104 results on '"Capizzi M"'
Search Results
2. The contribution of the supplementary motor area to explicit and implicit timing: A high-definition transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (HD-tRNS) study
- Author
Capizzi, M., Visalli, A., Wiener, M., and Mioni, G.
- Published
- 2023
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3. A lithographic approach for quantum dot-photonic crystal nanocavity coupling in dilute nitrides
- Author
Pettinari, G., Gerardino, A., Businaro, L., Polimeni, A., Capizzi, M., Hopkinson, M., Rubini, S., Biccari, F., Intonti, F., Vinattieri, A., Gurioli, M., and Felici, M.
- Published
- 2017
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4. A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Legate, N, Ngyuen, T-V, Weinstein, N, Moller, A, Legault, L, Vally, Z, Tajchman, Z, Zsido, AN, Zrimsek, M, Chen, Z, Ziano, I, Gialitaki, Z, Ceary, CD, Jang, Y, Lin, Y, Kunisato, Y, Yamada, Y, Xiao, Q, Jiang, X, Du, X, Yao, E, Ryan, WS, Wilson, JP, Cyrus-Lai, W, Jimenez-Leal, W, Law, W, Unanue, W, Collins, WM, Richard, KL, Vranka, M, Ankushev, V, Schei, V, DePaola, C, Lerche, V, Kovic, V, Križanić, V, Kadreva, VH, Adoric, VC, Tran, US, Yeung, SK, Hassan, W, Houston, R, Machin, MA, Lima, TJS, Ostermann, T, Frizzo, T, Sverdrup, TE, House, T, Gill, T, Fedotov, M, Paltrow, T, Jernsäther, T, Rahman, T, Machin, T, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M, Hostler, TJ, Ishii, T, Szaszi, B, Adamus, S, Suter, L, von Bormann, SM, Habib, S, Studzinska, A, Stojanovska, D, Janssen, SMJ, Stieger, S, Schulenberg, SE, Tatachari, S, Azouaghe, S, Sorokowski, P, Sorokowska, A, Song, X, Morbée, S, Lewis, S, Sinkolova, S, Grigoryev, D, Drexler, SM, Daches, S, Levine, SL, Geniole, SN, Akter, S, Vračar, S, Massoni, S, Costa, S, Zorjan, S, Sarioguz, E, Izquierdo, SM, Tshonda, SS, Alves, SG, Pöntinen, S, Solas, SÁ, Ordoñez-Riaño, S, Očovaj, SB, Onie, S, Lins, S, Biberauer, T, Çoksan, S, Khumkom, S, Sacakli, A, Ruiz-Fernández, S, Geiger, SJ, FatahModares, S, Walczak, RB, Betlehem, R, Vilar, R, Cárcamo, RA, Ross, RM, McCarthy, R, Ballantyne, T, Westgate, EC, Ryan, RM, Gargurevich, R, Afhami, R, Ren, D, Monteiro, RP, Reips, U-D, Reggev, N, Calin-Jageman, RJ, Pourafshari, R, Oliveira, R, Nedelcheva-Datsova, M, Rahal, R-M, Ribeiro, RR, Radtke, T, Searston, R, Jai-ai, R, Habte, R, Zdybek, P, Chen, S-C, Wajanatinapart, P, Maturan, PLG, Perillo, JT, Isager, PM, Kačmár, P, Macapagal, PM, Maniaci, MR, Szwed, P, Hanel, PHP, Forbes, PAG, Arriaga, P, Paris, B, Parashar, N, Papachristopoulos, K, Correa, PS, Kácha, O, Bernardo, M, Campos, O, Bravo, ON, Galindo-Caballero, OJ, Ogbonnaya, CE, Bialobrzeska, O, Kiselnikova, N, Simonovic, N, Cohen, N, Nock, NL, Hernandez, A, Thogersen-Ntoumani, C, Ntoumanis, N, Johannes, N, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Say, N, Neubauer, AB, Martin, NI, Levy, N, Torunsky, N, Antwerpen, NV, Doren, NV, Sunami, N, Rachev, NR, Majeed, NM, Schmidt, N-D, Nadif, K, Corral-Frías, NS, Ouherrou, N, Abbas, N, Pantazi, M, Lucas, MY, Vasilev, MR, Victoria Ortiz, M, Butt, MM, Kurfalı, M, Kabir, M, Muda, R, Rivera, MDCMCT, Sirota, M, Seehuus, M, Parzuchowski, M, Toro, M, Hricova, M, Maldonado, MA, Rentzelas, P, Vansteenkiste, M, Metz, MA, Marszalek, M, Karekla, M, Mioni, G, Bosma, MJ, Westerlund, M, Vdovic, M, Bialek, M, Silan, MA, Anne, M, Misiak, M, Gugliandolo, MC, Grinberg, M, Capizzi, M, Espinoza Barría, MF, Kurfali, MA, Mensink, MC, Harutyunyan, M, Khosla, M, Dunn, MR, Korbmacher, M, Adamkovič, M, Ribeiro, MFF, Terskova, M, Hruška, M, Martončik, M, Jansen, M, Voracek, M, Čadek, M, Frias-Armenta, M, Kowal, M, Topor, M, Roczniewska, M, Oosterlinck, M, Kohlová, MB, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Sabristov, M, Romanova, M, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Lund, ML, Antoniadi, M, Magrin, ME, Jones, MV, Li, M, Ortiz, MS, Manavalan, M, Muminov, A, Kossowska, M, Friedemann, M, Wielgus, M, van Hooff, MLM, Varella, MAC, Standage, M, Nicolotti, M, Colloff, MF, Bradford, M, Vaughn, LA, Eudave, L, Vieira, L, Lu, JG, Pineda, LMS, Matos, L, Pérez, LC, Lazarevic, LB, Jaremka, LM, Smit, ES, Kushnir, E, Ferguson, LJ, Anton-Boicuk, L, Lins de Holanda Coelho, G, Ahlgren, L, Liga, F, Levitan, CA, Micheli, L, Gunton, L-A, Volz, L, Stojanovska, M, Boucher, L, Samojlenko, L, Delgado, LGJ, Kaliska, L, Beatrix, L, Warmelink, L, Rojas-Berscia, LM, Yu, K, Wylie, K, Wachowicz, J, Desai, K, Barzykowski, K, Kozma, L, Evans, K, Kirgizova, K, Emmanuel Agesin, BB, Koehn, MA, Wolfe, K, Korobova, T, Morris, K, Klevjer, K, van Schie, K, Vezirian, K, Damnjanović, K, Thommesen, KK, Schmidt, K, Filip, K, Staniaszek, K, Grzech, K, Hoyer, K, Moon, K, Khaobunmasiri, S, Rana, K, Janjić, K, Suchow, JW, Kielińska, J, Cruz Vásquez, JE, Chanal, J, Beitner, J, Vargas-Nieto, JC, Roxas, JCT, Taber, J, Urriago-Rayo, J, Pavlacic, JM, Benka, J, Bavolar, J, Soto, JA, Olofsson, JK, Vilsmeier, JK, Messerschmidt, J, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Waterschoot, J, Moss, JD, Boudesseul, J, Lee, JM, Kamburidis, J, Joy-Gaba, JA, Zickfeld, J, Miranda, JF, Verharen, JPH, Hristova, E, Beshears, JE, Djordjevic, JM, Bosch, J, Valentova, JV, Antfolk, J, Berkessel, JB, Schrötter, J, Urban, J, Röer, JP, Norton, JO, Silva, JR, Pickering, JS, Vintr, J, Uttley, J, Kunst, JR, Ndukaihe, ILG, Iyer, A, Vilares, I, Ivanov, A, Ropovik, I, Sula, I, Sarieva, I, Metin-Orta, I, Prusova, I, Pinto, I, Bozdoc, AI, Almeida, IAT, Pit, IL, Dalgar, I, Zakharov, I, Arinze, AI, Ihaya, K, Stephen, ID, Gjoneska, B, Brohmer, H, Flowe, H, Godbersen, H, Kocalar, HE, Hedgebeth, MV, Chuan-Peng, H, Sharifian, M, Manley, H, Akkas, H, Hajdu, N, Azab, H, Kaminski, G, Nilsonne, G, Anjum, G, Travaglino, GA, Feldman, G, Pfuhl, G, Czarnek, G, Marcu, GM, Hofer, G, Banik, G, Adetula, GA, Bijlstra, G, Verbruggen, F, Kung, FYH, Martela, F, Foroni, F, Forest, J, Singer, G, Muchembled, F, Azevedo, F, Mosannenzadeh, F, Marinova, E, Štrukelj, E, Etebari, Z, Bradshaw, EL, Baskin, E, Garcia, EOL, Musser, E, van Steenkiste, IMM, Ahn, ER, Quested, E, Pronizius, E, Jackson, EA, Manunta, E, Agadullina, E, Šakan, D, Dursun, P, Dujols, O, Dubrov, D, Willis, M, Tümer, M, Beaudry, JL, Popović, D, Dunleavy, D, Djamai, I, Krupić, D, Herrera, D, Vega, D, Du, H, Mola, D, Chakarova, D, Davis, WE, Holford, DL, Lewis, DMG, Vaidis, DC, Ozery, DH, Ricaurte, DZ, Storage, D, Sousa, D, Alvarez, DS, Boller, D, Rosa, AD, Dimova, D, Marko, D, Moreau, D, Reeck, C, Correia, RC, Whitt, CM, Lamm, C, Solorzano, CS, von Bastian, CC, Sutherland, CAM, Overkott, C, Aberson, CL, Wang, C, Niemiec, CP, Karashiali, C, Noone, C, Chiu, F, Picciocchi, C, Brownlow, C, Karaarslan, C, Cellini, N, Esteban-Serna, C, Reyna, C, Ferreyra, C, Batres, C, Li, R, Grano, C, Carpentier, J, Tamnes, CK, Fu, CHY, Ishkhanyan, B, Bylinina, L, Jaeger, B, Bundt, C, Allred, TB, Vermote, BJ, Bokkour, A, Bogatyreva, N, Shi, J, Chopik, WJ, Antazo, B, Behzadnia, B, Becker, M, Bayyat, MM, Cocco, B, Chou, W-L, Barkoukis, V, Hubena, B, Žuro, B, Aczel, B, Baklanova, E, Bai, H, Balci, BB, Babinčák, P, Soenens, B, Dixson, BJW, Mokady, A, Kappes, HB, Atari, M, Szala, A, Szabelska, A, Aruta, JJB, Domurat, A, Arinze, NC, Modena, A, Adiguzel, A, Monajem, A, ARABI, KAITEL, Özdoğru, AA, Rothbaum, AO, Torres, AO, Theodoropoulou, A, Skowronek, A, Jurković, AP, Singh, A, Kassianos, AP, Findor, A, Hartanto, A, Landry, AT, Ferreira, A, Santos, AC, De la Rosa-Gomez, A, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A, Luxon, AM, Todsen, AL, Karababa, A, Janak, A, Pilato, A, Bran, A, Tullett, AM, Kuzminska, AO, Krafnick, AJ, Urooj, A, Khaoudi, A, Ahmed, A, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Askelund, AD, Adetula, A, Belaus, A, Charyate, AC, Wichman, AL, Stoyanova, A, Greenburgh, A, Thomas, AG, Arvanitis, A, Forscher, PS, Mallik, PR, Coles, NA, Miller, JK, Moshontz, H, Urry, HL, IJzerman, H, Basnight-Brown, DM, Ebersole, CR, Chartier, CR, Buchanan, EM, Primbs, MA, Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies, Clinical Psychology, Legate, N, Nguyen, T, Weinstein, N, Moller, A, Legault, L, Vally, Z, Tajchman, Z, Zsido, A, Zrimsek, M, Chen, Z, Ziano, I, Gialitaki, Z, Ceary, C, Jang, Y, Lin, Y, Kunisato, Y, Yamada, Y, Xiao, Q, Jiang, X, Du, X, Yao, E, Ryan, W, Wilson, J, Cyrus-Lai, W, Jimenez-Leal, W, Law, W, Unanue, W, Collins, W, Richard, K, Vranka, M, Ankushev, V, Schei, V, Lerche, V, Kovic, V, Krizanic, V, Kadreva, V, Adoric, V, Tran, U, Yeung, S, Hassan, W, Houston, R, Machin, M, Lima, T, Ostermann, T, Frizzo, T, Sverdrup, T, House, T, Gill, T, Fedotov, M, Paltrow, T, Jernsather, T, Rahman, T, Machin, T, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M, Hostler, T, Ishii, T, Szaszi, B, Adamus, S, Suter, L, von Bormann, S, Habib, S, Studzinska, A, Stojanovska, D, Janssen, S, Stieger, S, Schulenberg, S, Tatachari, S, Azouaghe, S, Sorokowski, P, Sorokowska, A, Song, X, Morbee, S, Lewis, S, Sinkolova, S, Grigoryev, D, Drexler, S, Daches, S, Levine, S, Geniole, S, Akter, S, Vracar, S, Massoni, S, Costa, S, Zorjan, S, Sarioguz, E, Izquierdo, S, Tshonda, S, Alves, S, Pontinen, S, Solas, S, Ordonez-Riano, S, Ocovaj, S, Onie, S, Lins, S, Biberauer, T, Coksan, S, Khumkom, S, Sacakli, A, Ruiz-Fernandez, S, Geiger, S, Modares, S, Walczak, R, Betlehem, R, Vilar, R, Carcamo, R, Ross, R, Mccarthy, R, Ballantyne, T, Westgate, E, Ryan, R, Gargurevich, R, Afhami, R, Ren, D, Monteiro, R, Reips, U, Reggev, N, Calin-Jagema, R, Pourafshari, R, Oliveira, R, Nedelcheva-Datsova, M, Rahal, R, Ribeiro, R, Radtke, T, Searston, R, Jai-ai, R, Habte, R, Zdybek, P, Chen, S, Wajanatinapart, P, Maturan, P, Perillo, J, Isager, P, Kacmar, P, Macapagal, P, Maniaci, M, Szwed, P, Hanel, P, Forbes, P, Arriaga, P, Paris, B, Parashar, N, Papachristopoulos, K, Correa, P, Kacha, O, Bernardo, M, Campos, O, Bravo, O, Galindo-Caballero, O, Ogbonnaya, C, Bialobrzeska, O, Kiselnikova, N, Simonovic, N, Cohen, N, Nock, N, Hernandez, A, Thogersen-Ntouma, C, Ntoumanis, N, Johannes, N, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Say, N, Neubauer, A, Martin, N, Torunsky, N, van Antwerpen, N, Van Doren, N, Sunami, N, Rachev, N, Majeed, N, Schmidt, N, Nadif, K, Corral-Frias, N, Ouherrou, N, Abbas, N, Pantazi, M, Lucas, M, Vasilev, M, Ortiz, M, Butt, M, Kurfali, M, Kabir, M, Muda, R, Rivera, M, Sirota, M, Seehuus, M, Parzuchowski, M, Toro, M, Hricova, M, Maldonado, M, Rentzelas, P, Vansteenkiste, M, Metz, M, Marszalek, M, Karekla, M, Mioni, G, Bosma, M, Westerlund, M, Vdovic, M, Bialek, M, Silan, M, Anne, M, Misiak, M, Gugliandolo, M, Grinberg, M, Capizzi, M, Barria, M, Mensink, M, Harutyunyan, M, Khosla, M, Dunn, M, Korbmacher, M, Adamkovic, M, Ribeiro, M, Terskova, M, Hruska, M, Martoncik, M, Voracek, M, Cadek, M, Frias-Armenta, M, Kowal, M, Topor, M, Roczniewska, M, Oosterlinck, M, Kohlova, M, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Sabristov, M, Romanova, M, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Lund, M, Antoniadi, M, Magrin, M, Jones, M, Li, M, Manavalan, M, Muminov, A, Kossowska, M, Friedemann, M, Wielgus, M, van Hooff, M, Varella, M, Standage, M, Nicolotti, M, Colloff, M, Bradford, M, Vaughn, L, Eudave, L, Vieira, L, Lu, J, Pineda, L, Matos, L, Perez, L, Lazarevic, L, Jaremka, L, Smit, E, Kushnir, E, Ferguson, L, Anton-Boicuk, L, Coelho, G, Ahlgren, L, Liga, F, Levitan, C, Micheli, L, Gunton, L, Volz, L, Stojanovska, M, Boucher, L, Samojlenko, L, Delgado, L, Kaliska, L, Beatrix, L, Warmelink, L, Rojas-Berscia, L, Yu, K, Wylie, K, Wachowicz, J, Desai, K, Barzykowski, K, Kozma, L, Evans, K, Kirgizova, K, Agesin, B, Koehn, M, Wolfe, K, Korobova, T, Morris, K, Klevjer, K, van Schie, K, Vezirian, K, Damnjanovic, K, Thommesen, K, Schmidt, K, Filip, K, Staniaszek, K, Grzech, K, Hoyer, K, Moon, K, Khaobunmasiri, S, Rana, K, Janjic, K, Suchow, J, Kielinska, J, Vasquez, J, Chanal, J, Beitner, J, Vargas-Nieto, J, Roxas, J, Taber, J, Urriago-Rayo, J, Pavlacic, J, Benka, J, Bavolar, J, Soto, J, Olofsson, J, Vilsmeier, J, Messerschmidt, J, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Waterschoot, J, Moss, J, Boudesseul, J, Lee, J, Kamburidis, J, Joy-Gaba, J, Zickfeld, J, Miranda, J, Verharen, J, Hristova, E, Beshears, J, Djordjevic, J, Bosch, J, Valentova, J, Antfolk, J, Berkessel, J, Schrotter, J, Urban, J, Roer, J, Norton, J, Silva, J, Pickering, J, Vintr, J, Uttley, J, Kunst, J, Ndukaihe, I, Iyer, A, Vilares, I, Ivanov, A, Ropovik, I, Sula, I, Sarieva, I, Metin-Orta, I, Prusova, I, Pinto, I, Bozdoc, A, Almeida, I, Pit, I, Dalgar, I, Zakharov, I, Arinze, A, Ihaya, K, Stephen, I, Gjoneska, B, Brohmer, H, Flowe, H, Godbersen, H, Kocalar, H, Hedgebeth, M, Chuan-Peng, H, Sharifian, M, Manley, H, Akkas, H, Hajdu, N, Azab, H, Kaminski, G, Nilsonne, G, Anjum, G, Travaglino, G, Feldman, G, Pfuhl, G, Czarnek, G, Marcu, G, Hofer, G, Banik, G, Adetula, G, Bijlstra, G, Verbruggen, F, Kung, F, Martela, F, Foroni, F, Forest, J, Singer, G, Muchembled, F, Azevedo, F, Mosannenzadeh, F, Marinova, E, Strukelj, E, Etebari, Z, Bradshaw, E, Baskin, E, Garcia, E, Musser, E, van Steenkiste, I, Ahn, E, Quested, E, Pronizius, E, Jackson, E, Manunta, E, Agadullina, E, Sakan, D, Dursun, P, Dujols, O, Dubrov, D, Willis, M, Tumer, M, Beaudry, J, Popovic, D, Dunleavy, D, Djamai, I, Krupic, D, Herrera, D, Vega, D, Du, H, Mola, D, Chakarova, D, Davis, W, Holford, D, Lewis, D, Vaidis, D, Ozery, D, Ricaurte, D, Storage, D, Sousa, D, Alvarez, D, Boller, D, Dalla Rosa, A, Dimova, D, Marko, D, Moreau, D, Reeck, C, Correia, R, Whitt, C, Lamm, C, Solorzano, C, von Bastian, C, Sutherland, C, Overkott, C, Aberson, C, Wang, C, Niemiec, C, Karashiali, C, Noone, C, Chiu, F, Picciocchi, C, Brownlow, C, Karaarslan, C, Cellini, N, Esteban-Serna, C, Reyna, C, Ferreyra, C, Batres, C, Li, R, Grano, C, Carpentier, J, Tamnes, C, Fu, C, Ishkhanyan, B, Bylinina, L, Jaeger, B, Bundt, C, Allred, T, Vermote, B, Bokkour, A, Bogatyreva, N, Shi, J, Chopik, W, Antazo, B, Behzadnia, B, Becker, M, Bayyat, M, Cocco, B, Chou, W, Barkoukis, V, Hubena, B, Zuro, B, Aczel, B, Baklanova, E, Bai, H, Balci, B, Babincak, P, Soenens, B, Dixson, B, Mokady, A, Kappes, H, Atari, M, Szala, A, Szabelska, A, Aruta, J, Domurat, A, Arinze, N, Modena, A, Adiguzel, A, Monajem, A, El Arabi, K, Ozdogru, A, Rothbaum, A, Torres, A, Theodoropoulou, A, Skowronek, A, Jurkovic, A, Singh, A, Kassianos, A, Findor, A, Hartanto, A, Landry, A, Ferreira, A, Santos, A, De la Rosa-Gomez, A, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A, Luxon, A, Todsen, A, Karababa, A, Janak, A, Pilato, A, Bran, A, Tullett, A, Kuzminska, A, Krafnick, A, Urooj, A, Khaoudi, A, Ahmed, A, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Askelund, A, Adetula, A, Belaus, A, Charyate, A, Wichman, A, Stoyanova, A, Greenburgh, A, Thomas, A, Arvanitis, A, Forscher, P, Mallik, P, Coles, N, Miller, J, Moshontz, H, Urry, H, Ijzerman, H, Basnight-Brown, D, Ebersole, C, Chartier, C, Buchanan, E, Primbs, M, Medical and Clinical Psychology, Department of Social Psychology, Psychological Science Accelerator Self-Determination Theory Collaboration, Legate, N., Nguyen, T. -V., Weinstein, N., Moller, A., Legault, L., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A. N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Basnight-Brown, D. M., Ceary, C. D., Jang, Y., Ijzerman, H., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Ryan, W. S., Wilson, J. P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Unanue, W., Collins, W. M., Richard, K. L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., Lerche, V., Kovic, V., Krizanic, V., Kadreva, V. H., Adoric, V. C., Tran, U. S., Yeung, S. K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Urry, H. L., Machin, M. A., Lima, T. J. S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T. E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Moshontz, H., Jernsather, T., Rahman, T., Machin, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T. J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., Von Bormann, S. M., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S. M. J., Stieger, S., Primbs, M. A., Schulenberg, S. E., Buchanan, E. M., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Morbee, S., Lewis, S., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S. M., Daches, S., Levine, S. L., Geniole, S. N., Akter, S., Vracar, S., Massoni, S., Costa, S., Zorjan, S., Sarioguz, E., Izquierdo, S. M., Tshonda, S. S., Miller, J. K., Alves, S. G., Pontinen, S., Solas, S. A., Ordonez-Riano, S., Ocovaj, S. B., Onie, S., Lins, S., Biberauer, T., Coksan, S., Khumkom, S., Sacakli, A., Coles, N. A., Ruiz-Fernandez, S., Geiger, S. J., Fatahmodares, S., Walczak, R. B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Carcamo, R. A., Ross, R. M., Mccarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E. C., Ryan, R. M., Gargurevich, R., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R. P., Reips, U. -D., Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Pourafshari, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R. -M., Ribeiro, R. R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Jai-Ai, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S. -C., Wajanatinapart, P., Maturan, P. L. G., Perillo, J. T., Isager, P. M., Kacmar, P., Macapagal, P. M., Maniaci, M. R., Szwed, P., Hanel, P. H. P., Forbes, P. A. G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Parashar, N., Papachristopoulos, K., Chartier, C. R., Correa, P. S., Kacha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Bravo, O. N., Mallik, P. R., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N. L., Hernandez, A., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Ntoumanis, N., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Neubauer, A. B., Martin, N. I., Torunsky, N., Van Antwerpen, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N. R., Majeed, N. M., Schmidt, N. -D., Nadif, K., Forscher, P. S., Corral-Frias, N. S., Ouherrou, N., Abbas, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M. Y., Vasilev, M. R., Ortiz, M. V., Butt, M. M., Kurfali, M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Del Carmen, M. C. Tejada Rivera M., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Maldonado, M. A., Arvanitis, A., Rentzelas, P., Vansteenkiste, M., Metz, M. A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M. J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M. A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Gugliandolo, M. C., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barria, M. F., Kurfali, M. A., Mensink, M. C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Dunn, M. R., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovic, M., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Terskova, M., Hruska, M., Martoncik, M., Voracek, M., Cadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Thomas, A. G., Kohlova, M. B., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Sabristov, M., Greenburgh, A., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M. L., Antoniadi, M., Magrin, M. E., Jones, M. V., Li, M., Ortiz, M. S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Stoyanova, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., Van Hooff, M. L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Standage, M., Nicolotti, M., Colloff, M. F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L. A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Lu, J. G., Pineda, L. M. S., Matos, L., Perez, L. C., Lazarevic, L. B., Jaremka, L. M., Smit, E. S., Kushnir, E., Wichman, A. L., Ferguson, L. J., Anton-Boicuk, L., De Holanda Coelho, G. L., Ahlgren, L., Liga, F., Levitan, C. A., Micheli, L., Gunton, L. -A., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Delgado, L. G. J., Kaliska, L., Beatrix, L., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Yu, K., Wylie, K., Wachowicz, J., Charyate, A. C., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Belaus, A., Emmanuel Agesin, B. B., Koehn, M. A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Morris, K., Klevjer, K., Van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanovic, K., Thommesen, K. K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Staniaszek, K., Adetula, A., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Khaobunmasiri, S., Rana, K., Janjic, K., Suchow, J. W., Kielinska, J., Cruz Vasquez, J. E., Chanal, J., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Roxas, J. C. T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Askelund, A. D., Pavlacic, J. M., Benka, J., Bavolar, J., Soto, J. A., Olofsson, J. K., Vilsmeier, J. K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Waterschoot, J., Moss, J. D., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J. M., Kamburidis, J., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J. E., Djordjevic, J. M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J. V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J. B., Schrotter, J., Urban, J., Roer, J. P., Norton, J. O., Silva, J. R., Pickering, J. S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J. R., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A. I., Almeida, I. A. T., Pit, I. L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A. I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I. D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H. E., Hedgebeth, M. V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, G., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G. A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G. M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G. A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F. Y. H., Martela, F., Foroni, F., Forest, J., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinova, E., Strukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Bradshaw, E. L., Baskin, E., Garcia, E. O. L., Musser, E., Van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Ahn, E. R., Quested, E., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E. A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Sakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tumer, M., Beaudry, J. L., Popovic, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupic, D., Herrera, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Chakarova, D., Davis, W. E., Holford, D. L., Lewis, D. M. G., Vaidis, D. C., Ozery, D. H., Ricaurte, D. Z., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Alvarez, D. S., Boller, D., Rosa, A. D., Dimova, D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R. C., Whitt, C. M., Lamm, C., Solorzano, C. S., Von Bastian, C. C., Sutherland, C. A. M., Ebersole, C. R., Overkott, C., Aberson, C. L., Wang, C., Niemiec, C. P., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Brownlow, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Ferreyra, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C. K., Fu, C. H. Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Allred, T. B., Vermote, B. J., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Shi, J., Chopik, W. J., Antazo, B., Behzadnia, B., Becker, M., Bayyat, M. M., Cocco, B., Ahmed, A., Chou, W. -L., Barkoukis, V., Hubena, B., Khaoudi, A., Zuro, B., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B. B., Babincak, P., Soenens, B., Dixson, B. J. W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H. B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J. J. B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N. C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., Ait El Arabi, K., Ozdogru, A. A., Rothbaum, A. O., Torres, A. O., Theodoropoulou, A., Skowronek, A., Urooj, A., Jurkovic, A. P., Singh, A., Kassianos, A. P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Landry, A. T., Ferreira, A., Santos, A. C., De La Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Luxon, A. M., Todsen, A. L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Pilato, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A. M., Kuzminska, A. O., Krafnick, A. J., Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Aalto-yliopisto, Aalto University, Massey, D., Kurfali, Merve A., Collaboration, Psychological Science Accelerator Self-Determination Theory, FdR overig onderzoek, Persuasive Communication (ASCoR, FMG), and Organizational Psychology
- Subjects
behavior change ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,230 Affective Neuroscience ,INTENTIONS ,L400 ,self-determination theory ,Physical Distancing ,Social Sciences ,Intention ,Ciências Sociais::Psicologia [Domínio/Área Científica] ,FATIGUE ,motivation ,PARENTAL PROHIBITION ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,Pandemic ,Humans ,health communication ,MESSAGES ,Sociology ,Pandemics ,METAANALYSIS ,COVID-19 ,Behaviour Change and Well-being ,Multidisciplinary ,business.industry ,Social distance ,Public relations ,Motivation ,INTERNALIZATION ,business ,BEHAVIOR - Abstract
Significance\ud \ud Communicating in ways that motivate engagement in social distancing remains a critical global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study tested motivational qualities of messages about social distancing (those that promoted choice and agency vs. those that were forceful and shaming) in 25,718 people in 89 countries. The autonomy-supportive message decreased feelings of defying social distancing recommendations relative to the controlling message, and the controlling message increased controlled motivation, a less effective form of motivation, relative to no message. Message type did not impact intentions to socially distance, but people’s existing motivations were related to intentions. Findings were generalizable across a geographically diverse sample and may inform public health communication strategies in this and future global health emergencies.\ud \ud \ud \ud Abstract\ud \ud Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-country, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 countries) tested hypotheses concerning generalizable positive and negative outcomes of social distancing messages that promoted personal agency and reflective choices (i.e., an autonomy-supportive message) or were restrictive and shaming (i.e., a controlling message) compared with no message at all. Results partially supported experimental hypotheses in that the controlling message increased controlled motivation (a poorly internalized form of motivation relying on shame, guilt, and fear of social consequences) relative to no message. On the other hand, the autonomy-supportive message lowered feelings of defiance compared with the controlling message, but the controlling message did not differ from receiving no message at all. Unexpectedly, messages did not influence autonomous motivation (a highly internalized form of motivation relying on one’s core values) or behavioral intentions. Results supported hypothesized associations between people’s existing autonomous and controlled motivations and self-reported behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing. Controlled motivation was associated with more defiance and less long-term behavioral intention to engage in social distancing, whereas autonomous motivation was associated with less defiance and more short- and long-term intentions to social distance. Overall, this work highlights the potential harm of using shaming and pressuring language in public health communication, with implications for the current and future global health challenges.
- Published
- 2022
5. In(AsN) mid-infrared emission enhanced by rapid thermal annealing
- Author
Kesaria, M., Birindelli, S., Velichko, A.V., Zhuang, Q.D., Patanè, A., Capizzi, M., and Krier, A.
- Published
- 2015
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6. In COVID-19 health messaging, loss framing increases anxiety with Little-to-No concomitant benefits: Experimental evidence from 84 countries
- Author
Dorison, C.A., Lerner, J.S., Heller, B.H., Rothman, A.J., Kawachi, I.I., Wang, K., Rees, V.W., Gill, B.P., Gibbs, N., Ebersole, C.R., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A.N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Ceary, C.D., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Wilson, J.P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Collins, W.M., Richard, K.L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., Križanić, V., Kadreva, V.H., Adoric, V.C., Tran, U.S., Yeung, S.K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Lima, T.J.S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T.E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Jernsäther, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T.J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S.M.J., Stieger, S., Schulenberg, S.E., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Lewis, S.C., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S.M., Daches, S., Geniole, S.N., Vračar, S., Massoni, S., Zorjan, S., Sarıoğuz, E., Izquierdo, S.M., Alves, S.G., Pöntinen, S., Solas, S.Á., Ordoñez-Riaño, S., Očovaj, S.B., Onie, S., Lins, S., Çoksan, S., Sacakli, A., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Geiger, S.J., FatahModares, S., Walczak, R.B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Cárcamo, R., Ross, R.M., McCarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E.C., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R.P., Reips, U-D, Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Pourafshari, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R-M, Ribeiro, R.R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S-C, Maturan, P.L.G., Perillo, J.T., Isager, P.M., Kačmár, P., Macapagal, P.M., Szwed, P., Hanel, P.H.P., Forbes, P.A.G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Papachristopoulos, K., Correa, P.S., Kácha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Bravo, O.N., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N.L., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Torunsky, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N.R., Majeed, N.M., Schmidt, N-D, Nadif, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Ouherrou, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M.Y., Vasilev, M.R., Ortiz, M.V., Butt, M.M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Tejada Rivera, M.del.C.MC., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Maldonado, M.A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M.J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M.A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Kurfali, M.A., Mensink, M.C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovič, M., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Terskova, M., Hruška, M., Martončik, M., Voracek, M., Čadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Kohlová, M.B., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M.L., Antoniadi, M., Jones, M.V., Ortiz, M.S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., Varella, M.A.C., Colloff, M.F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L.A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Pineda, L.M.S., Pérez, L.C., Lazarevic, L.B., Jaremka, L.M., Kushnir, E., Anton-Boicuk, L., de Holanda Coelho, G.L., Ahlgren, L., Levitan, C.A., Micheli, L., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Delgado, L.G.J., Kaliska, L., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Yu, K., Wachowicz, J., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Agesin, B.E., Koehn, M.A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Klevjer, K., van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanović, K., Thommesen, K.K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Rana, K., Janjić, K., Suchow, J.W., Kielińska, J., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Roxas, J.C.T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Pavlacic, J.M., Bavolar, J., Soto, J.A., Olofsson, J.K., Vilsmeier, J.K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J.M., Kamburidis, J., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J.E., Đorđević, J.M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J.V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J.B., Schrötter, J., Urban, J., Röer, J.P., Norton, J.O., Silva, J.R., Pickering, J.S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J.R., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A.I., Almeida, I.A.T., Pit, I.L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A.I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I.D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H.E., Hedgebeth, M.V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, Gw., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G.A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G.M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G.A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F.Y.H., Foroni, F., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinov, E., Štrukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Baskin, E., Garcia, E.O.L., Musser, E., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Ahn, E.R., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E.A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Šakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tümer, M., Beaudry, J.L., Popović, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupić, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Davis, W.E., Holford, D.L., Lewis, D.M.G., Vaidis, D.C., Ozery, D.H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Alvarez, D.S., Rosa, A.D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R.C., Whitt, C.M., Lamm, C., Solorzano, C.S., von Bastian, C.C., Sutherland, C.A.M., Overkott, C., Aberson, C.L., Wang, C., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C.K., Fu, C.H.Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Allred, T.B., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Chopik, W.J., Antazo, B., Behzadnia, B., Becker, M., Cocco, B., Chou, W-L, Hubena, B., Žuro, B., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B.B., Babinčák, P., Dixson, B.J.W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H.B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J.J.B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N.C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., ARABI, K.A.E., Özdoğru, A.A., Olaya Torres, A.J., Theodoropoulou, A., Jurković, A.P., Kassianos, A.P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Thibault Landry, A., Ferreira, A., Santos, A.C., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Todsen, A.L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A.M., Kuzminska, A.O., Krafnick, A.J., Urooj, A., Khaoudi, A., Ahmed, A., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Askelund, A.D., Adetula, A., Belaus, A., Charyate, A.C., Wichman, A.L., Stoyanova, A., Greenburgh, A., Thomas, A.G., Arvanitis, A., Forscher, P.S., Mallik, P.R., Primbs, M.A., Miller, J.K., Moshontz, H., Urry, H.L., IJzerman, H., Basnight-Brown, D.M., Chartier, C.R., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Dorison, C.A., Lerner, J.S., Heller, B.H., Rothman, A.J., Kawachi, I.I., Wang, K., Rees, V.W., Gill, B.P., Gibbs, N., Ebersole, C.R., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A.N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Ceary, C.D., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Wilson, J.P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Collins, W.M., Richard, K.L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., Križanić, V., Kadreva, V.H., Adoric, V.C., Tran, U.S., Yeung, S.K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Lima, T.J.S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T.E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Jernsäther, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T.J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S.M.J., Stieger, S., Schulenberg, S.E., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Lewis, S.C., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S.M., Daches, S., Geniole, S.N., Vračar, S., Massoni, S., Zorjan, S., Sarıoğuz, E., Izquierdo, S.M., Alves, S.G., Pöntinen, S., Solas, S.Á., Ordoñez-Riaño, S., Očovaj, S.B., Onie, S., Lins, S., Çoksan, S., Sacakli, A., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Geiger, S.J., FatahModares, S., Walczak, R.B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Cárcamo, R., Ross, R.M., McCarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E.C., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R.P., Reips, U-D, Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Pourafshari, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R-M, Ribeiro, R.R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S-C, Maturan, P.L.G., Perillo, J.T., Isager, P.M., Kačmár, P., Macapagal, P.M., Szwed, P., Hanel, P.H.P., Forbes, P.A.G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Papachristopoulos, K., Correa, P.S., Kácha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Bravo, O.N., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N.L., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Torunsky, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N.R., Majeed, N.M., Schmidt, N-D, Nadif, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Ouherrou, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M.Y., Vasilev, M.R., Ortiz, M.V., Butt, M.M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Tejada Rivera, M.del.C.MC., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Maldonado, M.A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M.J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M.A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Kurfali, M.A., Mensink, M.C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovič, M., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Terskova, M., Hruška, M., Martončik, M., Voracek, M., Čadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Kohlová, M.B., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M.L., Antoniadi, M., Jones, M.V., Ortiz, M.S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., Varella, M.A.C., Colloff, M.F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L.A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Pineda, L.M.S., Pérez, L.C., Lazarevic, L.B., Jaremka, L.M., Kushnir, E., Anton-Boicuk, L., de Holanda Coelho, G.L., Ahlgren, L., Levitan, C.A., Micheli, L., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Delgado, L.G.J., Kaliska, L., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Yu, K., Wachowicz, J., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Agesin, B.E., Koehn, M.A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Klevjer, K., van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanović, K., Thommesen, K.K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Rana, K., Janjić, K., Suchow, J.W., Kielińska, J., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Roxas, J.C.T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Pavlacic, J.M., Bavolar, J., Soto, J.A., Olofsson, J.K., Vilsmeier, J.K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J.M., Kamburidis, J., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J.E., Đorđević, J.M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J.V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J.B., Schrötter, J., Urban, J., Röer, J.P., Norton, J.O., Silva, J.R., Pickering, J.S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J.R., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A.I., Almeida, I.A.T., Pit, I.L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A.I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I.D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H.E., Hedgebeth, M.V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, Gw., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G.A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G.M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G.A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F.Y.H., Foroni, F., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinov, E., Štrukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Baskin, E., Garcia, E.O.L., Musser, E., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Ahn, E.R., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E.A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Šakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tümer, M., Beaudry, J.L., Popović, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupić, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Davis, W.E., Holford, D.L., Lewis, D.M.G., Vaidis, D.C., Ozery, D.H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Alvarez, D.S., Rosa, A.D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R.C., Whitt, C.M., Lamm, C., Solorzano, C.S., von Bastian, C.C., Sutherland, C.A.M., Overkott, C., Aberson, C.L., Wang, C., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C.K., Fu, C.H.Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Allred, T.B., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Chopik, W.J., Antazo, B., Behzadnia, B., Becker, M., Cocco, B., Chou, W-L, Hubena, B., Žuro, B., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B.B., Babinčák, P., Dixson, B.J.W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H.B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J.J.B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N.C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., ARABI, K.A.E., Özdoğru, A.A., Olaya Torres, A.J., Theodoropoulou, A., Jurković, A.P., Kassianos, A.P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Thibault Landry, A., Ferreira, A., Santos, A.C., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Todsen, A.L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A.M., Kuzminska, A.O., Krafnick, A.J., Urooj, A., Khaoudi, A., Ahmed, A., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Askelund, A.D., Adetula, A., Belaus, A., Charyate, A.C., Wichman, A.L., Stoyanova, A., Greenburgh, A., Thomas, A.G., Arvanitis, A., Forscher, P.S., Mallik, P.R., Primbs, M.A., Miller, J.K., Moshontz, H., Urry, H.L., IJzerman, H., Basnight-Brown, D.M., Chartier, C.R., Buchanan, E.M., and Coles, N.A.
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., “If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others”) or potential gains (e.g., “If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others”)? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we experimentally tested the effects of message framing on COVID-19-related judgments, intentions, and feelings. Loss- (vs. gain-) framed messages increased self-reported anxiety among participants cross-nationally with little-to-no impact on policy attitudes, behavioral intentions, or information seeking relevant to pandemic risks. These results were consistent across 84 countries, three variations of the message framing wording, and 560 data processing and analytic choices. Thus, results provide an empirical answer to a global communication question and highlight the emotional toll of loss-framed messages. Critically, this work demonstrates the importance of considering unintended affective consequences when evaluating nudge-style interventions.
- Published
- 2022
7. Author Correction: A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D.H., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Drexler, S.M., Jurković, A.P., Rana, K., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O.N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A.C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, M.R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Kohlová, M.B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Boudesseul, J., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Landry, A.T., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C, Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C.S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Pérez, L.C., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M.H., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M, Cohen, N., FatahModares, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A. J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Očovaj, S.B., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Djordjevic, J.M., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D.S., Butt, M.M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.d.C.M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Maldonado, M.A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Hajdu, N., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D, Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Muda, R., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfalı, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Pineda, L.M.S., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D, Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Torres, A.O., Toro, M., Delgado, L.G.J., Vega, D., Solas, S.Á., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G.L.d.H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Allred, T.B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A.D., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Thommesen, K.K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Izquierdo, S.M., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V.C., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Onie, S., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., Moshontz, H., Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D.H., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Drexler, S.M., Jurković, A.P., Rana, K., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O.N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A.C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, M.R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Kohlová, M.B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Boudesseul, J., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Landry, A.T., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C, Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C.S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Pérez, L.C., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M.H., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M, Cohen, N., FatahModares, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A. J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Očovaj, S.B., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Djordjevic, J.M., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D.S., Butt, M.M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.d.C.M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Maldonado, M.A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Hajdu, N., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D, Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Muda, R., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfalı, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Pineda, L.M.S., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D, Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Torres, A.O., Toro, M., Delgado, L.G.J., Vega, D., Solas, S.Á., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G.L.d.H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Allred, T.B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A.D., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Thommesen, K.K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Izquierdo, S.M., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V.C., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Onie, S., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., and Moshontz, H.
- Abstract
Correction to: Nature Human Behaviour https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01173-x, published online 2 August 2021. In the version of this article initially published, the following authors were omitted from the author list and the Author contributions section for “investigation” and “writing and editing”: Nandor Hajdu (Institute of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Jordane Boudesseul (Facultad de Psicología, Instituto de Investigación Científica, Universidad de Lima, Lima, Perú), Rafał Muda (Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland) and Sandersan Onie (Black Dog Institute, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Australia & Emotional Health for All Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia). In addition, Saeideh FatahModares’ name was originally misspelled as Saiedeh FatahModarres in the author list. Further, affiliations have been corrected for Maria Terskova (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia), Susana Ruiz Fernandez (FOM University of Applied Sciences, Essen; Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, and LEAD Research Network, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany), Hendrik Godbersen (FOM University of Applied Sciences, Essen, Germany), Gulnaz Anjum (Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada, and Department of Economics & Social Sciences, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan). The changes have been made to the HTML and PDF versions of the article.
- Published
- 2022
8. In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries
- Author
Dorison, C. A., Lerner, J. S., Heller, B. H., Rothman, A. J., Kawachi, I. I., Wang, K., Rees, V. W., Gill, B. P., Gibbs, N., Ebersole, C. R., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A. N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Ceary, C. D., Jang, Y., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Ryan, W., Wilson, J. P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Unanue, W., Collins, W. M., Richard, K. L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., DePaola, C., Lerche, V., Kovic, V., Križanić, V., Kadreva, V. H., Adoric, V. C., Tran, U. S., Yeung, S. K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Machin, M. A., Lima, T. J. S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T. E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Jernsäther, T., Rahman, T., Machin, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T. J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., von Bormann, S. M., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S. M. J., Stieger, S., Schulenberg, S. E., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Morbée, S., Lewis, S. C., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S. M., Daches, S., Levine, S. L., Geniole, S. N., Akter, S., Vračar, S., Massoni, S., Costa, S., Zorjan, S., Sarıoğuz, E., Morales Izquierdo, S., Tshonda, S. S., Alves, S. G., Pöntinen, S., Álvarez Solas, S., Ordoñez-Riaño, S., Batić Očovaj, S., Onie, S., Lins, S., Biberauer, T., Çoksan, S., Khumkom, S., Sacakli, A., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Geiger, S. J., FatahModares, S., Walczak, R. B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Doekemeijer, R., Cárcamo, R., Ross, R. M., McCarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E. C., Gargurevich, R., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R. P., Reips, U-D., Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Pourafshari, R., London, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R-M., Ribeiro, R. R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Jai-ai, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S-C., Wajanatinapart, P., Maturan, P. L. G., Perillo, J. T., Isager, P. M., Kačmár, P., Macapagal, P. M., Maniaci, M. R., Szwed, P., Hanel, P. H. P., Forbes, P. A. G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Parashar, N., Papachristopoulos, K., Sebastián-Correa, P., Kácha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Niño Bravo, O., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N. L., Hernandez, A., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Ntoumanis, N., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Neubauer, A. B., Martin, N. I., Torunsky, N., van Antwerpen, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N. R., Majeed, N. M., Schmidt, N-D., Nadif, K., Corral-Frías, N. S., Ouherrou, N., Abbas, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M. Y., Vasilev, Martin R., Ortiz, M. V., Butt, M. M., Kurfali, M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Tejada Rivera, M. C., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Alarcón Maldonado, M., Rentzelas, P., Vansteenkiste, M., Metz, M. A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M. J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M. A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Gugliandolo, M. C., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barría, M. F., Kurfali, M. A., Mensink, M. C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Dunn, M. R., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovič, M., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Terskova, M., Hruška, M., Martončik, M., Jansen, M., Voracek, M., Čadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Braun Kohlová, M., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Sabristov, M., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M. L., Antoniadi, M., Magrin, M. E., Jones, M. V., Ortiz, M. S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., van Hooff, M. L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Standage, M., Nicolotti, M., Colloff, M. F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L. A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Sanabria Pineda, L. M., Matos, L., Calderón Pérez, L., Lazarevic, L. B., Jaremka, L. M., Smit, E. S., Kushnir, E., Ferguson, L. J., Anton-Boicuk, L., Lins de Holanda Coelho, G., Ahlgren, L., Liga, F., Levitan, C. A., Micheli, L., Gunton, L-A., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Javela Delgado, L. G., Kaliska, L., Labadi, B., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Yu, K., Wylie, K., Wachowicz, J., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Agesin, B. E., Koehn, M. A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Morris, K., Klevjer, K., van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanović, K., Krabbe Thommesen, K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Staniaszek, K., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Khaobunmasiri, S., Rana, K., Janjić, K., Suchow, J. W., Kielińska, J., Cruz Vásquez, J. E., Chanal, J., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Roxas, J. C. T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Pavlacic, J. M., Benka, J., Bavolar, J., Soto, J. A., Olofsson, J. K., Vilsmeier, J. K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Waterschoot, J., Moss, J. D., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J. M., Kamburidis, J., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J. E., Đorđević, J. M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J. V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J. B., Schrötter, J., Urban, J., Röer, J. P., Norton, J. O., Silva, J. R., Pickering, J. S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J. R., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A. I., Almeida, I. A. T., Pit, I. L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A. I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I. D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H. E., Hedgebeth, M. V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M. H., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, G., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G. A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G. M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G. A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F. Y. H., Martela, F., Foroni, F., Forest, J., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinova, E., Štrukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Baskin, E., Garcia, E. O. L., Musser, E., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Bradshaw, E. L., Ahn, E. R., Quested, E., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E. A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Šakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tümer, M., Beaudry, J. L., Popović, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupić, D., Herrera, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Chakarova, D., Davis, W. E., Holford, D. L., Lewis, D. M. G., Vaidis, D. C., Hausman Ozery, D., Zambrano Ricaurte, D., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Serrato Alvarez, D., Boller, D., Dalla Rosa, A., Dimova, D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R. C., Whitt, C. M., Lamm, C., Singh Solorzano, C., von Bastian, C.C., Sutherland, C. A. M., Overkott, C., Aberson, C. L., Wang, C., Niemiec, C. P., Reimer, C., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Eben, C., Brownlow, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Ferreyra, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C. K., Fu, C. H. Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Bulut Allred, T., Vermote, B. J., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Shi, J., Chopik, W. J., Antazo, B., Becker, M., Bayyat, M. M., Cocco, B., Chou, W-L., Barkoukis, V., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B. B., Babinčák, P., Soenens, B., Dixson, B. J. W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H. B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J. J. B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N. C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., El Arabi, K. A., Özdoğru, A. A., Rothbaum, A. O., Torres, A. J. O., Theodoropoulou, A., Skowronek, A., Jurković, A. P., Singh, A., Kassianos, A. P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Thibault Landry, A., Ferreira, A., Caetano Santos, A., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Luxon, A. M., Todsen, A. L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Pilato, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A. M., Kuzminska, A. O., Krafnick, A. J., Urooj, A., Khaoudi, A., Ahmed, A., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Askelund, A. D., Adetula, A., Belaus, A., Charyate, A. C., Wichman, A. L., Stoyanova, A., Greenburgh, A., Thomas, A. G., Arvanitis, A., Forscher, P. S., Mallik, P. R., Primbs, M. A., Miller, J. K., Moshontz, H., Urry, H. L., IJzerman, H., Basnight-Brown, D. M., Chartier, C. R., Buchanan, E. M., Coles, N. A., MÜ, Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü, Kocalar, Halil Emre, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Organizational Psychology, Jernsäther, Teodor [0000-0002-7030-3299], Tatachari, Srinivasan [0000-0003-1838-2361], Geiger, Sandra J [0000-0002-3262-5609], Butt, Muhammad Mussaffa [0000-0001-5271-111X], Varella, Marco A C [0000-0002-7274-7360], Stephen, Ian D [0000-0001-9714-8295], Kaminski, Gwenael [0000-0001-5300-5655], Bai, Hui [0000-0003-2671-5955], Coles, Nicholas A [0000-0001-8583-5610], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Center Ph. D. Students, Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University, and Medical and Clinical Psychology
- Subjects
Nudges ,Behaviour Change and Well-being ,ddc:150 ,230 Affective Neuroscience ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,message framing ,anxiety ,nudges ,COVID-19 ,Message framing ,General Medicine ,Anxiety - Abstract
Contains fulltext : 284232.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., "If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others") or potential gains (e.g., "If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others")? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we experimentally tested the effects of message framing on COVID-19-related judgments, intentions, and feelings. Loss- (vs. gain-) framed messages increased self-reported anxiety among participants cross-nationally with little-to-no impact on policy attitudes, behavioral intentions, or information seeking relevant to pandemic risks. These results were consistent across 84 countries, three variations of the message framing wording, and 560 data processing and analytic choices. Thus, results provide an empirical answer to a global communication question and highlight the emotional toll of loss-framed messages. Critically, this work demonstrates the importance of considering unintended affective consequences when evaluating nudge-style interventions. 26 p.
- Published
- 2022
9. Headache onset after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis
- Author
Castaldo, M. Waliszewska-Prosół, M. Koutsokera, M. Robotti, M. Straburzyński, M. Apostolakopoulou, L. Capizzi, M. Çibuku, O. Ambat, F.D.F. Frattale, I. Gadzhieva, Z. Gallo, E. Gryglas-Dworak, A. Halili, G. Jusupova, A. Koperskaya, Y. Leheste, A.-R. Manzo, M.L. Marcinnò, A. Marino, A. Mikulenka, P. Ong, B.E. Polat, B. Popovic, Z. Rivera-Mancilla, E. Roceanu, A.M. Rollo, E. Romozzi, M. Ruscitto, C. Scotto di Clemente, F. Strauss, S. Taranta, V. Terhart, M. Tychenko, I. Vigneri, S. Misiak, B. Martelletti, P. Raggi, A. On behalf of the European Headache Federation School of Advanced Studies (EHF-SAS)
- Abstract
Background: Vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are used to reduce the risk of developing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Despite the significant benefits in terms of reduced risk of hospitalization and death, different adverse events may present after vaccination: among them, headache is one of the most common, but nowadays there is no summary presentation of its incidence and no description of its main features. Methods: We searched PubMed and EMBASE covering the period between January 1st 2020 and August 6th, 2021, looking for record in English and with an abstract and using three main search terms (with specific variations): COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2; Vaccination; headache/adverse events. We selected manuscript including information on subjects developing headache after injection, and such information had to be derived from a structured form (i.e. no free reporting). Pooled estimates and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Analyses were carried out by vaccine vs. placebo, by first vs. second dose, and by mRNA-based vs. “traditional” vaccines; finally, we addressed the impact of age and gender on post-vaccine headache onset. Results: Out of 9338 records, 84 papers were included in the review, accounting for 1.57 million participants, 94% of whom received BNT162b2 or ChAdOx1. Headache was generally the third most common AE: it was detected in 22% (95% CI 18–27%) of subjects after the first dose of vaccine and in 29% (95% CI 23–35%) after the second, with an extreme heterogeneity. Those receiving placebo reported headache in 10–12% of cases. No differences were detected across different vaccines or by mRNA-based vs. “traditional” ones. None of the studies reported information on headache features. A lower prevalence of headache after the first injection of BNT162b2 among older participants was shown. Conclusions: Our results show that vaccines are associated to a two-fold risk of developing headache within 7 days from injection, and the lack of difference between vaccine types enable to hypothesize that headache is secondary to systemic immunological reaction than to a vaccine-type specific reaction. Some descriptions report onset within the first 24 h and that in around one-third of the cases, headache has migraine-like features with pulsating quality, phono and photophobia; in 40–60% of the cases aggravation with activity is observed. The majority of patients used some medication to treat headache, the one perceived as the most effective being acetylsalicylic acid. © 2022, The Author(s).
- Published
- 2022
10. Erratum: Author Correction: A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic (Nature human behaviour (2021) 5 8 (1089-1110))
- Author
Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C. A., Miller, J. K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J. S., Gross, J. J., Agesin, B. B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D. H., Jackson, E. A., Garcia, E. O. L., Drexler, S. M., Jurkovic, A. P., Rana, K., Wilson, J. P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O. N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A. I., Marcu, G. M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovic, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A. P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pontinen, S., Adetula, G. A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A. I., Arinze, N. C., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P. M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A. C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M. A., Vasilev, M. R., Nock, N. L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barria, M. F., Vranka, M., Kohlova, M. B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Boudesseul, J., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D. M. G., Findor, A., Landry, A. T., Aruta, J. J. B., Ortiz, M. S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J. V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S. -C., Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J. L., Boucher, L., Collins, W. M., Todsen, A. L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Krizanic, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S. J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R. M., Stephen, I. D., Hostler, T. J., Azouaghe, S., Mccarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C. S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Perez, L. C., Cruz Vasquez, J. E., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Kacha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Carcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J. M., Kunst, J. R., Tamnes, C. K., von Bastian, C. C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M., Hricova, M., Kacmar, P., Schrotter, J., Rahal, R. -M., Cohen, N., Fatahmodares, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M. A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Krafnick, A. J., Strukelj, E., Isager, P. M., Urban, J., Silva, J. R., Martoncik, M., Ocovaj, S. B., Sakan, D., Kuzminska, A. O., Djordjevic, J. M., Almeida, I. A. T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L. B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D. Z., Monteiro, R. P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernandez, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D. S., Butt, M. M., Lee, J. M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tumer, M., Charyate, A. C. A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M. D. C. M. C., Aberson, C., Palfi, B., Maldonado, M. A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C. D., Richard, K. L., Singer, G., Perillo, J. T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I. L., Hruska, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Hajdu, N., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N. -D., Zsido, A. N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Muda, R., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M. V., Correa, P. S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R. R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L. A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielinska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Cadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfali, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H. B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M. V., Berkessel, J. B., Chopik, W. J., Coksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K. A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H. E., Bundt, C., Norton, J. O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V. H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T. E., Askelund, A. D., Pineda, L. M. S., Krupic, D., Levitan, C. A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjic, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A. G., Kung, F. Y. H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B. B., Reips, U. -D., Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B. J. W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C. A. M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S. M. J., Topor, M., Majeed, N. M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P. A. G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N. R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J. W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsather, T., Olofsson, J. K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Zuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J. A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanovic, K., Yeung, S. K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frias, N. S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M. Y., Torres, A. O., Toro, M., Delgado, L. G. J., Vega, D., Solas, S. A., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D. C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G. L. H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C. M., Tullett, A. M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M. J., Karaarslan, C., Sarioguz, E., Allred, T. B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M. F., Lima, T. J. S., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L. M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P. H. P., Holford, D. L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E. R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E. C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G. A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R. B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A. D., Kozma, L., Alves, S. G., Lins, S., Pinto, I. R., Correia, R. C., Babincak, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J. E., Thommesen, K. K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S. N., Silan, M. A., Maturan, P. L. G., Vilsmeier, J. K., Tran, U. S., Izquierdo, S. M., Mensink, M. C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V. C., Carpentier, J., Ozdogru, A. A., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Hedgebeth, M. V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A. L., Roer, J. P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W. E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Onie, S., Ebersole, C. R., Chartier, C. R., Mallik, P. R., Urry, H. L., Buchanan, E. M., Coles, N. A., Primbs, M. A., Basnight-Brown, D. M., Ijzerman, H., Forscher, P. S., and Moshontz, H.
- Published
- 2022
11. Strain related relaxation of the GaAs-like Raman mode selection rules in hydrogenated GaAs1−xNx layers.
- Author
Giulotto, E., Geddo, M., Patrini, M., Guizzetti, G., Sharma, M. S., Capizzi, M., Polimeni, A., Pettinari, G., Rubini, S., and Felici, M.
- Subjects
RAMAN scattering ,GALLIUM arsenide ,PHOTOREFLECTANCE ,PHONONS ,FINITE element method - Abstract
The GaAs-like longitudinal-optical (LO) phonon frequency in hydrogenated GaAs
1−x Nx (x = 0.01) layers—with different H doses and similar low-energy irradiation conditions—was investigated by micro-Raman measurements in different scattering geometries and compared with those of epitaxial GaAs and as-grown GaAs1−x Nx reference samples. A relaxation of the GaAs selection rules was observed, to be explained mainly on the basis of the biaxial strain affecting the layers. The evolution of the LO phonon frequency with increasing hydrogen dose was found to heavily depend on light polarization, thus suggesting that a linear relation between strain and the frequency of the GaAs-like LO phonon mode should be applied with some caution. Moreover, photoreflectance measurements in fully passivated samples of identical N concentration show that the blueshift of the GaAs-like LO frequency, characteristic of the hydrogenated structures, is dose-dependent and strictly related to the strain induced by the specific type of the dominant N-H complexes. A comparison of photoreflectance results with the finite element method calculations confirms that this dependence on the H dose is due to the gradual replacement of the N-2H complexes responsible for the electronic passivation of N with N-3H complexes, which are well known to induce an additional and sizeable lattice expansion. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2019
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12. A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Wang, K. Goldenberg, A. Dorison, C.A. Miller, J.K. Uusberg, A. Lerner, J.S. Gross, J.J. Agesin, B.B. Bernardo, M. Campos, O. Eudave, L. Grzech, K. Ozery, D.H. Jackson, E.A. Garcia, E.O.L. Drexler, S.M. Jurković, A.P. Rana, K. Wilson, J.P. Antoniadi, M. Desai, K. Gialitaki, Z. Kushnir, E. Nadif, K. Bravo, O.N. Nauman, R. Oosterlinck, M. Pantazi, M. Pilecka, N. Szabelska, A. van Steenkiste, I.M.M. Filip, K. Bozdoc, A.I. Marcu, G.M. Agadullina, E. Adamkovič, M. Roczniewska, M. Reyna, C. Kassianos, A.P. Westerlund, M. Ahlgren, L. Pöntinen, S. Adetula, G.A. Dursun, P. Arinze, A.I. Arinze, N.C. Ogbonnaya, C.E. Ndukaihe, I.L.G. Dalgar, I. Akkas, H. Macapagal, P.M. Lewis, S. Metin-Orta, I. Foroni, F. Willis, M. Santos, A.C. Mokady, A. Reggev, N. Kurfali, M.A. Vasilev, M.R. Nock, N.L. Parzuchowski, M. Espinoza Barría, M.F. Vranka, M. Kohlová, M.B. Ropovik, I. Harutyunyan, M. Wang, C. Yao, E. Becker, M. Manunta, E. Kaminski, G. Marko, D. Evans, K. Lewis, D.M.G. Findor, A. Landry, A.T. Aruta, J.J.B. Ortiz, M.S. Vally, Z. Pronizius, E. Voracek, M. Lamm, C. Grinberg, M. Li, R. Valentova, J.V. Mioni, G. Cellini, N. Chen, S.-C. Zickfeld, J. Moon, K. Azab, H. Levy, N. Karababa, A. Beaudry, J.L. Boucher, L. Collins, W.M. Todsen, A.L. van Schie, K. Vintr, J. Bavolar, J. Kaliska, L. Križanić, V. Samojlenko, L. Pourafshari, R. Geiger, S.J. Beitner, J. Warmelink, L. Ross, R.M. Stephen, I.D. Hostler, T.J. Azouaghe, S. McCarthy, R. Szala, A. Grano, C. Solorzano, C.S. Anjum, G. Jimenez-Leal, W. Bradford, M. Pérez, L.C. Cruz Vásquez, J.E. Galindo-Caballero, O.J. Vargas-Nieto, J.C. Kácha, O. Arvanitis, A. Xiao, Q. Cárcamo, R. Zorjan, S. Tajchman, Z. Vilares, I. Pavlacic, J.M. Kunst, J.R. Tamnes, C.K. von Bastian, C.C. Atari, M. Sharifian, M.H. Hricova, M. Kačmár, P. Schrötter, J. Rahal, R.-M. Cohen, N. FatahModarres, S. Zrimsek, M. Zakharov, I. Koehn, M.A. Esteban-Serna, C. Calin-Jageman, R.J. Krafnick, A.J. Štrukelj, E. Isager, P.M. Urban, J. Silva, J.R. Martončik, M. Očovaj, S.B. Šakan, D. Kuzminska, A.O. Djordjevic, J.M. Almeida, I.A.T. Ferreira, A. Lazarevic, L.B. Manley, H. Ricaurte, D.Z. Monteiro, R.P. Etabari, Z. Musser, E. Dunleavy, D. Chou, W. Godbersen, H. Ruiz-Fernández, S. Reeck, C. Batres, C. Kirgizova, K. Muminov, A. Azevedo, F. Alvarez, D.S. Butt, M.M. Lee, J.M. Chen, Z. Verbruggen, F. Ziano, I. Tümer, M. Charyate, A.C.A. Dubrov, D. Tejada Rivera, M.C.M.C. Aberson, C. Pálfi, B. Maldonado, M.A. Hubena, B. Sacakli, A. Ceary, C.D. Richard, K.L. Singer, G. Perillo, J.T. Ballantyne, T. Cyrus-Lai, W. Fedotov, M. Du, H. Wielgus, M. Pit, I.L. Hruška, M. Sousa, D. Aczel, B. Szaszi, B. Adamus, S. Barzykowski, K. Micheli, L. Schmidt, N.-D. Zsido, A.N. Paruzel-Czachura, M. Bialek, M. Kowal, M. Sorokowska, A. Misiak, M. Mola, D. Ortiz, M.V. Correa, P.S. Belaus, A. Muchembled, F. Ribeiro, R.R. Arriaga, P. Oliveira, R. Vaughn, L.A. Szwed, P. Kossowska, M. Czarnek, G. Kielińska, J. Antazo, B. Betlehem, R. Stieger, S. Nilsonne, G. Simonovic, N. Taber, J. Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A. Domurat, A. Ihaya, K. Yamada, Y. Urooj, A. Gill, T. Čadek, M. Bylinina, L. Messerschmidt, J. Kurfalı, M. Adetula, A. Baklanova, E. Albayrak-Aydemir, N. Kappes, H.B. Gjoneska, B. House, T. Jones, M.V. Berkessel, J.B. Chopik, W.J. Çoksan, S. Seehuus, M. Khaoudi, A. Bokkour, A. El Arabi, K.A. Djamai, I. Iyer, A. Parashar, N. Adiguzel, A. Kocalar, H.E. Bundt, C. Norton, J.O. Papadatou-Pastou, M. De la Rosa-Gomez, A. Ankushev, V. Bogatyreva, N. Grigoryev, D. Ivanov, A. Prusova, I. Romanova, M. Sarieva, I. Terskova, M. Hristova, E. Kadreva, V.H. Janak, A. Schei, V. Sverdrup, T.E. Askelund, A.D. Pineda, L.M.S. Krupić, D. Levitan, C.A. Johannes, N. Ouherrou, N. Say, N. Sinkolova, S. Janjić, K. Stojanovska, M. Stojanovska, D. Khosla, M. Thomas, A.G. Kung, F.Y.H. Bijlstra, G. Mosannenzadeh, F. Balci, B.B. Reips, U.-D. Baskin, E. Ishkhanyan, B. Czamanski-Cohen, J. Dixson, B.J.W. Moreau, D. Sutherland, C.A.M. Chuan-Peng, H. Noone, C. Flowe, H. Anne, M. Janssen, S.M.J. Topor, M. Majeed, N.M. Kunisato, Y. Yu, K. Daches, S. Hartanto, A. Vdovic, M. Anton-Boicuk, L. Forbes, P.A.G. Kamburidis, J. Marinova, E. Nedelcheva-Datsova, M. Rachev, N.R. Stoyanova, A. Schmidt, K. Suchow, J.W. Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M. Jernsäther, T. Olofsson, J.K. Bialobrzeska, O. Marszalek, M. Tatachari, S. Afhami, R. Law, W. Antfolk, J. Žuro, B. Van Doren, N. Soto, J.A. Searston, R. Miranda, J. Damnjanović, K. Yeung, S.K. Krupić, D. Hoyer, K. Jaeger, B. Ren, D. Pfuhl, G. Klevjer, K. Corral-Frías, N.S. Frias-Armenta, M. Lucas, M.Y. Torres, A.O. Toro, M. Delgado, L.G.J. Vega, D. Solas, S.Á. Vilar, R. Massoni, S. Frizzo, T. Bran, A. Vaidis, D.C. Vieira, L. Paris, B. Capizzi, M. Coelho, G.L.H. Greenburgh, A. Whitt, C.M. Tullett, A.M. Du, X. Volz, L. Bosma, M.J. Karaarslan, C. Sarıoğuz, E. Allred, T.B. Korbmacher, M. Colloff, M.F. Lima, T.J.S. Ribeiro, M.F.F. Verharen, J.P.H. Karekla, M. Karashiali, C. Sunami, N. Jaremka, L.M. Storage, D. Habib, S. Studzinska, A. Hanel, P.H.P. Holford, D.L. Sirota, M. Wolfe, K. Chiu, F. Theodoropoulou, A. Ahn, E.R. Lin, Y. Westgate, E.C. Brohmer, H. Hofer, G. Dujols, O. Vezirian, K. Feldman, G. Travaglino, G.A. Ahmed, A. Li, M. Bosch, J. Torunsky, N. Bai, H. Manavalan, M. Song, X. Walczak, R.B. Zdybek, P. Friedemann, M. Rosa, A.D. Kozma, L. Alves, S.G. Lins, S. Pinto, I.R. Correia, R.C. Babinčák, P. Banik, G. Rojas-Berscia, L.M. Varella, M.A.C. Uttley, J. Beshears, J.E. Thommesen, K.K. Behzadnia, B. Geniole, S.N. Silan, M.A. Maturan, P.L.G. Vilsmeier, J.K. Tran, U.S. Izquierdo, S.M. Mensink, M.C. Sorokowski, P. Groyecka-Bernard, A. Radtke, T. Adoric, V.C. Carpentier, J. Özdoğru, A.A. Joy-Gaba, J.A. Hedgebeth, M.V. Ishii, T. Wichman, A.L. Röer, J.P. Ostermann, T. Davis, W.E. Suter, L. Papachristopoulos, K. Zabel, C. Ebersole, C.R. Chartier, C.R. Mallik, P.R. Urry, H.L. Buchanan, E.M. Coles, N.A. Primbs, M.A. Basnight-Brown, D.M. IJzerman, H. Forscher, P.S. Moshontz, H.
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts. To reduce negative emotions and increase positive emotions, we tested the effectiveness of reappraisal, an emotion-regulation strategy that modifies how one thinks about a situation. Participants from 87 countries and regions (n = 21,644) were randomly assigned to one of two brief reappraisal interventions (reconstrual or repurposing) or one of two control conditions (active or passive). Results revealed that both reappraisal interventions (vesus both control conditions) consistently reduced negative emotions and increased positive emotions across different measures. Reconstrual and repurposing interventions had similar effects. Importantly, planned exploratory analyses indicated that reappraisal interventions did not reduce intentions to practice preventive health behaviours. The findings demonstrate the viability of creating scalable, low-cost interventions for use around the world. Protocol registration: The stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in principle on 12 May 2020. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be found at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4878591.v1 © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
- Published
- 2021
13. A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D.H., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Drexler, S.M., Jurković, A.P., Rana, K., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O.N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A.C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, M.R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Kohlová, M.B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Landry, A.T., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C, Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C.S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Pérez, L.C., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M, Cohen, N., FatahModarres, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A.J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Očovaj, S.B., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Djordjevic, J.M., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D.S., Butt, M.M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.d.C.M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Maldonado, M.A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D, Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfalı, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Pineda, L.M.S., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D, Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Torres, A.O., Toro, M., Delgado, L.G.J., Vega, D., Solas, S.Á., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G.L.de.H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Allred, T.B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A.D., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Thommesen, K.K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Izquierdo, S.M., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V.C., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., Moshontz, H., Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D.H., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Drexler, S.M., Jurković, A.P., Rana, K., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O.N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A.C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, M.R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Kohlová, M.B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Landry, A.T., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C, Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C.S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Pérez, L.C., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M, Cohen, N., FatahModarres, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A.J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Očovaj, S.B., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Djordjevic, J.M., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D.S., Butt, M.M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.d.C.M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Maldonado, M.A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D, Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfalı, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Pineda, L.M.S., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D, Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Torres, A.O., Toro, M., Delgado, L.G.J., Vega, D., Solas, S.Á., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G.L.de.H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Allred, T.B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A.D., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Thommesen, K.K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Izquierdo, S.M., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V.C., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., and Moshontz, H.
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts. To reduce negative emotions and increase positive emotions, we tested the effectiveness of reappraisal, an emotion-regulation strategy that modifies how one thinks about a situation. Participants from 87 countries and regions (n = 21,644) were randomly assigned to one of two brief reappraisal interventions (reconstrual or repurposing) or one of two control conditions (active or passive). Results revealed that both reappraisal interventions (vesus both control conditions) consistently reduced negative emotions and increased positive emotions across different measures. Reconstrual and repurposing interventions had similar effects. Importantly, planned exploratory analyses indicated that reappraisal interventions did not reduce intentions to practice preventive health behaviours. The findings demonstrate the viability of creating scalable, low-cost interventions for use around the world.
- Published
- 2021
14. H irradiation effects on the GaAs-like Raman modes in GaAs1-xNx/GaAs1-xNx:H planar heterostructures.
- Author
Giulotto, E., Geddo, M., Patrini, M., Guizzetti, G., Felici, M., Capizzi, M., Polimeni, A., Martelli, F., and Rubini, S.
- Subjects
The GaAs-like longitudinal optical phonon frequency in two hydrogenated GaAs
1-x Nx /GaAs1-x Nx :H microwire heterostructures-with similar N concentration, but different H dose and implantation conditions-has been investigated by micro-Raman mapping. In the case of GaAs0.991 N0.009 wires embedded in barriers where GaAs-like properties are recovered through H irradiation, the phonon frequency in the barriers undergoes a blue shift with respect to the wires. In GaAs0.992 N0.008 wires embedded in less hydrogenated barriers, the phonon frequency exhibits an opposite behavior (red shift). Strain, disorder, phonon localization effects induced by H-irradiation on the GaAs-like phonon frequency are discussed and related to different types of N-H complexes formed in the hydrogenated barriers. It is shown that the red (blue) character of the frequency shift is related to the dominant N-2H (N-3H) type of complexes. Moreover, for specific experimental conditions, an all-optical determination of the uniaxial strain field is obtained. This may improve the design of recently presented devices that exploit the correlation between uniaxial stress and the degree of polarization of photoluminescence. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
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15. Strain related relaxation of the GaAs-like Raman mode selection rules in hydrogenated GaAs1−xNx layers
- Author
Giulotto, E., primary, Geddo, M., additional, Patrini, M., additional, Guizzetti, G., additional, Sharma, M. S., additional, Capizzi, M., additional, Polimeni, A., additional, Pettinari, G., additional, Rubini, S., additional, and Felici, M., additional
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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16. High GADA titer increases the risk of insulin requirement in LADA patients: a 7-year follow-up (NIRAD study 7)
- Author
Zampetti, S., Campagna, G., Tiberti, C., Songini, M., Arpi, Ml., De Simone, G., Cossu, E., Cocco, L., Osborn, J., Bosi, E., Giorgino, F., Spoletini, M., Buzzetti, R., NIRAD Study Group, Adda, G, Di Lembo, S, Aglialoro, A, Cattaneo, A, Scassi, V, Anichini, R, Arcangeli, A, Arpi, Ml, Bardini, Rg, Basciano, P, Bracaccia, M, Pistoni, S, Bracaglia, D, Borzı, V, Emanuele, V 2nd, Cannata, F, Capitano, G, Cignarelli, M, Piemontese, S, Capuano, G, Carro, S, Cazzalini, C, Cocco, L, Ciccarone, Am, Cicioni, G, Cossu, E, Sano, F, Cucinotta, D, Di Benedetto, A, De Mattia, G, Mollica, Mr, De Cosmo, S, Minenna, A, Dei Cas, A, De Simone, G, Di Berardino, P, Dotta, F, Contini, V, Franzetti, I, Frontoni, S, Gadaleta, G, Galeone, G, Magiar, Av, Garofano, Mr, Gentile, S, Guarino, G, Giansanti, R, Genovese, S, Giancaterini, A, Leotta, S, Gianni, E, Burrafato, S, Giordano, C, Gigante, A, Cicalo, A, Giorgino, F, Gnasso, A, Fiaschi, E, Grossi, G, Deverardinis, F, Ianni, L, Iovine, C, Lauro, R, Federici, M, Spallone, V, Lo Presti, A, Scarpetta, Am, Lunari, R, Manna, R, Margotta, A, Mantovani, E, Matteoli, Mc, Matteucci, E, Chiesi, F, Maran, A, Mascetti, P, Quintana, T, Mazzucca, P, Melga, P, Cordera, R, Meloncelli, I, Morano, S, Morviducci, L, Nannipieri, M, Parillo, M, Pacifico, A, Pascal, G, Papini, E, Graziano, F, Passaro, A, Pata, P, Pontiroli, Ae, Pozzilli, P, Cipolloni, L, Guglielmi, C, Puccio, L, Raffa, Lm, Richini, D, Romano, R, Rotella, C, Santantonio, G, Sbriglia, Ms, Songini, M, Cau, V, Scorsone, A, Taboga, C, Tatti, P, Turco, A, Trovati, M, Fiori, E, Vasta, M, Vitale, F, Zavaroni, D, Buzzetti, R, Bosi, E, Giaccari, A, Di Pietro, S, Suraci, C, Locatelli, M, Bazzigaluppi, E, Falorni, A, Tiberti, C, Capizzi, M, Marandola, L, and Petrone, A.
- Subjects
Male ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Type 2 diabetes ,Logistic regression ,LADA ,Settore MED/13 - Endocrinologia ,Endocrinology ,Insulin ,Glutamate Decarboxylase ,Medicine (all) ,Diabete di tipo 1, autoanticorpi, GADA, LADA ,Titrimetry ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Diabetes and Metabolism ,Titer ,Female ,Type 2 ,Type 1 ,Adult ,Risk ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.drug_class ,autoanticorpi ,Socio-culturale ,GADA ,Diabete di tipo 1 ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes mellitus ,Diabetes Mellitus ,medicine ,Humans ,Hypoglycemic Agents ,Aged ,Autoantibodies ,Case-Control Studies ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,Follow-Up Studies ,business.industry ,Autoantibody ,Case-control study ,medicine.disease ,Sulfonylurea ,business - Abstract
ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to determine whether glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody (GADA) titer and other clinical parameters could define the risk of progression to insulin therapy in latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) patients during a 7-year follow-up.MethodsThis study involved 220 LADA and 430 type 2 diabetes subjects followed up for 7 years from the time of GADA screening to evaluate their progression toward insulin therapy. Kaplan–Meier curves and multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed to identify the markers capable of influencing this progression.ResultsDuring the follow-up, the drop out was 4% in both groups. A total of 119 (56.1%) out of 212 LADA patients required insulin during the 7 years of follow-up. The Kaplan–Meier plots showed that 74/104 (71.1%) of high GADA titer required insulin compared with 45/108 (41.6%) of low GADA titer and with 86/412 (20.9%) of type 2 diabetes (P2and IA-2ICand zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8) positivity were also shown as the markers of faster progression (PPPConclusionsHigh GADA titer, BMI ≤ 25, ZnT8 and IA-2ICpositivity and sulfonylurea treatment, in the first year from diagnosis, significantly increase the progression toward insulin requirement in LADA patients.
- Published
- 2014
17. Zero-dimensional Zener Tunnelling and Plasmon Resonances due to N- and H- Incorporation in the Narrow Gap InAs
- Author
Di Paola, D. M., Velichko, A. V., Bomers, M., Balakrishnan, N., Makarovsky, O., Capizzi, M., Polimeni, A., Kesaria, M., Krier, A., Eaves, L., Thierry Taliercio, Patanè, A., Institut d’Electronique et des Systèmes (IES), Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), McMaster University [Hamilton, Ontario], School of Physics and Astronomy [Nottingham], University of Nottingham, UK (UON), Composants à Nanostructure pour le moyen infrarouge (NANOMIR), and Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,[SPI.TRON]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Electronics - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2017
18. Emergency Medicine training and working conditions in Europe: a joint EuSEM young doctors - European Junior Doctors Survey
- Author
Leto R, Heiser J, Van Asbroeck Pj, Carenzo L, Mohrhardt C, and Capizzi M
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Quality Control ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Cross-sectional study ,Workload ,Young Adult ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Work Schedule Tolerance ,medicine ,Medical Staff, Hospital ,Humans ,Young adult ,Workplace ,Burnout, Professional ,business.industry ,Middle Aged ,Europe ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Family medicine ,Emergency medicine ,Emergency Medicine ,Joint (building) ,Female ,business - Published
- 2015
19. Value and Anisotropy of the Electron and Hole Mass in Pure Wurtzite InP Nanowires
- Author
Tedeschi, D., De Luca, M., Granados del Aguila, A., Gao, Q., Ambrosio, G., Capizzi, M., Tan, H.H., Christianen, P.C.M., Jagadish, C., Polimeni, A., Tedeschi, D., De Luca, M., Granados del Aguila, A., Gao, Q., Ambrosio, G., Capizzi, M., Tan, H.H., Christianen, P.C.M., Jagadish, C., and Polimeni, A.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 161541.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)
- Published
- 2016
20. Value and Anisotropy of the Electron and Hole Mass in Pure Wurtzite InP Nanowires
- Author
Tedeschi, D., primary, De Luca, M., additional, Granados del Águila, A., additional, Gao, Q., additional, Ambrosio, G., additional, Capizzi, M., additional, Tan, H. H., additional, Christianen, P. C. M., additional, Jagadish, C., additional, and Polimeni, A., additional
- Published
- 2016
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21. Effect of the order-disorder transition on the optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4
- Author
Valentini, M., primary, Malerba, C., additional, Menchini, F., additional, Tedeschi, D., additional, Polimeni, A., additional, Capizzi, M., additional, and Mittiga, A., additional
- Published
- 2016
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22. Ferromagnetism and Conductivity in Hydrogen Irradiated Co-Doped ZnO Thin Films
- Author
Di Trolio, A., primary, Alippi, P., additional, Bauer, E. M., additional, Ciatto, G., additional, Chu, M. H., additional, Varvaro, G., additional, Polimeni, A., additional, Capizzi, M., additional, Valentini, M., additional, Bobba, F., additional, Di Giorgio, C., additional, and Amore Bonapasta, A., additional
- Published
- 2016
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23. Long-Lived Hot Carriers in III–V Nanowires
- Author
Tedeschi, D., primary, De Luca, M., additional, Fonseka, H. A., additional, Gao, Q., additional, Mura, F., additional, Tan, H. H., additional, Rubini, S., additional, Martelli, F., additional, Jagadish, C., additional, Capizzi, M., additional, and Polimeni, A., additional
- Published
- 2016
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24. Temperature dependence of interband transitions in wurtzite InP nanowires
- Author
Zilli, Attilio, De Luca, M., Tedeschi, Davide, Fonseka, Aruni, Miriametro, Antonio, Jagadish, Chennupati, Capizzi, M., Polimeni, A., Tan, Hark Hoe, Zilli, Attilio, De Luca, M., Tedeschi, Davide, Fonseka, Aruni, Miriametro, Antonio, Jagadish, Chennupati, Capizzi, M., Polimeni, A., and Tan, Hark Hoe
- Abstract
Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) formed by non-nitride III-V compounds grow preferentially with wurtzite (WZ) lattice. This is contrary to bulk and two-dimensional layers of the same compounds, where only zincblende (ZB) is observed. The absorption spectrum
- Published
- 2015
25. H-tailored surface conductivity in narrow band gap In(AsN)
- Author
Velichko, A. V., Patane, A., Capizzi, M., Sandall, I. C., Giubertoni, D., Makarovsky, O., Polimeni, A., Krier, A., Zhuang, Q., Tan, C. H., Velichko, A. V., Patane, A., Capizzi, M., Sandall, I. C., Giubertoni, D., Makarovsky, O., Polimeni, A., Krier, A., Zhuang, Q., and Tan, C. H.
- Abstract
We show that the n-type conductivity of the narrow band gap In(AsN) alloy can be increased within a thin (similar to 100 nm) channel below the surface by the controlled incorporation of H-atoms. This channel has a large electron sheet density of similar to 10(18) m(-2) and a high electron mobility (mu > 0.1 m(2)V(-1)s(-1) at low and room temperature). For a fixed dose of impinging H-atoms, its width decreases with the increase in concentration of N-atoms that act as H-traps thus forming N-H donor complexes near the surface. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
- Published
- 2015
26. Peculiarities of the hydrogenated In(AsN) alloy
- Author
Birindelli, S, primary, Kesaria, M, additional, Giubertoni, D, additional, Pettinari, G, additional, Velichko, A V, additional, Zhuang, Q D, additional, Krier, A, additional, Patanè, A, additional, Polimeni, A, additional, and Capizzi, M, additional
- Published
- 2015
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27. Single photon emitters in dilute nitrides: Towards a determinist approach of quantum dot-photonic crystal nanocavity coupling
- Author
Gerardino, A., primary, Birindelli, S., additional, Wildmann, J. S., additional, Pettinari, G., additional, Businaro, L., additional, Polimeni, A., additional, Capizzi, M., additional, Rubini, S., additional, Martelli, F., additional, Rastelli, A., additional, Trotta, R., additional, and Felici, M., additional
- Published
- 2015
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28. Carrier masses and band-gap temperature sensitivity in Ga(AsBi) alloys
- Author
Pettinari, G, primary, Capizzi, M, additional, and Polimeni, A, additional
- Published
- 2015
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29. H-tailored surface conductivity in narrow band gap In(AsN)
- Author
Velichko, A. V., primary, Patanè, A., additional, Capizzi, M., additional, Sandall, I. C., additional, Giubertoni, D., additional, Makarovsky, O., additional, Polimeni, A., additional, Krier, A., additional, Zhuang, Q., additional, and Tan, C. H., additional
- Published
- 2015
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30. H irradiation effects on the GaAs-like Raman modes in GaAs1-xNx/GaAs1-xNx:H planar heterostructures
- Author
Giulotto, E., primary, Geddo, M., additional, Patrini, M., additional, Guizzetti, G., additional, Felici, M., additional, Capizzi, M., additional, Polimeni, A., additional, Martelli, F., additional, and Rubini, S., additional
- Published
- 2014
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31. Effect of the order-disorder transition on the optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4.
- Author
Valentini, M., Malerba, C., Menchini, F., Tedeschi, D., Polimeni, A., Capizzi, M., and Mittiga, A.
- Subjects
ORDER-disorder transitions ,OPTICAL properties ,BAND gaps ,KESTERITE ,OPTICAL spectroscopy ,STOICHIOMETRY - Abstract
The effect of the order-disorder transition on the band gap of kesterite Cu
2 ZnSnS4 , an interesting material for solar cells, has been investigated by optical spectroscopy. The band gap energy (Eg ) decreases continuously with increasing annealing temperature, Ta , and reaches its minimum at Ta ~273 °C. Eg is about 200 meV higher in the most ordered state, than in the fully disordered state. Its value and the transition kinetic depend on the sample stoichiometry. A simplified model able to explain the order degree and stoichiometry effects on the Eg value is developed. Ordering results in narrower Raman peaks without affecting the shape of the photoluminescence spectrum-- except for the change in Eg --or the characteristic energy of the exponential tail below the fundamental absorption edge. Although a prolonged annealing increases the order degree, the material properties are still influenced by residual disorder as well as by defects related to the offstoichiometry composition. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2016
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32. Effect of the order-disorder transition on the optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4.
- Author
Valentini, M., Malerba, C., Menchini, F., Tedeschi, D., Polimeni, A., Capizzi, M., and Mittiga, A.
- Subjects
- *
ORDER-disorder transitions , *OPTICAL properties , *BAND gaps , *KESTERITE , *OPTICAL spectroscopy , *STOICHIOMETRY - Abstract
The effect of the order-disorder transition on the band gap of kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4, an interesting material for solar cells, has been investigated by optical spectroscopy. The band gap energy (Eg) decreases continuously with increasing annealing temperature, Ta, and reaches its minimum at Ta~273 °C. Eg is about 200 meV higher in the most ordered state, than in the fully disordered state. Its value and the transition kinetic depend on the sample stoichiometry. A simplified model able to explain the order degree and stoichiometry effects on the Eg value is developed. Ordering results in narrower Raman peaks without affecting the shape of the photoluminescence spectrum-- except for the change in Eg--or the characteristic energy of the exponential tail below the fundamental absorption edge. Although a prolonged annealing increases the order degree, the material properties are still influenced by residual disorder as well as by defects related to the offstoichiometry composition. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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33. Fronto-parietal homotopy in resting-state functional connectivity predicts task-switching performance
- Author
Mariagrazia Capizzi, Antonino Visalli, Antonino Vallesi, Lorenzo Pini, Zeus Gracia-Tabuenca, Sarael Alcauter, Dante Mantini, Vincenza Tarantino, Vallesi A., Visalli A., Gracia-Tabuenca Z., Tarantino V., Capizzi M., Alcauter S., Mantini D., and Pini L.
- Subjects
Elementary cognitive task ,Task switching ,Histology ,Prefrontal Cortex ,behavioral disciplines and activities ,050105 experimental psychology ,Executive functions ,03 medical and health sciences ,Young Adult ,0302 clinical medicine ,Supramarginal gyrus ,Parietal Lobe ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Resting-state fMRI ,Mathematics ,Brain Mapping ,Resting state fMRI ,General Neuroscience ,Homotopy ,05 social sciences ,Hemispheric asymmetries ,Mixing costs ,Brain ,homotopy, hemispheric asymmetries, task-switching, mixing costs, executive functions, resting-state fMRI ,Cognition ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Superior frontal gyrus ,Task-switching ,Anatomy ,Neuroscience ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Homotopic functional connectivity reflects the degree of synchrony in spontaneous activity between homologous voxels in the two hemispheres. Previous studies have associated increased brain homotopy and decreased white matter integrity with performance decrements on different cognitive tasks across the life-span. Here, we correlated functional homotopy, both at the whole-brain level and specifically in fronto-parietal network nodes, with task-switching performance in young adults. Cue-to-target intervals (CTI: 300 vs. 1200 ms) were manipulated on a trial-by-trial basis to modulate cognitive demands and strategic control. We found that mixing costs, a measure of task-set maintenance and monitoring, were significantly correlated to homotopy in different nodes of the fronto-parietal network depending on CTI. In particular, mixing costs for short CTI trials were smaller with lower homotopy in the superior frontal gyrus, whereas mixing costs for long CTI trials were smaller with lower homotopy in the supramarginal gyrus. These results were specific to the fronto-parietal network, as similar voxel-wise analyses within a control language network did not yield significant correlations with behavior. These findings extend previous literature on the relationship between homotopy and cognitive performance to task-switching, and show a dissociable role of homotopy in different fronto-parietal nodes depending on task demands. ispartof: BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION vol:227 issue:2 pages:655-672 ispartof: location:Germany status: published
- Published
- 2021
34. Enhancing rhythmic temporal expectations: The dominance of auditory modality under spatial uncertainty.
- Author
Attout L, Capizzi M, and Charras P
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Young Adult, Pattern Recognition, Visual physiology, Uncertainty, Adult, Orientation, Reaction Time, Periodicity, Attention physiology, Cues, Time Perception, Space Perception physiology, Auditory Perception physiology
- Abstract
To effectively process the most relevant information, the brain anticipates the optimal timing for allocating attentional resources. Behavior can be optimized by automatically aligning attention with external rhythmic structures, whether visual or auditory. Although the auditory modality is known for its efficacy in representing temporal information, the current body of research has not conclusively determined whether visual or auditory rhythmic presentations have a definitive advantage in entraining temporal attention. The present study directly examined the effects of auditory and visual rhythmic cues on the discrimination of visual targets in Experiment 1 and on auditory targets in Experiment 2. Additionally, the role of endogenous spatial attention was also considered. When and where the target was the most likely to occur were cued by unimodal (visual or auditory) and bimodal (audiovisual) signals. A sequence of salient events was employed to elicit rhythm-based temporal expectations and a symbolic predictive cue served to orient spatial attention. The results suggest a superiority of auditory over visual rhythms, irrespective of spatial attention, whether the spatial cue and rhythm converge or not (unimodal or bimodal), and regardless of the target modality (visual or auditory). These findings are discussed in terms of a modality-specific rhythmic orienting, while considering a single, supramodal system operating in a top-down manner for endogenous spatial attention., Competing Interests: Declarations Open practices statements The anonymized data and materials are available via the Open Science Framework and the experiment was not preregistered. Consent to participate Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. Consent for publication All authors gave their consent to publish this manuscript. Ethics approval The study was approved by the ethics committee of the University Paul Valery 3 of Montpellier. Conflicts of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest in connection with this work., (© 2024. The Psychonomic Society, Inc.)
- Published
- 2024
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35. Attention to space and time: Independent or interactive systems? A narrative review.
- Author
Capizzi M, Chica AB, Lupiáñez J, and Charras P
- Subjects
- Humans, Orientation, Reaction Time, Space Perception, Cues, Time Perception
- Abstract
While there is ample evidence for the ability to selectively attend to where in space and when in time a relevant event might occur, it remains poorly understood whether spatial and temporal attention operate independently or interactively to optimize behavior. To elucidate this important issue, we provide a narrative review of the literature investigating the relationship between the two. The studies were organized based on the attentional manipulation employed (endogenous vs. exogenous) and the type of task (detection vs. discrimination). Although the reviewed findings depict a complex scenario, three aspects appear particularly important in promoting independent or interactive effects of spatial and temporal attention: task demands, attentional manipulation, and their combination. Overall, the present review provides key insights into the relationship between spatial and temporal attention and identifies some critical gaps that need to be addressed by future research., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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36. Orofacial Migraine and Other Idiopathic Non-Dental Facial Pain Syndromes: A Clinical Survey of a Social Orofacial Patient Group.
- Author
Reina F, Salemi G, Capizzi M, Lo Cascio S, Marino A, Santangelo G, Santangelo A, Mineri M, Brighina F, Raieli V, and Costa CA
- Subjects
- Humans, Facial Pain diagnosis, Facial Pain therapy, Facial Pain etiology, Surveys and Questionnaires, Facial Neuralgia diagnosis, Facial Neuralgia therapy, Facial Neuralgia complications, Migraine Disorders diagnosis, Migraine Disorders epidemiology, Migraine Disorders therapy, Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Abstract
Background : Orofacial pain syndromes (OFPs) are a heterogeneous group of syndromes mainly characterized by painful attacks localized in facial and oral structures. According to the International Classification of Orofacial Pain (ICOP), the last three groups (non-dental facial pain, NDFP) are cranial neuralgias, facial pain syndromes resembling primary headache syndromes, and idiopathic orofacial pain. These are often clinical challenges because the symptoms may be similar or common among different disorders. The diagnostic efforts often induce a complex diagnostic algorithm and lead to several imaging studies or specialized tests, which are not always necessary. The aim of this study was to describe the encountered difficulties by these patients during the diagnostic-therapeutic course. Methods : This study was based on the responses to a survey questionnaire, administered to an Italian Facebook Orofacial Patient Group, searching for pain characteristics and diagnostic-therapeutic care courses. The questionnaire was filled out by patients affected by orofacial pain, who were 18 years and older, using a free online tool available on tablets, smartphones, and computers. Results : The sample was composed of 320 subjects (244F/76M), subdivided by age range (18-35 ys: 17.2%; 36-55 ys: 55.0%; >55 ys 27.8%). Most of the patients were affected by OFP for more than 3 years The sample presented one OFP diagnosis in 60% of cases, more than one in 36.2% of cases, and 3.8% not classified. Trigeminal neuralgia is more represented, followed by cluster headaches and migraines. About 70% had no pain remission, showing persisting background pain (VAS median = 7); autonomic cranial signs during a pain attack ranged between 45 and 65%. About 70% of the subjects consulted at least two different specialists. Almost all received drug treatment, about 25% received four to nine drug treatments, 40% remained unsatisfied, and almost 50% received no pharmacological treatment, together with drug therapy. Conclusion : To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study on an OFP population not selected by a third-level specialized center. The authors believe this represents a realistic perspective of what orofacial pain subjects suffer during their diagnostic-therapeutic course and the medical approach often results in unsatisfactory outcomes.
- Published
- 2023
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37. A transcranial magnetic stimulation study on the role of the left intraparietal sulcus in temporal orienting of attention.
- Author
Capizzi M, Martín-Signes M, Coull JT, Chica AB, and Charras P
- Subjects
- Humans, Parietal Lobe diagnostic imaging, Parietal Lobe physiology, Reaction Time physiology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Brain Mapping methods
- Abstract
Adaptive behavior requires the ability to orient attention to the moment in time at which a relevant event is likely to occur. Temporal orienting of attention has been consistently associated with activation of the left intraparietal sulcus (IPS) in prior fMRI studies. However, a direct test of its causal involvement in temporal orienting is still lacking. The present study tackled this issue by transiently perturbing left IPS activity with either online (Experiment 1) or offline (Experiment 2) transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). In both experiments, participants performed a temporal orienting task, alternating between blocks in which a temporal cue predicted when a subsequent target would appear and blocks in which a neutral cue provided no information about target timing. In Experiment 1 we used an online TMS protocol, aiming to interfere specifically with cue-related temporal processes, whereas in Experiment 2 we employed an offline protocol whereby participants performed the temporal orienting task before and after receiving TMS. The right IPS and/or the vertex were stimulated as active control regions. While results replicated the canonical pattern of temporal orienting effects on reaction time, with faster responses for temporal than neutral trials, these effects were not modulated by TMS over the left IPS (as compared to the right IPS and/or vertex regions) regardless of the online or offline protocol used. Overall, these findings challenge the causal role of the left IPS in temporal orienting of attention inviting further research on its underlying neural substrates., (Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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38. The Psychological Science Accelerator's COVID-19 rapid-response dataset.
- Author
Buchanan EM, Lewis SC, Paris B, Forscher PS, Pavlacic JM, Beshears JE, Drexler SM, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe A, Mallik PR, Silan MAA, Miller JK, IJzerman H, Moshontz H, Beaudry JL, Suchow JW, Chartier CR, Coles NA, Sharifian M, Todsen AL, Levitan CA, Azevedo F, Legate N, Heller B, Rothman AJ, Dorison CA, Gill BP, Wang K, Rees VW, Gibbs N, Goldenberg A, Thi Nguyen TV, Gross JJ, Kaminski G, von Bastian CC, Paruzel-Czachura M, Mosannenzadeh F, Azouaghe S, Bran A, Ruiz-Fernandez S, Santos AC, Reggev N, Zickfeld JH, Akkas H, Pantazi M, Ropovik I, Korbmacher M, Arriaga P, Gjoneska B, Warmelink L, Alves SG, de Holanda Coelho GL, Stieger S, Schei V, Hanel PHP, Szaszi B, Fedotov M, Antfolk J, Marcu GM, Schrötter J, Kunst JR, Geiger SJ, Adetula A, Kocalar HE, Kielińska J, Kačmár P, Bokkour A, Galindo-Caballero OJ, Djamai I, Pöntinen SJ, Agesin BE, Jernsäther T, Urooj A, Rachev NR, Koptjevskaja-Tamm M, Kurfalı M, Pit IL, Li R, Çoksan S, Dubrov D, Paltrow TE, Baník G, Korobova T, Studzinska A, Jiang X, Aruta JJBR, Vintr J, Chiu F, Kaliska L, Berkessel JB, Tümer M, Morales-Izquierdo S, Chuan-Peng H, Vezirian K, Rosa AD, Bialobrzeska O, Vasilev MR, Beitner J, Kácha O, Žuro B, Westerlund M, Nedelcheva-Datsova M, Findor A, Krupić D, Kowal M, Askelund AD, Pourafshari R, Đorđević JM, Schmidt ND, Baklanova E, Szala A, Zakharov I, Vranka MA, Ihaya K, Grano C, Cellini N, Białek M, Anton-Boicuk L, Dalgar I, Adıgüzel A, Verharen JPH, Maturan PLG, Kassianos AP, Oliveira R, Čadek M, Adoric VC, Özdoğru AA, Sverdrup TE, Aczel B, Zambrano D, Ahmed A, Tamnes CK, Yamada Y, Volz L, Sunami N, Suter L, Vieira L, Groyecka-Bernard A, Kamburidis JA, Reips UD, Harutyunyan M, Adetula GA, Allred TB, Barzykowski K, Antazo BG, Zsido AN, Šakan DD, Cyrus-Lai W, Ahlgren LP, Hruška M, Vega D, Manunta E, Mokady A, Capizzi M, Martončik M, Say N, Filip K, Vilar R, Staniaszek K, Vdovic M, Adamkovic M, Johannes N, Hajdu N, Cohen N, Overkott C, Krupić D, Hubena B, Nilsonne G, Mioni G, Solorzano CS, Ishii T, Chen Z, Kushnir E, Karaarslan C, Ribeiro RR, Khaoudi A, Kossowska M, Bavolar J, Hoyer K, Roczniewska M, Karababa A, Becker M, Monteiro RP, Kunisato Y, Metin-Orta I, Adamus S, Kozma L, Czarnek G, Domurat A, Štrukelj E, Alvarez DS, Parzuchowski M, Massoni S, Czamanski-Cohen J, Pronizius E, Muchembled F, van Schie K, Saçaklı A, Hristova E, Kuzminska AO, Charyate A, Bijlstra G, Afhami R, Majeed NM, Musser ED, Sirota M, Ross RM, Yeung SK, Papadatou-Pastou M, Foroni F, Almeida IAT, Grigoryev D, Lewis DMG, Holford DL, Janssen SMJ, Tatachari S, Batres C, Olofsson JK, Daches S, Belaus A, Pfuhl G, Corral-Frias NS, Sousa D, Röer JP, Isager PM, Godbersen H, Walczak RB, Van Doren N, Ren D, Gill T, Voracek M, DeBruine LM, Anne M, Očovaj SB, Thomas AG, Arvanitis A, Ostermann T, Wolfe K, Arinze NC, Bundt C, Lamm C, Calin-Jageman RJ, Davis WE, Karekla M, Zorjan S, Jaremka LM, Uttley J, Hricova M, Koehn MA, Kiselnikova N, Bai H, Krafnick AJ, Balci BB, Ballantyne T, Lins S, Vally Z, Esteban-Serna C, Schmidt K, Macapagal PML, Szwed P, Zdybek PM, Moreau D, Collins WM, Joy-Gaba JA, Vilares I, Tran US, Boudesseul J, Albayrak-Aydemir N, Dixson BJW, Perillo JT, Ferreira A, Westgate EC, Aberson CL, Arinze AI, Jaeger B, Butt MM, Silva JR, Storage DS, Janak AP, Jiménez-Leal W, Soto JA, Sorokowska A, McCarthy R, Tullett AM, Frias-Armenta M, Ribeiro MFF, Hartanto A, Forbes PAG, Willis ML, Del Carmen Tejada R M, Torres AJO, Stephen ID, Vaidis DC, de la Rosa-Gómez A, Yu K, Sutherland CAM, Manavalan M, Behzadnia B, Urban J, Baskin E, McFall JP, Ogbonnaya CE, Fu CHY, Rahal RM, Ndukaihe ILG, Hostler TJ, Kappes HB, Sorokowski P, Khosla M, Lazarevic LB, Eudave L, Vilsmeier JK, Luis EO, Muda R, Agadullina E, Cárcamo RA, Reeck C, Anjum G, Venegas MCT, Misiak M, Ryan RM, Nock NL, Travaglino GA, Mensink MC, Feldman G, Wichman AL, Chou W, Ziano I, Seehuus M, Chopik WJ, Kung FYH, Carpentier J, Vaughn LA, Du H, Xiao Q, Lima TJS, Noone C, Onie S, Verbruggen F, Radtke T, and Primbs MA
- Subjects
- Humans, Adaptation, Psychological, Health Behavior, Pandemics, Surveys and Questionnaires, COVID-19
- Abstract
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Psychological Science Accelerator coordinated three large-scale psychological studies to examine the effects of loss-gain framing, cognitive reappraisals, and autonomy framing manipulations on behavioral intentions and affective measures. The data collected (April to October 2020) included specific measures for each experimental study, a general questionnaire examining health prevention behaviors and COVID-19 experience, geographical and cultural context characterization, and demographic information for each participant. Each participant started the study with the same general questions and then was randomized to complete either one longer experiment or two shorter experiments. Data were provided by 73,223 participants with varying completion rates. Participants completed the survey from 111 geopolitical regions in 44 unique languages/dialects. The anonymized dataset described here is provided in both raw and processed formats to facilitate re-use and further analyses. The dataset offers secondary analytic opportunities to explore coping, framing, and self-determination across a diverse, global sample obtained at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be merged with other time-sampled or geographic data., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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39. Cranial Autonomic Symptoms and Migraine: What Relationship and What Meaning? A Review.
- Author
Lo Cascio S, Correnti E, D'Agostino S, Capizzi M, Marino A, Meli R, Lo Nobile S, and Raieli V
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Child, Cytoskeleton, Reflex, Migraine Disorders diagnosis, Migraine Disorders therapy
- Abstract
Cranial autonomic symptoms (CAS) have been usually associated with trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TAC's), however in the last few years several reports in adult and pediatric population have reported important presence of the CAS in migraine. Also several evidences experimentally show that the increased parasympathetic outflow can enhance the sensitization of nociceptive receptors involved in migraine. The presence of CAS suggests an activation of the trigeminal-autonomic reflex, probably related to an over-activation of the trigeminal afferent arm. For these reasons identifing and understanding of these symptoms in migraine may be important to help in the diagnosis and effective management. The purpose of this review is, analyzing the literature data, to discuss the prevalence of these CAS in migraine, the pathophysiological meaning in the pathogenesis of migraine and whether their presence influences the prognosis and therapy of migraine in adult and pediatric age., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest., (© 2022 The Author(s). Published by IMR Press.)
- Published
- 2022
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40. In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries.
- Author
Dorison CA, Lerner JS, Heller BH, Rothman AJ, Kawachi II, Wang K, Rees VW, Gill BP, Gibbs N, Ebersole CR, Vally Z, Tajchman Z, Zsido AN, Zrimsek M, Chen Z, Ziano I, Gialitaki Z, Ceary CD, Lin Y, Kunisato Y, Yamada Y, Xiao Q, Jiang X, Du X, Yao E, Wilson JP, Cyrus-Lai W, Jimenez-Leal W, Law W, Collins WM, Richard KL, Vranka M, Ankushev V, Schei V, Križanić V, Kadreva VH, Adoric VC, Tran US, Yeung SK, Hassan W, Houston R, Lima TJS, Ostermann T, Frizzo T, Sverdrup TE, House T, Gill T, Fedotov M, Paltrow T, Jernsäther T, Koptjevskaja-Tamm M, Hostler TJ, Ishii T, Szaszi B, Adamus S, Suter L, Habib S, Studzinska A, Stojanovska D, Janssen SMJ, Stieger S, Schulenberg SE, Tatachari S, Azouaghe S, Sorokowski P, Sorokowska A, Song X, Lewis SC, Sinkolova S, Grigoryev D, Drexler SM, Daches S, Geniole SN, Vračar S, Massoni S, Zorjan S, Sarıoğuz E, Izquierdo SM, Alves SG, Pöntinen S, Solas SÁ, Ordoñez-Riaño S, Očovaj SB, Onie S, Lins S, Çoksan S, Sacakli A, Ruiz-Fernández S, Geiger SJ, FatahModares S, Walczak RB, Betlehem R, Vilar R, Cárcamo R, Ross RM, McCarthy R, Ballantyne T, Westgate EC, Afhami R, Ren D, Monteiro RP, Reips UD, Reggev N, Calin-Jageman RJ, Pourafshari R, Oliveira R, Nedelcheva-Datsova M, Rahal RM, Ribeiro RR, Radtke T, Searston R, Habte R, Zdybek P, Chen SC, Maturan PLG, Perillo JT, Isager PM, Kačmár P, Macapagal PM, Szwed P, Hanel PHP, Forbes PAG, Arriaga P, Paris B, Papachristopoulos K, Correa PS, Kácha O, Bernardo M, Campos O, Bravo ON, Galindo-Caballero OJ, Ogbonnaya CE, Bialobrzeska O, Kiselnikova N, Simonovic N, Cohen N, Nock NL, Johannes N, Albayrak-Aydemir N, Say N, Torunsky N, Van Doren N, Sunami N, Rachev NR, Majeed NM, Schmidt ND, Nadif K, Corral-Frías NS, Ouherrou N, Pantazi M, Lucas MY, Vasilev MR, Ortiz MV, Butt MM, Kabir M, Muda R, Tejada Rivera MDCM, Sirota M, Seehuus M, Parzuchowski M, Toro M, Hricova M, Maldonado MA, Marszalek M, Karekla M, Mioni G, Bosma MJ, Westerlund M, Vdovic M, Bialek M, Silan MA, Anne M, Misiak M, Grinberg M, Capizzi M, Espinoza Barría MF, Kurfali MA, Mensink MC, Harutyunyan M, Khosla M, Korbmacher M, Adamkovič M, Ribeiro MFF, Terskova M, Hruška M, Martončik M, Voracek M, Čadek M, Frías-Armenta M, Kowal M, Topor M, Roczniewska M, Oosterlinck M, Kohlová MB, Paruzel-Czachura M, Romanova M, Papadatou-Pastou M, Lund ML, Antoniadi M, Jones MV, Ortiz MS, Manavalan M, Muminov A, Kossowska M, Friedemann M, Wielgus M, Varella MAC, Colloff MF, Bradford M, Vaughn LA, Eudave L, Vieira L, Pineda LMS, Pérez LC, Lazarevic LB, Jaremka LM, Kushnir E, Anton-Boicuk L, de Holanda Coelho GL, Ahlgren L, Levitan CA, Micheli L, Volz L, Stojanovska M, Boucher L, Samojlenko L, Delgado LGJ, Kaliska L, Warmelink L, Rojas-Berscia LM, Yu K, Wachowicz J, Desai K, Barzykowski K, Kozma L, Evans K, Kirgizova K, Agesin BE, Koehn MA, Wolfe K, Korobova T, Klevjer K, van Schie K, Vezirian K, Damnjanović K, Thommesen KK, Schmidt K, Filip K, Grzech K, Hoyer K, Moon K, Rana K, Janjić K, Suchow JW, Kielińska J, Cruz Vásquez JE, Beitner J, Vargas-Nieto JC, Roxas JCT, Taber J, Urriago-Rayo J, Pavlacic JM, Bavolar J, Soto JA, Olofsson JK, Vilsmeier JK, Messerschmidt J, Czamanski-Cohen J, Boudesseul J, Lee JM, Kamburidis J, Zickfeld J, Miranda JF, Verharen JPH, Hristova E, Beshears JE, Đorđević JM, Bosch J, Valentova JV, Antfolk J, Berkessel JB, Schrötter J, Urban J, Röer JP, Norton JO, Silva JR, Pickering JS, Vintr J, Uttley J, Kunst JR, Ndukaihe ILG, Iyer A, Vilares I, Ivanov A, Ropovik I, Sula I, Sarieva I, Metin-Orta I, Prusova I, Pinto I, Bozdoc AI, Almeida IAT, Pit IL, Dalgar I, Zakharov I, Arinze AI, Ihaya K, Stephen ID, Gjoneska B, Brohmer H, Flowe H, Godbersen H, Kocalar HE, Hedgebeth MV, Chuan-Peng H, Sharifian M, Manley H, Akkas H, Hajdu N, Azab H, Kaminski G, Nilsonne G, Anjum G, Travaglino GA, Feldman G, Pfuhl G, Czarnek G, Marcu GM, Hofer G, Banik G, Adetula GA, Bijlstra G, Verbruggen F, Kung FYH, Foroni F, Singer G, Muchembled F, Azevedo F, Mosannenzadeh F, Marinov E, Štrukelj E, Etebari Z, Baskin E, Garcia EOL, Musser E, van Steenkiste IMM, Ahn ER, Pronizius E, Jackson EA, Manunta E, Agadullina E, Šakan D, Dursun P, Dujols O, Dubrov D, Willis M, Tümer M, Beaudry JL, Popović D, Dunleavy D, Djamai I, Krupić D, Vega D, Du H, Mola D, Davis WE, Holford DL, Lewis DMG, Vaidis DC, Ozery DH, Ricaurte DZ, Storage D, Sousa D, Alvarez DS, Rosa AD, Krupić D, Marko D, Moreau D, Reeck C, Correia RC, Whitt CM, Lamm C, Solorzano CS, von Bastian CC, Sutherland CA, Overkott C, Aberson CL, Wang C, Karashiali C, Noone C, Chiu F, Picciocchi C, Karaarslan C, Cellini N, Esteban-Serna C, Reyna C, Batres C, Li R, Grano C, Carpentier J, Tamnes CK, Fu CHY, Ishkhanyan B, Bylinina L, Jaeger B, Bundt C, Allred TB, Bokkour A, Bogatyreva N, Chopik WJ, Antazo B, Behzadnia B, Becker M, Cocco B, Chou WL, Hubena B, Žuro B, Aczel B, Baklanova E, Bai H, Balci BB, Babinčák P, Dixson BJW, Mokady A, Kappes HB, Atari M, Szala A, Szabelska A, Aruta JJB, Domurat A, Arinze NC, Modena A, Adiguzel A, Monajem A, Arabi KAE, Özdoğru AA, Olaya Torres AJ, Theodoropoulou A, Jurković AP, Kassianos AP, Findor A, Hartanto A, Thibault Landry A, Ferreira A, Santos AC, De la Rosa-Gomez A, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe A, Todsen AL, Karababa A, Janak A, Bran A, Tullett AM, Kuzminska AO, Krafnick AJ, Urooj A, Khaoudi A, Ahmed A, Groyecka-Bernard A, Askelund AD, Adetula A, Belaus A, Charyate AC, Wichman AL, Stoyanova A, Greenburgh A, Thomas AG, Arvanitis A, Forscher PS, Mallik PR, Primbs MA, Miller JK, Moshontz H, Urry HL, IJzerman H, Basnight-Brown DM, Chartier CR, Buchanan EM, and Coles NA
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., "If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others") or potential gains (e.g., "If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others")? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we experimentally tested the effects of message framing on COVID-19-related judgments, intentions, and feelings. Loss- (vs. gain-) framed messages increased self-reported anxiety among participants cross-nationally with little-to-no impact on policy attitudes, behavioral intentions, or information seeking relevant to pandemic risks. These results were consistent across 84 countries, three variations of the message framing wording, and 560 data processing and analytic choices. Thus, results provide an empirical answer to a global communication question and highlight the emotional toll of loss-framed messages. Critically, this work demonstrates the importance of considering unintended affective consequences when evaluating nudge-style interventions., Competing Interests: Conflict of InterestThe authors declare no conflict of interest., (© The Society for Affective Science 2022.)
- Published
- 2022
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41. Author Correction: A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Author
Wang K, Goldenberg A, Dorison CA, Miller JK, Uusberg A, Lerner JS, Gross JJ, Agesin BB, Bernardo M, Campos O, Eudave L, Grzech K, Ozery DH, Jackson EA, Garcia EOL, Drexler SM, Jurković AP, Rana K, Wilson JP, Antoniadi M, Desai K, Gialitaki Z, Kushnir E, Nadif K, Bravo ON, Nauman R, Oosterlinck M, Pantazi M, Pilecka N, Szabelska A, van Steenkiste IMM, Filip K, Bozdoc AI, Marcu GM, Agadullina E, Adamkovič M, Roczniewska M, Reyna C, Kassianos AP, Westerlund M, Ahlgren L, Pöntinen S, Adetula GA, Dursun P, Arinze AI, Arinze NC, Ogbonnaya CE, Ndukaihe ILG, Dalgar I, Akkas H, Macapagal PM, Lewis S, Metin-Orta I, Foroni F, Willis M, Santos AC, Mokady A, Reggev N, Kurfali MA, Vasilev MR, Nock NL, Parzuchowski M, Espinoza Barría MF, Vranka M, Kohlová MB, Ropovik I, Harutyunyan M, Wang C, Yao E, Becker M, Manunta E, Kaminski G, Boudesseul J, Marko D, Evans K, Lewis DMG, Findor A, Landry AT, Aruta JJB, Ortiz MS, Vally Z, Pronizius E, Voracek M, Lamm C, Grinberg M, Li R, Valentova JV, Mioni G, Cellini N, Chen SC, Zickfeld J, Moon K, Azab H, Levy N, Karababa A, Beaudry JL, Boucher L, Collins WM, Todsen AL, van Schie K, Vintr J, Bavolar J, Kaliska L, Križanić V, Samojlenko L, Pourafshari R, Geiger SJ, Beitner J, Warmelink L, Ross RM, Stephen ID, Hostler TJ, Azouaghe S, McCarthy R, Szala A, Grano C, Solorzano CS, Anjum G, Jimenez-Leal W, Bradford M, Pérez LC, Cruz Vásquez JE, Galindo-Caballero OJ, Vargas-Nieto JC, Kácha O, Arvanitis A, Xiao Q, Cárcamo R, Zorjan S, Tajchman Z, Vilares I, Pavlacic JM, Kunst JR, Tamnes CK, von Bastian CC, Atari M, Sharifian M, Hricova M, Kačmár P, Schrötter J, Rahal RM, Cohen N, FatahModares S, Zrimsek M, Zakharov I, Koehn MA, Esteban-Serna C, Calin-Jageman RJ, Krafnick AJ, Štrukelj E, Isager PM, Urban J, Silva JR, Martončik M, Očovaj SB, Šakan D, Kuzminska AO, Djordjevic JM, Almeida IAT, Ferreira A, Lazarevic LB, Manley H, Ricaurte DZ, Monteiro RP, Etabari Z, Musser E, Dunleavy D, Chou W, Godbersen H, Ruiz-Fernández S, Reeck C, Batres C, Kirgizova K, Muminov A, Azevedo F, Alvarez DS, Butt MM, Lee JM, Chen Z, Verbruggen F, Ziano I, Tümer M, Charyate ACA, Dubrov D, Tejada Rivera MDCMC, Aberson C, Pálfi B, Maldonado MA, Hubena B, Sacakli A, Ceary CD, Richard KL, Singer G, Perillo JT, Ballantyne T, Cyrus-Lai W, Fedotov M, Du H, Wielgus M, Pit IL, Hruška M, Sousa D, Aczel B, Hajdu N, Szaszi B, Adamus S, Barzykowski K, Micheli L, Schmidt ND, Zsido AN, Paruzel-Czachura M, Muda R, Bialek M, Kowal M, Sorokowska A, Misiak M, Mola D, Ortiz MV, Correa PS, Belaus A, Muchembled F, Ribeiro RR, Arriaga P, Oliveira R, Vaughn LA, Szwed P, Kossowska M, Czarnek G, Kielińska J, Antazo B, Betlehem R, Stieger S, Nilsonne G, Simonovic N, Taber J, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe A, Domurat A, Ihaya K, Yamada Y, Urooj A, Gill T, Čadek M, Bylinina L, Messerschmidt J, Kurfalı M, Adetula A, Baklanova E, Albayrak-Aydemir N, Kappes HB, Gjoneska B, House T, Jones MV, Berkessel JB, Chopik WJ, Çoksan S, Seehuus M, Khaoudi A, Bokkour A, El Arabi KA, Djamai I, Iyer A, Parashar N, Adiguzel A, Kocalar HE, Bundt C, Norton JO, Papadatou-Pastou M, De la Rosa-Gomez A, Ankushev V, Bogatyreva N, Grigoryev D, Ivanov A, Prusova I, Romanova M, Sarieva I, Terskova M, Hristova E, Kadreva VH, Janak A, Schei V, Sverdrup TE, Askelund AD, Pineda LMS, Krupić D, Levitan CA, Johannes N, Ouherrou N, Say N, Sinkolova S, Janjić K, Stojanovska M, Stojanovska D, Khosla M, Thomas AG, Kung FYH, Bijlstra G, Mosannenzadeh F, Balci BB, Reips UD, Baskin E, Ishkhanyan B, Czamanski-Cohen J, Dixson BJW, Moreau D, Sutherland CAM, Chuan-Peng H, Noone C, Flowe H, Anne M, Janssen SMJ, Topor M, Majeed NM, Kunisato Y, Yu K, Daches S, Hartanto A, Vdovic M, Anton-Boicuk L, Forbes PAG, Kamburidis J, Marinova E, Nedelcheva-Datsova M, Rachev NR, Stoyanova A, Schmidt K, Suchow JW, Koptjevskaja-Tamm M, Jernsäther T, Olofsson JK, Bialobrzeska O, Marszalek M, Tatachari S, Afhami R, Law W, Antfolk J, Žuro B, Van Doren N, Soto JA, Searston R, Miranda J, Damnjanović K, Yeung SK, Krupić D, Hoyer K, Jaeger B, Ren D, Pfuhl G, Klevjer K, Corral-Frías NS, Frias-Armenta M, Lucas MY, Torres AO, Toro M, Delgado LGJ, Vega D, Solas SÁ, Vilar R, Massoni S, Frizzo T, Bran A, Vaidis DC, Vieira L, Paris B, Capizzi M, Coelho GLH, Greenburgh A, Whitt CM, Tullett AM, Du X, Volz L, Bosma MJ, Karaarslan C, Sarıoğuz E, Allred TB, Korbmacher M, Colloff MF, Lima TJS, Ribeiro MFF, Verharen JPH, Karekla M, Karashiali C, Sunami N, Jaremka LM, Storage D, Habib S, Studzinska A, Hanel PHP, Holford DL, Sirota M, Wolfe K, Chiu F, Theodoropoulou A, Ahn ER, Lin Y, Westgate EC, Brohmer H, Hofer G, Dujols O, Vezirian K, Feldman G, Travaglino GA, Ahmed A, Li M, Bosch J, Torunsky N, Bai H, Manavalan M, Song X, Walczak RB, Zdybek P, Friedemann M, Rosa AD, Kozma L, Alves SG, Lins S, Pinto IR, Correia RC, Babinčák P, Banik G, Rojas-Berscia LM, Varella MAC, Uttley J, Beshears JE, Thommesen KK, Behzadnia B, Geniole SN, Silan MA, Maturan PLG, Vilsmeier JK, Tran US, Izquierdo SM, Mensink MC, Sorokowski P, Groyecka-Bernard A, Radtke T, Adoric VC, Carpentier J, Özdoğru AA, Joy-Gaba JA, Hedgebeth MV, Ishii T, Wichman AL, Röer JP, Ostermann T, Davis WE, Suter L, Papachristopoulos K, Zabel C, Onie S, Ebersole CR, Chartier CR, Mallik PR, Urry HL, Buchanan EM, Coles NA, Primbs MA, Basnight-Brown DM, IJzerman H, Forscher PS, and Moshontz H
- Published
- 2022
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42. Huntingtin coordinates dendritic spine morphology and function through cofilin-mediated control of the actin cytoskeleton.
- Author
Wennagel D, Braz BY, Capizzi M, Barnat M, and Humbert S
- Subjects
- Actin Cytoskeleton metabolism, Actins metabolism, Animals, Huntington Disease metabolism, Mice, Synapses metabolism, Actin Depolymerizing Factors metabolism, Dendritic Spines metabolism, Huntingtin Protein genetics, Huntingtin Protein metabolism
- Abstract
Compelling evidence indicates that in Huntington's disease (HD), mutation of huntingtin (HTT) alters several aspects of early brain development such as synaptogenesis. It is not clear to what extent the partial loss of wild-type HTT function contributes to these abnormalities. Here we investigate the function of HTT in the formation of spines. Although larger spines normally correlate with more synaptic activity, cell-autonomous depletion of HTT leads to enlarged spines but reduced excitatory synaptic function. We find that HTT is required for the proper turnover of endogenous actin and to recruit AMPA receptors at active synapses; loss of HTT leads to LIM kinase (LIMK) hyperactivation, which maintains cofilin in its inactive state. HTT therefore influences actin dynamics through the LIMK-cofilin pathway. Loss of HTT uncouples spine structure from synaptic function, which may contribute to the ultimate development of HD symptoms., Competing Interests: Declaration of interests The authors declare no competing interests., (Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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43. The Pediatric Trochlear Migraine: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications.
- Author
Raieli V, Reina F, D'Agnano D, Nocera GM, Capizzi M, Marchese F, and Sciruicchio V
- Abstract
Trochlear Migraine has been recently described as the concurrence of strictly unilateral migraine and ipsilateral trochleodynia with relief of migraine after successful treatment of trochleodynia. This disorder has been interpreted as "cluster-tic syndrome" or "seizure-triggered migraine". Trochlear Migraine is unrecognized and rarely described in childhood. The aim of this study is to review the few cases of Trochlear Migraine reported in the literature in addition to the cases observed in our clinical experience. In particular, our cases showed recurrent attacks of severe and pulsating headache associated with nausea, vomiting, phonophobia, photophobia, and strict trochlear localization of pain. They often presented with alternating side attacks. Therefore, we suggest that the term "Trochlear Migraine" should be reserved for clinical migraine attacks strictly localized in the trochlear region, and we assume that the excessive increase in descriptions of new primary headache syndromes, according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders, can be probably be ascribed to the common physiopathological mechanisms characterizing these forms of migraine.
- Published
- 2022
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44. Impaired cognitive control in patients with brain tumors.
- Author
Tarantino V, Visalli A, Facchini S, Rossato C, Bertoldo A, Silvestri E, Cecchin D, Capizzi M, Anglani M, Baro V, Denaro L, Della Puppa A, D'Avella D, Corbetta M, and Vallesi A
- Subjects
- Brain Mapping, Cognition physiology, Humans, Prefrontal Cortex physiology, Reaction Time physiology, Brain Neoplasms complications, Brain Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Cognitive Dysfunction
- Abstract
Though the assessment of cognitive functions is proven to be a reliable prognostic indicator in patients with brain tumors, some of these functions, such as cognitive control, are still rarely investigated. The objective of this study was to examine proactive and reactive control functions in patients with focal brain tumors and to identify lesioned brain areas more at "risk" for developing impairment of these functions. To this end, a group of twenty-two patients, candidate to surgery, were tested with an AX-CPT task and a Stroop task, along with a clinical neuropsychological assessment, and their performance was compared to that of a well-matched healthy control group. Although overall accuracy and response times were similar for patients and control groups, the patient group failed more on the BX trials of the AX-CPT task and on the incongruent trials of the Stroop task, specifically. Behavioral results were associated with the damaged brain areas, mostly distributed in right frontal regions, by means of a lesion-symptom mapping multivariate approach. This analysis showed that a white matter cluster in the right prefrontal area was associated with lower d'-context values on the AX-CPT, which reflected the fact that these patients rely more on later information (reactive processes) to respond to unexpected and conflicting stimuli, than on earlier contextual cues (proactive processes). Taken together, these results suggest that patients with brain tumors present an imbalance between proactive and reactive control strategies in high interfering conditions, in association with right prefrontal white matter lesions., (Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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45. Headache onset after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.
- Author
Castaldo M, Waliszewska-Prosół M, Koutsokera M, Robotti M, Straburzyński M, Apostolakopoulou L, Capizzi M, Çibuku O, Ambat FDF, Frattale I, Gadzhieva Z, Gallo E, Gryglas-Dworak A, Halili G, Jusupova A, Koperskaya Y, Leheste AR, Manzo ML, Marcinnò A, Marino A, Mikulenka P, Ong BE, Polat B, Popovic Z, Rivera-Mancilla E, Roceanu AM, Rollo E, Romozzi M, Ruscitto C, Scotto di Clemente F, Strauss S, Taranta V, Terhart M, Tychenko I, Vigneri S, Misiak B, Martelletti P, and Raggi A
- Subjects
- BNT162 Vaccine, Headache etiology, Humans, Vaccination adverse effects, COVID-19 prevention & control, SARS-CoV-2
- Abstract
Background: Vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are used to reduce the risk of developing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Despite the significant benefits in terms of reduced risk of hospitalization and death, different adverse events may present after vaccination: among them, headache is one of the most common, but nowadays there is no summary presentation of its incidence and no description of its main features., Methods: We searched PubMed and EMBASE covering the period between January 1
st 2020 and August 6th , 2021, looking for record in English and with an abstract and using three main search terms (with specific variations): COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2; Vaccination; headache/adverse events. We selected manuscript including information on subjects developing headache after injection, and such information had to be derived from a structured form (i.e. no free reporting). Pooled estimates and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Analyses were carried out by vaccine vs. placebo, by first vs. second dose, and by mRNA-based vs. "traditional" vaccines; finally, we addressed the impact of age and gender on post-vaccine headache onset., Results: Out of 9338 records, 84 papers were included in the review, accounting for 1.57 million participants, 94% of whom received BNT162b2 or ChAdOx1. Headache was generally the third most common AE: it was detected in 22% (95% CI 18-27%) of subjects after the first dose of vaccine and in 29% (95% CI 23-35%) after the second, with an extreme heterogeneity. Those receiving placebo reported headache in 10-12% of cases. No differences were detected across different vaccines or by mRNA-based vs. "traditional" ones. None of the studies reported information on headache features. A lower prevalence of headache after the first injection of BNT162b2 among older participants was shown., Conclusions: Our results show that vaccines are associated to a two-fold risk of developing headache within 7 days from injection, and the lack of difference between vaccine types enable to hypothesize that headache is secondary to systemic immunological reaction than to a vaccine-type specific reaction. Some descriptions report onset within the first 24 h and that in around one-third of the cases, headache has migraine-like features with pulsating quality, phono and photophobia; in 40-60% of the cases aggravation with activity is observed. The majority of patients used some medication to treat headache, the one perceived as the most effective being acetylsalicylic acid., (© 2022. The Author(s).)- Published
- 2022
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46. Study on "Atypical" Migraine Auras in the Pediatric Age: The Role of Cortical Spreading Depression and the Physiopathogenetic Hypothesis Arising from Our Clinical Cases.
- Author
Raieli V, Capizzi M, Marino A, Di Nardo G, Raucci U, and Parisi P
- Abstract
Migraine is a complex neurologic disorder by which several systems of the central nervous system (autonomous system, affective, cognitive, sensory and motor system) may be affected on different levels. About a fourth of migraine patients have migraine auras. The most common aura is the visual aura followed by the sensorial aura but motor deficits, as well as deficits of higher cortical centers (disorders of thinking, orientation, coherence, or concentration), may occur as well. In analogy with a headache diary, an aura diary can deliver important help in the diagnostic process of rare migraine manifestations and prevent the under-diagnosis of unusual migraine manifestations. Complex migraine manifestations are a diagnosis of exclusion, and a broad diagnostic work-up is necessary in order to exclude dangerous neurologic pathologies. In addition, here, we discuss the atypical clinical presentation and possible physio-pathogenetic related aspects of these atypical migraine aura features in the developmental age. In addition, we wanted to stress and analyze the clinical aspects of our children/adolescents with atypical auras, which seem to be more difficult to frame with the mechanisms originally proposed to explain the physio-pathogenetic relationship between CSD and aura. Finally, we discuss in detail the complex aspects of this topic on the basis of available data and propose new terminology: " Multiple, Synchronous and Asynchronous, Cortical and Subcortical Spreading Depression ".
- Published
- 2022
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47. Explicit and implicit timing in older adults: Dissociable associations with age and cognitive decline.
- Author
Capizzi M, Visalli A, Faralli A, and Mioni G
- Subjects
- Aged, Humans, Cognitive Dysfunction, Time Perception
- Abstract
This study aimed to test two common explanations for the general finding of age-related changes in the performance of timing tasks within the millisecond-to-second range intervals. The first explanation is that older adults have a real difficulty in temporal processing as compared to younger adults. The second explanation is that older adults perform poorly on timing tasks because of their reduced cognitive control functions. These explanations have been mostly contrasted in explicit timing tasks that overtly require participants to process interval durations. Fewer studies have instead focused on implicit timing tasks, where no explicit instructions to process time are provided. Moreover, the investigation of both explicit and implicit timing in older adults has been restricted so far to healthy older participants. Here, a large sample (N = 85) comprising not only healthy but also pathological older adults completed explicit (time bisection) and implicit (foreperiod) timing tasks within a single session. Participants' age and cognitive decline, measured with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), were used as continuous variables to explain performance on explicit and implicit timing tasks. Results for the explicit timing task showed a flatter psychometric curve with increasing age or decreasing MMSE scores, pointing to a deficit at the level of cognitive control functions rather than of temporal processing. By contrast, for the implicit timing task, a decrease in the MMSE scores was associated with a reduced foreperiod effect, an index of implicit time processing. Overall, these findings extend previous studies on explicit and implicit timing in healthy aged samples by dissociating between age and cognitive decline (in the normal-to-pathological continuum) in older adults., Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
- Published
- 2022
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48. Fronto-parietal homotopy in resting-state functional connectivity predicts task-switching performance.
- Author
Vallesi A, Visalli A, Gracia-Tabuenca Z, Tarantino V, Capizzi M, Alcauter S, Mantini D, and Pini L
- Subjects
- Brain diagnostic imaging, Humans, Parietal Lobe diagnostic imaging, Prefrontal Cortex, Young Adult, Brain Mapping, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Abstract
Homotopic functional connectivity reflects the degree of synchrony in spontaneous activity between homologous voxels in the two hemispheres. Previous studies have associated increased brain homotopy and decreased white matter integrity with performance decrements on different cognitive tasks across the life-span. Here, we correlated functional homotopy, both at the whole-brain level and specifically in fronto-parietal network nodes, with task-switching performance in young adults. Cue-to-target intervals (CTI: 300 vs. 1200 ms) were manipulated on a trial-by-trial basis to modulate cognitive demands and strategic control. We found that mixing costs, a measure of task-set maintenance and monitoring, were significantly correlated to homotopy in different nodes of the fronto-parietal network depending on CTI. In particular, mixing costs for short CTI trials were smaller with lower homotopy in the superior frontal gyrus, whereas mixing costs for long CTI trials were smaller with lower homotopy in the supramarginal gyrus. These results were specific to the fronto-parietal network, as similar voxel-wise analyses within a control language network did not yield significant correlations with behavior. These findings extend previous literature on the relationship between homotopy and cognitive performance to task-switching, and show a dissociable role of homotopy in different fronto-parietal nodes depending on task demands., (© 2021. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2022
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49. Escinosomes: Safe and Successful Nanovesicles to Deliver Andrographolide by a Subcutaneous Route in a Mice Model of Oxaliplatin-Induced Neuropathy.
- Author
Vanti G, Capizzi M, Di Cesare Mannelli L, Lucarini E, Bergonzi MC, Ghelardini C, and Bilia AR
- Abstract
Andrographolide (AG) is a natural diterpene lactone endowed with considerable therapeutic potential for treating numerous diseases, including neurological disorders, but its low aqueous solubility and scarce bioavailability limit its clinical use. To overcome this problem, AG was encapsulated in escinosomes, special nanovesicles made of escin (ESN), a natural saponin, and phosphatidylcholine. Escinosomes loaded with AG had an average size of 164.7 ± 13.30 nm, optimal polydispersity index (0.190 ± 0.0890) and high ζ-potential (-35.4 ± 0.451 mV), and significantly loaded the active substance-the encapsulation efficiency of AG was about 88%. Escinosomes allowed the prolonged release of AG over time, without burst effects-about 85% AG was released after 24 h. Morphological analysis by cryo-transmission electron microscopy showed nanovesicles with a spherical shape, unilamellar and oligolamellar structures, and dimensions in agreement with those measured by dynamic light scattering. In addition, stability studies were performed on AG-loaded escinosomes stored for one month at 4 °C. The pain-relieving efficacy of these nanovesicles was tested in a rat model of oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy. AG-loaded escinosomes, subcutaneously administered, effectively reduced the thermal allodynia characteristic of chemotherapy-induced neuropathy, enhancing and prolonging the effect of the natural compound. Overall, AG-loaded escinosomes were found to be excellent for loading AG, physically and chemically stable for one-month storage, and with controlled-release properties, making the formulation an ideal pharmacological approach for persistent pain treatment.
- Published
- 2022
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50. Developmental defects in Huntington's disease show that axonal growth and microtubule reorganization require NUMA1.
- Author
Capizzi M, Carpentier R, Denarier E, Adrait A, Kassem R, Mapelli M, Couté Y, and Humbert S
- Subjects
- Animals, Axons metabolism, Cell Cycle Proteins metabolism, Growth Cones physiology, Mice, Microtubules metabolism, Proteomics, Huntington Disease genetics, Huntington Disease metabolism
- Abstract
Although the classic symptoms of Huntington's disease (HD) manifest in adulthood, neural progenitor cell behavior is already abnormal by 13 weeks' gestation. To determine how these developmental defects evolve, we turned to cell and mouse models. We found that layer II/III neurons that normally connect the hemispheres are limited in their growth in HD by microtubule bundling defects within the axonal growth cone, so that fewer axons cross the corpus callosum. Proteomic analyses of the growth cones revealed that NUMA1 (nuclear/mitotic apparatus protein 1) is downregulated in HD by miR-124. Suppressing NUMA1 in wild-type cells recapitulates the microtubule and axonal growth defects of HD, whereas raising NUMA1 levels with antagomiR-124 or stabilizing microtubules with epothilone B restores microtubule organization and rescues axonal growth. NUMA1 therefore regulates the microtubule network in the growth cone, and HD, which is traditionally conceived as a disease of intracellular trafficking, also disturbs the cytoskeletal network., Competing Interests: Declaration of interests The authors declare no competing interests., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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