
Showing total 64 results
64 results

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1. Lower central and derived series of semi-direct products, and applications to surface braid groups

2. Einstein Relation for Random Walk in a One-Dimensional Percolation Model

3. Towards a symplectic version of the Chevalley restriction theorem

4. Adapted pairs in type $A$ and regular nilpotent elements

5. On the Pierce-Birkhoff Conjecture

6. Existence of torsion-low maximal identity isotopies for area preserving surface homeomorphisms

7. Credal Clustering for Imbalanced Data

8. Graph Coverings for Investigating Non Local Structures in Proteins, Music and Poems


10. Stable maps to Looijenga pairs: orbifold examples

11. Cevian operations on distributive lattices

12. Lipschitz continuity of the eigenfunctions on optimal sets for functionals with variable coefficients

13. Biodiversity, Shapley value and phylogenetic trees: some remarks

14. A dominant point-based parallel algorithm that finds all longest common subsequences for a constrained-MLCS problem

15. Cohomological kernels of mixed extensions in characteristic 2

16. A survey and new results on Banach algebras of ultrametric continuous functions


18. Circle-valued Morse theory for frame spun knots and surface-links

19. Distribution and asymptotic behavior of the phylogenetic transfer distance

20. Spectrality of a class of Cantor–Moran measures

21. The Hitchin--Kobayashi Correspondence for Quiver Bundles over Generalized Kähler Manifolds

22. On the shortest distance between orbits and the longest common substring problem

23. On the smooth values of shifted almost-primes

24. Pigeons do not jump high

25. Existence of sharp asymptotic profiles of singular solutions to an elliptic equation with a sign-changing non-linearity

26. Tutte Polynomials of Two Self-similar Network Models

27. On values taken by the largest prime factor of shifted primes

28. The A -decomposability of the Singer construction

29. Quadratic Chabauty for modular curves and modular forms of rank one

30. Operator Schmidt ranks of bipartite unitary matrices

31. Rhombic alternative tableaux and assemblées of permutations

32. Toric aspects of the first eigenvalue

33. Mass functions of a compact manifold

34. The S-labeling problem: An algorithmic tour

35. The Normal Graph Conjecture for Two Classes of Sparse Graphs

36. On the density of shifted primes with large prime factors

37. Mass transportation on sub-Riemannian structures of rank two in dimension four

38. A Hungarian Algorithm for Error-Correcting Graph Matching

39. Dynamic Complexity of the Dyck Reachability

40. A quotient of the Artin braid groups related to crystallographic groups

41. A counterexample to the weak density of smooth maps between manifolds in Sobolev spaces

42. Syntactic aspects of hypergraph polytopes

43. On the average distribution of divisors of friable numbers

44. On a conjecture by Chapuy about Voronoi cells in large maps

45. Newton maps as matings of cubic polynomials

46. Geometric compactification of moduli spaces of half-translation structures on surfaces

47. On the Links-Gould invariant and the square of the Alexander polynomial

48. On the number of generators of ideals in polynomial rings

49. A class of almost $C_0({\cal K})$-C*-algebras

50. Mapping Class Groups of Trigonal Loci