Pierella chalybaea Godman, 1905 stat. rest. (Figures 5 ���8, 30, 50���51) Pierella chalybaea Godman, 1905, p. 185 [lectotype and paralectotypes designated herein].��� Weymer, 1911, p. 178. Haetera lamia f. columbina Kr��ger, 1925. Pierella lamia lamia (Sulzer, 1776); Casagrande, Mielke, Carneiro, Rafael & Hutchings, 2012, p. 25. [misidentification] Pierella lamia chalybaea D���Abrera, 1988, p. 730. Lamas, 2004, p. 206;��� Mielke, Carneiro & Casagrande, 2010, p. 289. Pierella lamia colombiana Constantino & Salazar, 2007 [syn. nov.], p. 173���174, figs 5���7. Diagnosis. Pierella chalybaea can be distinguished from P. l a m i a by the less prominent ocelli on DHW that is obscured by the dark background, and in many cases the white pupil in CuA 1 -CuA 2 is not evident. This pupil is always strongly marked in P. l am i a. Androconial patch is characterized by the weak rounded dark central area (Fig. 30). Female genitalia presents a well-developed, straight posterior aphophysis similar to P. keithbrowni sp. nov., but the ductus bursae is sclerotized and approximately 1.6 times the length of corpus bursae, and the paired signa are located on the ventral side. Ostium bursae with a sclerotized projection out from the ductus bursae (Figs 50���51). Distribution (Fig. 62). Pierella chalybaea is distributed in Brazilian and Chacoan sub-regions, from Colombia to Bolivia (Constantino 1995; Willmott et al 2011; Willmott & Hall 2014; Petit 2014) and North and Midwest Brazil (Roraima, Amazonas, Par��, Acre, Rond��nia, Mato Grosso and Goi��s), apparently associated with both low altitudinal regions (100���900 m) (Brown 1948) and high rainfall levels between 2000���5000 mm /year (Brown & Ab���Saber 1979). Host plant. Unknown. Remarks. Godman (1905) described Pierella chalybaea based on two males and one female collected by the American naturalist Herbert H. Smith on his expeditions to Chapada dos Guimar��es, Mato Grosso, Brazil. This material is deposited at the NHM collection with lectotype and paralectotypes��� labels determined by M. Clifton in 1968, but these designations were never published. Here, they are designated: Lectotype male hereby designated with the following labels (separated by forward slash symbols): Jan/ Chapada, Matto Grosso, H. H. Smith/♀/ B.M. TYPE No Rh. 2512, Pirella chalybaea / Godman & Salvin Coll. 1904 ��� 1./ BMNH (E)# 781092. Paralectotype male with the following labels (separated by forward slash symbols): July/ Chapada, Matto Grosso, H. H. Smith/ Pirella rhea chalybaea Godman, det. M. Clifton 1968 / BMNH (E)# 781082. Paralectotype female with the following labels (separated by forward slash symbols): Jan/ Chapada, Matto Grosso, H. H. Smith/♀/ B.M. TYPE No Rh. 2513, Pirella chalybaea / Godman & Salvin Coll. 1904 ��� 1./ BMNH (E)# 781099. Brown (1948) considered P. chalybaea as a subspecies of Pierella rhea (currently P. lamia chalybaea), but the marked differences in the female genitalia and the males androconial patch supports the decision in reinstate this taxa. Haetera lamia f. columbina Kr��ger, 1925 was described from Colombia, [Meta, Up��n], 1000 m and synonymized with Pierella lamia chalybaea by Lamas (2004). In fact, the illustration of the type specimen (Warren et al. 2014) confirms its identity as a synonym of P. chalybaea stat. rest. Salazar & Constatino (2007) described P. lamia colombiana from Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Brazil, based on the absence of the steely blue reflections on the dorsal hind wing. In addition, the authors discussed about the allopatric distribution of P. lamia colombiana and P. lamia chalybaea, the latter occurring in the savannahs and lowlands of the Orinoco river in Colombia and Venezuela, and in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The study of 132 specimens revealed that the steely blue reflections are variable among the specimens of P. chalybaea stat. rest. An examined female from Benjamin Constant (Amazonas, Brazil) that is almost 20 km distant from the type locality of P. lamia colombiana (Let��cia, Amazonas, Colombia), shows the same genitalia morphological pattern of specimens from Mato Grosso (considered as P. lamia chalybaea by Salazar & Constantino 2007). Material examined. BRAZIL��� Roraima: Alto Alegre, Ilha do Marac��, 24���31. VIII.1987, 2 males and 1 female, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.724, DZ 30.725, DZ 30.804 (DZUP); Amajari, Tepequ��n, 620 m, 14���16. VII.2006, 1 male, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.723 (DZUP); Pacaraima, 800 m, 1���2. III.1988, 1 male, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.783 (DZUP); Surucucu, 14. XI.1979, 1 male, Gifford leg., DZ 30.722 (DZUP); Amazonas: Benjamin Constant, Rio Javari, VI.1942, 1 female, B. Pohl leg., DZ 30.739 * (DZUP); Borba, Rio Abacaxis, Comunidade Paxi��ba, 2���4. VI.2008, 1 male, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.705 (DZUP); Fonte Boa, 1 male and 1 female, VI. 1906, S. M. Klages leg., BMNH (E)# 781079, BMNH (E)# 781088 (NHM); Itacoatiara, VIII.1968, 1 male, ex-coll. Ebert, DZ 30.782 (DZUP), 3. VII.1927, 1 male, no collector, IOC 28.136 (IOC); Itaituba, Rio Tapaj��s, VIII.1960, 1 male, ex-coll. H. Ebert, DZ 30.767 (DZUP); Ipixuna, Comunidade S��o Vicente, Rio Liberdade, 12���15. V.2011, 2 males and 1 female, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.815, DZ 30.816, DZ 30.817 (DZUP); Reserva Rio Greg��rio, 18���23. V.2011, 2 males, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.653, DZ 30.814 (DZUP); L��brea, Rio Purus, 1 male, XI. 1913, E. H. W. Wickham leg., BMNH (E)# 781075 (NHM); Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 3. IX.1987, 1 male, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.736 (DZUP), 10���13. VIII.2010, 4 males and 2 females, Dias & Bonfantti leg., DZ 30.730, DZ 30.731, DZ 30.732, DZ 30.733, DZ 30.734, DZ 30.735 (DZUP); 47 km NW, Reserva ZF2, 17��� 20. VIII.2010, 1 male, Dias & Bonfantti leg., DZ 30.738 (DZUP); Mau��s, no date, 1 male, Fassl leg. (IOC); no specific locality, 25. VIII.1927, 1 female, Zik��n leg., IOC 28.146 (IOC); 12. IX.1927, 1 female, Zik��n leg., IOC 28.148 (IOC); 19. IX.1927, 1 female, Zik��n leg., IOC 28.137 (IOC); 11. VII.1927, 1 male, Zik��n leg., IOC 28.145 (IOC); 12.VIII. 1927, Zik��n leg., IOC 28.147 (IOC); Mau��s, 1 female, M. Furukawa leg., BMNH (E)# 781083 (NHM); Tabatinga, 1 female, no date, Degand leg., BMNH (E)# 781073 (NHM); Tef��, 1 female, XI.07, M. de Mathan leg., BMNH (E)# 781084 (NHM), 4���6. XII.1987, 1 male and 1 female, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.703, DZ 30.784 (DZUP); S��o Jos��, Rio Solim��es, 1 male, no date, no collector, BMNH (E)# 781078 (NHM); S��o Paulo de Oliven��a, 1 male, VI���VII. 1883, M. de Mathan leg., BMNH (E)# 781077 (NHM), 1 female, III. 1883, M. de Mathan leg., BMNH (E)# 781086 (NHM); Par��: Itaituba, Rio Tapaj��s, no date, 1 female, Fassl leg., IOC 28.142 (IOC); Acre: Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Juru��, 200 m, 15���25. VII.1971, 1 female, Ebert leg., DZ 30.721 (DZUP); 9���11. IX.1973, 1 male and 1 female, Ebert leg., DZ 30.719, DZ 30.720 (DZUP); 23. X.1981, 1 male and 1 female, F��tima Bucher leg., DZ 30.713, DZ 30.714 * (DZUP); no date, 1 male, D���Almeida leg., DZ 30.740 (DZUP); M��ncio Lima, Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, 200���400 m, 10���21.IX. 2011, Dolibaina & Moura leg., DZ 29.772 (DZUP); 20���27. VI.2013, 9 males and 1 female, Mielke, Casagrande, Carneiro, Dias & Dolibaina leg., DZ 30.820, DZ 30.821, DZ 30.822, DZ 30.823, DZ 30.824, DZ 30.825, DZ 30.826, DZ 30.827, DZ 30.828, DZ 30.829 (DZUP); Porto Acre, Reserva Humait��, 20���30. I.2009, 1 female, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.652 (DZUP); 28���30. I.2009, 1 male, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.812 (DZUP); Santa Rosa dos Purus, 6,4 km E, 3���4. VIII.2008, 1 male, Mielke & Carneiro leg., DZ 30.715 (DZUP); 14,2 km SE, 12. VIII.2008, 1 male, Carneiro leg., DZ 30.718 (DZUP); Senador Guiomard, Reserva Catuaba, 200 m, 22. IX.2003, 1 male, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.717 (DZUP); 2���5. IX.2004, 1 male, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.716 (DZUP); 31.I��� 5. II.2009, 3 males, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.771, DZ 30.818, DZ 30.819 (DZUP); Vila Taumaturgo, Seringal Oriente, 29. VII.1956, 1 male, F. C. Novaes leg., DZ 30.712 (DZUP); Rond��nia: Jar��, 250 m, V.1977, 1 male and 1 female, Ebert leg., DZ 30.726, DZ 30.777 (DZUP); X.1977, 1 male, Ebert leg., DZ 30.741 (DZUP); Ouro Preto d���Oeste, 9���13. IX.1987, 1 male and 1 female, C. Elias leg., DZ 30.729, DZ 30.737 (DZUP); 24���31. X.1987, 1 female, C. Elias leg., DZ 30.728 * (DZUP); Porto Velho, 1 male and 1 female, II���III. 26, A. M. Moss leg., BMNH (E)# 781081, BMNH (E)# 781090 (NHM); Vila Rond��nia [= Ji-Paran��], 26. I.1961, 1 male, Andrade & Pereira leg., DZ 30.727 (DZUP); Mato Grosso: Barra do Bugres, 20. III.1974, 1 male, E. Furtado leg., DZ 30.776 (DZUP); Alto Rio Paraguai, 150 m, 11. V.1974, 2 males, E. Furtado leg., DZ 30.754, DZ 30.756 (DZUP); 16. VI.1974, 1 male, E. Furtado leg., DZ 30.755 (DZUP); Barra do Gar��as, Vale dos Sonhos, 500 m, 22. VI.1972, 1 female, ex-coll. Ebert, DZ 30.749 (DZUP); 400 m, 22. VI.1972, 1 male, Mielke & Brown leg., DZ 30.785 (DZUP); Buriti, 30 miles N. E. of Cuiab��, 2259 ft, 1���14.VII. 27, C. L. Collenette leg., BMNH (E)# 781080 (NHM); 1 female, 17���30.VI. 27, C. L. Collenette leg., BMNH (E)# 781089 (NHM); Chapada dos Guimar��es, 600���800 m, 13. II.1967, 1 male and 1 female, ex-coll. D���Almeida, DZ 30.789, DZ 30.790 (DZUP); 28. III.1983, 1 male, C. Elias leg., DZ 30.745 (DZUP); 28.III��� 3. IV.1983, 2 males, C. Elias leg., DZ 30.774, DZ 30.775 (DZUP); 600���800 m, 11. II.1967, 1 male, ex-coll. D���Almeida, DZ 30.746 (DZUP); 14. II.1967, 1 female, ex-coll. D���Almeida, DZ 30.748 * (DZUP); 700 m, 23. XII.1968, 1 male and 1 female, H. Ebert leg., DZ 30.758, DZ 30.759 (DZUP); 600 m, 26. VI.1972, 2 males, Mielke & Brown leg., DZ 30.760, DZ 30.761 (DZUP); 14. XI.2013, 1 male, G. Melo leg., DZ 30.802; Coronel Rio Branco, C��ceres, Rio Vermelho, 400 m, 2. VII.1972, 1 male, Mielke & Brown leg., DZ 30.779 (DZUP); 13. XI.1984, 1 female, Buzzi, Mielke & Elias leg., DZ 30.794 (DZUP); Cuiab��, S��o Vicente, 700 m, 24. VI.1972, 2 males, Mielke & Brown leg., DZ 30.778, DZ 30.780 (DZUP); 30. VI.1972, 1 male, Mielke & Brown leg., DZ 30.786 (DZUP); Diamantino, Fazenda S��o Jo��o, Rio Arinos, 300���400 m, 11. I.1978, 1 male, Mielke & Furtado leg., DZ 30.762 (DZUP); 12. I.1978, 5 males and 2 females, Mielke & Furtado leg., DZ 30.665 *, DZ 30.763, DZ 30.764, DZ 30.765, DZ 30.766, DZ 30.767, DZ 30.768 (DZUP); 14. I.1978, 1 female, Mielke & Furtado leg., DZ 30.769 (DZUP), 15. I.1978, 1 male, Mielke & Furtado leg., DZ 30.770 (DZUP); 17. I.1978, 1 male and 2 females, Mielke & Furtado leg., DZ 30.771, DZ 30.772, DZ 30.669 * (DZUP); 20. I.1978, 1 male, Mielke & Furtado leg., DZ 30.773 (DZUP); 4. IX.1978, 1 female, Mielke & Furtado leg., DZ 30.795 (DZUP), 21. XI.1984, 1 male and 1 female, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.744, DZ 30.788 (DZUP); 1���8. VIII.1974, 2 males and 2 females, H. & H. D. Ebert leg., DZ 30.747, DZ 30.750, DZ 30.751, DZ 30.752 (DZUP); 2. V.1978, 1 male, H. & H. D. Ebert leg., DZ 30.753 (DZUP); Nova Xavantina, Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso, Bacabal, 17���19. VIII.1997, 2 males, Mielke leg., DZ 30.742, DZ 30.743 (DZUP); Goi��s: Ilha do Bananal, 14. VI.1979, 1 male, Gifford leg., DZ 30.801 (DZUP); 19. IX.1980, 2 males, Gifford leg., DZ 30.787, DZ 30.800 (DZUP); Goian��sia, 900m, 2���7. IX.1969, 1 male and 2 females, K. & H. Ebert leg., DZ 30.791, DZ 30.792, DZ 30.796 (DZUP); Goi��s, VII.1976, 1 male, Gifford leg., DZ 30.793 (DZUP); 17. XI.1976, 1 female, DZ 30.799 (DZUP); 5. VI.1979, 1 female, Gifford leg., DZ 30.797 (DZUP); 5. II.1980, 1 male, no collector, DZ 30.803 (DZUP); 6. XI.1980, 1 female, Gifford leg., DZ 30.798 (DZUP)., Published as part of Zacca, Thamara, Siewert, Ricardo R., Casagrande, Mirna M., Mielke, Olaf H. H. & Paluch, M��rlon, 2016, Taxonomic revision of the " Pierella lamia species group " (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) with descriptions of four new species from Brazil, pp. 366-386 in Zootaxa 4078 (1) on pages 371-372, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4078.1.31, http://zenodo.org/record/267355, {"references":["Godman, F. D. (1905) Descriptions of some new species of Satyridae from South America. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1, 185 - 190.","Weymer, G. (1911) 4. Familie: Satyridae, In: Seitz, A. (Ed.), Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde 5. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen, pp. 173 - 280.","Kruger, E. (1925) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der columbischen Satyriden. Entomologische Rundschau, 42 (3), 10 - 12.","Sulzer, J. H. (1776) Abgekurzte Geschichte der Insekten. Nach dem Linaeischen System. Winterthur, H. Steiner & Co. Vol 1, 274 pp.","Casagrande, M. M., Mielke, O. H. H., Carneiro, E., Rafael, J. A. & Hutchings, R. W. (2012) Hesperioidea e Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) coligidos em expedicao aos Rios Nhamunda e Abacaxis, Amazonas, Brasil: novos subsidios para o conhecimento da biodiversidade da Amazonia Brasileira. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 56 (1), 23 - 28.","Lamas, G. (2004) Nymphalidae. Satyrinae. Tribe Haeterini, p. 205. In: Lamas, G. (Ed.), Checklist: Part 4 A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. In: Heppner, J. B. (Ed.), Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Vol. 5 A. Scientific Publishers, Association for Tropical Lepidoptera, Gainesville, pp. 205 - 215.","Mielke, O. H. H., Carneiro, E. & Casagrande, M. M. (2010) Lepidopterofauna (Papilionoidea e Hesperioidea) do Parque Estadual de Chandless e arredores, Acre, Brasil. Biota Neotropica, 10 (4), 285 - 299. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1590 / S 1676 - 06032010000400033","Salazar, J. A. & Constantino, L. M. (2007) Descripcion de nuevas especies de ropaloceros para Colombia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae, Ithomiinae, Riodinidae). Boletin Cientifico - Centro de Museos - Museu de Historia Natural, 11, 167 - 186.","Constantino, L. M. (1995) Revision de la tribu Haeterini Herrich-Schaffer, 1864 en Colombia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterologia, 23 (89), 49 - 76.","Willmott, K., Garwood, K., Garcia, T. & Hiruois, M. (2011) Satyrs (Satyrinae) of the Bigal River Biological Reserve (1100 - 435 m - Orellana Province, Ecuador), Sumaco National Parks' southern buffer zone. Available from: http: // bigalriverbiologicalreserve. org / es / (accessed 24 June 2014)","Willmott, K. R. & Hall, J. P. W. (2014) Butterflies of Ecuador. Available from: www. butterfliesofecuador. com (accessed 24 June 2014)","Petit, J. C. (2014) Butterflies of Sangay National Park (Ecuador). Available from: http: // www. sangay. eu / (accessed 24 June 2014)","Brown, F. M. (1948) Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Pierella (Lepidoptera). Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 31 (6), 49 - 87.","Warren, A. D., Davis, K. 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