
Showing total 139 results
139 results

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1. Analysis of control interaction between D-PMSGs-based wind farm and SVC.

2. Operation of grid‐connected DFIG using SPWM‐ and THIPWM‐based diode‐clamped multilevel inverters.

3. Adaptive fractional‐order control of power system frequency in the presence of wind turbine.

4. Coordinated control strategy of a DC grid with energy storage system.

5. Frequency regulation participation of offshore wind farm integrated by diode-rectifer HVDC system.

6. Coordinated voltage and reactive power control of offshore HVAC meshed grid and wind power.

7. Control strategy of doubly-fed induction generator during the grid voltage swell.

8. Effect of PLL on transient performance of wind turbines generator under voltage phase jump.

9. Investigation on sub-synchronous oscillations in DFIG-based transmission system based on improved complex torque coefficients method.

10. Operation characteristics of DC transmission system with large-scale renewable energy integration.

11. Multi-objective optimal scheduling strategy for wind power, PV and pumped storage plant in VSC-HVDC grid.

12. A compositive control method of low‐voltage ride through for PMSG‐based wind turbine generator system.

13. ANFIS‐based sensor fault‐tolerant control for hybrid grid.

14. Enhanced wind turbine generator fault ride-through capability by using hybrid on-load tap changer.

15. DQ impedance‐decoupled network model‐based stability analysis of offshore wind power plant under weak grid conditions.

16. Hybrid virtual impedance‐based control strategy for DFIG in hybrid wind farm to disperse negative sequence current during network unbalance.

17. Methods to aggregate turbine and network impedance for wind farm resonance analysis.

18. Analysis and verification of harmonic interaction between DDWTs based on αβ stationary coordinate system.

19. Anticipatory AGC control strategy based on wind power variogram characteristic.

20. Frequency stability improvement in wind‐thermal dominated power grids.

21. Assessment of subsynchronous oscillations in AC grid‐connected VSC systems with type‐4 wind turbines.

22. Investigation on SSCI between PMSGs‐based wind farm and AC network.

23. Voltage source control of offshore all‐DC wind farm.

24. Frequency support from photovoltaic power plants using offline maximum power point tracking and variable droop control.

25. Proactive frequency control based on ultra‐short‐term power fluctuation forecasting for high renewables penetrated power systems.

26. Study on high voltage ride through control strategy of PMSG-based wind turbine generation system with SCESU.

27. Harmonic compensation capability‐based coordinated control for hybrid wind farms under distorted grid voltage conditions.

28. Analysis and mitigation of subsynchronous resonance based on integral control for DFIG‐based wind farm.

29. Continuous provision of synthetic inertia with wind turbines: implications for the wind turbine and for the grid.

30. Application of UPFC to mitigate SSR in series-compensated wind farms.

31. Research on frequency inertia response control strategy of SCESS-DFIG system considering variable wind speed.

32. Study on fault ride-through control of islanded wind farm connected to VSC-HVDC grid based on the VSC converter AC-side bus forced short circuit.

33. Singular value decomposition-based dynamic response analysis of VSC-MTDC/AC systems for renewable energy integration.

34. Voltage stability improvement of wind power grid‐connected system using TCSC‐STATCOM control.

35. Auxiliary dead‐band controller for the coordination of fast frequency support from multi‐terminal HVDC grids and offshore wind farms.

36. Sub‐synchronous oscillation in PMSGs based wind farms caused by amplification effect of GSC controller and PLL to harmonics.

37. Hybrid ANFIS‐GA‐based control scheme for performance enhancement of a grid‐connected wind generator.

38. Modelling, control, and stability analysis of quasi‐Z‐source matrix converter as the grid interface of a PMSG‐WECS.

39. Inertial response with improved variable recovery behaviour provided by type 4 WTs.

40. Intelligent wind power smoothing control with BESS.

41. Procurement of regulation services for a grid with high‐penetration wind generation resources: a case study of ERCOT.

42. Evaluation of a communication‐based fault ride‐through scheme for offshore wind farms connected through high‐voltage DC links based on voltage source converter.

44. Response of a grid forming wind farm to system events, and the impact of external and internal damping.

45. Frequency excursion mitigation strategy using a novel COA optimised fuzzy controller in wind integrated power systems.

46. Emergency power balance control based on proactive motor operation of DFIG‐based wind turbines for sending grid stability.

47. Performance improvement of DFIG-based wind farms using NARMA-L2 controlled bridge-type flux coupling non-superconducting fault current limiter.

48. Optimal allocation of STATCOM for enhancing LVRT capability of wind farms using Taguchi method.

49. Fuzzy logic controller for solar power smoothing based on controlled battery energy storage and varying low pass filter.

50. Analysis and tuning methodology of FAPI controllers for maximising the share of grid‐connected wind generations.