
Showing total 186 results
186 results

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1. A Unified Approach to Structural Limits and Limits of Graphs with Bounded Tree-Depth

2. A generalization of a graph theory Mertens’ theorem: Galois covering case

3. On K p,q -factorization of complete bipartite multigraphs

4. How does the core sit inside the mantle?

5. On embedding certain partial orders into the P-points under Rudin-Keisler and Tukey reducibility

6. Biased random k-SAT

7. Graph-Links: Nonrealizability, Orientation, and Jones Polynomial


9. Vertex Antimagic Total Labeling of Digraphs

10. The cone spanned by maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules and an application

11. Meyniel's conjecture holds for random graphs


13. Multivariate Estimates for the Concentration Functions of Weighted Sums of Independent, Identically Distributed Random Variables

14. On A Novel Eccentricity-Based Invariant Of A Graph

15. Series Representation of Power Function

16. CSP dichotomy for special triads

17. Decomposing a Graph Into Expanding Subgraphs

18. Lattice rules with random n achieve nearly the optimal O(n−α−1∕2) error independently of the dimension

19. A new combinatorial representation of the additive coalescent

20. A metric result for special sequences related to the Halton sequences

21. 3-Uniform Hypergraphs and Linear Cycles

22. Erdős–Gyárfás conjecture for some families of Cayley graphs

23. The random connection model: Connectivity, edge lengths, and degree distributions

24. On the Characterization of Maximal Planar Graphs with a Given Signed Cycle Domination Number

25. Finite groups with given σ-embedded and σ-n-embedded subgroups

26. Generalized PageRank on Directed Configuration Networks

27. Coloring graphs of various maximum degree from random lists

28. Signed strong Roman domination in graphs

29. Neighbor sum distinguishing colorings of graphs with maximum average degree less than $$\tfrac{{37}} {{12}}$$3712

30. Smoothness and Asymptotic Properties of Functions with General Monotone Fourier Coefficients

31. An algebraic proof of the real number PCP theorem

32. On S-strong Mori modules

33. Binary partitions and binary partition polytopes

34. On second order orthogonal Latin hypercube designs

35. Solution to an extremal problem on bigraphic pairs with a Z 3-connected realization

36. Liar’s domination in graphs under some operations

37. The generalized total graph of a commutative semiring

38. A containment result in 𝑃ⁿ and the Chudnovsky Conjecture

39. Neighbor sum distinguishing edge coloring of subcubic graphs

40. Deterministic Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithms for Partition Functions and Graph Polynomials

41. Randomly orthogonal factorizations in networks

42. On integral Cayley sum graphs

43. Finite groups with some non-Abelian subgroups of non-prime-power order

44. Some properties of the Schröder numbers

45. Finite p-groups with a class of complemented normal subgroups

46. Classification of non-local rings with projective 3-zero-divisor hypergraph

47. The intersection numbers of nearly Kirkman triple systems

48. On the annihilator-ideal graph of commutative rings

49. Banach upper density recurrent points of C 0-flows

50. Phase Transition of the Reconstructability of a General Model with Different In-Community and Out-Community Mutations on an Infinite Tree