
Showing total 95,749 results
95,749 results

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1. Research on Color Uniformity and Seam Detection of Standard Test Paper Based on Machine Vision

2. Aging State Evaluation Of Insulation Paper Based On Image Feature Extraction

3. Ageing Status Identification of Oil-Paper Impregnated Insulation by NIRS Detection with Improved LDA Method

4. Steerable Pyramid for Texture Classification of Photographic Paper

5. Error Resilient Machine Learning for Safety-Critical Systems: Position Paper

6. Combining Optical Character Recognition With Paper ECG Digitization

7. Moves Recognition in Abstract of Research Paper Based on Deep Learning

8. A Hybrid Model Based on LFM and BiGRU Toward Research Paper Recommendation

9. Paper Dating Analysis Based on Paper Texture Image Feature

10. Integration of Autonomous Heterogeneous Systems for Decision Making Autonomy in Naval Defence: A Position Paper

11. Review Paper on Transform Domains Techniques for Face Recognition

12. Rapid Temporal Information Identification in Paper Worksheets Using Light-Weight Convolutional Neural Networks

13. Basic Study on Facial Oil Blotting Paper Counting Using a Webcam

14. An Efficient Paper Anti-Counterfeiting Method Based on Microstructure Orientation Estimation

15. The Hydrophobicity Class of Porcelain Insulator Detection Based on Digital Image Processing : A Paper Review

16. Time-aware Neural Collaborative Filtering with Multi-dimensional Features on Academic Paper Recommendation

17. Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder Summary Model with an Instructor for Long Academic Papers

18. 3D Rendering Framework for Data Augmentation in Optical Character Recognition : (Invited Paper)

19. A Survey Paper on Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Network using Field Programmable Gate Arrays

21. On the Safety of Automotive Systems Incorporating Machine Learning Based Components: A Position Paper

22. SCUT-EPT: New Dataset and Benchmark for Offline Chinese Text Recognition in Examination Paper

23. A Study of Automated Evaluation of Student’s Examination Paper using Machine Learning Techniques

24. User Profiling based on Tweeter Data using WordNet and News Paper Archive

25. NeuroMeter: An Integrated Power, Area, and Timing Modeling Framework for Machine Learning Accelerators Industry Track Paper

26. An Intelligent Teaching Test Paper Generation System Based on Ant Colony Hybrid Genetic Algorithms

27. A Color-Based Re-Ranking Process for People Re-Identification : Paper ID 21

28. Face-Fake-Net: The Deep Learning Method for Image Face Anti-Spoofing Detection : Paper ID 45

29. Review Paper on Yawning Detection Prediction System for Driver Drowsiness

30. Review Paper of Human Activity Recognition using Smartphone

31. Survey Paper on Image Fusion using Hybrid Non-subsampled Contourlet Transform and Neural Network

32. Paper Research and Application of Intelligent Cockpit Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology for Distribution Network Maintenance Schedule

33. Applications for Machine Learning in Semiconductor Manufacturing and Test (Invited Paper)

34. Automated Paper Evaluation System for Subjective Handwritten Answers

35. Personal identification system based on rotation of toilet paper rolls

36. An efficient approach for paper submission recommendation

37. Research paper classification based on Word2vec and community discovery

38. AI-based Rock-Paper-Scissors plug and play system

39. Multiscale anisotropic analysis for assessment of similarity between papers in a large Matisse print dataset

40. Semi-supervised Convolutional Triplet Neural Networks for Assessing Paper Texture Similarity

41. An Anti-Counterfeiting Method of High Security and Reliability Based on Unique Internal Fiber Pattern of Paper

42. Initial Study on Classification of Japanese Paper by Kozo Name using EfficientNet with Digital Camera

43. Diag2graph: Representing Deep Learning Diagrams In Research Papers As Knowledge Graphs

44. Machine Learning Techniques for Network-based Intrusion Detection System: A Survey Paper

45. Deep learning classification of photographic paper based on clustering by domain experts

46. An Ensemble Approach on Scientific Paper Reviews for Sentiment Analysis

47. Neurotechnologies to Manage a Robotic System : (Keynote paper)

48. Class Imbalance ML Methods for Classification of Dementia Stage: Kurtosis Fractional Anisotropy: ML-based classification of dementia stage (paper subtitle)

49. Brief Industry Paper: Towards Real-Time 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicles with Pruning Search

50. Brief Industry Paper: optimizing Memory Efficiency of Graph Neural Networks on Edge Computing Platforms