
Showing total 1,035 results
1,035 results

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1. Short-Time Heat Content Asymptotics via the Wave and Eikonal Equations

2. K3 surfaces with maximal finite automorphism groups containing M 20

3. The Benson - Symonds invariant for ordinary and signed permutation modules

4. Polyvector fields and polydifferential operators associated with Lie pairs

5. Analyzing the Weyl Construction for Dynamical Cartan Subalgebras

6. Maximal families of nodal varieties with defect

7. Slice Fueter-Regular Functions

8. Simpson filtration and oper stratum conjecture

9. Properties of triangulated and quotient categories arising from n-Calabi–Yau triples

10. Primitive permutation groups and strongly factorizable transformation semigroups

11. Long Paths in First Passage Percolation on the Complete Graph II. Global Branching Dynamics

12. Low dimensional orders of finite representation type

13. A trichotomy for rectangles inscribed in Jordan loops

14. Virtual Retraction Properties in Groups

15. Segre Indices and Welschinger Weights as Options for Invariant Count of Real Lines

16. A Polynomial Sieve and Sums of Deligne Type

17. The Low-Energy TQFT of the Generalized Double Semion Model

18. Finite determinacy of matrices and ideals

19. Tame Galois module structure revisited

20. The prime end capacity of inaccessible prime ends, resolutivity, and the Kellogg property

21. Spectral spread and non-autonomous Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms

22. The spread of a finite group

23. New subclasses of analytic and bi-univalent functions endowed with coefficient estimate problems

24. Deformation theory of deformed Donaldson-Thomas connections for ${\rm Spin}(7)$-manifolds

25. Exceptional collections on certain Hassett spaces

26. Essential Commutants on Strongly Pseudo-convex Domains

27. The irreducible weak modules for the fixed point subalgebra of the vertex algebra associated to a non-degenerate even lattice by an automorphism of order $2$ (Part $1$)

28. Covariant Functions of Characters of Compact Subgroups

29. Combinatorial proofs of two theorems of Lutz and Stull

30. $L^p$-Kato class measures and their relations with Sobolev embedding theorems for Dirichlet spaces

31. Large $m$ asymptotics for minimal partitions of the Dirichlet eigenvalue

32. Rigid local systems and finite general linear groups

33. Regularity of Cohen-Macaulay Specht ideals

34. Actual and virtual dimension of codimension 2 general linear subspaces in $\mathbb{P}^n$

35. A Generalized Information-Theoretic Approach for Bounding the Number of Independent Sets in Bipartite Graphs

36. Multiplicities for tensor products on Special linear versus Classical groups

37. Good action on a finite group

38. Homological stability for diffeomorphism groups of high-dimensional handlebodies

39. Measures and stabilizers of group Cantor actions

40. Invariable generation of finite classical groups

41. An approximation principle for congruence subgroups


43. Pappus Theorem, Schwartz Representations and Anosov Representations

44. Fueter’s Theorem for Monogenic Functions in Biaxial Symmetric Domains

45. Isomorphisms of Twisted Hilbert Loop Algebras

46. The second moment of sums of coefficients of cusp forms

47. On the speed of algebraically defined graph classes

48. Einstein Relation for Random Walk in a One-Dimensional Percolation Model

49. Sufficient condition for rectifiability involving Wasserstein distance $W_2$

50. On analytic Todd classes of singular varieties