1 はじめに : 日本において、アスベスト被害が深刻な社会問題になっている。すでに澤田(2014b)にて示したとおり、アスベスト起因の労働災害は2012年現在で1万659人に上る。これまで筆者は、アスベスト被害の拡大を被害者の量的拡大と地理的拡大という二つの意味でとらえ、拡大の要因を企業間・産業間の生産の分業を基礎とした取引関係の構造分析によって明らかにしてきた。しかし、なぜそもそもアスベストが長期にわたり使用されてきたのであろうか。……, In 1994, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers' Association (JAMA) moved to replace parts containing asbestos by using substitutes, under its own initiative. Meanwhile, however, the construction industry continued to work with materials and parts containing asbestos until they were banned under domestic regulations in 2004. This essay focuses on the asbestos substitution process in the construction industry and building material manufacturers, as well as in the automobile industry and automobile parts manufacturers, conducting a factor analysis of the different responses from the two sectors. The results demonstrate that while the automobile industry and automobile parts manufacturers restricted the usage of asbestos abroad as part of the process of expansion into foreign markets and actively sought to find replacements domestically as well, the majority of other industries were primarily concerned with economic performance and remained in line with domestic regulations, failing to search for replacements.