
Showing total 14 results
14 results

Search Results

1. Understanding Critical Health Literacy Among Adolescents: Psychometric Properties of the CHLA Questionnaire in Lower Secondary Schools in Norway.

2. Satisfaction is insufficient: Insights from a randomized, controlled trial of a marketing simulation game.

3. When standardization becomes the lens of professional practice in child welfare services.

4. The quality and developmental pathways in sibling relationships: A qualitative study of Norwegian children admitted to child welfare service care.

5. "We felt completely left to ourselves." Foster parents' views on placement disruption.

6. Healthy Change Processes-A Diary Study of Five Organizational Units. Establishing a Healthy Change Feedback Loop.

7. Life satisfaction in association with self‐efficacy and stressor experience in adolescents – self‐efficacy as a potential moderator.

8. A Cross-Country Comparison of Child Welfare Systems and Workers' Responses to Children Appearing to be at Risk or in Need of Help.

9. The hidden stressor of child welfare workers: client confidentiality as a barrier for coping with emotional work demands.

10. Child welfare workers' perceptions of children's participation: a comparative study of England, Norway and the USA ( California).

11. Risk assessment and domestic violence - how do child welfare workers in three countries assess and substantiate the risk level of a 5-year-old girl?

12. Interprofessional collaboration: self-reported successful collaboration by teachers and social workers in multidisciplinary teams.

13. The Fit for Delivery study: rationale for the recommendations and test-retest reliability of a dietary score measuring adherence to 10 specific recommendations for prevention of excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

14. Norwegian airline passengers are not more afraid of flying after the terror act of September 11. The flight anxiety, however, is significantly attributed to acts of terrorism.