X. Hao, Jiecheng Yang, D. Bazzacco, Wu Yiheng, Q. M. Chen, P. W. Luo, P. R. S. Gomes, Y. J. Yao, H. W. Li, B. J. Zhu, H. Q. Zhang, M. F. Guo, F. Galtarosa, L. Yu, D. Mengoni, C. Y. He, G. L. Zhang, C. Guo, X. G. Wu, A. Goasduff, J. Lubian, H. B. Sun, Yuanjie Zheng, Shi-Peng Hu, W. W. Qu, F. Wang, J. Zhong, C. B. Li, Guangsheng Li, M. Siciliano, E. T. Li, L. Zheng, D. A. Testov, P. R. John, J. J. Valiente-Dobón, R. Francesco, G. X. Zhang, and W. K. Zhou
Investigation of the breakup and transfer effect of weakly bound nuclei on the fusion process has been an interesting research topic in the past several years. However, owing to the low intensities of the presently available radioactive ion beam (RIB), it is difficult to clearly explore the reaction mechanisms of nuclear systems with unstable nuclei. In comparison with RIB, the beam intensities of stable weakly bound nuclei such as 6,7 Li and 9 Be, which have significant breakup probability, are orders of magnitude higher. Precise fusion measurements have already been performed with those stable weakly bound nuclei, and the effect of breakup of those nuclei on the fusion process has been extensively studied. Those nuclei indicated large production cross sections for particles other than the α + x breakup. The particles are originated from non-capture breakup (NCBU), incomplete fusion (ICF) and transfer processes. However, the conclusion of reaction dynamics was not clear and has the contradiction.In our previous experiments we have performed 6 Li+96 Zr and 154 Sm at HI-13 Tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) by using HPGe array. It is shown that there is a small complete fusion (CF) suppression on medium-mass target nucleus 96 Zr different from about 35% suppression on heavier target nucleus 154 Sm at near-barrier energies. It seems that the CF suppression factor depends on the charge of target nuclei. We also observed one neutron transfer process. However, the experimental data are scarce for medium-mass target nuclei.In order to have a proper understanding of the influence of breakup and transfer of weakly bound projectiles on the fusion process, we performed the 6 Li+89 Y experiment with incident energies of 22 MeV and 34 MeV on Galileo array in cooperation with Si-ball EUCLIDES at Legnaro National Laboratory (LNL) in Italy. Using particle-particle and particle-γ coincidences, the different reaction mechanisms can be clearly explored.