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1. On D.Y. Gao and X. Lu paper 'On the extrema of a nonconvex functional with double-well potential in 1D'

2. Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping

3. Order 3 symplectic automorphisms on K3 surfaces

4. Multivariate quasi-tight framelets with high balancing orders derived from any compactly supported refinable vector functions

5. Maximal families of nodal varieties with defect

6. An index theorem for higher orbital integrals

7. Counting tropical rational space curves with cross-ratio constraints

8. On the size of subsets of $$\mathbb{F}_p^n$$ without p distinct elements summing to zero

9. Approximations in $$L^1$$ with convergent Fourier series

10. An outer-approximation guided optimization approach for constrained neural network inverse problems

11. On the pair correlations of powers of real numbers

12. Simpson filtration and oper stratum conjecture

13. Graded Bourbaki ideals of graded modules

14. On Isotypic Decompositions for Non-Semisimple Hopf Algebras

15. Integral Representations for the Hartman–Watson Density

16. Khintchine-type theorems for values of subhomogeneous functions at integer points

17. A New Convexity-Based Inequality, Characterization of Probability Distributions, and Some Free-of-Distribution Tests

18. Tailoring a Pair of Pants: The Phase Tropical Version

19. Low dimensional orders of finite representation type

20. Bilinear estimates on Morrey spaces by using average

21. Packing colorings of subcubic outerplanar graphs

22. On Counting Certain Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields

23. Branch values in Ahlfors’ theory of covering surfaces

24. A simple characterization of H-convergence for a class of nonlocal problems

25. On the local density formula and the Gross–Keating invariant with an Appendix ‘The local density of a binary quadratic form’ by T. Ikeda and H. Katsurada

26. Archimedean non-vanishing, cohomological test vectors, and standard L-functions of $${\mathrm {GL}}_{2n}$$: real case

27. Tangent categories of algebras over operads

28. Sheaves of maximal intersection and multiplicities of stable log maps

29. The extended D-Toda hierarchy

30. An effective Chebotarev density theorem for families of number fields, with an application to $$\ell $$-torsion in class groups

31. Courant-sharp Robin eigenvalues for the square: the case with small Robin parameter

32. Optimal quantization for the Cantor distribution generated by infinite similutudes

33. Counting non-uniform lattices

34. Duality and Free Measures in Vector Spaces, the Spectral Theory of Actions of Non-Locally Compact Groups

35. The prime end capacity of inaccessible prime ends, resolutivity, and the Kellogg property

36. Homological behavior of idempotent subalgebras and Ext algebras

37. Zeckendorf representations with at most two terms to x-coordinates of Pell equations

38. Spectral spread and non-autonomous Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms

39. An Application of the S-Functional Calculus to Fractional Diffusion Processes

40. Phaseless Sampling and Reconstruction of Real-Valued Signals in Shift-Invariant Spaces

41. Exploiting negative curvature in deterministic and stochastic optimization

42. Eigenfunction Expansions of Ultradifferentiable Functions and Ultradistributions. III. Hilbert Spaces and Universality

43. Surgery for partially hyperbolic dynamical systems II. Blow-up of a complex curve

44. On central leaves of Hodge-type Shimura varieties with parahoric level structure

45. Homotopical Morita theory for corings

46. Polynomials whose coefficients coincide with their zeros

47. The lattices of invariant subspaces of a class of operators on the Hardy space

48. Extension of Wiener-Wintner double recurrence theorem to polynomials

49. On a (No Longer) New Segal Algebra: A Review of the Feichtinger Algebra

50. An $$L_\infty $$L∞ algebra structure on polyvector fields