27 results on '"Platteel, T."'
Search Results
2. Effects of Microbiota on Human Health
- Author
Mustafa Oral Öncül, Zerrin Aktaş, Mustafa Oral Öncül, and Zerrin Aktaş
- Published
- 2024
3. The Routledge Handbook of Content and Language Integrated Learning
- Author
Dario Luis Banegas, Sandra Zappa-Hollman, Dario Luis Banegas, and Sandra Zappa-Hollman
- Subjects
- Language arts--Correlation with content subjects, Language and languages--Study and teaching
- Abstract
Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is an increasingly popular educational approach given its dual focus on enabling learners to acquire subject-matter through an additional language, while learning this second language in tandem with content. This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of recent CLIL developments, illustrating how CLIL has been uniquely conceptualised and practised across educational and geographical contexts.Divided into six sections, covering language and language teaching, core topics and issues, contexts and learners, CLIL in practice, CLIL around the world, and a final section looking forward to future research directions, every chapter provides a balanced discussion of the benefits, challenges and implications of this approach. Representing the same diversity and intercultural understanding that CLIL features, the chapters are authored by established as well as early-career academics based around the world.The Routledge Handbook of Content and Language Integrated Learning is the essential guide to CLIL for advanced students and researchers of applied linguistics, education and TESOL.
- Published
- 2023
4. Universities, Stakeholders and Social Mission : Building Cooperation Through Action Research
- Author
Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska, Piotr Jedynak, Sylwia Wrona, Anna Pluszyńska, Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska, Piotr Jedynak, Sylwia Wrona, and Anna Pluszyńska
- Subjects
- Education, Higher--Social aspects, Action research in education, Community development, Service learning, Community and college
- Abstract
Today's universities are confronted with questions about the increasing scale of corporatisation and commercialisation, as well as their decreasing activity in the field of the social mission, i.e., engagement in the real problems of ordinary people, local communities and society at large. As a remedy for this problem, this book proposes using action research as a means of shaping collaboration between universities and their stakeholders, taking into account related benefits, opportunities and challenges. In this context, we understand action research somewhat more broadly, as universities'conducting useful research that becomes a domain of their social mission. The core message of this volume is the development of a cooperation process in which the university leaves its'ivory tower,'builds relationships with its stakeholders and, as a result, engages more effectively in social life.In this book, readers will find an original perspective on action research, the application of which enables mutual benefits for universities and their stakeholders. It presents the authors'original model of cooperation based on the AR approach and concrete examples of successful cooperation between universities and their stakeholders. Step by step, it illustrates how to initiate cooperation, conduct useful scientific research and together with stakeholders bring about changes in social life. This book will be of value to university managers, academics, students of social, management and economic sciences, as well as managers and specialists employed in organisations from various sectors that may be interested in cooperation with universities.The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
- Published
- 2022
5. Beta-Lactam Resistance in Gram-Negative Bacteria : Threats and Challenges
- Author
Mohammad Shahid, Anuradha Singh, Hiba Sami, Mohammad Shahid, Anuradha Singh, and Hiba Sami
- Subjects
- Medical microbiology, Immune response, Pathogenic microorganisms, Microbiology, Microbial genetics, Immunology
- Abstract
This timely book discusses antimicrobial drug resistance, specifically, the resistance against the beta-lactam class of antibiotics by Gram-Negative bacteria. The book is broadly divided into five sections. The first section describes the underlying mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. It gives an insight into the beta-lactamases, their types, classification, inhibitors, etc. The second section delves deep into the genetic basis of resistance. It talks about transposons, integrons, insertion sequences associated with antibiotic-resistant genes. The next section describes phenotypic and molecular methods to detect beta-lactam resistance. The fourth section talks about the epidemiology and prevalence of beta-lactamases in the environment. The last section of the book describes the various therapeutic options to combat this growing public threat of antimicrobial resistance. It talks about the current reserve drugs, as well as the newer antibiotic agents that are in the pipeline. This book is essential for clinical practitioners, students, and researchers in basic and medical microbiology.
- Published
- 2022
6. Kleine Kwalen bij kinderen
- Author
Just Eekhof, Sjoerd Bruggink, Marissa Scherptong-Engbers, Annemarije Kruis, Tobias Bonten, Just Eekhof, Sjoerd Bruggink, Marissa Scherptong-Engbers, Annemarije Kruis, and Tobias Bonten
- Subjects
- Physicians (General practice), Children--Diseases--Alternative treatment
- Abstract
Dit boek biedt een uitgebreid overzicht van typische, kleine en vaak onschuldige kwalen bij kinderen. Het verduidelijkt daarnaast de overwegingen voor het handelen in de huisartsenpraktijk. Het richt zich in de eerste plaats op huisartsen en huisartsen in opleiding, consultatiebureauartsen, jeugdartsen en kinderartsen. Maar het kan ook waardevol zijn voor andere professionals die met kinderen werken, voor geïnteresseerde leken, én voor ouders. Kleine Kwalen bij kinderen maakt deel uit van de serie Kleine kwalen. In het boek worden 165 aandoeningen behandeld aan de hand van een vaste en overzichtelijke structuur. Eerst worden de etiologie en waarmee de patient komt beschreven, dan de diagnostiek en het beleid. Het boek beschrijft aandoeningen als krentenbaard, platvoeten en waterpokken. Daarmee onderscheidt het zich van andere boeken over kindergeneeskunde, waarin vooral aandacht is voor ernstige aandoeningen. De vele foto's helpen de tekst te verduidelijken: ze tonen duidelijk de kenmerken van de verschillende aandoeningen. Deze herziening van het boek uit 2016 kent nieuwe hoofdstukken, verduidelijkt de differentiaal diagnose en voegt de meest recente evidence-based inzichten uit de literatuur aan alle hoofdstukken toe. De inhoud van dit boek sluit aan bij de richtlijnen van het Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap (NHG). De redactie van dit boek was in handen van Just Eekhof, Sjoerd Bruggink, Marissa Scherptong – Engbers, Annemarije Kruis en Tobias Bonten. Zij zijn praktiserend huisarts en hebben expertise als onderzoeker en docent huisartsgeneeskunde.
- Published
- 2022
7. Science Teachers’ Knowledge Development
- Author
Jan H. van Driel and Jan H. van Driel
- Subjects
- Science--Study and teaching, Effective teaching, Science teachers--Training of
- Abstract
In this volume, Jan van Driel presents an overview of his research on the professional knowledge that science teachers develop and enact in their teaching to promote student understanding and engagement in science. Using a selection of ten of his best publications, van Driel explains his journey from a chemistry teacher to an international leader in research in science education. He highlights collaborative projects with colleagues and students that have contributed to a better understanding of the nature of science teachers'professional knowledge and how it develops in the context of teacher education and reforms of science education. He discusses the impact of this research on the international research community, and on the practice and policy of science education.
- Published
- 2022
8. Design-Based Concept Learning in Science and Technology Education
- Author
Ineke Henze, Marc J. de Vries, Ineke Henze, and Marc J. de Vries
- Subjects
- Concept learning, Science--Study and teaching, Technology--Study and teaching
- Abstract
Learning concepts is a real challenge for learners because of the abstract nature of concepts. This holds particularly true for concepts in science and technology education where learning concepts by doing design activities is potentially a powerful way to overcome that learning barrier. Much depends, however, on the role of the teacher. Design-Based Concept Learning in Science and Technology Education brings together contributions from researchers that have investigated what conditions need to be fulfilled to make design-based education work. The chapters contain studies from a variety of topics and concepts in science and technology education. So far, studies on design-based learning have been published in a variety of journals, but never before were the outcomes of those studies brought together in one volume. Now an overview of insights about design-based concept learning is presented with expectations about future directions and trends.
- Published
- 2021
9. Handboek vreemdetalendidactiek
- Author
Sebastiaan Dönszelmann, Catherine van Beuningen, Anna Kaal, Rick de Graaff, Sebastiaan Dönszelmann, Catherine van Beuningen, Anna Kaal, and Rick de Graaff
- Subjects
- Language and languages--Study and teaching
- Abstract
Vreemde talen kunnen een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan persoonlijke en professionele ontwikkeling, en ze komen van pas bij internationale samenwerking. Wie meerdere talen beheerst, heeft ruimere communicatiemogelijkheden en is beter in staat om taal te doorzien en om zich in te leven in andere culturen. Maar hoe help je iemand om taalvaardig en taal- en intercultureel bewust te worden? Wat voor ondersteuning, oefening en kennis is daarvoor nodig? Het Handboek vreemdetalendidactiek maakt (toekomstige) taaldocenten wegwijs in de verschillende domeinen van het vreemdetalenonderwijs. Het boek gaat in op drie domeinen die nauw met elkaar verbonden zijn: vertrekpunten, vaardigheden en vakinhoud. Deel 1 van het boek, Vertrekpunten, biedt onderbouwde inzichten die tot de vakdidactische basisuitrusting behoren van iedere vreemdetalendocent; onmisbaar bij het ontwerpen van onderwijs en direct gerelateerd aan de dagelijkse onderwijspraktijk. Het tweede deel van het boek, Vaardig, bespreekt welke kennis, vaardigheden en strategieën leerlingen nodig hebben om zich in verschillende taalsituaties te redden én hoe docenten hun leerlingen kunnen helpen die kennis, vaardigheden en strategieën te ontwikkelen. Ten slotte nodigt deel 3 van het boek, Vakinhoudelijk bewust, docenten uit om leerlingen verschillende perspectieven op taal te bieden. Het deel besteedt aandacht aan taalkundige en (inter)culturele aspecten die schuilgaan achter taal als communicatiemiddel en als denkgereedschap, en het sluit aan bij thema's als burgerschap en persoonsvorming. Bij het boek hoort een website met verwerkingsopdrachten, en links en tips voor verder lezen. Aan dit handboek werkten meer dan dertig vakexperts mee. Door hun expertise samen te brengen biedt dit handboek een breed en tegelijkertijd diepgaand perspectief op vreemdetalenonderwijs. Handboek vreemdetalendidactiek is geschreven voor (toekomstige) vreemdetalendocenten. Daarnaast is dit handboek een bron van kennis en inspiratie voor ervaren docenten die hun onderwijspraktijk willen vernieuwen.
- Published
- 2020
10. Beta-Lactamases: An Overview
- Author
Thomas E. Stead and Thomas E. Stead
- Subjects
- Beta lactamases
- Abstract
In this compilation, the authors describe the occurrence and characteristics of ESBL/AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae in poultry, cattle and pigs, pointing to risk factors that lead to their spread and highlighting possible mitigation strategies that could be applied to reduce their prevalence in food-producing animals. One review focuses on the wide array of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms that have been described in A. baumannii. The most concerning ones being the β-lactamases with carbapenemase activity, i.e, Ambler class-D serine oxacillinases and Ambler class-B metallo-β-lactamases.The closing study will walk readers through the discovery and golden age of β-lactam, its mechanism of action as broad-spectrum antibiotic, the expansion of beta-lactam derivatives and β-lactamase inhibitors to antibiotic resistance in β-lactams.
- Published
- 2020
11. Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture : Perspective, Policy and Mitigation
- Author
Indranil Samanta, Samiran Bandyopadhyay, Indranil Samanta, and Samiran Bandyopadhyay
- Subjects
- Drug resistance in microorganisms, Agricultural microbiology
- Abstract
Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture: Perspective, Policy and Mitigation is a valuable industrial resource that addresses complex, multi-factorial topics regarding farm, wild, companion animals, fish, and how the environment plays an important role in amplification and transmission of resistant bugs into the human food chain. Information of phenotypical and genotypical properties of each bacterial genus associated with antimicrobial resistance, transmission dynamics from different reservoirs (food animals, poultry, fishes) and control measures with alternative therapy, such as phytobiotics and nanomaterials are provided. Researchers, scientists and practitioners will find this an essential resource on the judicial use of antibiotics in animals and humans. - Explores all the genera of livestock and fish originated pathogenic bacteria associated with antimicrobial resistance - Presents cutting-edge research on epigenetics, nanotechnology and intervention technologies - Discusses transmission dynamics of resistance gene pools from different reservoirs, including food animals, poultry, fishes and the environment
- Published
- 2020
12. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 46 : Mitigation of Antimicrobial Resistance Vol 1 Tools and Targets
- Author
Harsh Panwar, Chetan Sharma, Eric Lichtfouse, Harsh Panwar, Chetan Sharma, and Eric Lichtfouse
- Subjects
- Agriculture, Immune response, Pathogenic microorganisms, Environment
- Abstract
According to the World Health Organization, antimicrobial resistance is a major threat to global health because the number of alternative antibiotics is very limited. Antimicrobial resistance is a slow evolutionary process that has been accelerated by human activities in health, environment and agriculture sectors. Due to their wide application, antibiotics and their residues have been found in almost all food products and natural ecosystems. This book reviews the drivers, impact and mitigation of antimicrobial resistance, with focus on methods and targets.
- Published
- 2020
13. Marketing of Organic Food Produce
- Author
Lacal, Carlos Tello and Lacal, Carlos Tello
- Subjects
- Organic farming, Farm produce--Marketing
- Abstract
Marketing of organic food produce considers various aspects ofMarketing of Organic Food Produce including an extensive historicaloverview of Organic Food Produce and related terms. Itincludes Human health implications of organic food and organicagriculture: a comprehensive review, Environmental Impactsof Plant-Based Diets: How Does Organic Food ConsumptionContribute to Environmental Sustainability, Food consumptiontrends and drivers, beyond Food Promotion: A Systematic Review on the Influence of theFood Industry on Obesity-Related Dietary Behavior among Children. Provides the readerwith insights into the development of its history, so as to understand the Perception ofOrganic Food Consumption in Romania.
- Published
- 2019
14. Action Research in South African Education : A Critical Praxis
- Author
Makoelle, Tsediso Michael and Makoelle, Tsediso Michael
- Subjects
- Action research in education--South Africa
- Abstract
In an increasingly complex and challenging profession, the need for teachers, administrators and school systems to become involved in professional development activities is ever present. Action Research in South African Education: A Critical Praxis is a culmination of varying reflective accounts Professor Makoelle made as a teacher, an academic and a devoted action researcher. The book delves into his beliefs, attitudes and conceptions about the evolving discourse of Action Research in education and how it could be operationalised in varying educative contexts. The conversation fosters openness toward new ideas and learning new innovations, as well as giving teachers ownership of effective practices. It ultimately provides teachers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and focus to engage in meaningful inquiry about their professional practice.
- Published
- 2019
15. Microbial Transmission
- Author
Fernando Baquero, Emilio Bouza, Jose A. Gutierrez-Fuentes, Teresa M. Coque, Fernando Baquero, Emilio Bouza, Jose A. Gutierrez-Fuentes, and Teresa M. Coque
- Subjects
- Infection, Communicable diseases--Transmission, Pathogenic bacteria
- Abstract
Microbial transmission, the processes by which microbes transit to new environments, is a significant and broad-reaching concept with applications throughout the biological sciences. This collection of reviews, edited by an international team of experts studying and working across a range of disciplines, explores transmission not just as an idea in disease but as a fundamental biological process that acts in all domains of nature and exerts its force on disparate size scales, from the micro to the macro, and across units of time as divergent as a single bacterial replication cycle and the entire course of evolution. In five sections, this overview Defines the concept of transmission and covers basic processes of transmission, including causality, control strategies, fitness costs, virulence, and selection Presents numerous combinations of transmission scenarios across the bacterial, animal, and human interface Examines transmission as the defining characteristic of infectious disease Presents methods for experimentally verifying and quantifying transmission episodes Concludes with important theoretical and modeling approaches Anyone studying or working in microbial colonization, evolution, pathogenicity, antimicrobial resistance, or public health will benefit from a deeper understanding of Microbial Transmission.
- Published
- 2019
16. Alternative Crops and Cropping Systems
- Author
Lacal, Carlos Tello and Lacal, Carlos Tello
- Subjects
- Cropping systems, New crops, Alternative agriculture
- Abstract
Alternative Crops and cropping Systems discusses completescope of alternative crops in a detailed manner and covers mostof the regions around the globe. Alternative crops have the importancein whole agriculture sector and pose a new progressivedirection. Effects of Long-term conservation tillage on soilnutrients in sloping fields in regions characterized by water andwind erosion along with effect of tillage and crop residue on soiltemperature & efficiency in a Continuous Cover Cropping System has been discussed toprovide a complete perspective on alternative crops and cropping systems.
- Published
- 2019
17. Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria From Livestock and Companion Animals
- Author
Frank M. Aarestrup, Stefan Schwarz, Lina Maria Cavaco, Jianzhong Shen, Frank M. Aarestrup, Stefan Schwarz, Lina Maria Cavaco, and Jianzhong Shen
- Subjects
- Antibiotics in veterinary medicine, Drug resistance in microorganisms
- Abstract
The global spread of antimicrobial-resistant pathogenic bacteria is a continuing challenge to the health care of humans and domesticated animals. With no new agents on the horizon, it is imperative to use antimicrobial agents wisely to preserve their future efficacy. Led by Editors Stefan Schwarz, Lina Maria Cavaco, and Jianzhong Shen with Frank Møller Aarestrup, an international team of experts in antimicrobial resistance of livestock and companion animals has created this valuable reference for veterinary students and practitioners as well as researchers and decision makers interested in understanding and preventing antimicrobial resistance.
- Published
- 2018
18. Staphylococcus Aureus : Microbiology, Pathology, Immunology, Therapy and Prophylaxis
- Author
Fabio Bagnoli, Rino Rappuoli, Guido Grandi, Fabio Bagnoli, Rino Rappuoli, and Guido Grandi
- Subjects
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Abstract
This volume offers a comprehensive overview of basic and applied aspects of Staphylococcus aureus, which is one of the most important human pathogens. It includes sixteen chapters that address the microbiology and immunology of S. aureus, the pathology of its key manifestations, and the current standard of care. Further, it reviews cutting-edge advances in alternative therapeutic and prophylactic approaches to antibiotics. All chapters were written by respected experts in the field – presenting recent findings on a diverse range of aspects, they are nonetheless interlinked. As such, the book is a must-read for all researchers, clinicians and technicians engaged in basic or applied science work involving S. aureus.
- Published
- 2017
19. Methodologies of Mediation in Professional Learning
- Author
Lily Orland-Barak, Ditza Maskit, Lily Orland-Barak, and Ditza Maskit
- Subjects
- Educational psychology, Teaching, Teachers--Training of
- Abstract
This book critically explores the use of nine recognized methodologies for the mediation of professional learning in the context of teacher education: The story, the visual text, the case, the video, the simulation, the portfolio, lesson study, action research, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Drawing on theories of mediation and professional learning, the book establishes connections between theoretical, empirical and practical-based aspects of each of these methodologies. It consolidates a body of knowledge that offers a holistic portrayal of these methodologies in terms of their purposes (what for), processes (how), and outcomes (what), both distinctively and inclusively. Each chapter offers four perspectives on each methodology (1) theoretical groundings of the genre (2) research-based evidence on methodologies-as-pedagogies for mediating teacher learning (3) mediation tasks for teacher education as reported in studies and (4) a synthesis of recurrent themes identified from selected books and articles, including a comprehensive list of publications organized by decades. The last chapter presents an integrative framework that conceptualizes connections and weak links across the different methodologies of mediation.
- Published
- 2017
20. Urinary Tract Infections : Molecular Pathogenesis and Clinical Management
- Author
Matthew A. Mulvey, David J. Klumpp, Ann E. Stapleton, Matthew A. Mulvey, David J. Klumpp, and Ann E. Stapleton
- Subjects
- Urinary tract infections--Pathogenesis, Urinary tract infections--Microbiology, Urinary tract infections--Molecular aspects
- Abstract
A comprehensive overview of clinically important infections of the urinary tract Urinary tract infections (UTIs) continue to rank among the most common infectious diseases of humans, despite remarkable progress in the ability to detect and treat them. Recurrent UTIs are a continuing problem and represent a clear threat as antibiotic-resistant organisms and infection-prone populations grow. Urinary Tract Infections: Molecular Pathogenesis and Clinical Management brings the scientific community up to date on the research related to these infections that has occurred in the nearly two decades since the first edition. The editors have assembled a team of leading experts to cover critical topics in these main areas: clinical aspects of urinary tract infections, including anatomy, diagnosis, and management, featuring chapters on the vaginal microbiome as well as asymptomatic bacteriuria, prostatitis, and urosepsis the origins and virulence mechanisms of the bacteria responsible for most UTIs, including uropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, and Klebsiella pneumoniae the host immune response to UTIs, the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains, and the future of therapeutics This essential reference serves as both a resource and a stimulus for future research endeavors for anyone with an interest in understanding these important infections, from the classroom to the laboratory and the clinic. If you are looking for online access to the latest clinical microbiology content, please visit www.wiley.com/learn/clinmicronow.
- Published
- 2017
21. Plasmids : Biology and Impact in Biotechnology and Discovery
- Author
Marcelo E. Tolmasky, Juan C. Alonso, Marcelo E. Tolmasky, and Juan C. Alonso
- Subjects
- Plasmids
- Abstract
Explore the remarkable discoveries in the rapidly expanding field of plasmid biology Plasmids are integral to biological research as models for innumerable mechanisms of living cells, as tools for creating the most diverse therapies, and as crucial helpers for understanding the dissemination of microbial populations. Their role in virulence and antibiotic resistance, together with the generalization of'omics'disciplines, has recently ignited a new wave of interest in plasmids. This comprehensive book contains a series of expertly written chapters focused on plasmid biology, mechanistic details of plasmid function, and the increased utilization of plasmids in biotechnology and pharmacology that has occurred in the past decade. Plasmids: Biology and Impact in Biotechnology and Discovery serves as an invaluable reference for researchers in the wide range of fields and disciplines that utilize plasmids and can also be used as a textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in biotechnology and molecular biology.
- Published
- 2015
22. Lost in Practice: Transforming Nordic Educational Action Research
- Author
Karin Rönnerman, Petri Salo, Karin Rönnerman, and Petri Salo
- Subjects
- Action research in education--Scandinavia
- Abstract
Lost in Practice offers a further development of the notion of Nordic educational action research (as described in an earlier volume, Nurturing Praxis, in 2008), aiming to deepen and enrich understandings of the Nordic educational tradition and its various practices. It explores Nordic traditions and theories, such as Bildung, practical knowledge regime and translation theory, with the aim of furthering a seminal conversation between practice theory and action research. Furthermore it illuminates the use of these theories in the context of Nordic countries by presenting a number of case studies on professional development practices, in which specific forms and arenas for enhancing dialogue and meaning making are in focus. The practices of study and research circles, peer group mentoring and dialogue conferences, as developed in the Nordic countries throughout the 20th century, are presented and discussed, both in terms of established traditions and of practices of collaborative development. The book also reflect on the “regional” traditions and educational practices in the Nordic countries are reflected on in the third part of the book. The volume addresses teachers at all levels in the educational system, particularly those who are interested in understanding educational action research and furthering collaborative forms of professional development, based on insights from different traditions for understanding and furthering the development of educational practices without getting lost.
- Published
- 2014
23. Integratie van onderzoek in het onderwijs : effectieve inbedding van onderzoek in curricula
- Author
Griffioen, D. M. E., Visser-Wijnveen, G. J., Willems, J., Griffioen, D. M. E., Visser-Wijnveen, G. J., and Willems, J.
- Subjects
- Education--Research
- Abstract
Hogescholen en universiteiten werken aan een steeds betere samenhang tussen onderwijs en onderzoek. Deze samenhang beoogt kwalitatief hoogstaand onderwijs. In Integratie van onderzoek in het onderwijs brengen de auteurs op toegankelijke wijze in kaart, wat uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek bekend is over de relatie tussen onderwijs en onderzoek. Verschillende relevante thema's worden inzichtelijk gemaakt. Zo gaat Integratie van onderzoek in het onderwijs in op de opvattingen die bestaan over onderzoek, maar ook op de doelen die beoogd kunnen worden met het verweven van onderwijs en onderzoek. Verder is er, op basis van een nieuw model, aandacht voor de wijze waarop onderwijs en onderzoek samen gebracht kunnen worden in module en curriculum, plus de voorwaarden die hiervoor nodig zijn qua docentvaardigheid en instellingsorganisatie. Het inzicht in deze thema's vormt in het boek het fundament onder een praktisch handvat voor het intensiveren van de relatie tussen onderzoek en onderwijs. Met Integratie van onderzoek in het onderwijs in de hand kunnen docenten en opleidingen in universiteit en hogeschool verdere stappen zetten om onderzoek een effectief onderdeel van het onderwijs te laten zijn. Alle hoofdstukken zijn geillustreerd met praktijkvoorbeelden uit diverse Nederlandse en Vlaamse universiteiten en hogescholen.
- Published
- 2013
24. Edible Insects - Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security
- Author
Van Huis, A., Van Itterbeeck, J., Klunder, H., Mertens, E., Halloran, A., Muir, G., Vantomme, P., Van Huis, A., Van Itterbeeck, J., Klunder, H., Mertens, E., Halloran, A., Muir, G., and Vantomme, P.
- Subjects
- Conservation of natural resources, Food habits, Food preferences, Edible insects, Entomophagy, Food security, Feeds--Composition, Food--Composition
- Abstract
Edible insects have always been a part of human diets, but in some societies there remains a degree of disdain and disgust for their consumption. Insects offer a significant opportunity to merge traditional knowledge and modern science to improve human food security worldwide. This publication describes the contribution of insects to food security and examines future prospects for raising insects at a commercial scale to improve food and feed production, diversify diets, and support livelihoods in both developing and developed countries. Edible insects are a promising alternative to the conventional production of meat, either for direct human consumption or for indirect use as feedstock. This publication will boost awareness of the many valuable roles that insects play in sustaining nature and human life, and it will stimulate debate on the expansion of the use of insects as food and feed.
- Published
- 2013
25. Cardiovascular Diseases : Nutritional and Therapeutic Interventions
- Author
Nilanjana Maulik and Nilanjana Maulik
- Subjects
- Cardiovascular system--Diseases--Treatment, Cardiovascular system--Diseases--Diet therapy, Cardiovascular system--Diseases, Diet therapy
- Abstract
With cardiovascular disease remaining one of the primary causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, there is a great need to further understand the molecular basis of this disease class and develop new therapeutic or preventative measures. Cardiovascular Diseases: Nutritional and Therapeutic Interventions presents up-to-date information on the pa
- Published
- 2013
26. Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment
- Author
Patricia L. Keen, Mark H. M. M. Montforts, Patricia L. Keen, and Mark H. M. M. Montforts
- Subjects
- Drug resistance in microorganisms, Antibiotics--Environmental aspects, Microbial ecology
- Abstract
Examines effects of the environmental distribution of antimicrobial resistance genes on human health and the ecosystem Resistance genes are everywhere in nature—in pathogens, commensals, and environmental microorganisms. This contributed work shows how the environment plays a pivotal role in the development of antimicrobial resistance traits in bacteria and the distribution of resistant microbial species, resistant genetic material, and antibiotic compounds. Readers will discover the impact of the distribution in the environment of antimicrobial resistance genes and antibiotics on both the ecosystem and human and animal health. Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment is divided into four parts: Part I, Sources, including ecological and clinical consequences of antibiotic resistance by environmental microbes Part II, Fate, including strategies to assess and minimize the biological risk of antibiotic resistance in the environment Part III, Antimicrobial Substances and Resistance, including antibiotics in the aquatic environment Part IV, Effects and Risks, including the effect of antimicrobials used for non-human purposes on human health Recognizing the intricate links among overlapping complex systems, this book examines antimicrobial resistance using a comprehensive ecosystem approach. Moreover, the book's multidisciplinary framework applies principles of microbiology, environmental toxicology, and chemistry to assess the human and ecological risks associated with exposure to antibiotics or antibiotic resistance genes that are environmental contaminants. Each chapter has been written by one or more leading researchers in such fields as microbiology, environmental science, ecology, and toxicology. Comprehensive reference lists at the end of all chapters serve as a gateway to the primary research in the field. Presenting and analyzing the latest findings in a field of growing importance to human and environmental health, this text offers readers new insights into the role of the environment in antimicrobial resistance development, the dissemination of antimicrobial resistant genetic elements, and the transport of antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotics.
- Published
- 2012
27. Professional Development for Primary Teachers in Science and Technology : The Dutch VTB-Pro Project in an International Perspective
- Author
Marc J. de Vries, Hanno van Keulen, Sylvia Peters, Juliette Walma van der Molen, Marc J. de Vries, Hanno van Keulen, Sylvia Peters, and Juliette Walma van der Molen
- Subjects
- Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Netherlands, Technology--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Netherlands, Science teachers--Training of--Netherlands, Technical education teachers--Training of--Netherlands, Vocational teachers--Training of--Netherlands
- Abstract
This book presents the research output of the Dutch project VTB-Pro, an internationally-oriented project that aimed at providing primary school teachers with the knowledge, abilities and attitudes that are necessary to implement science and technology education in their classes. An introductory chapter by Wynne Harlen and Pierre Lena positions this project in the international context.From the Foreword by Dr. Michel Rocard:I have been pleased to discover the VTB-Pro three?years project carried in the Netherlands (Broadening technological education in primary school). Focusing on professional development of teachers and presenting first hand testimonies and research, the present book demonstrates how to deal with this issue, so critical for a renewed pedagogy. With proper methods, the knowledge of science, the interest in science and technology, the pedagogical skills can all be improved among teachers who often have no or little affection for science.
- Published
- 2011
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