15 results on '"Cvijović, Goran"'
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2. The impact of the transition radius lower flange-web on local stress of monorail crane girder
- Author
Cvijović Goran M. and Bošnjak Srđan M.
- Subjects
wide flange i-beams ,local bending ,strength ,fem ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 ,Mechanics of engineering. Applied mechanics ,TA349-359 - Abstract
Wide flange I-beams with parallel flange contours, which are now predominantly used in production of monorail crane girders, are characterized by a relatively large radial transition between flange contour and rib contour. Therefore, the influence of the radius on the stress state, due to the local bending caused by the action of crane trolley wheels, is more pronounced in wide-flange I-beams (IPB) than in conventional (I) and mid-wide (IPE) I-beams. This paper presents the results of numerical-analytical and experimental research of local stresses in the lower flange-rib transition zone at wide flange I-beams. It was found that the highest values of the considered stresses occur at the start of the transition contour, and not in the fictive point of intersection of the rib contour and the upper contour of the lower flange, as stated in relevant literature and current technical regulations (standard SRPS EN 15011: 2014). In addition, research results show that the absolute values of local stresses on the lower and upper contours of the lower flange are not equal.
- Published
- 2017
3. Non-surgical complications following bariatric surgery
- Author
Polovina Snežana, Micić Dragan, Micić Dušan, Šumarac-Dumanović Mirjana 0000-0002-6216, Kendereški Aleksandra, Micić J., Stamenković-Pejković Danica, Cvijović Goran, Zorić S., Jeremić D., and Bjelović Miloš
- Subjects
anaemia and bariatric surgery ,bone and bariatric surgery ,fertility and bariatric surgery ,addiction and bariatric surgery ,Medicine - Abstract
Bariatric surgery is the most efficient treatment for obesity and comorbidities. This treatment modality is the most potent for weight reduction with long-term weight maintenance and positive metabolic effects. The effect on weight loss and possible side effect depends of type of surgery. Micro and macronutrient deficiencies can occur after malapsorptive procedures. Iron deficiency occurs in almost half of patients following RYGB (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass). The main causes of iron deficiency are insufficient meat ingestion and lack of hydrochloric acid after removal of pylorus. B12 deficiency occured 6 months after RYGB in patients with oral supplementation of B12. Bone turnover increased three months after RYGB, and the levels of bone turnover markers increased 200% in next 12-18 months. Impaired vitamin D absorption leads to decreased calcium absorption and secondary hyperparathyroidism with lower bone mineral density. After the bariatric surgery, testosterone level becomes higher and all sexual quality indicators improving. Malapsorptive procedures with nutritive deficiency can cause oligo-astenozooteratospermia and male infertility. Due to the same reason pregnancy is not recommended in the first year bariatric surgery. Possible side effect of pregnancy within 12 months after surgery is fetal growth retardation. There is twice higher incidence for developing alcohol or other addition after bariatric surgery then in non-operated obese patients. The frequency of depressive episodes and suicide attempt is higher after bariatric surgery.
- Published
- 2017
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4. Calculation methods' comparative analysis of monorail hoist crane local bending effects
- Author
Cvijović Goran M. and Bošnjak Srđan M.
- Subjects
monorail hoist crane ,local bending ,EN 15011 ,finite element method ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
The results of numerical and experimental researches of local bending problems, carried on classic and medium-wide I profiles, were a basis for the adoption of the current standards (EN 15011: 2014) which regulates the action of the local stress caused by the effect of cart wheels. Regarding the fact that IPB (HE-B) wide flange profiles are largely used for production of the main carriers of monorail transport systems, this paper presents the results of the action of the local stress caused by the effect of cart wheels on the HE-A flange profile, using the methods and procedures of relevant researchers, the procedures prescribed by the standard EN 15011 as well as the results of calculations using finite element method. It has been revealed, based on comparative analysis of the results, that in the transition zone low flange / rib longitudinal local stress on the lower contour flange, determined using the above mentioned standards have tightening characteristic, while all other methods, including finite element method, give the pressing nature of the considered voltage. In addition, all of these procedures, except for the finite element method, adopt the assumption that absolute value of voltage, caused by local bending on upper and lower contour of the loaded flange, are the same, and there is no physical justification. Bearing in mind the fact that stress identification, caused by the flange local bending, is an extremely important phase proving the strength of monorail beams, we may conclude that the application of standard EN 15011 does not provide reliable results when it comes to wide flange profiles.
- Published
- 2016
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5. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism or Albright hereditary osteodistrophy like syndrome 1
- Author
Stamenković-Pejković Danica, Gligić Ana, Cvijović Goran, Zorić Svetlana, Jeremić Danka A., Polovina Snežana, Kendereški Aleksandra, Micić Dragan, and Šumarac-Dumanović Mirjana
- Subjects
pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism ,albright hereditary osteodystrophy ,albright hereditary osteodystrophy like syndrome ,gnas 1 gene ,Medicine - Abstract
Introduction: pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) is hormone resistance syndrome described for the first time in 1942 by Albright et al. All this patients had high levels of the PTH and specific skeletal deformities which were later termed as Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO). The PTH requires the alpha subunit of G protein for its action. GNAS1 gene encodes the alpha subunit of the G protein and molecular defects in this gene lead to the occurrence of at least four different forms of this syndrome. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (PPHP) is a form of PHP which is characterized by physical features of AHO without any evidence of PTH resistance. Albright hereditary osteodystrophy like syndrome (AHO like syndrome) has some common characteristics with AHO but is not connected with the molecular defect in the GNAS 1 gene. Case outline: we reported the case of the female patient with the phenotypic characteristics of AHO (brachydactyly, short stature, mild degree of intelectual deficit and genu varum) but without any evidence of PTH resistance. PPHP occurs mainly in families with PHP 1a and it is inherited from the father which is not the case with our patient. There is a theoretical possibility that the mutation of the GNAS 1 gene occurred de novo but without genetic testing the 2q37 deletion and AHO like syndrome can not be excluded. Conclusion: in same cases of PPHP the diagnosis of AHO like syndrome should be considered but the only way to make the precise diagnosis is the genetic testing as it was in our case.
- Published
- 2016
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6. Истраживање утицаја локалног оптерећења точкова колица на напонска стања једношинских носача машина за механизацију
- Author
Cvijović, Goran M., Bošnjak, Srđan, Stupar, Slobodan, Zrnić, Nenad, Gašić, Milomir, and Milković, Dragan
- Subjects
standardization ,стандардизација ,industry ,ISO 50001 ,energy management ,АХП метода ,индустрија ,менаџмент енергије ,maturity model ,AHP method ,кластер анализа ,модел зрелости ,cluster analysis - Abstract
Циљ истраживања је утврђивање тренутног стања по питању примене пракси менаџмента енергије у индустрији Србије, и на основу резултата, предлог начина за побољшање. Мотивација за овакву тему је притисак европске регулативе на примену мера за уштеду енергије, као и потреба за испуњавањем одредби једног од најзахтевнијих поглавља за приступање Европској унији, поглавља 27, које се односи на заштиту животне средине. Стандарди за систем менаџмента енергије, на којима се ово истраживање заснива, разматрају енергетску перформансу коју постиже организација. Један од најпознатијих представника ове врсте стандарда је ISO 50001. Iстраживањем је закључено да индустријски сектор „Прерађивачка индустрија“ има у свету највећи број сертификата за систем менаџмента енергије (75%). Ова анализа је коришћена како би се даље истраживање усмерило на наведени индустријски сектор. Коришћењем АХП методе као алата одлучивања, дефинисани су приоритети за побољшање менаџмента енергије међу секторима прерађивачке индустрије у Србији. Критеријуми који су коришћени су: 1) Промена у нивоу производње, 2) Учешће у извозу, 3) Емисије CO2 из употребе фосилних горива, 4) Учешће у укупном финалном коришћењу енергије, и 5) Сертификација ISO 50001 у Европи. АХП метода је коришћена као алат за идентификовање у којим секторима прерађивачке индустрије у Србији постоји највећа потреба и оправданост за побољшање менаџмента енергије, а добијени резултати се могу користити као улазни елементи за креирање енергетске политике и основа за поређење са другим државама. На основу резултата, за даљу анализу су изабрани сектори „Прехрамбена индустрија“ и „Производња производа од осталих неметалних минерала“. На овај начин је проширено подручје примене АХП методе на нове проблеме и дефинисани су до сада некоришћени критеријуми одлучивања у случају предметног проблема. Спроведена је анализа нивоа примене захтева за систем менаџмента енергије у приоритетним секторима прерађивачке индустрије у Србији, која показује да се ниво примене менаџмента енергије у Србији креће од 11,76% до 100%, средња вредност је 59,05%, а одступање од средње вредности је 25,90%. 53,85% организација има ниво примене захтева испод просека, док је проценат организација које се налазе изнад просека 46,15%. Потпуна примена захтева за систем менаџмента енергије је утврђена у само 5,8% испитаних организација. Организације углавном имају дефинисан енергетски профил, комуницирају о менаџменту енергије и разматрају енергетску перформансу током пројектовања. Међутим, документација система готово и да не постоји, самим тим нема ни енергетске политике, а преиспитивања система и примена побољшања су ретка, највише из финансијских разлога... The aim of this research is to determine the current status of the energy management application in Serbian industry, and, based on the results, to propose ways to improve the current situation. The motivation for the topic is increasing pressure on the European regulation on energy savings, as well as the need to meet the provisions of one of the most challenging chapters for accession to the European Union, Chapter 27, which relates to environmental protection. Standards for energy management system, on which this research is based, discusses energy performance achieved by the organization. ISO 50001 is one of the representatives of this kind of standards. The analysis showed that the industrial sector "Manufacturing" has the world's highest number of certificates for the energy management system (75%). Such an analysis directed research toward manufacturing industry in Serbia. By using AHP method as a decision tool, priorities for improving the energy management among the sectors of manufacturing industry in Serbia were structured. The criteria used are: 1) Change in the production level, 2) Participation in exports, 3) CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use, 4) Share in total final energy use, and 5) Certification ISO 50001 in Europe. The AHP method was used as a tool for identifying which sectors of manufacturing industry in Serbia have the greatest need for the energy management improvement. The results can be used as inputs for energy policy, as well as the basis for benchmarking with other countries. Based on the results, sectors „Food Industry“ and „Manufacture of other non-metallic minerals“ were chosen for further analysis in this research. In this way, the scope of the AHP application was expanded to new problems, and so far unused decision criteria for the decision problem were defined. An analysis of the implementation level of energy management system in priority sectors of the manufacturing industry in Serbia was conducted. Results show that the level of energy management implementation in Serbia ranges from 11.76% to 100%, with a mean of 59.05%, and standard deviation of 25.90%. 53.85% of organizations have an implementation level below average while the percentage of organizations that are above the average is 46.15%. Full implementation of energy management system was determined in only 5.8% of the surveyed organizations. Organizations usually have a defined energy profile, communicate about energy management topics, and energy performance is considered in the design. However, the documentation system almost does not exist, energy policy does not exist, a system review and improvements are rare, mostly for financial reasons. If we observe data on the full energy management system implementation, we can see that the level of energy management implementation in Serbia is within the limits specified by the study in Denmark, far from the Swedish average, but the results obtained for 90-100% implementation are very close to the results obtained in Turkey...
- Published
- 2016
7. Uticaj radijusa tranzicije donji pojas-rebro na lokalne napone
- Author
Cvijović, Goran M., Bošnjak, Srđan, Cvijović, Goran M., and Bošnjak, Srđan
- Abstract
Širokopojasne profile sa paralelnom konturom pojaseva, koji se danas dominantno koriste za izradu jednošinskih nosača dizalica, karakteriše relativno veliki radijus tranzicije konture pojasa u konturu rebra. Upravo zbog toga, uticaj pomenutog radijusa na naponsko stanje izazvano lokalnim savijanjem usled dejstva točkova dizaličnih kolica znatno je izraženiji kod širokopojasnih (IPB) profila, u odnosu na klasične I profile i srednje široke (IPE) profile. U radu su prezentirani rezultati numeričko-analitičkog i eksperimentalnog istraživanja lokalnih napona u zoni tranzicije donji pojas/rebro kod širokopojasnih profila. Utvrđeno je da se najveće vrednosti razmatranih napona javljaju na početku tranzicije konture, a ne u tački fiktivnog preseka konture rebra i donje konture donjeg pojasa, kako se navodi u relevantnoj literaturi i aktuelnoj tehničkoj regulativi (standard EN 15011:2014). Osim toga, rezultati istraživanja dokazuju da apsolutne vrednosti lokalnih napona na donjoj i gornjoj konturi nisu jednake., Wide flange I-beams with parallel flange contours, which are now predominantly used in production of monorail crane girders, are characterized by a relatively large radial transition between flange contour and rib contour. Therefore, the influence of the radius on the stress state, due to the local bending caused by the action of crane trolley wheels, is more pronounced in wide-flange I-beams (IPB) than in conventional (I) and mid-wide (IPE) I-beams. This paper presents the results of numerical-analytical and experimental research of local stresses in the lower flange-rib transition zone at wide flange I-beams. It was found that the highest values of the considered stresses occur at the start of the transition contour, and not in the fictive point of intersection of the rib contour and the upper contour of the lower flange, as stated in relevant literature and current technical regulations (standard SRPS EN 15011: 2014). In addition, research results show that the absolute values of local stresses on the lower and upper contours of the lower flange are not equal.
- Published
- 2017
8. Sekrecija insulina i insulinska senzitivnost perifernih tkiva pre i nakon radikalnog lečenja primarnog hiperparatireoidizma
- Author
Micić, Dragan, Žarković, Miloš, Kendereški, Aleksandra, Hajduković, Zoran, Cvijović, Goran M., Micić, Dragan, Žarković, Miloš, Kendereški, Aleksandra, Hajduković, Zoran, and Cvijović, Goran M.
- Abstract
Uvod i cilj: Prethodno je uočeno postojanje insulinske rezistencije i povećana prevalenca oštećene tolerancije na glikozu i tipa 2 dijabetesa kod pacijenata sa primarnim hiperparatireoidizmom. Efekat paratireoidektomije na insulinsku senzitivnost je praćen kontraverznim nalazima u zavisnosti od metode koja je korištena za procenu insulinske senzitivnosti: nije bilo promene kada su korišteni HOMA i QUICKI dok je Minimalnim modelom pokazano značajno poboljšanje insulinske senzitivnosti.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se proceni insulinska senzitivnost pre i nakon paratireoidektomije kod pacijenata sa PHPT putem euglikemijskog hiperinsulinemijskog klampa. Materijal i metode: Kod 44 pacijenta sa PHPT i 11 zdravih kontrola komparabilne starosti i indeksa telesne mase procenjivali smo insulinsku senzitivnost (pomoću tehnike klampa, HOMA IR i ISI indeksa), insulinsku sekreciju (putem površine pod krivom za glikemije i insulinemije tokom OGTTa i izračunavajući akutni insulinski odgovor iz podataka dobijenih IVGTTom), lipidni profil i nivo hsCRP kao marker hronične inflamacije. Rezultati: Pre operacije vrednosti M indeksa i HOMA IR su ukazivale na postojanje insulinske rezistencije kod pacijenata sa PHPT. Nije bilo razlike u M indeksu (3.74±1.89 vs 4.62±2.27, p >0.05), HOMA IR (2.94±1.39 vs. 3.29±0.81, p > 0.05), AUC glikoze (863.0±261.3 vs 842.3±165.5, p>0.05), AUC insulina (7068.7±4159.0 vs 7229.6±2581.7, p>0.05), ISI (4.73±2.77 vs 4.25±2.94, p>0.05) i AIR (47.89±32.05 vs. 38.96±21.20, p>0.05) izmeĎu pacijenata sa PHPT i zdravih kontrola. Došlo je do značajnog poboljšanja insulinske senzitivnosti nakon operacije al ii preoperativna i postoperativna vrednost M indeksa se nisu razlikovale od zdravih kontrola. Nije uočena promena u HOMA IR, AUC za glikozu i insulin ISI i AIR, lipidima i hsCRP nakon operacije. Zaključak: Dobili smo značajno poboljšanje insulinske senzitivnosti nakon paratireoidektomije kod pacijenata sa PHPT koristeći klamp tehniku. Postoperativno nije do došlo do zn, Background and Aims: Previous studies demonstrated insulin resistance and increased prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). The effect of curative parathyroidectomy on insulin sensitivity was associated with conflicting results depending on which method for measuring the insulin sensitivity has been used. There was no improvement using HOMA and QUICKI while minimal model demonstrated significant improvement in insulin sensitivity. The aim of our study was to evaluate the insulin sensitivity before and after parathyroidectomy in patients with PHPT using a euglycemic clamp. Material i methods: Forty-four patients with PHPT and eleven age and body mass index matched healthy controls participated in study protocol. We measured insulin sensitivity using euglycemic clamp technique, HOMA IR and ISI. Insulin secretion was evaluated using area under the curve for glucose and insulin during OGTT and calculating the acute insulin response durin IVGTT. Also, lipid profile and hsCRP were evaluated Results: Before surgery M values and HOMA IR suggest insulin resistance in patients with PHPT. There was no difference in M index (3.74±1.89 vs 4.62±2.27, p >0.05), HOMA IR (2.94±1.39 vs. 3.29±0.81, p > 0.05), AUC glucose (863.0±261.3 vs 842.3±165.5, p>0.05), AUC insulin (7068.7±4159.0 vs 7229.6±2581.7, p>0.05), ISI (4.73±2.77 vs 4.25±2.94, p>0.05) and AIR (47.89±32.05 vs. 38.96±21.20, p>0.05) between patients with PHPT and HC. There was significant improvement in insulin sensitivity after parathyroidectomy but both preoperative and postoperative M values were not significantly different in comparison to HC. There were no significant changes in HOMA IR, AUC glucose, AUC insulin, ISI and AIR before and after therapy, as well in lipid and hsCRP levels. Conclusion: we observed significant improvement in insulin sensitivity after parathyroidectomy in patients with PHPT. There was no difference in parameters
- Published
- 2016
9. Истраживање утицаја локалног оптерећења точкова колица на напонска стања једношинских носача машина за механизацију
- Author
Bošnjak, Srđan, Stupar, Slobodan, Zrnić, Nenad, Gašić, Milomir, Milković, Dragan, Cvijović, Goran M., Bošnjak, Srđan, Stupar, Slobodan, Zrnić, Nenad, Gašić, Milomir, Milković, Dragan, and Cvijović, Goran M.
- Abstract
Циљ истраживања је утврђивање тренутног стања по питању примене пракси менаџмента енергије у индустрији Србије, и на основу резултата, предлог начина за побољшање. Мотивација за овакву тему је притисак европске регулативе на примену мера за уштеду енергије, као и потреба за испуњавањем одредби једног од најзахтевнијих поглавља за приступање Европској унији, поглавља 27, које се односи на заштиту животне средине. Стандарди за систем менаџмента енергије, на којима се ово истраживање заснива, разматрају енергетску перформансу коју постиже организација. Један од најпознатијих представника ове врсте стандарда је ISO 50001. Iстраживањем је закључено да индустријски сектор „Прерађивачка индустрија“ има у свету највећи број сертификата за систем менаџмента енергије (75%). Ова анализа је коришћена како би се даље истраживање усмерило на наведени индустријски сектор. Коришћењем АХП методе као алата одлучивања, дефинисани су приоритети за побољшање менаџмента енергије међу секторима прерађивачке индустрије у Србији. Критеријуми који су коришћени су: 1) Промена у нивоу производње, 2) Учешће у извозу, 3) Емисије CO2 из употребе фосилних горива, 4) Учешће у укупном финалном коришћењу енергије, и 5) Сертификација ISO 50001 у Европи. АХП метода је коришћена као алат за идентификовање у којим секторима прерађивачке индустрије у Србији постоји највећа потреба и оправданост за побољшање менаџмента енергије, а добијени резултати се могу користити као улазни елементи за креирање енергетске политике и основа за поређење са другим државама. На основу резултата, за даљу анализу су изабрани сектори „Прехрамбена индустрија“ и „Производња производа од осталих неметалних минерала“. На овај начин је проширено подручје примене АХП методе на нове проблеме и дефинисани су до сада некоришћени критеријуми одлучивања у случају предметног проблема. Спроведена је анализа нивоа примене захтева за систем менаџмента енергије у приоритетним секторима прерађивачке индустрије у Србији, која показује да се ни, The aim of this research is to determine the current status of the energy management application in Serbian industry, and, based on the results, to propose ways to improve the current situation. The motivation for the topic is increasing pressure on the European regulation on energy savings, as well as the need to meet the provisions of one of the most challenging chapters for accession to the European Union, Chapter 27, which relates to environmental protection. Standards for energy management system, on which this research is based, discusses energy performance achieved by the organization. ISO 50001 is one of the representatives of this kind of standards. The analysis showed that the industrial sector "Manufacturing" has the world's highest number of certificates for the energy management system (75%). Such an analysis directed research toward manufacturing industry in Serbia. By using AHP method as a decision tool, priorities for improving the energy management among the sectors of manufacturing industry in Serbia were structured. The criteria used are: 1) Change in the production level, 2) Participation in exports, 3) CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use, 4) Share in total final energy use, and 5) Certification ISO 50001 in Europe. The AHP method was used as a tool for identifying which sectors of manufacturing industry in Serbia have the greatest need for the energy management improvement. The results can be used as inputs for energy policy, as well as the basis for benchmarking with other countries. Based on the results, sectors „Food Industry“ and „Manufacture of other non-metallic minerals“ were chosen for further analysis in this research. In this way, the scope of the AHP application was expanded to new problems, and so far unused decision criteria for the decision problem were defined. An analysis of the implementation level of energy management system in priority sectors of the manufacturing industry in Serbia was conducted. Results show that the level of
- Published
- 2016
10. Uporedna analiza metoda proračuna uticaja lokalnog savijanja pojasa jednošinskih nosača dizalica
- Author
Cvijović, Goran M., Bošnjak, Srđan, Cvijović, Goran M., and Bošnjak, Srđan
- Abstract
Rezultati numeričko-eksperimentalnih istraživanja problema lokalnog savijanja, obavljenih na klasičnim i srednje širokim I profilima, predstavljali su osnovu za donošenje aktuelnog standarda (EN 15011:2014) koji propisuje postupak proračuna lokalnih napona izazvanih dejstvom točkova kolica. S obzirom na činjenicu da se za izradu glavnih nosača jednošinskih transportnih sistema danas dominantno koriste širokopojasni IPB (HE-A, HE-B) profili, u radu su prezentirani rezultati proračuna lokalnih napona izazvanih dejstvom točkova kolica na pojas profila HE-A, primenom metoda i postupaka relevantnih istraživača, postupka koji propisuje standard EN 15011, kao i rezultati proračuna primenom metode konačnih elemenata. Na osnovu uporedne analize rezultata uočeno je da u zoni tranzicije donji pojas/rebro podužni lokalni naponi na donjoj konturi pojasa, određeni primenom navedenog standarda imaju zatežući karakter, dok sve ostale metode, uključujući i metodu konačnih elemenata, daju pritiskujući karakter razmatranih napona. Osim toga, svi navedeni postupci, izuzev metode konačnih elemenata, usvajaju pretpostavku da su na gornjoj i donjoj konturi opterećenog pojasa apsolutne vrednosti napona izazvanih lokalnim savijanjem jednake, što nema fizičkog opravdanja. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da identifikacija napona izazvanih lokalnim savijanjem pojasa predstavlja izuzetno važnu etapu dokazivanja čvrstoće jednošinskih nosača, zaključuje se da primena standarda EN 15011 ne daje pouzdane rezultate kada je reč o širokopojasnim profilima., The results of numerical and experimental researches of local bending problems, carried on classic and medium-wide I profiles, were a basis for the adoption of the current standards (EN 15011: 2014) which regulates the action of the local stress caused by the effect of cart wheels. Regarding the fact that IPB (HE-B) wide flange profiles are largely used for production of the main carriers of monorail transport systems, this paper presents the results of the action of the local stress caused by the effect of cart wheels on the HE-A flange profile, using the methods and procedures of relevant researchers, the procedures prescribed by the standard EN 15011 as well as the results of calculations using finite element method. It has been revealed, based on comparative analysis of the results, that in the transition zone low flange / rib longitudinal local stress on the lower contour flange, determined using the above mentioned standards have tightening characteristic, while all other methods, including finite element method, give the pressing nature of the considered voltage. In addition, all of these procedures, except for the finite element method, adopt the assumption that absolute value of voltage, caused by local bending on upper and lower contour of the loaded flange, are the same, and there is no physical justification. Bearing in mind the fact that stress identification, caused by the flange local bending, is an extremely important phase proving the strength of monorail beams, we may conclude that the application of standard EN 15011 does not provide reliable results when it comes to wide flange profiles.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Cvijović, Goran
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Polovina, Snežana, Micić, Dragan, Micić, Dušan, Dumanović, Mirjana Šumarac, Kendereški, Aleksandra, Micić, J., Pejković, Danica Stamenković, Cvijović, Goran, Zorić, S., Jeremić, D., and Bjelović, Miloš
- Subjects
FETAL growth retardation ,BONE density ,BARIATRIC surgery ,GASTRIC bypass ,WEIGHT loss ,FETAL surgery - Abstract
Copyright of Medical Gazette / Medicinski Glasnik is the property of Specijalna bolnica za bolesti stitaste zlezde i bolesti metabolizma Zlatibor and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Stamenković-Pejković, Danica, Gligić, Ana, Cvijović, Goran, Zorić, Svetlana, A., Danka Jeremić, Polovina, Snežana, Kendereški, Aleksandra, Micić, Dragan, and Šumarac-Dumanović, Mirjana
- Abstract
Copyright of Medical Gazette / Medicinski Glasnik is the property of Specijalna bolnica za bolesti stitaste zlezde i bolesti metabolizma Zlatibor and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Cvijović, Goran
- Subjects
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BONE density , *TYPE 2 diabetes , *META-analysis , *HIP fractures , *BODY weight , *FEMUR neck - Abstract
Epidemy of obesity is associated with increased incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Patients with T2DM has two fold increased risk for developing fractures inspit normal or even increased bone mineral density (BMD). That is consequence of poor bone quality due to accumulation of AGEs in collagen fi bres as well decreased effects of insulin and adiponectin on osteoblasts and cytokine stimulation of osteoclast activity. Another signifi cant factor is increased frequency of falls due to polyneuropathy, retinopathy and hypoglycemia. Obesity without T2DM was considered as protective factor for fractures although there is insulin resistance and chronic infl ammation, probably due to increased production of estrogen and leptin. Recent studies demonstrated that obese patients has increased risk for fractures of humerus, femur and foot, while the risk for hip fracture is decreased. Meta analysis shown that abdominal obesity is associated with risk for hip fracture. Evaluation of BMD and radiographic parameters of bone strength should be done using this indices per body weight instead of absolute values. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
15. Reninoma as a cause of severe hypertension and poor pregnancy outcome in young woman.
- Author
Stamenković-Pejković, Danica, Šumarac-Dumanović, Mirjana, Bojanić, Nebojša, Marković-Lipkovski, Jasmina, Vještica, Jelena, Ivanović, Aleksandar, Cvijović, Goran, Gligić, Ana, Bumbaširević, Uroš, Jelić, Svetlana, Polovina, Snežana, and Micić, Dragan
- Subjects
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CELL tumors , *KIDNEY tumors , *HYPERTENSION in pregnancy , *COMPUTED tomography , *MAGNETIC resonance imaging , *MISCARRIAGE - Abstract
Introduction. Juxtaglomerular cell tumor (JGCT) or reninoma is a very rare cause of curable hypertension among young people. The early diagnosis is the most important based on the clinical presentation, hormonal and radiological findings observed on computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The final confirmation of the JGCT is the lateralization of the plasma renin activity (PRA) during the selective renal venous sampling. Case report. This report presents a typical case of young women with JGCT which was manifested for the first time with severe hypertension during the pregnancy and was the reason of fetal death. After the miscarriage, the diagnosis of JGCT was made by the CT scanning and confirmed by the selective renal venous sampling. After the partial nephrectomy, the blood pressure and serum potassium normalized without the medications. Conclusion. Reninoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis as a cause of severe hypertension in pregnancy and also should be suspected in young hipertensives (especially females) with hypokalemia and secondary hyperaldosteronism after the exclusion of other causes particularly renal artery stenosis. A dynamic contrast-enhanced CT, MRI and selective renal venous sampling are the most important tools in the diagnosis of JGCT. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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