinidae - Homophthalmus rugicollis (Mulsant et Rey, 1853) and Ernobius abietis (Fabricius, 1792), both are new to Albania. The last record is also from the family Ptinidae, and is new to Morocco - Stagetus pilula (Aubé, 1861). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
15. The investigation of intraspecific characteristics and comparative analyses of the complete mitochondrial genome of Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) assembled from public NGS raw reads of the black truffle, Tuber melanosporum.
- Author
Park, Jongsun, Lee, Jungmo, and Park, Jonghyun
- Subjects
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Due to the rapid development of NGS technologies, a huge amount of NGS raw reads have been accumulated in public repositories, such as the Short Read Archive of NCBI. We successfully rescued the complete mitochondrial genome of Stegobium paniceum, a drug store beetle, from public NGS raw reads of truffle generated from the whole genome project. The circular mitogenome of S. paniceum is 15,474 bp long including 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNAs, and a single large non-coding region of 803 bp. Intraspecific transfer RNAs structure and sequence variations were investigated and simple sequence repeats identified from three S. paniceum mitochondrial genomes were compared showing their diversities as fundamental data to utilize them in various aspects including developing efficient molecular markers in the family, Ptinidae. Phylogenetic analysis of 23 Bostrichoidea mitochondrial genomes presented better species identification based on phylogenetic analyses and the optimal options for constructing phylogenetic trees based on Bostrichoidea mitochondrial genomes. Our results present not only utilization of public NGS raw read sequences but also intraspecific features of S. paniceum mitochondrial genomes and comparative analysis of Bostrichoidea mitochondrial genomes in various aspects. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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16. Sucinoptinus zahradniki sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Ptininae), a new species of the Tertiary genus from the Baltic amber.
- Author
- Subjects
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AMBER , *SPECIES , *FOSSIL beetles , *ANIMAL ecology , *FOREST management ,BEETLE anatomy - Published
- 2022
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17. Laboratory breeding of Korynetes caeruleus (Coleoptera: Cleridae) for the biological control of Anobium punctatum (Coleoptera: Ptinidae)
- Author
Tilo HAUSTEIN, Sabine BUSWEILER, Vera HAUSTEIN, Claudia von LAAR, and Rudy PLARRE
- Subjects
coleoptera ,cleridae ,korynetes caeruleus ,ptinidae ,anobium punctatum ,biological pest control ,life history data ,laboratory breeding ,wood protection ,cultural heritage ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
Larvae and adults of Korynetes caeruleus (de Geer 1775) (Coleoptera: Cleridae) were collected from old churches and reared in the laboratory on Anobium punctatum (de Geer 1774) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae). Breeding success of K. caeruleus was low, but basic parameters of this species' developmental cycle were identified. At 21°C and 75% relative humidity and a four-month cold period at 4°C, the development of K. caeruleus from egg to adult appearance lasted 2 years. The pupal stage may be reached and completed after one and a half years. Feeding on larvae of A. punctatum by larvae of K. caeruleus was observed and consisted of a combination of sucking haemolymph and consuming body parts. The sickle-like mandibles of larvae of K. caeruleus penetrate the cuticle of prey larvae; this is followed by pumping and sucking body movements. Adult beetles of A. punctatum were not attacked by K. caeruleus larvae. Feeding behaviour of adult K. caeruleus was not investigated.
- Published
- 2019
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18. Review of the genus Ptilineurus Reitter, 1901 (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae), with description of five new species.
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Ptilineurus horaki sp. nov. (Maluku Is.), P. indicus sp. nov. (India), P. laosensis sp. nov. (Laos), P. malayanus sp. nov. (Malaysia) and P. martini sp. nov. (Thailand) - all from the Oriental Region are described, illustrated and compared with other species. The key of species belong to genus Ptilineurus is presented. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
19. Other four new species from genus Nanodesma Zahradník, 2019 (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae).
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Four new species from genus Nanodesma Zahradník, 2019 from Oriental Region are described, illustrated and compared with other species from this genus. There are N. cechovskyi sp. nov. (Malaysia), N. dubia sp. nov. (Indonesia: Sumatra), N. pseudofasciata sp. nov. (Malaysia) and N. splendida sp. nov. (Malaysia). The key of all species of the genus Nanodesma Zahradník, 2019 is revised. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
20. Trichodesma timorensis sp. nov., a new species from Timor Island (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae).
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- Subjects
A new species from Timor Island Trichodesma timorensis sp. nov. is described, illustrated and compared with related species. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
21. Two new species of Ptinidae (Coleoptera) from Eocene Baltic amber.
- Author
- Subjects
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AMBER , *STAPHYLINIDAE , *FOREST management , *WILDLIFE management , *ANIMAL ecology , *BEETLES ,BEETLE anatomy - Published
- 2020
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22. A new Stagetus Wollaston, 1861 species from Baltic amber (Coleoptera: Ptinidae).
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BEETLES , *SPECIES , *FOREST management , *WILDLIFE management , *DIGITAL cameras ,BEETLE anatomy - Published
- 2022
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23. Gastrallus vavrai Zahradník, 2007, a new species for the fauna of the Czech Republic.
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Gastrallus vavrai Zahradník, 2007 is newly recorded from the Czech Republic. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
24. New records of non-native Coleoptera in Italy
- Author
Ruzzier, E, Morin, L, Zugno, M, Tapparo, A, Bani, L, Di Giulio, A, Ruzzier, Enrico, Morin, Lucio, Zugno, Matteo, Tapparo, Andrea, Bani, Luciano, Di Giulio, Andrea, Ruzzier, E, Morin, L, Zugno, M, Tapparo, A, Bani, L, Di Giulio, A, Ruzzier, Enrico, Morin, Lucio, Zugno, Matteo, Tapparo, Andrea, Bani, Luciano, and Di Giulio, Andrea
- Abstract
Background In the last decades, climate change and globalisation have been exacerbating the introduction of non-native beetles worldwide. Due toits peculiar territory, climate and geographical position in the middle of the Mediterranean Basin, Italy is one of the European countries with the highest number of intercepted, adventive and established nonnative beetles, some of which are invasive. In this perspective, producing new faunistic records and continuously updating reliable and easily accessible distributional data is a fundamental step in investigating and potentially preventing further species introduction. New information The aim of this contribution is to report and discuss new faunistic records of non-native Coleoptera in Italy. For some species, new records enlarge the previously-known distribution (e.g. the ambrosia beetles Anisandrus maiche (Kurentzov, 1941) and Cnestus mutilatus (Blandford, 1894) or the click beetle Monocrepidius posticus (Eschscholtz, 1829)), while for others (e.g. the scarab beetle Archophileurus spinosus Dechambre, 2006), data confirm their establishment and highlight a possible expansion phase. The false powderpost beetles Ptilineurus marmoratus (Reitter, 1877) and the longhorn beetle Xylotrechus chinensis (Chevrolat, 1852) are two new additions to the Italian fauna, while the establishment of the monotomid beetle Monotoma americana Aubé 1837 is confirmed.
- Published
- 2023
25. Three new species of Ptininae (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae) from Eocene Baltic amber.
- Author
HÁVA, Jiří and ZAHRADNÍK, Petr
- Subjects
FORENSIC entomology ,BIOLOGICAL classification ,TAXONOMY ,BEETLES ,SPIDER beetles - Abstract
The following three new species from Eocene Baltic amber are described and illustrated: Ptinus (Gynopterus) electron sp. nov., Ptinus (Gynopterus) fantii sp. nov. and Ptinus (Gynopterus) groehni sp. nov. Three other species are recorded: Ptinus (Gynopterus) balticus Bellés & Vitali, 2007 (Poland), Ptinus (Gynopterus) burukovskyi Alekseev, 2014 (Russia), Ptinus (Gynopterus) scalovicus Alekseev, 2014 (Russia) and Sucinoptinus sucini Bellés & Vitali, 2007 (Russia). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
26. Laboratory breeding of Korynetes caeruleus (Coleoptera: Cleridae) for the biological control of Anobium punctatum (Coleoptera: Ptinidae).
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BEETLES , *BIOLOGICAL pest control , *BODY movement , *HUMIDITY - Abstract
Larvae and adults of Korynetes caeruleus (de Geer 1775) (Coleoptera: Cleridae) were collected from old churches and reared in the laboratory on Anobium punctatum (de Geer 1774) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae). Breeding success of K. caeruleus was low, but basic parameters of this species' developmental cycle were identified. At 21°C and 75% relative humidity and a four- month cold period at 4°C, the development of K. caeruleus from egg to adult appearance lasted 2 years. The pupal stage may be reached and completed after one and a half years. Feeding on larvae of A. punctatum by larvae of K. caeruleus was observed and consisted of a combination of sucking haemolymph and consuming body parts. The sickle-like mandibles of larvae of K. caeruleus penetrate the cuticle of prey larvae; this is followed by pumping and sucking body movements. Adult beetles of A. punctatum were not attacked by K. caeruleus larvae. Feeding behaviour of adult K. caeruleus was not investigated. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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27. Nanodesma - gen. nov. from Oriental Region with description of six new species (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae).
- Author
- Subjects
BEETLES ,CLASSIFICATION of insects ,GEOGRAPHICAL distribution of insects - Abstract
Nanodesma gen. nov. from Oriental Region is described, illustrated and compared with other genera from tribe Nicobiini. The key of genera tribe Nicobiini is presented. Six new species are described: N. knizeki sp. nov. (Thailand); N. laosensis sp. nov. (Laos); N. fasciata sp. nov. (Indonesia: Sumatra I.), Malaysia and Thailand; N. haucki sp. nov. (Thailand); N. luteopubens sp. nov. (Malaysia) and N. nigromaculata sp. nov. (Malaysia). The key of species belong to genus Nanodesma is presented. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
28. 我国口岸截获蛛甲科昆虫疫情分析.
- Author
陈 伟, 刘宏玉, 董丽君, and 张 丽
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Food Safety & Quality is the property of Journal of Food Safety & Quality Editorial Department and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
29. Stagetus elongatus Mulsant et Rey, 1861, a new species for the fauna of Slovakia.
- Author
ZAHRADNÍK, Petr and SZOPA, Richard
- Subjects
Stagetus elongatus Mulsant et Rey, 1861 is newly recorded from Slovakia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
30. Dundadela maculata Zahradnik & Tryzna 2023, sp. nov
- Author
Zahradník, Petr and Trýzna, Miloš
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Dundadela ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Dundadela maculata ,Taxonomy ,Ptinidae - Abstract
Dundadela maculata Zahradník & Trýzna sp. nov. (Figs 1–16) Type material. Holotype (male): Madagascar, Isalo N.P., Oasïs, 879 m, S22°37′05″, E45°21′08″, 19.–20.i.2013, M. Trýzna leg. (FGMRI). Paratypes (7 males): 1 male: Madagascar, Isalo N.P., Piscine nat., 850 m, S22°33′, E45°23′, 21.i.2013, M. Trýzna leg; 1 male: Madagascar, Isalo N.P., Namaza camp, 776 m, S22°32′22.2′′, E45°22′46.0′′, 22.i.2013, M. Trýzna leg. [all specimens come from Fianarantsoa province] (FGMRI); 2 males: Madagascar, Tamatave prov. [= Toamasina province], Moramanga env., 21.–24.xii.1996, I. Jeniš leg. (FGMRI); 3 males: idem but 27.-30.xii.1996, I. Jeniš leg. (BMNH, FGMRI, MTDC). Description. Male (holotype). General appearance. Body long oval (Fig. 1), mostly parallel, body length 7.0 mm, the greatest width (on elytral base) 2.7 mm. Coloration. Body brown, antennae, palpi and legs light brown. Pubescence short, recumbent, white-silver, in nebulous pattern (Figs 1, 4, 7). Vestiture and structure. Head (Figs 2–3, 10) slightly transverse convex, matt shining (velvety), densely and finely punctuated, punctures almost contiguous. Pubescence very sparse, short, recumbent, inclined forward. Eyes large, globular, glabrous. Frons 2.3 times wider than width of eye in dorsal view. The last segment of maxillary palpi spindle shaped, 1.3 times longer than wide. Antennae (Figs 1, 8, 12, 14) with eleven antennomeres, last three antennomeres strongly enlarged, penultimate two strongly pectinate, others filiform. Antennomere I robust, 1.5 times as long as wide. Antennomere II 0.25 of length of I, width 0.7 of length. III twice as long as wide and 1.4 times as long as previous. IV the same width as III, 0.55 of length of III. V twice as long as wide, 1.1 times as long as previous. Antennomeres VI and VII of the same length and width, half as long as V. VIII transverse, twice as wide as long, one-fifth of length of VII. IX six times as long as wide, X seven times as long as wide, their length longer than IV to VIII combined. Ramus on IX 2.2 times as long as length of antennomere IX, ramus on X 1.8 times as long as length of antennomere X. Rami of antennomeres IX and X widened towards the apex. Antennomere XI filiform, long elliptical, the same width as I, 4.6 times as long as wide. Pronotum (Figs 1, 4, 7) transverse, without hump, ratio of its length to maximum width 0.8, widest in the middle, strongly oblongly narrowed backwards. Surface matt-shining, finely and densely punctuated, punctures almost contiguous. Pubescence short, recumbent, white-silver, nebulous pattern. Elytra (Fig. 1) parallel, without distinct humeral angles, with four very fine and indistinct longitudinal carinae (not visible on Fig. 1), equally distributed on elytra. Ratio of maximum length to maximum width of elytra 1.7. Surface and pubescence the same as on pronotum (Fig. 1). Scutellum small, triangular, 1.2 times as long as wide. Legs (Fig. 1) slim, femora 0.8 of length of the tibia. Tibia triangular in cross-section, with two sharp longitudinal edges. Tarsi two-thirds of length of tibiae. Tarsomere I as long as II and III together, II 1.2 times as long as III, III slightly transverse, 1.1 times as wide as previous. All these three tarsomeres widened at apex. Tarsomere IV shallowly emarginate from above, the same length as III, 1.2 times as wide as previous. The last tarsomere, V, robust, as long as II, the same width as IV at apex, widest at the apex, with two claws, widely spaced apart. Claws on interior part without teeth. Abdomen (Fig. 11) consists of five ventrites, ventrite I in the middle with short blunt wide promontory. Terminalia (Figs 13, 15–16). Aedeagus symmetrical (Figs 13, 16). Median lobe wide, parameres narrow, as long as median lobe; on apex with two more or less sharp small teeth inclined to median lobe. Each paramere with long, slim promontory. Lateral corner of tegmen [= Genitalbügel (Gottwald 1977), = genital stirrup (e. g. Zahradník 2006, 2013)] without promontory, rounded and broadened (Fig. 15). Female. Unknown. Variability. Differs in size of body—total length varies from 5.6 to 7.0 mm, width at base of elytra from 2.2 to 2.7 mm. Colour of body brown, to reddish-brown (possibly on teneral specimen). Differential diagnosis. The species has forward oriented head (probably semi-prognathous in natural position), antennae with 11 antennomeres, and only antennomeres IX and X strongly pectinate (see Differential diagnosis of the genus above). Etymology. From the nebulous (cloud like) arrangement of pubescence on the body, forming small rounded spots. Collecting circumstances. Three specimens of the type series (including holotype) were collected in Parc National de l´Isalo near Ranohira in Fianarantsoa province, S Madagascar (Figs 17–18). This area is dominated by a sub-arid climate. The territory consists of sandstones, shale and conglomerate (Fig. 17). The low, sparse forests are located mainly in the deeply carved canyons of the sandstone massif, and accompanied by sclerophyllous woodland with secondary grasslands and pastures in the vicinity (see also Goodman et al. 2018). These specimens from Isalo were caught at night at light near dry, dead trees (Fig. 18). Another five specimens of the type series, however, come from the vicinity of Moramanga in Toamasina province, C Madagascar. Climatic conditions are completely different here. A humid climate prevails with a much larger amount of precipitation compared to Isalo. There are remnants of degraded medium altitude moist evergreen forest. However, we do not know the collecting details of the specimens from Moramanga. Distribution. S and C Madagascar: Fianarantsoa (holotype) and Toamasina provinces (Fig. 19)., Published as part of Zahradník, Petr & Trýzna, Miloš, 2023, Description of a new genus and species, Dundadela maculata, from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Ptinidae), pp. 276-286 in Zootaxa 5244 (3) on pages 278-283, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5244.3.5, http://zenodo.org/record/7656391, {"references":["Gottwald, J. (1977) Die palaarktischen Xyletinus - Arten (Coleoptera, Anobiidae). Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca, 74 (3), 158 - 177.","Zahradnik, P. (2006) New species of the genus Metholcus Jacquelin du Val, 1860 (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Anobiidae) from South Africa. Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East, Taxonomical Series, 2 (1 - 2), 137 - 141.","Zahradnik, P. (2013) Brouci celedi cervotocoviti (Ptinidae) stredni Evropy - Beetles of the family Ptinidae of Central Europe. Academia, Praha, 351 pp. [in Czech and English]","Goodman, S. M., Raherilalao, M. J. & Wohlauser, S. (Eds.) (2018) s. n. In: Les aires protegees terrestres de Madagascar: Leur histoire, description et biote. Tome III. [The terrestrial protected areas of Madagascar: Their history, description, and biota. Vol. III]. Association Vahatra, Antananarivo, pp. 1233 - 1716."]}
- Published
- 2023
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31. Description of a new genus and species, Dundadela maculata, from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Ptinidae)
- Author
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Animalia ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Biodiversity ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Taxonomy ,Ptinidae - Abstract
A new genus and species, Dundadela maculata gen. nov. & sp. nov. (Ptinidae: Anobiinae: tribe incertae sedis) from Madagascar is described, male genitalia are illustrated. Comparison with similar genera is given. Ecological notes, including photographs of habitats of the new species, are provided.
- Published
- 2023
32. Anobiinae Fleming 1821
- Author
Zahradník, Petr and Trýzna, Miloš
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy ,Ptinidae - Abstract
Key to genera of Madagascan Anobiinae 1 Antennae with 10 antennomeres......................................................................... 2 - Antennae with 11 antennomeres......................................................................... 3 2 Elytra with distinct striae............................................... Hemigastrallus Español & Comas, 1991 - Elytra without distinct striae, only on lateral margin with 1–2 small striae and on the disc of elytra with traces of shallow striae formed by small sparse punctures ……………….................................. Gastrallus Jacquelin du Val, 1860 3 Antennae serrate................................................................. Mimotrypopitys Pic, 1931 - Only antennomeres IX and X strongly pectinate............................................ Dundadela gen. nov., Published as part of Zahradník, Petr & Trýzna, Miloš, 2023, Description of a new genus and species, Dundadela maculata, from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Ptinidae), pp. 276-286 in Zootaxa 5244 (3) on page 278, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5244.3.5, http://zenodo.org/record/7656391, {"references":["Pic, M. (1931) Nouveautes diverses. Melanges Exotico-entomologiques, 57, 1 - 36."]}
- Published
- 2023
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33. Dundadela Zahradnik & Tryzna 2023, gen. nov
- Author
Zahradník, Petr and Trýzna, Miloš
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Dundadela ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy ,Ptinidae - Abstract
Dundadela Zahradník & Trýzna gen. nov. (Figs 1–16) Type species. Dundadela maculata sp. nov., by original designation. Placement. Subfamily Anobiinae, tribe incertae sedis. Name derivation. Dundadela, gender feminine, dedicated to our colleague and friend Mr. Radek Dunda (*30 June, 1969–†30 March, 2020), specialist in the family Attelabidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) (Figs 20–21). Description. Male. Body long oval, mostly parallel (Fig. 1). Head (Figs 2–3, 7, 10) forward oriented (probably semi-prognathous in natural position), slightly transverse convex, eyes large, globular, glabrous.Antennae (Figs 1, 8, 12, 14) with eleven antennomeres. Flagellum filiform, antennomere VIII strongly transverse, last three antennomeres strongly enlarged, IX–X strongly pectinate, XI simple and robust. Pronotum (Fig. 4) transverse, slightly concave dorsally, without central bump; pronotal lateral margin only partly visible, on posterior part invisible (in dorsal view). Elytra (Fig. 1) parallel, without distinct humeral angles, with four very fine and indistinct longitudinal carinae (not visible on Fig. 1), equally distributed on elytra. Legs (Fig. 1) short and slim. Anterior coxae (Fig. 10) very close, touching, mesocoxae (Fig. 9) very similar. Metacoxae (Fig. 9) slightly separated. Metathoracic ventrite (Fig. 9) with short longitudinal depression, posteriorly sharpened. All coxae conical. Claws (Fig. 6) widely spaced, not bifurcate at apex. Mesosternum (Fig. 9) posteriorly without hook, metasternum without tarsal grooves. Abdomen (Fig. 11) with five ventrites, I with short blunt wide promontory in middle. Aedeagus symmetrical (Figs 13, 16). Differential diagnosis. Dundadela gen. nov. differs from other genera of subfamily Anobiinae by antennal structure—no other genus of this subfamily has antennomeres IX and X pectinate. Only genus Megorama Fall, 1905 (subfamily Xyletininae) has similar structure of antennae, but it has a distinctly hypognathous (orthognathous) head. Megorama (unlike Dundadela) lacks elytral carinae. Distribution. So far known only from Madagascar., Published as part of Zahradník, Petr & Trýzna, Miloš, 2023, Description of a new genus and species, Dundadela maculata, from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Ptinidae), pp. 276-286 in Zootaxa 5244 (3) on pages 277-278, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5244.3.5, http://zenodo.org/record/7656391
- Published
- 2023
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34. A new Falsogastrallus Pic, 1914 species (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) from Eocene Baltic amber.
- Author
Háva, Jiří and Zahradník, Petr
- Subjects
BEETLES ,EOCENE paleontology ,CLASSIFICATION of insects ,FOSSILS - Abstract
A new species Falsogastrallus groehni sp. nov. from Baltic amber is described and compared with known amber species Gatrallus zjantaru Zahradník & Háva, 2014. The described species represents first amber species belonging to the genus. A Check-list of Falsogastrallus species is provided. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
35. Nine new species of Clada from Madagascar (Coleoptera, Ptinidae).
- Author
Zahradník, Petr and Trýzna, Miloš
- Subjects
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BEETLES , *SPIDER beetles , *ANTENNAE (Biology) , *TAXONOMY - Abstract
Nine new species of the genus Clada (s. str.) Pascoe, 1887 (Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae: Eucradinae) are described from Madagascar: Clada (Clada) barclayi sp. n., C. (C.) dimbyi sp. n., C. (C.) fasciata sp. n., C. (C.) lalae sp. n., C. (C.) madagascarensis sp. n., C. (C.) mamyi sp. n., C. (C.) njakai sp. n., C. (C.) obesa sp. n., and C. (C.) rindrai sp. n. No species of this genus were previously known from Madagascar. Photographs of the dorsal habiti and drawings the male and female antennae and aedeagi of most of these species are given. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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36. Six new species of spider beetles (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) in the genus Cordielytrum Philips
- Author
Kyle Whorrall and Keith Philips
- Subjects
Spider ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Spider beetle ,biology ,Bostrichoidea ,Zoology ,Spiders ,Biodiversity ,biology.organism_classification ,Coleoptera ,Geographic distribution ,Genus ,Animals ,Animalia ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Taxonomy ,Ptinidae - Abstract
Six new species of spider beetle are described from southwestern Peru: Cordielytrum silvae, sp. n., C. inca, sp. n., C. fimbriatum, sp. n., C. obscurum, sp. n., C. adustum, sp. n., and C. globuloides, sp. n. The potential for undescribed diversity in this genus is discussed, as well as the geographic distribution and biology of species.
- Published
- 2021
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37. Ptinidae
- Author
Eifler, Michael
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy ,Ptinidae - Abstract
7.2. Ptinidae Symmetrischer Bau: Abb. 7: (7a) Gynopterus aubei ( BOIELDIEU, 1854); (7b) Dignomus frivaldskyi (REITTER, 1884); (7c) Hanumanus ludovici (PIC, 1919); (7d) Ptinus brevivittis (REITTER, 1881); (7e) Ptinus disconotatus PIC, 1907; (7f) Kedirinus bisbinotatus (PIC, 1910). Asymmetrischer Bau: Abb. 8: (8a) Ptinus bicinctus STURM, 1837; (8b) Ptinus japonicus REITTER, 1877; (8c) Ptinus montanus ESCALERA, 1914; (8d) Ptinus obesus LUCAS, 1849; (8e) Ptinus pilosus MÜLLER, 1821; (8f) Ptinus subpilosus STURM, 1837. Es ist mir ein starkes Anliegen, hier auf die ausgezeichnete Arbeit zur Gattung Sphaericus (ERBER & HINTERSEHER 2000) hinzuweisen, deren Genitalabbildungen vorbildlich die Determination dieser schwierigen Gattung erleichtern., Published as part of Eifler, Michael, 2022, Contribution to the preparation and determination of families Anobiidae und Ptinidae (Coleoptera, Teredilia), pp. 63-84 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 54 (1) on pages 82-83, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7507174
- Published
- 2022
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38. Contribution to the preparation and determination of families Anobiidae und Ptinidae (Coleoptera, Teredilia)
- Author
Eifler, Michael
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Anobiidae ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy ,Ptinidae - Abstract
Eifler, Michael (2022): Contribution to the preparation and determination of families Anobiidae und Ptinidae (Coleoptera, Teredilia). Linzer biologische Beiträge 54 (1): 63-84, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7507174, {"references":["ESPANOL F. (1992): Coleoptera Anobiidae. En: Fauna Iberica, vol. 2., RAMOS M.A. et al. (eds). - Museo Nacional de Ciencias N aturales. CSIC. Madrid, 195 pp.","ERBER D. & W. HINTERSEHER (2000): Revision der Gattung Sphaericus (Col., Ptinidae) der Lauri-Makaronesischen Region (Azoren, Madeira, Selvagens, Kanaren) einschliesslich Nordafrika und des europaischen Festlandes. - Coleoptera 4 (2000): 153-282 ISSN 0945-1889","FREUDE H., HARDE K. & G. LOHSE (1969): Die Kafer Mitteleuropas. - Goecke & Evers Verlag, Bd. 8, 28-74 pp., Krefeld 1969.","LOMPE A. (1989): Ein bewahrtes Einbettungsmittel fur Insektenpraparate. - In: L OHSE & LUCHT (eds): Die Kafer Mitteleuropas, 1. Supplementband 12: 17-18 pp. Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld."]}
- Published
- 2022
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39. Noves dades sistemàtiques i de distribució de Xyletinus(Calypterus) bucephalus s. lat. (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Xyletininae)
- Author
Viñolas, Amador, Muñoz Batet, Josep, Viñolas, Amador, and Muñoz Batet, Josep
- Abstract
Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus s. lat. és una espècie de Xyletininae amb una distribució paleàrtica molt àmplia i estretament lligada a zones semiàrides i a excrements de bestiar oví, caprí i equí. Espècie que, com totes les que tenen una àrea de distribució tan extensa, presenta una certa variabilitat individual, que no té cap validesa específica. Aquesta variabilitat ha possibilitat la descripció d’una subespècie i de dues noves espècies. Després de l’estudi de 208 espècimens de pràcticament tota l’àrea de distribució s’ha pogut constatar que no hi ha diferències especifiques vàlides per a la seva separació i que el edeagus, amb una peça molt ben caracteritzada en el sac intern, no varia en tots els exemplars examinats de manera que es passa a sinonímia de Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus els següents taxons: Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus theanus Reitter, 1901 n. syn., Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus omanus Toskina, 1998 n. syn., Xyletinus (Calypterus) materliki Toskina, 2002 n. syn. i Xyletinus (Calypterus) lepidus Toskina, 2006 n. syn. Es representa l’habitus de diversos exemplars estudiats, els seus edeagus i els dibuixats per diferents autors així com el mapa de distribució de l’espècie., Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus s. lat. is a species of Xyletininae with a very wide Palaearctic distribution and closely related to semi-arid areas and with sheep, goats and horses faeces. Species that have such an extensive distribution area, present always a certain individual variability, which has no specific validity. Such variability have made possible describe one subspecies and two new species. After the study of 208 specimens from practically the entire distribution area, it has been possible to verify that there are no specific valid differences for their separation and that the aedeagus, with a very well characterized piece in the internal sac, does not vary in all the studied specimens, so the following taxa are synonymized with Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus: Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus theanus Reitter, 1901 n. syn., Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus omanus Toskina n. syn., 1998, Xyletinus (Calypterus) materliki Toskina, 2002 n. syn. and Xyletinus (Calypterus) lepidus Toskina, 2006 n. syn. The habitus of several of the specimens studied, their aedeagus and those drawn by different authors as well as the Palaearctic distribution of the species are represented., Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus s. lat. es una especie de Xyletininae con una distribución paleártica muy amplia y estrechamente ligada a zonas semiáridas y excrementos de ganado ovino, caprino y equino. Especie que, como todas las que tienen un área de distribución tan extensa, presenta una cierta variabilidad individual, que no tiene ninguna validez especifica. Dicha variabilidad ha posibilitado la descripción de una subespecie y de dos nuevas especies. Tras el estudio de 208 especímenes de prácticamente toda el área de distribución se ha podido constatar que no hay diferencias especificas válidas para su separación y que el edeago con una pieza muy bien caracterizada en el saco interno, no varia en todos los ejemplares examinados por lo que se pasa a sinonímia de Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus los siguientes taxones: Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus theanus Reitter, 1901 n. syn., Xyletinus (Calypterus) bucephalus omanus Toskina, 1998 n. syn., Xyletinus (Calypterus) materliki Toskina, 2002 n. syn. y Xyletinus (Calypterus) lepidus Toskina, 2006 nov. syn. Se representa el habitus de varios de los ejemplares estudiados, sus edeagos y los dibujados por diferentes autores así como el mapa de distribución paleártica de la especie.
- Published
- 2022
40. Description of a new species of Xyletinus Latreille, 1809 from South Kazakhstan with a note on Xyletinus (Xeronthobius) desertus (Barovskij, 1929) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Xyletininae)
- Author
A.V. Kovalev and A.M. Shapovalov
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Ptinidae ,Xyletinus ,Xeronthobius ,new species ,taxonomy ,Palaearctic ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
A new species Xyletinus (Xeronthobius) aralensis sp. n. from South Kazakhstan (Kyzylorda Region) is described. A new synonymy is established: X. (Xeronthobius) desertus (Barovskij, 1929) = X. (X.) kozlovi Emetz in Emetz et Logvinovskij, 1977, syn. n.
- Published
- 2015
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41. Records of Synanthropic Species of Alien Beetles (Coleoptera) in the Anthills of Genus Formica.
- Author
Sazhnev, A. S. and Turbanov, I. S.
- Abstract
For the first time, two alien species of beetles, obligate synanthropes, namely, Attagenus smirnovi Zhantiev, 1973 (Dermestidae) and Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius, 1792) (Ptinidae), were revealed in anthills (genus Formica). These records widen the spectrum of biotopes inhabited by these species outside their native ranges and specify their adaptive abilities under the movement of invaders to the north. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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42. Linzer biologische Beiträge / Contribution to the preparation and determination of families Anobiidae und Ptinidae (Coleoptera, Teredilia)
- Author
Eifler, Michael
- Subjects
Anobiidae ,Schlagwort ,Genital preparation ,Ptinidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Contribution to the preparation and identification of species of the families Anobiidae and Ptinidae with information on technique and tools for genital preparation. Refereed/Peer-reviewed Version of record
- Published
- 2022
- Author
- Subjects
- *
BEETLES , *SPECIES distribution , *BIODIVERSITY , *DISPERSAL (Ecology) , *ANOBIUM - Abstract
The fauna of Iranian Ptinidae (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea) is summarized. In total 43 species belonging to 21 genera and 8 subfamilies are listed: Anobiinae (7 genera, 10 species), Dorcatominae (1 genus, 1 species), Ernobiinae (3 genera, 4 species), Eucradinae (2 genera, 2 species), Gibbiinae (1 genus, 3 species), Ptilininae (2 genera, 5 species), Ptininae (3 genera, 8 species) and Xyletininae (2 genera, 10 species). Four species, Gastrallus pubens Fairmaire, 1875, Priobium carpini Herbst, 1793 (Anobiinae), Hyperisus plumbeum (Illiger, 1801) (Ernobiinae), and Stagetus pilula (Aubé, 1861) (Dorcatominae) are newly recorded from Iran. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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44. New country records and confirmed occurrences of beetles in Hungary (Coleoptera).
- Author
NÉMETH, Tamás, MERKL, Ottó, ROMSAUER, János, SERES, Gábor, and SZALÓKI, Dezső
- Subjects
Nine species of Coleoptera belonging to five families (Ciidae, Melandryidae, Nitidulidae, Ptinidae, Staphylinidae) are recorded from Hungary for the first time. Occurrences of Dacne pontica (Bedel, 1868) (Erotylidae) and Mycterus curculioides (Fabricius, 1781) (Mycteridae) in Hungary are confirmed. With 16 figures. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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45. Six new Palaearctic Ptinidae (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea).
- Author
- Subjects
CLASSIFICATION of insects ,INSECT anatomy ,BEETLES ,MALE reproductive organs ,PALEARCTIC - Abstract
Six new species and one new subgenus from family Ptinidae are described from the Palaearctic Region (Hungary, Syria, Oman). There are Dorcatoma (Oculidorcatoma) hungarica subg. and sp. nov. (Hungary), D. (Pilosodorcatoma) syriaca sp. nov. (Syria), Stagetus nemethi sp. nov (Syria), Xyletinus (Xyletinus) rubroapex sp. nov. (Syria), X. (X.) splendidus sp. nov. (Syria) and Megorama ilniczkyi sp. nov. (Oman). Drawings of body details, especially aedeagus, are presented for all newly described species. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
46. Structure of insect community in the fungus Inonotus radiatus in riparian boreal forests.
- Author
Jonsell, Mats, González Alonso, Clara, Forshage, Mattias, van Achterberg, Cees, and Komonen, Atte
- Subjects
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INSECT communities , *INONOTUS , *RIPARIAN forests , *POLYPORACEAE , *TINEIDAE , *FUNGIVORES , *CIIDAE , *SPIDER beetles ,HOSTS of parasitoids - Abstract
Basidiomes of polypore fungi host many insects. Yet systematic information about insect assemblages from most fungal species is lacking. We studied the insect community associated with the wood-decaying fungusInonotus radiatus(Sowerby: Fr.) P. Karst. (Hymenochaetales). More specifically, we studied the effect of successional stage and weight of basidiomes, as well as shore exposition (north or south), on species richness and composition, as well as occurrence and abundance of the most abundant fungivores. Basidiomes were collected from riparian forests at five lakes in Sweden. Insects were reared out from the basidiomes in the laboratory. A total of 5645 adult insect individuals of 117 taxa were obtained. Among these, 2782 specimens of 36 taxa useInonotus radiatusbasidiomes as breeding habitat. Eight species of parasitic wasps were new to Sweden. The most abundant fungivore wasEnnearthron cornutum(Ciidae), which is a generalist breeding in many polypore species. Based on our material and literature, the melandryid beetlesAbdera affinisandA. flexuosaseem to be specialists on the order Hymenochaetales. Other frequent fungivores wereDorcatoma dresdensis(Ptinidae), and the lepidopteransArchinemapogon yildizae, Nemapogon cloacellusandN. picarellus(Tineidae). The parasitoid community associated with the tineid moths was similar to the community associated with the other polypore species in the order Polyporales. In contrast, the parasitoids associated withDorcatoma(and/orAbdera) were different from the other Polyporales species, suggesting that the fungal host species is more important for these parasitoid species than the beetle host species itself. The most abundant and frequent parasitoids were the braconidsDiospilus disparandColastes fritzeni, which both parasitiseDorcatoma. Species richness was significantly smaller in fresh than in more decayed basidiomes, but species composition did not differ. There was no difference in species composition or richness between north and south shorelines. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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47. A new species of the genus Ernobius C. G. Thomson, 1859 from Iran (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea: Ptinidae).
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CLASSIFICATION of insects ,INSECT anatomy ,BEETLES ,SPIDER beetles - Abstract
Ernobius iranicus sp. nov. from Iran is described, illustrated and compared with similar species from the species-group E. mollis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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Bellés, X. and Perkovsky, E. E.
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SPIDER beetles , *INSECT morphology , *CLASSIFICATION of insects , *FORESTS & forestry , *EOCENE paleontology - Abstract
Study of five examples of spider beetle inclusions from Rovno amber revealed that at least three of these spider beetles belong to the genus Sucinoptinus Bellés et Vitali, 2007, of them, S. rovnoensis sp. n. (most probably from Klesov) and S. brevipennis sp. n. from Dubrovitsa are described. S. rovnoensis is similar to the previously known S. bukejsi Alekseev in having the same general structure of pronotum and elytra, differing from it by the morphology of pronotal sides, which are only slightly rounded and practically not constricted near the base, whereas in S. bukejsi the sides are well rounded leaving a slight but clear constriction near the base. S. brevipennis is similar to S. bukejsi Alekseev and S. sucini Bellés et Vitali in having the same general structure of the prothorax, but differing from them in having much shorter elytra. Addition of these two new species to the two previously known, S. sucini, from the eastern Baltic Sea coast, and S. bukejsi, from Kaliningrad Region, indicates that the genus Sucinoptinus was much more diverse and widespread in Late Eocene forests than former reports suggested. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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49. Cordielytrum globuloides Whorrall & Philips 2021, sp. n
- Author
Whorrall, Kyle and Philips, Keith
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Coleoptera ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Cordielytrum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Cordielytrum globuloides ,Taxonomy ,Ptinidae - Abstract
Cordielytrum globuloides, sp. n. (Fig. 8) Holotype: PERU, AR, Yarabamba, Linga Alta 16°34’23” / 71°33’45” 2759 m 29.III.2017 C. Bravo. Holotype has been deposited in MUSM. Paratypes (6): PERU, AR, Yarabamba, San Jose 2622 m 16°33’32” / 71°37’51” 18.III.2017 C. Bravo (1); PERU, AR, Yarabamba, San Juan 2438 m 16°34’00” / 71°38’27” 20.III.2017 C. Bravo (2); PERU, AR, Yarabamba, Linga Alta, 2760 m 16°33’32” / 71°37’51” 28.III.2017 C. Bravo (1); PERU, AR, Tiabaya, Quebradita 2500 m 16°28’53” / 71°36’02” 22.III.2017 C. Bravo (2). Paratypes have been deposited in MUSM, KAWC, and TKPC. Diagnosis: This species is distinguished from congeners by its yellowish tan and speckled dark brown elytral coloration, the absence of carinae on the elytra, and the distinct rectangular or conical shaped elytral scales. Description. Body small, ovate, convex; mottled yellowish tan. Length (anterior of pronotum to apex of elytra) 2.19–2.88 mm. Head completely covered with depressed, light tan, ovoid scales; slight superantennal carinae; eyes surrounded by very narrow bare patch lacking scales dorsally, ventrally with scales slightly protruding; antennae stout, antennomeres densely covered in scales, setae increasingly fine toward apex, antennomeres 1–4 and 11 longer than wide, others subequal; labrum with scattered short erect orange setae apically; frons with elongate ligulate scales pointing mainly obliquely toward middle, especially prominent toward apex. Pronotum covered with densely matted setae, relatively few short, erect setae; medial cavity very deep, extending over half total length of pronotum, border well-defined except at middle anterior and posterior; two posterolateral cavities on each side deep and distinct, lateralmost cavities completely anterior to adjacent cavities. Elytra: Setation yellowish tan, speckled with dark brown in random somewhat clumped pattern, background color reddish brown; surface mostly covered in conical or flattened rectangular scales, some scales instead acutely pointed; basal 1/3 of anterolateral margin with row of long bristly setae; elytral carinae absent; ~4 rows of short erect setae on each elytron. Ventral Surface: Ventral part of pro-, meso-, and, metathorax, legs, and abdominal ventrites with appressed oval scales. Etymology: The name “globuloides” is for the similar color pattern of this species to Trigonogenius globulus Solier, for which it was initially mistaken among museum material., Published as part of Whorrall, Kyle & Philips, Keith, 2021, Six new species of spider beetles (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) in the genus Cordielytrum Philips, pp. 414-427 in Zootaxa 5040 (3) on pages 423-425, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5040.3.6, http://zenodo.org/record/5531508
- Published
- 2021
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50. Cordielytrum silvae Whorrall & Philips 2021, sp. n
- Author
Whorrall, Kyle and Philips, Keith
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Cordielytrum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Cordielytrum silvae ,Taxonomy ,Ptinidae - Abstract
Cordielytrum silvae, sp. n. (Fig. 3) Holotype: Peru: Ica Region, Lomas de San Fernando. 11–12.VI.2019, S15.13°, W75.31° dung pitfall traps, 1425 m K.A.Whorrall & T. K.Philips. Holotype has been deposited in MUSM. Paratypes (16): Same data as holotype (11); PE: ICA, Prov. de Nazca Lomas de San Fernando 15°08’51.7” S 75°15’27.8” W 489m, 03.iv.2010, D. Silva y M. Vilchez (1); Prov. de Nazca Lomas de San Fernando 15°07’29.0” S 75°20’19.8” W 430m, 03.iv.2010, D. Silva y M. Vilchez (4). Paratypes have been deposited in MUSM, KAWC, TKPC, and JBHC. Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from its congeners by its relatively large size, the smooth appearance of its setation, its small bead-like scales, and its pale, brassy coloration. It can be distinguished from C. peruvianum by the larger depressions in elytral scales, more transverse pronotum, and less pronounced elytral carinae. Description. Body small, compact, subovate, convex; brass colored with a slight sheen. Length (anterior of pronotum to apex of elytra) 2.93–3.25 mm. Head completely covered with depressed, light tan, ovoid scales; pronounced superantennal carinae; antennae slender, antennomeres densely covered in scales, setae increasingly fine toward apex, antennomeres 1–4 and 11 slightly longer than wide, others subequal; clypeus distinct; labrum with short erect orange setae apically; frons with short ligulate scales pointing toward middle. Pronotum covered with densely matted setae, short, erect setae protruding from deep cavities within matted setation; medial cavity deep, broad, when viewed from above, extending nearly ½ total length, border well-defined laterally but indistinct medially, extending as a shallow groove anteriorly; two posterolateral cavities very shallow with indistinct borders. Elytra: Setation pale brassy tan, darker tan pattern medially, background color dark brown; densely covered in small, broad, ovate scales; basal ¼ of anterolateral margin with row of long bristly setae; four low longitudinal carinae extending length of each elytron, including one at suture; 4–5 rows of deep depressions between carinae. Ventral Surface: Prosternum and mesoventrite with matted scales somewhat similar to pronotum; remainder of ventral mesothorax, metathorax, legs, and abdominal ventrites with scales similar to elytra. Etymology: The name “silvae” is for Diana Silva, who collected the first specimens of this species., Published as part of Whorrall, Kyle & Philips, Keith, 2021, Six new species of spider beetles (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) in the genus Cordielytrum Philips, pp. 414-427 in Zootaxa 5040 (3) on pages 417-418, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5040.3.6, http://zenodo.org/record/5531508
- Published
- 2021
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