U radu je prikazana i pojašnjena kanonska normativa koja se bavi zaštitom prava na obranu, odnosno koja promatra, na poseban način, u ženidbenom postupku službu zastupnika, odvjetnika i stalnog odvjetnika. Prikazane su odredbe važećeg Zakonika kanonskog prava vezane uz pravo na obranu, odredbe upute Dostojanstvo ženidbe (Dignitas connubii) koja se na poseban način bavi ženidbenim parnicama, odnosno zaštitom prava ženidbenih drugova, te odredbe motu proprija Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus. U prvom dijelu rada obrađuju se uvjeti koji se traže za obavljanje službe zastupnika i odvjetnika, pravne odredbe koje promatraju i ravnaju ovim dvjema službama, obveze i prava zastupnika i odvjetnika te njihovo odricanje, uklanjanje i opoziv. Drugi dio bavi se Uredom za davanje pravnog savjeta pri crkvenim sudovima, odnosno obrađuje čl. 113 upute Dostojanstvo ženidbe, razrađuje organizaciju rada tog ureda te pobliže analizira ulogu stalnih odvjetnika u radu spomenutog ureda i otkrivanju kanonskog razloga ništavosti ženidbe., This paper presents and clarifies the canonical norms dealing with the protection of the right to a defense, specifically examining the service of litigation procurators, advocates and permanent advocates during the marriage process. The paper presents provisions of the Code of Canon Law relating to the right to defense, the provisions of the instruction Dignitas connubii, which deals specifically with marriage litigation, that is, the protection of the rights of married couples, and the provisions of the motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus. The first section deals with the conditions required for the work of litigation procurators and advocates, the legal provisions regarding their duties, their obligations and rights, and the circumstances in which they may be removed or withdrawn The second section deals with the Office for Legal Advice in Ecclesiastical Courts, that is, Art. 113 of the instructions laid out in The Dignity of Marriage, and elaborates on the organization of the work of this office, analyzing in more detail the role of the permanent advocates in the work of the office. It also deals with the presentation of canonical reasons for the annulment of a marriage.