
Showing total 94 results
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1. COVID-19 School Closures, Learning Losses and Intergenerational Mobility. Policy Research Working Paper 10381

2. Growing up Together: Sibling Correlation, Parental Influence, and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Developing Countries. Policy Research Working Paper 10285

3. Loud and Clear: Effective Language of Instruction Policies for Learning. A World Bank Policy Approach Paper

4. COVID-19: Missing More than a Classroom. The Impact of School Closures on Children's Nutrition. Innocenti Working Paper 2021-01

5. The Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Students across Education Systems: An Overview. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 273

6. Mobilizing Resources for Education and Improving Spending Effectiveness: Establishing Realistic Benchmarks Based on Past Trends. Policy Research Working Paper 8773

7. Assessing Adults' Skills on a Global Scale: A Joint Analysis of Results from PIAAC and STEP. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 230

8. Why Do Countries Participate in International Large-Scale Assessments? The Case of PISA. Policy Research Working Paper 7447

9. Attendance in Early Childhood Education and Care Programmes and Academic Proficiencies at Age 15. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 214

10. Higher Education: What Role Can the Commonwealth Play? Background Paper for Discussion at the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers

11. Johan Vilhelm Snellman's-Finnish Philosopher, Writer, Diplomat-Statement 'Science Centers for All'

12. Reviews of Literature on Accreditation and Quality Assurance

13. What Is the Purpose of Playwork?

14. Mapping Students' Readiness for E-Learning in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

15. Adaptive Resilience and Creativity: Learning Cities Mobilizing COVID Responses, Expanding Networks

16. Skills Development and Climate Change Action Plans: Enhancing TVET's Contribution. Education 2030

17. Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Disadvantaged Youth

18. Impact of COVID-19 on Open Universities Worldwide: Case Studies from Asia, Africa and Europe

19. A Systematic Review of Media Multitasking in Educational Contexts: Trends, Gaps, and Antecedents

20. Mathematics Anxiety as a Mediator for Gender Differences in 2012 PISA Mathematics Scores

21. Bringing the Learning Home: Examining the Course-Level Impact of International Professional Experience

22. A Systematic Review of School Distributed Leadership: Exploring Research Purposes, Concepts and Approaches in the Field between 2010 and 2022

23. Educational Technology Research during the COVID-19 Pandemic

24. Educational Technology for Learners with Disabilities in Primary School Settings in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Literature Review

25. Effect of Sports Health and Exercise Research on Olympic Game Success: An Analytical and Correlational Survey

26. Bibliometrics of Scientific Productivity on Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Down Syndrome

27. Response of Educational Institutions to COVID-19 Pandemic: An Inter-Country Comparison

28. Higher Education as a Field of Study: An Analysis of 495 Academic Programs, Research Centers, and Institutes across 48 Countries Worldwide

29. A Conceptual-Empirical Typology of Social Science Research Methods Pedagogy

30. Knowledge Mapping of Skills Mismatch Phenomenon: A Scientometric Analysis

31. Mapping Inclusive Education 1980 to 2019: A Bibliometric Analysis of Thematic Clusters and Research Directions

32. Digital Transformation in the Education Sector Due to the Impact of COVID-19

33. Developing 21st Century Competencies among Youth through an Online Learning Program: BE a Global Citizen

34. Action Competencies for Sustainability and Its Implications to Environmental Education for Prospective Science Teachers: A Systematic Literature Review

35. The Implementation of Dual Language Programme for Mathematics Education in Secondary Schools: A Systematic Literature Review

36. International Students in Norway: Satisfaction, Coping and Social Networks

37. Exploring Affective Dimensions of Authentic Geographic Education Using a Qualitative Document Analysis of Students' YouthMappers Blogs

38. Learning Loss, Learning Gains and Wellbeing: A Review of Policy and Grey Literature

39. 'Community of Learning' for African PhD Students: Changing the Scene of Doctoral Education?

40. Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks

41. EdMedia + Innovate Learning: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (Vienna, Austria, July 10-14, 2023)

42. Human Capital and Income Inequality Revisited

43. Re-Conceptualising VET: Responses to COVID-19

44. Strategic Planning in Higher Education: A Simplified B-VAR Model

45. Fractal Reproduction: A Social Network Analysis of Regional International Student Mobility

46. Augmented Reality in Education: An Overview of Twenty-Five Years of Research

47. A Worldwide Journey through Distance Education--From the Post Office to Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Realities, and Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic

48. How Much Does Universal Digital Learning Cost? Policy Brief

49. Steering Tertiary Education: Toward Resilient Systems That Deliver for All

50. Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education: Effectively Integrating Technology in Under-Resourced Education Systems