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453 results

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1. Analyzing the Weyl Construction for Dynamical Cartan Subalgebras

2. Maximal families of nodal varieties with defect

3. Simpson filtration and oper stratum conjecture

4. Properties of triangulated and quotient categories arising from n-Calabi–Yau triples

5. Low dimensional orders of finite representation type

6. Virtual Retraction Properties in Groups

7. Segre Indices and Welschinger Weights as Options for Invariant Count of Real Lines

8. A Polynomial Sieve and Sums of Deligne Type

9. The prime end capacity of inaccessible prime ends, resolutivity, and the Kellogg property

10. Spectral spread and non-autonomous Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms

11. On weakly 1-absorbing prime ideals

12. Combinatorial proofs of two theorems of Lutz and Stull

13. Large $m$ asymptotics for minimal partitions of the Dirichlet eigenvalue

14. Rigid local systems and finite general linear groups

15. Multiplicities for tensor products on Special linear versus Classical groups

16. An approximation principle for congruence subgroups

17. Isomorphisms of Twisted Hilbert Loop Algebras

18. On the speed of algebraically defined graph classes

19. On analytic Todd classes of singular varieties

20. Simple modules and their essential extensions for skew polynomial rings

21. Non-realizability of the Torelli group as area-preserving homeomorphisms

22. Homogénéisation d'équations de transport linéaires. Une nouvelle approche

23. Fano deformation rigidity of rational homogeneous spaces of submaximal Picard numbers

24. Helicoidal minimal surfaces of prescribed genus

25. Continued fractions and orderings on the Markov numbers

26. A bound for Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity by double point divisors

27. Intersections of loci of admissible covers with tautological classes

28. Composing generic linearly perturbed mappings and immersions/injections

29. Spaces with polynomial hulls that contain no analytic discs

30. Generation of relative commutator subgroups in Chevalley groups. II

31. Sparse generalised polynomials

32. The structure of doubly non-commuting isometries

33. On Fuchs' Problem about the group of units of a ring

34. Quantum cluster characters of Hall algebras

35. Toward a classification of killing vector fields of constant length on pseudo-riemannian normal homogeneous spaces

36. Concordance of Seifert surfaces

37. Root system chip-firing I: Interval-firing

38. Quivers with subadditive labelings: classification and integrability

39. Epimorphisms of 3-manifold groups

40. Dimensions of fibers of generic continuous maps

41. An Analyst's Traveling Salesman Theorem for sets of dimension larger than one

42. Convergence of functions of self-adjoint operators and applications

43. Orbit Closures and Invariants

44. On the weight lifting property for localizations of triangulated categories

45. When the sieve works II

46. Some finiteness results on monogenic orders in positive characteristic

47. Schubert decompositions for ind-varieties of generalized flags

48. On Jacquet modules of representations of segment type

49. Singularities on Demi-Normal Varieties

50. Endotrivial Modules for Finite Groups of Lie Type A in Nondefining Characteristic