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1. Farm management fragmentation in Nova Scotia does not affect farm habitat provision.

2. Estimates of species‐level tolerance of urban habitat in North American birds.

3. Matrix-based key to the click beetle genera of Canada and USA with a summary of habitat use (Coleoptera, Elateridae).

4. Effects of natural resource development on the terrestrial biodiversity of Canadian boreal forests1.

5. Characterizing the Variability of a Physical Driver of North Atlantic Right Whale Foraging Habitat Using Altimetric Indices.

6. Young farmers' willingness to protect species at risk in Prince Edward Island.

7. Biased baselines? Differences in manual and computer-based modelling of blue-winged teal (Spatula discors) habitat suitability.

8. Competition overwhelms environment and genetic effects on growth rates of endangered white sturgeon from a conservation aquaculture program.

9. Wildlife health in environmental impact assessments: are we missing a key metric?

10. Effects of Natural Land Cover, Anthropogenic Disturbance, Space, and Climate on Oribatid Mite Communities in Canada's Oil Sands Region.

11. Climate‐informed forecasts reveal dramatic local habitat shifts and population uncertainty for northern boreal caribou.

12. Susceptibility of endangered Cornus florida (eastern flowering dogwood) to the introduced fungal pathogen Discula destructiva (dogwood anthracnose) in the Canadian Carolinian forest: insights from environmental, ecological, and population genetics assessments

13. Mapping nationally and globally at-risk species to identify hotspots for (and gaps in) conservation.

14. Canada at a crossroad: The imperative for realigning ocean policy with ocean science.

15. Indigenous‐led conservation: Pathways to recovery for the nearly extirpated Klinse‐Za mountain caribou.

16. Effects of natural resource development on the terrestrial biodiversity of Canadian boreal forests1.

17. Patterns and drivers of native, non-native, and at-risk freshwater fish richness in Canada.

18. Are calicioids useful indicators of boreal forest continuity or condition?

19. Nunatsiavut, 'our beautiful land': Inuit landscape ethnoecology in Labrador, Canada.

20. The salmon‐peloton: Hydraulic habitat shifts of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) due to behavioural thermoregulation.

21. Potential ecological monitoring indicators and strategies for the Anguniaqvia niqiqyuam Marine Protected Area and a synopsis of available information.

22. A Burning Question: What are the Implications of Forest Fires for Woodland Caribou?

23. Integrated modeling of waterfowl distribution in western Canada using aerial survey and citizen science (eBird) data.

24. Factors explaining the composition and diversity of vascular plant understories along a transcontinental gradient in the Canadian boreal forest.

25. Community disruption in small biogenic habitats: A coastal invader overcomes habitat complexity to alter community structure.

26. Combining US and Canadian forest inventories to assess habitat suitability and migration potential of 25 tree species under climate change.

27. Reproductive success and health of breeding Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia) in aggregate (sand and gravel) pit and natural lakeshore habitats.

28. Estimating critical habitat based on year-round movements of the endangered Jefferson Salamander (Ambystoma jeffersonianum) and their unisexual dependents.

29. Flow and spawning habitat relationships for Dolly Varden: Understanding habitat–population dynamics in the Canadian Western Arctic.

30. Evidence that mud seafloor serves as recruitment habitat for settling and early benthic phase of the American lobster Homarus americanus H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Decapoda: Astacidea: Nephropidae).

31. Habitat overlap of juvenile and adult lake trout of Great Bear Lake: Evidence for lack of a predation gradient?

32. Wildlife usage indicates increased similarity between reclaimed upland habitat and mature boreal forest in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada.

33. Utilizing benthic habitat maps to inform biodiversity monitoring in marine protected areas.

34. Habitat-mediated breeding performance of Lewis's Woodpeckers (Melanerpes lewis) in British Columbia.

35. Effects of blood parasite infection and innate immune genetic diversity on mating patterns in a passerine bird breeding in contrasted habitats.

36. Postbreeding movement patterns and habitat use of adult Wood Frogs ( Lithobates sylvaticus) at urban wetlands.

37. Forestry and conspecifics influence Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) habitat use and reproductive activity in boreal Alberta, Canada.

38. Environmental Impact and Relative Invasiveness of Free-Roaming Domestic Carnivores--a North American Survey of Governmental Agencies.

39. A replanning approach for maximizing woodland caribou habitat alongside timber production.

40. Conserving woodland caribou habitat while maintaining timber yield: a graph theory approach.


42. Non-native species in Canada's boreal zone: diversity, impacts, and risk1.

43. Characteristics and distribution of natural flow regimes in Canada: a habitat template approach.

44. Sea pens as indicators of macrofaunal communities in deep-sea sediments: Evidence from the Laurentian Channel Marine Protected Area.

45. Benthic nutrient fluxes in deep-sea sediments within the Laurentian Channel MPA (eastern Canada): The relative roles of macrofauna, environment, and sea pen octocorals.

46. The Integration of Multi-source Remotely-Sensed Data in Support of the Classification of Wetlands.

47. History of Ecological Sciences, Part 62: Saving Habitats and Managing Wildlife in the United States and Canada before 2000.