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2,977 results

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1. Physics driven behavioural clustering of free-falling paper shapes.

2. The contribution of cause-effect link to representing the core of scientific paper—The role of Semantic Link Network.

3. Information presentation through a head-worn display (“smart glasses”) has a smaller influence on the temporal structure of gait variability during dual-task gait compared to handheld displays (paper-based system and smartphone).

4. Partner choice correlates with fine scale kin structuring in the paper wasp Polistes dominula.

5. The contribution of cause-effect link to representing the core of scientific paper—The role of Semantic Link Network

6. Evaluation of university scientific research ability based on the output of sci-tech papers: A D-AHP approach.

7. Genealogical Trees of Scientific Papers.

8. Occurrence mechanism and coping paths of accidents of highly aggregated tourist crowds based on system dynamics.

9. Basic color categories and Mandarin Chinese color terms.

10. Hybrid self-optimized clustering model based on citation links and textual features to detect research topics.

11. Is bilingualism losing its advantage? A bibliometric approach.

12. Researchers’ Individual Publication Rate Has Not Increased in a Century.

13. Application-aware deadline constraint job scheduling mechanism on large-scale computational grid.

14. Misconduct, Marginality and Editorial Practices in Management, Business and Economics Journals.

15. Individual differences in cognitive processing for roughness rating of fine and coarse textures

16. The influence of journal submission guidelines on authors' reporting of statistics and use of open research practices.

17. Modelling Creativity: Identifying Key Components through a Corpus-Based Approach.

18. Tourism research from its inception to present day: Subject area, geography, and gender distributions.

19. Bibliometrics for Social Validation.

20. Open Access Meets Discoverability: Citations to Articles Posted to

21. On the design of power gear trains: Insight regarding number of stages and their respective ratios.

22. The impact of routine data quality assessments on electronic medical record data quality in Kenya.

23. Biometric recognition via texture features of eye movement trajectories in a visual searching task.

24. The structural balance analysis of complex dynamical networks based on nodes' dynamical couplings.

25. Evaluating health facility access using Bayesian spatial models and location analysis methods.

26. Statistical models discriminating between complex samples measured with microfluidic receptor-cell arrays.

27. A deadline constrained scheduling algorithm for cloud computing system based on the driver of dynamic essential path.

28. Cash transfers and HIV/HSV-2 prevalence: A replication of a cluster randomized trial in Malawi.

29. Low rank and sparsity constrained method for identifying overlapping functional brain networks.

30. Predicting Road Conditions with Internet Search.

31. Benchmarking for Bayesian Reinforcement Learning.

32. Nonequilibrium Enhances Adaptation Efficiency of Stochastic Biochemical Systems.

33. Modeling Dynamic Systems with Efficient Ensembles of Process-Based Models.

34. Research on the forward-looking behavior judgment of heating oil price evolution based on complex networks.

35. Efficiently sampling the realizations of bounded, irregular degree sequences of bipartite and directed graphs.

36. An efficient outlier removal method for scattered point cloud data.

37. A personalized channel recommendation and scheduling system considering both section video clips and full video clips.

38. Almost periodic synchronization of quaternion-valued shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with mixed delays via state-feedback control.

39. Use of evidential reasoning and AHP to assess regional industrial safety.

40. Heterogeneous characters modeling of instant message services users’ online behavior.

41. An improved advertising CTR prediction approach based on the fuzzy deep neural network.

42. A method for evaluating cognitively informed micro-targeted campaign strategies: An agent-based model proof of principle.

43. Birth of prominent scientists.

44. A novel stock forecasting model based on High-order-fuzzy-fluctuation Trends and Back Propagation Neural Network.

45. Understanding disciplinary vocabularies using a full-text enabled domain-independent term extraction approach.

46. A video-based real-time adaptive vehicle-counting system for urban roads.

47. Optimizing a desirable fare structure for a bus-subway corridor.

48. Improved artificial bee colony algorithm for vehicle routing problem with time windows.

49. Robust network data envelopment analysis approach to evaluate the efficiency of regional electricity power networks under uncertainty.

50. Parsimonious data: How a single Facebook like predicts voting behavior in multiparty systems.