
Showing total 16 results
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1. An adaptive deep multi-task learning approach for citywide travel time collaborative estimation.

2. A data aggregation-based spatiotemporal model for rail transit risk path forecasting.

3. Hourly PM2.5 concentration forecast using stacked autoencoder model with emphasis on seasonality.

4. A fundamental diagram based hybrid framework for traffic flow estimation and prediction by combining a Markovian model with deep learning.

5. Network-wide short-term inflow prediction of the multi-traffic modes system: An adaptive multi-graph convolution and attention mechanism based multitask-learning model.

6. Deep multi-view residual attention network for crowd flows prediction.

7. Short-term prediction of lane-level traffic speeds: A fusion deep learning model.

8. Exploring semantic elements for urban scene recognition: Deep integration of high-resolution imagery and OpenStreetMap (OSM).

9. Short-term electric vehicle charging demand prediction: A deep learning approach.

10. Short-term electric vehicle battery swapping demand prediction: Deep learning methods.

11. Housing rental suggestion based on e-commerce data.

12. A novel hybrid model for missing deformation data imputation in shield tunneling monitoring data.

13. An air quality prediction model based on improved Vanilla LSTM with multichannel input and multiroute output.

14. How streetscape affects car use: Examining unexamined features of urban environment with fine-grained data.

15. A spatio-temporal prediction model theory based on deep learning to evaluate the ecological changes of the largest reservoir in North China from 1985 to 2021.

16. Traffic congestion propagation inference using dynamic Bayesian graph convolution network.