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1. Ecological Interactions Between Non-Native American Shad and Pacific Salmon: The Columbia River Case Study.

2. Wolves recolonize novel ecosystems leading to novel interactions.

3. Impacts of Loss of Cryosphere in the High Mountains of Northwest North America.

4. Mapping the information landscape of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Strategy.

5. Ecosystem age-class dynamics and distribution in the LPJ-wsl v2.0 global ecosystem model.

6. Effective conservation of subterranean‐roosting bats.

7. Using leaf functional traits to remotely detect Cytisus scoparius (Linnaeus) Link in endangered savannahs.

8. Research Progress on Grassland Eco-Assets and Eco-Products and Its Implications for the Enhancement of Ecosystem Service Function of Karst Desertification Control.

9. Ecosystem age-class dynamics and distribution in the LPJ-wsl v2.0 global ecosystem model.

10. Acid rain and air pollution: 50 years of progress in environmental science and policy.

11. Spazi urbani semi-pubblici: evoluzione e criteri appropriati di processo progettuale.

12. It's Complicated and It Depends: A Review of the Effects of Ecosystem Changes on Walleye and Yellow Perch Populations in North America.

13. Impact assessment of coastal marine range shifts to support proactive management.

14. Optimizing strategies for slowing the spread of invasive species.

15. North America's net terrestrial CO2 exchange with the atmosphere 1990-2009.

16. Relationships between Pacific salmon and aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: implications for ecosystem‐based management.

17. Historical ecology of forest garden management in Laxyuubm Ts'msyen and beyond.

18. North American pollen records provide evidence for macroscale ecological changes in the Anthropocene.

19. Coerced resilience in fire management.

20. Armillaria altimontana in North America: Biology and Ecology.

21. The Tamburitza Extravaganza and its “Evolution” in the American Tamburitza Musical Ecosystem.

22. Disentangling LiDAR Contribution in Modelling Species–Habitat Structure Relationships in Terrestrial Ecosystems Worldwide. A Systematic Review and Future Directions.

23. Phenotypic Variation in Phytochemical Defense of Trembling Aspen in Western North America: Genetics, Development, and Geography.

24. What do you mean, 'megafire'?

25. Genome for Edith's Checkerspot Butterfly: An Insect with Complex Host-Adaptive Suites and Rapid Evolutionary Responses to Environmental Changes.

26. Ten‐year ecological responses to fuel treatments within semiarid Wyoming big sagebrush ecosystems.


28. An historical perspective on forest succession and its relevance to ecosystem restoration and conservation practice in North America.

29. Evidence of local adaptation in litter flammability of a widespread fire‐adaptive pine.

31. One planet: one health. A call to support the initiative on a global science–policy body on chemicals and waste.

32. From 20,000 Years Ago to Near Present Climate Classification of North America.

33. Osteohistology of Greererpeton provides insight into the life history of an early Carboniferous tetrapod.

34. An Ecosystem Approach to Wild Rice-Fish Cultivation.

35. Engaging Transformation: Using Seasonal Rounds to Anticipate Climate Change.

36. Continent-wide synthesis of the long-term population dynamics of quaking aspen in the face of accelerating human impacts.

37. Conservation aquaculture as a tool for imperiled marine species: Evaluation of opportunities and risks for Olympia oysters, Ostrea lurida.

38. Student Engagement in Adolescence: A Scoping Review of Longitudinal Studies 2010–2020.

39. Patterns and processes of pathogen exposure in gray wolves across North America.

40. Springs ecosystem classification.

41. Contrasting Regional Carbon Cycle Responses to Seasonal Climate Anomalies Across the East‐West Divide of Temperate North America.

42. Species loss drives ecosystem function in experiments, but in nature the importance of species loss depends on dominance.

43. The Impact of Seasonal and Annual Climate Variations on the Carbon Uptake Capacity of a Deciduous Forest Within the Great Lakes Region of Canada.

44. Global‐scale characterization of turning points in arid and semi‐arid ecosystem functioning.

45. Leaf size of woody dicots predicts ecosystem primary productivity.

46. Novel ecosystems: a review of the concept in non-urban and urban contexts.

47. Taxonomic and geographic gaps in understanding the functional effects of imperilled fishes on freshwater ecosystems.

48. A new microvertebrate assemblage from the Mussentuchit Member, Cedar Mountain Formation: insights into the paleobiodiversity and paleobiogeography of early Late Cretaceous ecosystems in western North America.

49. Carbon Budget of Tidal Wetlands, Estuaries, and Shelf Waters of Eastern North America.

50. Predictability in evolution: Adaptation of the Bonaire anole (Anolis bonairensis) to an extreme environment.