
Showing total 11 results
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1. Field monitoring of the ground vibrations adjacent to an onshore wind turbine foundation.

2. Introduction to the Special issue of the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, "Magmatic and metallogenic processes associated with large igneous provinces".

3. Modelling diameter at breast height distribution of jack pine and black spruce natural stands in eastern Canada.

4. Revisiting the origins of glyphosate-resistant giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) in Canada.

5. Sugar maple sap, soil, and foliar chemistry in response to non-industrial wood ash fertilizer in Muskoka, Ontario.

6. Marine and freshwater centrohelid heliozoans (Haptista: Centroplasthelida) in Canada, including taxonomic revisions and descriptions of 22 new species and subspecies.

7. Susceptibility of endangered Cornus florida (eastern flowering dogwood) to the introduced fungal pathogen Discula destructiva (dogwood anthracnose) in the Canadian Carolinian forest: insights from environmental, ecological, and population genetics assessments

8. Use of two novel trailer types for transportation of pigs to slaughter. II. Effects on trailer microclimate, pig behaviour, physiological response, and meat quality under Canadian winter conditions.

9. Seismic performance assessment of an existing multispan bridge in eastern Canada retrofitted with fiber reinforced elastomeric isolator.

10. Occupancy and detection of Wavyrayed Lampmussel (Lampsilis fasciola) in Ontario, Canada1.

11. New structural, metamorphic, and U-Pb geochronological constraints on the Blezardian Orogeny and Yavapai Orogeny in the Southern Province, Sudbury, Canada.