
Showing total 181 results
181 results

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1. A deep reinforcement learning algorithm framework for solving multi-objective traveling salesman problem based on feature transformation.

2. FIR-YOLACT: Fusion of ICIoU and Res2Net for YOLACT on Real-Time Vehicle Instance Segmentation.

3. Chip Pad Inspection Method Based on an Improved YOLOv5 Algorithm.

4. Single-Image Defogging Algorithm Based on Improved Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Network.

5. An in situ surface defect detection method based on improved you only look once algorithm for wire and arc additive manufacturing.

6. SSCL-TransMD: Semi-Supervised Continual Learning Transformer for Malicious Software Detection.

7. Single target tracking algorithm for lightweight Siamese networks based on global attention.

8. Optimization and Application of Image Defogging Algorithm Based on Deep Learning Network.

9. A Novel Deep Learning Model Compression Algorithm.

10. Efficient Parameter Server Placement for Distributed Deep Learning in Edge Computing.

11. Non-iterative approaches in training feed-forward neural networks and their applications.

12. Attention-Enhanced One-Stage Algorithm for Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition.

13. 基于随机掩码和对抗训练的文本隐私保护实验.

14. Applications of Deep Learning in News Text Classification.

15. Improved FunkSVD Algorithm Based on RMSProp.

16. Dendritic Growth Optimization: A Novel Nature-Inspired Algorithm for Real-World Optimization Problems.

17. MFNet algorithm based on indoor scene segmentation.

18. A Fusion Algorithm of Object Detection and Tracking for Unmanned Surface Vehicles.

19. Industrial equipment detection algorithm under complex working conditions based on ROMS R-CNN.

20. Deep-Learning Based Algorithm for Detecting Targets in Infrared Images.

21. Small Target Detection Algorithm Based on Transfer Learning and Deep Separable Network.

22. 基于 Res2net 和金字塔池化的图像去雾算法.

23. Remote sensing image recognition based on dual-channel deep learning network.

24. Real-time detection method of driver fatigue state based on deep learning of face video.

25. Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation in Sparse LiDAR Feature Environments.

26. QoE-Driven Edge Caching in Vehicle Networks Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning.

27. 加权密集扩张卷积网络的随机脉冲噪声去除.

28. 基于改进YOLOv4-Tiny轻量化校内行人目标检测算法.

29. A novel deep pixel restoration video prediction algorithm integrating attention mechanism.

30. 基于 Transformer 人像关键点检测网络的研究.

31. 基 于深度度量学习的足迹图像检索算法.

32. Evaluation of Artificial Precipitation Enhancement Using UNET-GRU Algorithm for Rainfall Estimation.

33. 一种基于深度学习的两段式三维面片过分割方法.

34. Research on Fault Diagnosis Model of Generative Adss Based on Improved Semisupervised Diagnosis Algorithm.

35. Artificial chicken swarm algorithm for multi-objective optimization with deep learning.

36. A visual fingerprint update algorithm based on crowdsourced localization and deep learning for smart IoV.

37. A Boosted 3-D PCA Algorithm Based on Efficient Analysis Method.

38. Blockchain-Based VEC Network Trust Management: A DRL Algorithm for Vehicular Service Offloading and Migration.

39. A novel AFNCS algorithm for super-resolution SAR in curve trajectory.

40. A Semieager Classifier for Open Relation Extraction.

41. Research on image Inpainting algorithm of improved GAN based on two-discriminations networks.

42. Study on face recognition under unconstrained conditions based on LBP and deep learning.

43. Survey on clothing image retrieval with cross-domain.

44. 集成RGB-D语义分割网络的室内语义地图构建.

45. A Lightweight and Accurate UAV Detection Method Based on YOLOv4.

46. 神经网络非梯度优化方法研究进展.

47. 基于全局信息的目标检测标签分配方法.

48. 基于集成学习的僵尸网络在线检测方法.

49. A Compressed Reconstruction Network Combining Deep Image Prior and Autoencoding Priors for Single-Pixel Imaging.

50. 融合知识图谱与注意力机制的推荐算法.