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1. Social construction of house size expectations: testing the positional good theory and aspiration spiral theory using UK and German panel data.

2. Influence of migration policy risk on international market segmentation: analysis of housing and rental markets in the euro area.

3. Coverage of environmental issues in undergraduate curricula in social work in four European countries: the UK, Switzerland, Germany and Greece.

4. Risk in discourses around fracking: a discourse linguistic perspective on the UK, the USA and Germany.

5. Quantifying and visualizing the 15-Minute walkable city concept across Europe: a multicriteria approach.

6. Understanding acceptance of autonomous vehicles in Japan, UK, and Germany.

7. Re-engaging incarcerated children and young people with education and learning using authentic inquiry in Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK.

8. New technological path creation and the role of institutions in different geo-political spaces.

9. The impact of the direct payment of housing benefit: evidence from Great Britain.

10. 'I like money, I like many things'. The relationship between drugs and crime from the perspective of young people in contact with criminal justice systems.

11. Where 'fake news' flourishes: a comparison across four Western democracies.

12. Balancing cost and justice concerns in the energy transition: comparing coal phase-out policies in Germany and the UK.

13. What about the people? Developing measures of perceived accessibility from case studies in Germany and the UK.

14. The Origins of Parliamentary Agenda Control: A Comparative Process Tracing Analysis.

15. Integrative approaches to environmental sustainability at universities: an overview of challenges and priorities.

16. NEU! Europe: Krautrock and British representations of West German countercultures during the 1970s.

17. Instrumentalizing Fukushima: Comparing Media Coverage of Fukushima in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland.

18. The revival and decline of rank and file movements in Britain during the 1930s.

19. Vive les différences? Voice in French MNCs' overseas workplaces: a comparative study of voice in French, German and US subsidiaries in the UK.

20. Reversing the Influence: Anglo-German Relations and British Fitness Policies in the 1930s.

21. Resonance and reach: discussions on racism between the UK and Germany from the late 1970s.

22. Still want to party? An assessment of party-politicization in directly-elected mayoral authorities in England and Germany's North Rhine-Westphalia.

23. Rational-Choice Neo-Institutionalism in Europeanization in the UK and Germany: A Toolkit Offered by Their Memberships in the European Higher Education Area.

24. Variability across countries for brain death determination in adults.

25. Inducing consumers to use calorie information: a multinational investigation.

26. Current Practices, Experiences, and Views in Clinical Hypnosis: Findings of an International Survey.

27. Measuring Six Facets of Curiosity in Germany and the UK: A German-Language Adaptation of the 5DCR and Its Comparability with the English-Language Source Version.

28. Treatment satisfaction of adult patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis treated with baricitinib in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom: results from a cross-sectional international patient survey.

29. Performance implications of the HR business partner model and the mediating role of internal efficiency: a comparison between Germany and the United Kingdom.

30. Understanding the challenges of rapid digital transformation: the case of COVID-19 pandemic in higher education.

31. (Para-)professionalism in dealing with structures of uncertainty – a cultural comparative study of teaching assistants in inclusion-oriented classrooms.

32. U.K.-German Commodity Trade and Exchange-Rate Volatility: An Asymmetric Analysis.

33. Climatic influence on the magnitude of COVID-19 outbreak: a stochastic model-based global analysis.

34. From Threat to Risk: Changing Rationales and Practices of Secrecy.

35. Varying degrees of boundarylessness? The careers of self-employed and directly employed ICT professionals in the UK and Germany.

36. Institutionalised cooperation and policy convergence in European defence: lessons from the relations between France, Germany and the UK.

37. German-UK defence cooperation amid Brexit: prospects for new bilateralism?

38. People perceive themselves to adhere more strictly to COVID-19 guidelines than others.

39. The limits of tolerance: before and after Brexit and the German Refugee Crisis.

40. Institutional constraints on 'nudge-style' risk rating systems: explaining why food hygiene barometers were rolled-out in the UK but abandoned in Germany.

41. Shared decision-making preferences in mental health: does age matter? A systematic review.

42. Assistive technology for persons with profound intellectual disability: a european survey on attitudes and beliefs.

43. Expert authority and support for COVID-19 measures in Germany and the UK: a survey experiment.

44. Varieties of privatization: informal networks, trust and state control of the commanding heights.

45. Responding to the call for the Super Citizen: migrants' ambivalent experiences of naturalization in Germany and the United Kingdom.

46. Post-educational motivation to learn cognitive skills in three European labour markets. A comparative analysis of the PIAAC.

47. To 'fan the spirit of race hatred': lawn tennis, propaganda and Germanophobia during the Great War.

48. Bibliometric profile of global scientific research on digoxin toxicity (1849–2015).

49. More evidence on the latent benefits of work: bolstered by volunteering while threatened by job insecurity.

50. Universalism, diversity and norms: gratitude, healthcare and welfare chauvinism.