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51. Tailoring a Pair of Pants: The Phase Tropical Version

52. On moderate deviations in Poisson approximation

53. Extremal growth of Betti numbers and trivial vanishing of (co)homology

54. Hyperbolicity and Uniformity of Varieties of Log General type

55. Low dimensional orders of finite representation type

56. Multivariate approximation of functions on irregular domains by weighted least-squares methods

57. Realizations of holomorphic and slice hyperholomorphic functions: The Krein space case

58. Solutions to a system of equations for $C^m$ functions

59. Extremality and dynamically defined measures, part II: Measures from conformal dynamical systems

60. Factorization of Noncommutative Polynomials and Nullstellensätze for the Free Algebra

61. Graphons, permutons and the Thoma simplex: three mod‐Gaussian moduli spaces

62. Bilinear estimates on Morrey spaces by using average

63. Trace finite element methods for surface vector-Laplace equations

64. Packing colorings of subcubic outerplanar graphs

65. On Counting Certain Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields

66. Branch values in Ahlfors’ theory of covering surfaces

67. Positivity of mixed multiplicities of filtrations

68. A simple characterization of H-convergence for a class of nonlocal problems

69. Solutions to twisted word equations and equations in virtually free groups

70. On the local density formula and the Gross–Keating invariant with an Appendix ‘The local density of a binary quadratic form’ by T. Ikeda and H. Katsurada

71. Eigenvector Convergence for Minors of Unitarily Invariant Infinite Random Matrices

72. Flow equivalence of G-SFTs

73. Hyperelliptic integrals modulo p and Cartier-Manin matrices

74. Bidimensionality and Kernels

75. Orbital exponential sums for prehomogeneous vector spaces

76. Cosmological meaning of geometric curvatures

77. On Bloom type estimates for iterated commutators of fractional integrals

78. On the polar Orlicz-Minkowski problems and the p-capacitary Orlicz-Petty bodies

79. Archimedean non-vanishing, cohomological test vectors, and standard L-functions of $${\mathrm {GL}}_{2n}$$: real case

80. Virtual Retraction Properties in Groups

81. Segre Indices and Welschinger Weights as Options for Invariant Count of Real Lines

82. A Polynomial Sieve and Sums of Deligne Type

83. Tangent categories of algebras over operads

84. The moduli space of matroids

85. A free boundary problem arising from branching Brownian motion with selection

86. McKay Quivers and Lusztig Algebras of Some Finite Groups

87. Masur–Veech volumes, frequencies of simple closed geodesics, and intersection numbers of moduli spaces of curves

88. Metaplectic representations of Hecke algebras, Weyl group actions, and associated polynomials

89. Entropy in the cusp and phase transitions for geodesic flows

90. Sheaves of maximal intersection and multiplicities of stable log maps

91. Multidimensional linear and nonlinear partial integro-differential equation in Bessel potential spaces with applications in option pricing

92. A General Family of $q$-Hypergeometric Polynomials and Associated Generating Functions

93. The extended D-Toda hierarchy

94. An effective Chebotarev density theorem for families of number fields, with an application to $$\ell $$-torsion in class groups

95. Approximate lumpability for Markovian agent-based models using local symmetries

96. Courant-sharp Robin eigenvalues for the square: the case with small Robin parameter

97. Ultrametric properties for valuation spaces of normal surface singularities

98. The structure monoid and algebra of a non-degenerate set-theoretic solution of the Yang–Baxter equation

99. Good coverings of Alexandrov spaces

100. An 𝐿^{𝑝} theory of sparse graph convergence I: Limits, sparse random graph models, and power law distributions