
Showing total 19 results
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1. Tillage effects on growing season nitrous oxide emissions in Canadian cropland soils.

2. Crop yields under no-till in Canada: implications for soil organic carbon change.

3. Climate change and Canada's north coast: research trends, progress, and future directions.

4. Agricultural support policy in Canada: What are the environmental consequences?

5. Comparative study of cold-climate constructed wetland technology in Canada and northern China for water resource protection.

6. Linking gender, climate change, adaptive capacity, and forest-based communities in Canada.

7. Microplastics in subsurface water and zooplankton from eight lakes in British Columbia.

8. Prevalence of current nutrition care practices for disease-related malnutrition in Canadian hospitals.

9. Applying technical guidance from the USA for management of impacts of anthropogenic noise on wildlife in other countries: the Canadian context.

10. Fast food consumption in adults living in Canada: alternative measurement methods, consumption choices, and correlates.

11. Cost of climate change mitigation in Canada's forest sector.

12. The role of livestock in sustainable food production systems in Canada.

13. Canada's federal database is inadequate for the assessment of environmental consequences of oil and gas pipeline failures.

14. A cost analysis of bioenergy-generated ash disposal options in Canada.

15. Associations between physical activity, screen time, and fitness among 6- to 10-year-old children living in Edmonton, Canada.

16. The time for an updated Canadian Food Guide has arrived.

17. Sustainable procurement in the Canadian construction industry: challenges and benefits.

18. Practical approaches to probiotics use.

19. Terrestrial ecosystem monitoring in Canada and the greater role for integrated earth observation.