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1. Balancing cost and justice concerns in the energy transition: comparing coal phase-out policies in Germany and the UK.

2. The Origins of Parliamentary Agenda Control: A Comparative Process Tracing Analysis.

3. Resonance and reach: discussions on racism between the UK and Germany from the late 1970s.

4. (Para-)professionalism in dealing with structures of uncertainty – a cultural comparative study of teaching assistants in inclusion-oriented classrooms.

5. Institutionalised cooperation and policy convergence in European defence: lessons from the relations between France, Germany and the UK.

6. German-UK defence cooperation amid Brexit: prospects for new bilateralism?

7. The limits of tolerance: before and after Brexit and the German Refugee Crisis.

8. Institutional constraints on 'nudge-style' risk rating systems: explaining why food hygiene barometers were rolled-out in the UK but abandoned in Germany.

9. Varieties of privatization: informal networks, trust and state control of the commanding heights.

10. Responding to the call for the Super Citizen: migrants' ambivalent experiences of naturalization in Germany and the United Kingdom.

11. To 'fan the spirit of race hatred': lawn tennis, propaganda and Germanophobia during the Great War.

12. Faked News: The Politics of Rumour in British World War II Propaganda.

13. "Fake news": reconsidering the value of untruthful expression in the face of regulatory uncertainty.

14. A war of words: the cultural meanings of the First World War in Britain and Germany.

15. Party support for post-exceptionalism in agri-food politics and policy: Germany and the United Kingdom compared.

16. British and German initiatives for defence cooperation: the Joint Expeditionary Force and the Framework Nations Concept.

17. Similar problems, divergent responses: drug consumption room policies in the UK and Germany.

18. How not to build a world wireless network: German–British rivalry and visions of global communications in the early twentieth century.

19. Civilians in the combat zone: Allied and German evacuation policies at the Western Front, 1914–1918.

20. Differences in the Patterns of in-work Poverty in Germany and the UK.