
Showing total 43 results
43 results

Search Results

1. Longitudinal data on speech outcomes in internationally adopted children compared with non‐adopted children with cleft lip and palate.

2. A rocky road but worth the drive: A longitudinal qualitative study of patient innovators and researchers cocreating research.

3. What changes during specialized foster care? A study on adaptive functioning and emotional and social problems.

4. Attitudes towards oldest‐old adults (age ≥80 years): A survey and international comparison between Swedish and Austrian nursing students.

5. Young care leavers' expectations of their future: A question of time horizon.

6. The Swedish physical activity and fitness cohort born in 1958 - dropout analysis and overview at 36-year follow-up.

7. Age at adiposity rebound and body mass index trajectory from early childhood to adolescence; differences by breastfeeding and maternal immigration background.

8. Xerostomia in 75–85‐year‐olds: A longitudinal population study.

9. Type 1 diabetes, cognitive ability and incidence of cardiovascular disease and death over 60 years of follow‐up time in men.

10. The 'mixed bag' of segregation—On positive and negative associations with migrants' acculturation.

11. Risk of cancer in young and middle-aged adults with childhood-onset type 1 diabetes in Sweden--A prospective cohort study.

12. Factors associated with improvement in depressive symptoms among older persons after hospitalisation – a prospective design with two follow‐ups.

13. Development and initial psychometric evaluation of a radiotherapy‐related symptom assessment tool, based on data from patients with brain tumours undergoing proton beam therapy.

14. Association between preeclampsia and autism spectrum disorder: a population‐based study.

15. Older people with swallowing dysfunction and poor oral health are at greater risk of early death.

16. Stability of the Gross Motor Function Classification System in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a retrospective cohort registry study.

17. Placement breakdowns in long-term foster care - a regional Swedish study.

18. Mother's postnatal stress: an investigation of links to various factors during pregnancy and post-partum.

19. Childhood body mass index in adolescent-onset anorexia nervosa.

20. Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy and physical exercise - Effects studied by automated telephone assessments in mental ill-health patients; a randomized controlled trial.

21. Are We All in the Same Boat? The Role of Perceptual Distance in Organizational Health Interventions.

22. Cognitive ability and risk for substance misuse in men: genetic and environmental correlations in a longitudinal nation-wide family study.

23. Rhythm Control and Its Relation to Symptoms during the First Two Years after Radiofrequency Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation.

24. Do overeducated individuals have increased risks of ill health?: a Swedish population-based cohort study.

25. Social predictors of less frequent dental attendance over time among older people: population-averaged and person-specific estimates.

26. Obstructive sleep apnoea: patients' experiences of oral appliance treatment.

27. Intrahospital transports of critically ill patients: critical care nurses' perceptions.

28. Association Between Hypovitaminosis D in Elderly Women and Long- and Short-Term Mortality-Results from the Osteoporotic Prospective Risk Assessment Cohort.

29. Fulfilment of knowledge expectations among family members of patients undergoing arthroplasty: a European perspective.

30. Fundamental movement skills in preschoolers: a randomized controlled trial targeting object control proficiency.

31. Risk Factors for the Rapid Increase in Risk of Acute Coronary Events in Patients With New-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Nested Case-Control Study.

32. Educational mismatch and mortality among native-born workers in Sweden. A 19-year longitudinal study of 2.5 million over-educated, matched and under-educated individuals, 1990-2008.

33. Illness and risk behaviour in health care students studying abroad.

34. Autism spectrum disorders and coexisting disorders in a nationwide Swedish twin study.

35. Parental mental illness and eating disorders in offspring.

36. Treatment of peri-implant mucositis using a glycine powder air-polishing or ultrasonic device: a randomized clinical trial.

37. Modifiable Midlife Risk Factors, Independent Aging, and Survival in Older Men: Report on Long-Term Follow-Up of the Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men Cohort.

38. A high birth weight is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

39. Type 1 diabetes - impact on children and parents at diagnosis and 1 year subsequent to the child's diagnosis.

40. Verbal competence in narrative retelling in 5-year-olds with unilateral cleft lip and palate.

41. Personality traits measured at baseline can predict academic performance in upper secondary school three years late.

42. How much time do nurses need to write an ICU diary?

43. Predictors of valued everyday occupations, empowerment and satisfaction in day centres: implications for services for persons with psychiatric disabilities.