41 results on '"M. Bartušek"'
Search Results
2. Dějiny cisterckého řádu v Čechách. Svazek III.
- Author
Charvátová, Kateřina and Charvátová, Kateřina
- Abstract
Kláštery na hranicích a za hranicemi Čech představují doplněné a rozšířené vydání třetího dílu souboru Dějin cisterckého řádu v Čechách (1142–1420), který původně vyšel v roce 2009. Oproti prvnímu vydání byl tento svazek doplněn o výsledky dalšího studia pramenů, stejně jako o nové poznatky české i zahraniční literatury. V první části se čtenář seznámí s osudy dvou klášterů, jež ve středověku patřily k Českému království, změnou zemských hranic se však dnes nacházejí mimo území Čech (Marienthal v Sasku, Žďár nad Sázavou na Moravě). Prostřední část knihy se zaměřuje na kontakty českých opatství s cisterckými kláštery v okolních zemích. Nově se zde objevují pasáže věnované vazbám českých řádových domů k jejich mateřským klášterům na území dnešního Německa a Rakouska. Významně byl doplněn exkurz Pohřby českých princezen a dalších členů rodů vládnoucích v Čechách v cisterckých klášterech. Závěr publikace tvoří čtyři kapitoly zaměřené na německé a rakouské řádové domy, které měly ve středověku v Čechách svou pozemkovou držbu (Waldsassen, Altzelle, Grünhain, Zwettl). Tyto kapitoly jsou výrazně stručnější než pojednání o klášterech Marienthal a Žďár, neboť jejich záměrem je představit především vazby těchto institucí k českému prostředí. Text doplňuje bohatý ilustrační materiál (107 fotografií a 23 map a schémat), který představuje významnou složku díla. Kniha vychází v nové grafické úpravě, s řadou nových fotografií a map.
- Published
- 2022
3. Kauf-Instinkt : Mit einem einfachen Modell des Konsumverhaltens zu zielsicheren Marketingstrategien
- Author
Ingo Hamm and Ingo Hamm
- Subjects
- Consumer behavior
- Abstract
Menschen wird selten bewusst, warum sie Dinge kaufen.'Kauf-Instinkt'nimmt die Motive von Kunden unter die Lupe und bietet ein sehr eingängiges, visuelles Schema an, um Konsumverhalten nachzuvollziehen. Der Ansatz: drei Konsumtriebe - Vergleich, Zugehörigkeit und Entwicklung - steuern automatisch das gesamte Kaufverhalten. Damit gibt der Autor Unternehmen ein Schema an die Hand, Marketingstrategien an aktuellen Trends auszurichten und mit gesellschaftlich besser akzeptierten Angeboten neue Wege zu gehen. Das Buch regt zum Nachdenken über ein neues, sozialverträglicheres Verständnis von Konsumverhalten an.
- Published
- 2019
4. Strong Nonlinear Limit-point/limit-circle Problem, The
- Author
John R Graef, Miroslav Bartusek, John R Graef, and Miroslav Bartusek
- Subjects
- Differentiable dynamical systems, Limit cycles, Differential equations, Nonlinear
- Abstract
The limit-point/limit-circle problem had its beginnings more than 100 years ago with the publication of Hermann Weyl's classic paper in Mathematische Annalen in 1910 on linear differential equations. This concept was extended to second-order nonlinear equations in the late 1970's and later, to higher order nonlinear equations. This monograph traces the development of what is known as the strong nonlinear limit-point and limit-circle properties of solutions. In addition to bringing together all such results into one place, some new directions that the study has taken as well as some open problems for future research are indicated.
- Published
- 2018
5. Theory of Third-Order Differential Equations
- Author
Seshadev Padhi, Smita Pati, Seshadev Padhi, and Smita Pati
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Differential equations
- Abstract
This book discusses the theory of third-order differential equations. Most of the results are derived from the results obtained for third-order linear homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients. M. Gregus, in his book written in 1987, only deals with third-order linear differential equations. These findings are old, and new techniques have since been developed and new results obtained.Chapter 1 introduces the results for oscillation and non-oscillation of solutions of third-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, and a brief introduction to delay differential equations is given. The oscillation and asymptotic behavior of non-oscillatory solutions of homogeneous third-order linear differential equations with variable coefficients are discussed in Ch. 2. The results are extended to third-order linear non-homogeneous equations in Ch. 3, while Ch. 4 explains the oscillation and non-oscillation results for homogeneous third-order nonlinear differential equations. Chapter 5 deals with the z-type oscillation and non-oscillation of third-order nonlinear and non-homogeneous differential equations. Chapter 6 is devoted to the study of third-order delay differential equations. Chapter 7 explains the stability of solutions of third-order equations. Some knowledge of differential equations, analysis and algebra is desirable, but not essential, in order to study the topic.
- Published
- 2014
6. Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry : Volume 8 Experimental Methods in Electrochemistry
- Author
Peter Horsman, Brian E. Conway, E. Yeager, Peter Horsman, Brian E. Conway, and E. Yeager
- Subjects
- Electrochemistry--Laboratory manuals
- Abstract
It is now time for a comprehensive treatise to look at the whole field of electrochemistry. The present treatise was conceived in 1974, and the earliest invitations to authors for contributions were made in 1975. The completion of the early volumes has been delayed by various factors. There has been no attempt to make each article emphasize the most recent situation at the expense of an overall statement of the modern view. This treatise is not a collection of articles from Recent Advances in Electrochemistry or Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry. It is an attempt at making a mature statement about the present position in the vast area of what is best looked at as a new interdisciplinary field. Texas A & M University J. O'M. Bockris University of Ottawa B. E. Conway Case Western Reserve University Ernest Yeager Texas A & M University Ralph E. White Preface to Volume 8 Experimental methods in electrochemistry are becoming more diverse. This volume describes many of the new techniques that are being used as well as some of the well-established techniques. It begins with two chapters (1 and 2) on electronic instrumentation and methods for utilization of microcomputers for experimental data acquisition and reduction. Next, two chapters (3 and 4) on classical methods of electrochemical analysis are presented: ion selective electrodes and polarography.
- Published
- 2013
7. Computational Methods for the Determination of Formation Constants
- Author
David J. Leggett and David J. Leggett
- Subjects
- Phase rule and equilibrium--Data processing
- Abstract
This volume is concerned with methods that are available for the calculation of for mation constants, in particular computational procedures. Although graphical meth ods have considerable value in the exploration of primary (raw) data they have been overtaken by computational methods, which, for the most part, take primary data and return the refined formation constants. Graphical methods are now considered com plementary to these general computational procedures. This volume brings together programs that span the lifetime of computer-assisted determination of formation constants. On one hand the reader will find listings of programs that are derived from LETAGROP (b.l961) and the GAUSS-G/SCOGS (b. 1962) families. On the other hand programs are presented that are the newest mem bers of the SCOGS lineage and from the on-going MINIQUAD series. One program is presented that describes a computational approach to the classical Hedstrom Osterberg methods; another that takes care of electrode calibration in a simple yet rigorous manner. Potentiometry and spectrophotometry are the most popular experimental tech niques for equilibrium studies, and the programs in this volume reflect this. Four programs handle potentiometric data, two will process spectrophotometric data, and one makes use of both types of data separately or in combination.
- Published
- 2013
8. Der Erstkontakt mit psychisch kranken Menschen
- Author
Walter Pöldinger, Hans G. Zapotoczky, Walter Pöldinger, and Hans G. Zapotoczky
- Subjects
- Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Nursing, Family medicine, Emergency medicine
- Abstract
Das Buch ist eine Kurzinformation für Menschen, die sich beruflich mit psychisch beeinträchtigten Menschen auseinandersetzen müssen. Der Zugang soll dadurch erleichtert werden, daß nicht Krankheitseinheiten oder differential-diagnostische Erwägungen dargestellt werden, sondern die besonderen Verhaltensweisen von psychisch beeinträchtigten Menschen. Es wird erörtert, wie man sich als Arzt, Sozialarbeiter, Psychologe, Psychotherapeut, Polizist etc. mit depressiven, suizidalen, ängstlichen, verwirrten oder alkoholisierten Patienten auseinandersetzen kann, sodaß die Begegnung mit dem Patienten therapeutisch fruchtbar wird. Es ist nicht immer möglich, eindeutige Anleitungen für diese Begegnungsweise zu geben, wohl aber Hinweise darauf, auf welche Momente es in der Auseinandersetzung besonders ankommt und wo Gefahrenmomente liegen könnten.
- Published
- 2013
9. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry : Vienna, 7.–11. September 1964
- Author
Victor Gutmann and Victor Gutmann
- Subjects
- Chemistry
- Abstract
Organized by Verein Österreichischer Chemiker
- Published
- 2013
10. Critical Stability Constants : Second Supplement
- Author
Arthur E. Martell, Robert M. Smith, Arthur E. Martell, and Robert M. Smith
- Subjects
- Inorganic chemistry
- Abstract
Over the past twenty five years the Commission on Equilibrium Data of the Analytical Division of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has been sponsoring a noncritical compilation of metal complex formation constants and related equilibrium constants. This work was extensive in scope and resulted in publication of two large volumes of Stability Constants by the Chemical Society (London). The first volume, edited by L. G. Sillen (for inorganic ligands) and by A. E. Martell (for organic ligands), was published in 1964 and covered the literature through 1962. The second volume, subtitled Supplement No. 1, edited by L. G. Sillen and E. Hogfeldt (for inorganic ligands), and A. E. Martell and R. M. Smith (for organic ligands), was published in 1971 and covered the literature up to 1969. These two large compilations attempted to cover all papers in the field related to metal complex equilibria (heats, entropies, and free energies). Most recently a noncritical compilation of organic ligands by D. D. Perrin (Pergamon Press) extended coverage of the literature through 1973 and a similar volume for inorganic ligands by E. Hogfeldt covered through 1974. Since it was the policy of the Commission during that period to avoid decisions concerning the quality and reliability of the published work, th~ compilation would frequently contain from ten to twenty values for a single equilibrium constant.
- Published
- 2013
11. Mo Molybdenum : Molybdenum Oxide Hydrates. Oxomolybdenum Species in Aqueous Solutions
- Author
Karl-Heinz Tytko, Ursula Trobisch, Hartmut Katscher, Friedrich Schröder, Karl-Heinz Tytko, Ursula Trobisch, Hartmut Katscher, and Friedrich Schröder
- Subjects
- Chemistry
- Published
- 2013
12. Critical Stability Constants : Inorganic Complexes
- Author
Arthur Martell and Arthur Martell
- Subjects
- Inorganic chemistry
- Abstract
Over the past fifteen years the Commission on Equilibrium Data of the Analytical Division of the I nter national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has been sponsoring a noncritical compilation of metal complex formation constants and related equilibrium constants. This work was extensive in scope and resulted in the publication of two large volumes of Stability Constants by the Chemical Society (London). The first volume, edited by L. G. Si'en (for inorganic ligands) and by A. E. Marte'(for organic ligands), was published in 1964 and covered the literature through 1962. The second volume, subtitled Supplement No.1, edited by L. G. Si'en and E. Hogfeldt (for inorganic ligands) and by A. E. Marte'and R. M. Smith (for organic ligands), was published in 1971 and covered the literature up to 1969. These two large compilations attempted to cover a'papers in the field related to metal complex equilibria (heats, entropies, and free energies). Since it was the policy of the Commission during that period to avoid decisions concerning the quality and reliability of the published work, the compilation would frequently contain from ten to twenty values for a single equilibrium constant. In many cases the values would differ by one or even two orders of magnitude, thus frustrating readers who wanted to use the data without doing the extensive literature study necessary to determine the correct value of the constant in question.
- Published
- 2013
13. Other Organic Ligands
- Author
Arthur Martell and Arthur Martell
- Subjects
- Inorganic chemistry
- Abstract
Over the past fifteen years the Commission on Equilibrium Data of the Analytical Division of the Inter national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has been sponsoring a noncritical compilation of metal complex formation constants and related equilibrium constants. This work was extensive in scope and resulted in the publication of two large volumes of Stability Constants by the Chemical Society (London). The first volume, edited by L. G. Sillen (for inorganic ligands) and by A. E. Martell (for organic ligands), was published in 1964 and covered the literature through 1962. The second volume, subtitled Supplement No. 1, edited by L. G. Sillen and E. Hogfeldt (for inorganic ligands) and by A. E. Martell and R. M. Smith (for organic ligands), was published in 1971 and covered the literature up to 1969. These two large compilations attempted to cover all papers in the field related to metal complex equilibria (heats, entropies, and free energies). Since it was the policy of the Commission during that period to avoid decisions concerning the quality and reliability of the published work, the compilation would frequently contain from ten to twenty values for a single equilibrium constant. In many cases the values would differ by one or even two orders of magnitude, thus frustrating readers who wanted to use the data without doing the extensive literature study necessary to determine the correct value of the constant in question.
- Published
- 2013
14. Be Beryllium : The Element. Production, Atom, Molecules, Chemical Behavior, Toxicology
- Subjects
- Pharmacology, Chemistry
- Published
- 2013
15. Molybdenum Chemistry of Biological Significance
- Author
William E. Newton and William E. Newton
- Subjects
- Molybdenum--Physiological effect--Congresses, Molybdenum--Metabolism--Congresses, Enzymes--Congresses, Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms--Congresses, Molybdenum--Congresses, Biochemistry--Congresses
- Abstract
In retrospect, it was obvious that we were both, quite inde pendently, contemplating a conference on the role of molybdenum in biology and related chemistry. At the time though, the meeting of minds on this matter was quite surprising. Although this subject has been treated in previous meetings within the overall context of, say, magnetic resonance or nitrogen fixation, it was apparent to us both that research in molybdenum-containing enzymes and molyb denum chemistry had progressed rapidly in the last several years. Jointly, we decided to organize the first meeting on Molybdenum Chemistry of Biological Significance which was held at the Hotel Lake Biwa, Shiga, Japan, on April 10-13, 1979. This volume con stitutes the Proceedings of that international conference and covers the broad spectrum of interests from enzymes to coordination chemistry. It should serve not only as a source of new information on the latest research results in this area and as a useful ref erence tool, but should also allow a newcomer or other peripherally interested researcher to become conversant very rapidly with the'state-of-the-art'in this specialized and important area of research. The conference was sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the Japan World Exposition Commemerative Fund the Yamada Science Foundation, the Nissan Science Foundation, the Chemical Society of Japan (Kinki Regional Office) and the Agri cultural Chemical Society of Japan (Kansai Branch). We thank these organizations sincerely for their interest and generosity.
- Published
- 2012
16. X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction in Nonideal Crystals
- Author
Mikhail A. Krivoglaz and Mikhail A. Krivoglaz
- Subjects
- X-ray crystallography, X-rays--Diffusion, Neutrons--Diffraction
- Abstract
Mikhail Alexandrovich Krivoglaz died unexpectedly when he was preparing the English edition of his two-volume monograph on diffraction and diffuse scatter ing of X-rays and neutrons in imperfect crystals. His death was a heavy blow to all who knew him, who had worked with him and to the world science community as a whole. The application of the diffraction techniques for the study of imperfections of crystal structures was the major field of Krivoglaz'work throughout his career in science. He started working in the field in the mid-fifties and since then made fundamental contributions to the theory of real crystals. His results have largely determined the current level of knowledge in this field for more than thirty years. Until the very last days of his life, Krivoglaz continued active studies in the physics of diffraction effects in real crystals. His interest in the theory aided in the explanation of the rapidly advancing experimental studies. The milestones marking important stages of his work were the first mono graph on the theory of X-ray and neutron scattering in real crystals which was published in Russian in 1967 (a revised English edition in 1969), and the two volume monograph published in Russian in 1983-84 (this edition is the revised translation of the latter).
- Published
- 2012
17. Progress in Electrochemistry of Organic Compounds 1
- Author
A. N. Frumkin and A. N. Frumkin
- Subjects
- Organic electrochemistry
- Abstract
In the Soviet Union, investigations of electrochemical changes in organic substances are being conducted on a comparatively large scale and a large number of specialists are involved. This arises to a large extent from the necessity to solve problems in the applied fields, e.g. in the development of new improved methods for the analysis and synthesis of organic compounds or in the work on fuel cells. The attainment of substantial successes in this field has been linked inseparably with a deeper understanding of the mechanism and kinetics of electrolytic organic reactions and the utilization of modem research methods based on the latest achievements in instrumentation. The theory of organic electrode processes is therefore now developing rapidly. However, the propagation of information on this work has been relatively slow. The Series of reports on Progress in Electrochemistry of Organic Compounds should stimulate systematic treatment and propagation of information in this field of science. It is proposed that each volume of the series will be compiled on the same lines as the book Advances in Electrochemistry of Organic Compounds published by Nauka in 1966. They will form collections of original review articles on the most important aspects of the subject, prepared by competent authorities.
- Published
- 2012
18. The Nonlinear Limit-Point/Limit-Circle Problem
- Author
Miroslav Bartusek, Zuzana Dosla, John R. Graef, Miroslav Bartusek, Zuzana Dosla, and John R. Graef
- Subjects
- Differential equations, Mathematical analysis, Difference equations, Functional equations, Functional analysis
- Abstract
First posed by Hermann Weyl in 1910, the limit–point/limit–circle problem has inspired, over the last century, several new developments in the asymptotic analysis of nonlinear differential equations. This self-contained monograph traces the evolution of this problem from its inception to its modern-day extensions to the study of deficiency indices and analogous properties for nonlinear equations. The book opens with a discussion of the problem in the linear case, as Weyl originally stated it, and then proceeds to a generalization for nonlinear higher-order equations. En route, the authors distill the classical theorems for second and higher-order linear equations, and carefully map the progression to nonlinear limit–point results. The relationship between the limit–point/limit–circle properties and the boundedness, oscillation, and convergence of solutions is explored, and in the final chapter, the connection between limit–point/limit–circle problems and spectral theory is examined in detail. With over 120 references, many open problems, and illustrative examples, this work will be valuable to graduate students and researchers in differential equations, functional analysis, operator theory, and related fields.
- Published
- 2011
19. Fundamentals and Applications of Anion Separations
- Author
Bruce A. Moyer, Raj P. Singh, Bruce A. Moyer, and Raj P. Singh
- Subjects
- Inorganic chemistry, Polymers
- Abstract
This book documents the proceedings of the symposium'Fundamentals and Applications of Anion Separations'held during American Chemical Society National Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, August 25-30, 200I. Nearly 40 papers devoted to discussions on anion separation related to fundamental research and applications were presented. The symposium, sponsored by Osram Sylvania, BetzDearbom, and the Separation Science & Technology Subdivision of the Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society was organized by Bruce A. Moyer, Chemical Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Building. 4500S, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6119, and Raj P. Singh, Chemicals and Powders R&D, Osram Sylvania, Chemical and Metallurgical Products Division, Towanda, PA 18848. It drew presenters from Australia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Japan, South Africa, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Separations constitute an integral part of chemical industry. Chemical products typically originate in resources that must be concentrated and purified, chemically transformed, and subjected to fmal purification. Effluent streams from the processes must be treated to recycle reusable components and to remove environmentally harmful species. Some industrial processes are devoted to environmental cleanup after pollution has occurred. In addition, many analytical methods require a separation for preconcentration, or a separation may be an inherent part of the analysis itself. Micro separations occurring at membranes or interfaces are also related phenomena employed for ion sensing. Many species targeted for separation are naturally anionic. Although the standard separations techniques ofextraction, ion exchange, adsorption, precipitation, etc.
- Published
- 2011
20. Intermediate Spectral Theory and Quantum Dynamics
- Author
César R. de Oliveira and César R. de Oliveira
- Subjects
- Physics, Quantum theory, Spectral theory (Mathematics)
- Abstract
The spectral theory of linear operators plays a key role in the mathematical formulation of quantum theory. This textbook provides a concise and comprehensible introduction to the spectral theory of (unbounded) self-adjoint operators and its application in quantum dynamics. Many examples and exercises are included that focus on quantum mechanics.
- Published
- 2009
21. Solvent Extraction and Liquid Membranes : Fundamentals and Applications in New Materials
- Author
Manuel Aguilar, Jose Luis Cortina, Manuel Aguilar, and Jose Luis Cortina
- Subjects
- Liquid membranes, Solvent extraction
- Abstract
The applications of solvent extraction (SX) and liquid membranes (LM) span chemistry, metallurgy, hydrometallurgy, chemical/mineral processing, and waste treatment-making it difficult to find a single resource that encompasses fundamentals as well as advanced applications. Solvent Extraction and Liquid Membranes: Fundamentals and Applicat
- Published
- 2008
22. Chemical Thermodynamics of Compounds and Complexes of U, Np, Pu, Am, Tc, Se, Ni and Zr With Selected Organic Ligands
- Author
Myriam Illemassène, Jane Perrone, Myriam Illemassène, and Jane Perrone
- Subjects
- Inorganic compounds--Thermal properties, Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry, Ligands
- Abstract
This volume is part of the series on'Chemical Thermodynamics', published under the aegis of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. It contains a critical review of the literature on thermodynamic data for compounds of complexes of oxalate, citrate, EDTA and iso-saccharinate with uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium, technetium, selenium, nickel and zirconium. A review team, composed of five internationally recognized experts, has critically reviewed all the scientific literature containing chemical thermodynamic information for the above mentioned systems. The results of this critical review carried out following the Guidelines of the OECD NEA Thermochemical Database Project have been documented in the present volume, which contains tables of selected values for formation and reaction thermodynamical properties and an extensive bibliography.Contributed by: Wolfgang Hummel (Chairman), Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, Giorgio Anderegg, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland, Linfeng Rao, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.A., Ignasi Puigdomènech, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB), Sweden, and Osamu Tochiyama, Tohoku University, Japan.• Critical review of all literature on chemical thermodynamics for compounds and complexes of oxalate, citrate, EDTA and iso-saccharinate with U, Np, Pu, Am, Tc and Se, Ni and Zr.• Tables of recommended Selected Values for thermochemical properties• Documented review procedure• Exhaustive bibliography• Intended to meet requirements of radioactive waste management community• Valuable reference source for the physical, analytical and environmental chemist.
- Published
- 2005
23. Half-Linear Differential Equations
- Author
Ondrej Dosly, Pavel Rehak, Ondrej Dosly, and Pavel Rehak
- Subjects
- Differential equations--Oscillation theory, Differential equations, Linear, Differential equations, Nonlinear
- Abstract
The book presents a systematic and compact treatment of the qualitative theory of half-lineardifferential equations. It contains the most updated and comprehensive material and represents the first attempt to present the results of the rapidly developing theory of half-linear differential equations in a unified form. The main topics covered by the book are oscillation and asymptotic theory and the theory of boundary value problems associated with half-linear equations, but the book also contains a treatment of related topics like PDE's with p-Laplacian, half-linear difference equations and various more general nonlinear differential equations.- The first complete treatment of the qualitative theory of half-linear differential equations.- Comparison of linear and half-linear theory.- Systematic approach to half-linear oscillation and asymptotic theory.- Comprehensive bibliography and index.- Useful as a reference book in the topic.
- Published
- 2005
24. Handbook of Differential Equations: Ordinary Differential Equations
- Author
A. Canada, P. Drabek, A. Fonda, A. Canada, P. Drabek, and A. Fonda
- Subjects
- Differential equations
- Abstract
The book contains seven survey papers about ordinary differential equations.The common feature of all papers consists in the fact that nonlinear equations are focused on. This reflects the situation in modern mathematical modelling - nonlinear mathematical models are more realistic and describe the real world problems more accurately. The implications are that new methods and approaches have to be looked for, developed and adopted in order to understand and solve nonlinear ordinary differential equations.The purpose of this volume is to inform the mathematical community and also other scientists interested in and using the mathematical apparatus of ordinary differential equations, about some of these methods and possible applications.
- Published
- 2004
25. Intelligent Virtual Agents : Third International Workshop, IVA 2001, Madrid, Spain, September 10-11, 2001. Proceedings
- Author
Angelica de Antonio, Ruth Aylett, Daniel Ballin, Angelica de Antonio, Ruth Aylett, and Daniel Ballin
- Subjects
- User interfaces (Computer systems), Human-computer interaction, Artificial intelligence, Application software, Education—Data processing
- Abstract
Predicting the future is a risky game, and can often leave egg on one's face. However when the organizers of the Intelligent Virtual Environments workshop at the European Conference on AI predicted that the field of Intelligent Virtual Agents would grow and mature rapidly, they were not wrong. From this small workshop spawned the successful one on Intelligent Virtual Agents, held in Manchester in 1999. This volume comprises the proceedings of the much larger third workshop held in Madrid, September 10 11, 2001, which successfully achieved the aim of taking a more international focus, bringing together researchers from all over the world. We received 35 submissions from 18 different countries in America, Asia, and Africa. The 16 papers presented at the conference and published here show the high quality of the work that is currently being done in this field. In addition, five contributions were selected as short papers, which were presented as posters at the workshop. This proceedings volume also includes the two prestigious papers presented at the workshop by our keynote speakers: Daniel Thalmann, Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne and Director of the Computer Graphics Lab., who talked about The Foundations to Build a Virtual Human Society. Jeff Rickel, Project Leader at the Information Sciences Institute and a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Southern California, who debated about Intelligent Virtual Agents for Education and Training: Opportunities and Challenges.
- Published
- 2003
26. Carbohydrate Chemistry : Volume 12
- Author
John F Kennedy, N R Williams, John F Kennedy, and N R Williams
- Subjects
- Glucides, Carbohydrates
- Abstract
Carbohydrate Chemistry provides review coverage of all publications relevant to the chemistry of monosaccharides and oligosaccharides in a given year. The amount of research in this field appearing in the organic chemical literature is increasing because of the enhanced importance of the subject, especially in areas of medicinal chemistry and biology. In no part of the field is this more apparent than in the synthesis of oligosaccharides required by scientists working in glycobiology. Clycomedicinal chemistry and its reliance on carbohydrate synthesis is now very well established, for example, by the preparation of specific carbohydrate- based antigens, especially cancer-specific oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates. Coverage of topics such as nucleosides, amino-sugars, alditols and cyclitols also covers much research of relevance to biological and medicinal chemistry. Each volume of the series brings together references to all published work in given areas of the subject and serves as a comprehensive database for the active research chemist Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage in major areas of chemical research. Compiled by teams of leading authorities in the relevant subject areas, the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, with regular, in-depth accounts of progress in particular fields of chemistry. Subject coverage within different volumes of a given title is similar and publication is on an annual or biennial basis.
- Published
- 1981
27. Differential Equations And Applications To Biology And To Industry - Proceedings Of The Claremont International Conference Dedicated To The Memory Of Starvros Busenberg (1941 - 1993)
- Author
Kenneth Cooke, Ellis Cumberbatch, Mario Martelli, Betty Tang, Horst Thieme, Kenneth Cooke, Ellis Cumberbatch, Mario Martelli, Betty Tang, and Horst Thieme
- Subjects
- Engineering mathematics--Congresses, Differential equations--Congresses, Biomathematics--Congresses
- Abstract
This volume is dedicated to the memory of Professor Stavros Busenberg of Harvey Mudd College, who contributed so greatly to this field during 25 years prior to his untimely death. It contains about 60 invited papers by leading researchers in the areas of dynamical systems, mathematical studies in ecology, epidemics, and physiology, and industrial mathematics. Anyone interested in these areas will find much of value in these contributions.
- Published
- 1996
28. Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis
- Author
F. Feigl, V. Anger, F. Feigl, and V. Anger
- Subjects
- Chemistry, Organic, Analytical chemistry--Qualitative, Spot tests (Chemistry)
- Abstract
Many years have passed since the last edition of the present book was published. The discovery during this period of many new reagents has resulted in a vast accumulation of data on their application and made this completely revised edition necessary.Numerous new tests and various new chapters have been added. Chapters 3,4 and 5 of the fifth edition have been combined into one chapter, which is divided into sections devoted to the elements. These sections are arranged in alphabetical order to make for easier location of information on a given element. To further improve the usefulness of the volume, a reference list has been provided for each sub-section followed by a biography of the appropriate quantitative methods.
- Published
- 1972
29. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 47
- Author
Kenneth D. Karlin and Kenneth D. Karlin
- Subjects
- Transition metals, Organometallic chemistry, Chemistry, Inorganic
- Abstract
Straight from the frontier of scientific investigation... PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Nowhere is creative scientific talent busier than in the world of inorganic chemistry. And the respected Progress in Inorganic Chemistry series has long served as an exciting showcase for new research in this area. With contributions from internationally renowned chemists, this latest volume reports the most recent advances in the field, providing a fascinating window on the emerging state of the science.'This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth, but also by the depth and quality of the reviews.'--Journal of the American Chemical Society.'[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelf of the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of original papers on inorganic chemistry.'--Chemistry in Britain. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 47 Terminal Chalcogenido Complexes of the Transition Metals (Gerard Parkin, Columbia University) • Coordination Chemistry of Azacryptands (Jane Nelson, Vickie McKee, and Grace Morgan, The Queen's University, Northern Ireland) • Polyoxometallate Complexes in Organic Oxidation Chemistry (Ronny Neumann, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) • Metal-Phosphonate Chemistry (Abraham Clearfield, Texas A&M University) • Oxidation of Hydrazine in Aqueous Solution (David M. Stanbury, Auburn University) • Metal Ion Reconstituted Hybrid Hemoglobins (B. Venkatesh, J. M. Rifkind, and P. T. Manoharan, Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre, IIT, Madras, India) • Three-Coordinate Complexes of'Hard'Ligands: Advances in Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity (Christopher C. Cummins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) • Metal-Carbohydrate Complexes in Solution (Jean-Francois Verchere and Stella Chapelle, Universite de Rouen, France; Feibo Xin and Debbie C. Crans, Colorado State University).
- Published
- 1998
30. 1962, Teil 1: A - K
- Abstract
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für'1962, Teil 1: A - K'verfügbar.
- Published
- 1963
31. Energy and the Environment : Into the 1990s
- Author
A. A. M. Sayigh and A. A. M. Sayigh
- Subjects
- Photovoltaic power systems--Congresses, Energy industries--Environmental aspects--Congresses, Renewable energy sources--Congresses
- Abstract
As the governments and peoples of the world come to face the global impact of the technological revolution, it is appropriate to consider the future of world energy supplies. This conference approached the task not only of developing the means of tapping renewable energy sources, but also of showing renewable energy to be a viable alternative to current, harmful sources of energy. Economic and educational problems were addressed along with the scientific ones. The development of alternative energy is of no use if it cannot be made economically viable or if people are not convinced of its advantages.
- Published
- 1990
32. Applications
- Author
Z. Deyl and Z. Deyl
- Subjects
- Electrophoresis
- Abstract
- Published
- 1983
33. Critical Stability Constants : First Supplement
- Author
Arthur E. Martell, Robert M. Smith, Arthur E. Martell, and Robert M. Smith
- Subjects
- Chemistry, Inorganic, Chemistry, Mineralogical chemistry
- Published
- 1982
34. The Chemistry of Manganese, Technetium and Rhenium : Pergamon Texts in Inorganic Chemistry
- Author
R. D. W. Kemmitt, R. D. Peacock, J. C. Bailar, H. J. Emeléus, Ronald Nyholm, R. D. W. Kemmitt, R. D. Peacock, J. C. Bailar, H. J. Emeléus, and Ronald Nyholm
- Subjects
- Manganese, Technetium, Rhenium
- Abstract
The Chemistry of Manganese, Technetium and Rhenium is a three-chapter book that discusses the composition, structure, properties, and change of manganese, technetium, and rhenium. The first chapter in this particular book is the 37th chapter of the volume of a series, which focuses on manganese. The history, occurrence, metallurgy, uses, and chemistry of manganese are specifically discussed in this chapter. The compounds of manganese are also presented. This chapter is followed by a chapter on the chemistry of technetium, including its discovery, isolation, and compounds. The last chapter is devoted to rhenium, discussing its discovery, isolation, compounds, and physical and chemical properties. This book will be invaluable to chemistry students and practitioners, especially those interested in the elements featured in this release.
- Published
- 1973
35. Organometallic Chemistry : Volume 7
- Author
E W Abel, F G A Stone, E W Abel, and F G A Stone
- Subjects
- Organometallic chemistry
- Abstract
Organometallic chemistry is an interdisciplinary science which continues to grow at a rapid pace. Although there is continued interest in synthetic and structural studies the last decade has seen a growing interest in the potential of organometallic chemistry to provide answers to problems in catalysis synthetic organic chemistry and also in the development of new materials. This Specialist Periodical Report aims to reflect these current interests reviewing progress in theoretical organometallic chemistry, main group chemistry, the lanthanides and all aspects of transition metal chemistry. Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no longer be contained within one volume and the series Specialist Periodical Reports was born. The Annual Reports themselves still existed but were divided into two, and subsequently three, volumes covering Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. For more general coverage of the highlights in chemistry they remain a'must'. Since that time the SPR series has altered according to the fluctuating degree of activity in various fields of chemistry. Some titles have remained unchanged, while others have altered their emphasis along with their titles; some have been combined under a new name whereas others have had to be discontinued. The current list of Specialist Periodical Reports can be seen on the inside flap of this volume.
- Published
- 1978
36. International Symposium on Selective Ion-Sensitive Electrodes : International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- Author
G. J. Moody and G. J. Moody
- Subjects
- Electrodes, Ion selective--Congresses
- Abstract
International Symposium on Selective Ion-Sensitive Electrodes contains the plenary lectures presented at the International Symposium on Selective Ion-Sensitive Electrodes, held in Cardiff, UK on April 9-12, 1973 and organized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. The papers explore significant developments concerning selective ion-sensitive electrodes and cover topics ranging from potentiometric gas sensing electrodes to precipitate-based selective ion-sensitive electrodes and mechanistic aspects of ion-selective membrane electrodes. This book is comprised of five chapters and begins by introducing the reader to ion activity scales for use with selective ion-sensitive electrodes. Ion activities in dilute solutions, concentrated solutions, and mixtures of electrolytes are described. Attention then turns to the use of carrier antibiotics and model compounds as components of selective ion-sensitive electrodes. The next chapter focuses on a number of precipitate-based electrodes based for example on mixtures of metal chalcogenides, as well as enzyme electrodes and coated wire electrodes. Their analytical application in the widest sense is reviewed for anions and cations. This book also considers techniques used in elucidating glass, liquid, and crystal membrane electrode operation, along with their possible mechanisms. The final chapter analyzes a number of potentiometric gas sensing electrodes using hydrogen or other ion sensing electrode and a gas permeable membrane. This book will be of interest to students and practitioners of chemistry, biochemistry, and electrochemistry.
- Published
- 1973
37. Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements : Volume 4
- Author
B F G Johnson and B F G Johnson
- Subjects
- Chemistry, Inorganic, Transition metals, Mineralogical chemistry
- Abstract
Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no longer be contained within one volume and the series Specialist Periodical Reports was born. The Annual Reports themselves still existed but were divided into two, and subsequently three, volumes covering Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. For more general coverage of the highlights in chemistry they remain a'must'. Since that time the SPR series has altered according to the fluctuating degree of activity in various fields of chemistry. Some titles have remained unchanged, while others have altered their emphasis along with their titles; some have been combined under a new name whereas others have had to be discontinued. The current list of Specialist Periodical Reports can be seen on the inside flap of this volume.
- Published
- 1976
38. Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements : Volume 2
- Author
B F G Johnson and B F G Johnson
- Subjects
- Chemistry, Inorganic, Transition metals
- Abstract
Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no longer be contained within one volume and the series Specialist Periodical Reports was born. The Annual Reports themselves still existed but were divided into two, and subsequently three, volumes covering Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. For more general coverage of the highlights in chemistry they remain a'must'. Since that time the SPR series has altered according to the fluctuating degree of activity in various fields of chemistry. Some titles have remained unchanged, while others have altered their emphasis along with their titles; some have been combined under a new name whereas others have had to be discontinued. The current list of Specialist Periodical Reports can be seen on the inside flap of this volume.
- Published
- 1973
39. Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements : Volume 1
- Author
B F G Johnson and B F G Johnson
- Subjects
- Transition metals
- Abstract
Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no longer be contained within one volume and the series Specialist Periodical Reports was born. The Annual Reports themselves still existed but were divided into two, and subsequently three, volumes covering Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. For more general coverage of the highlights in chemistry they remain a'must'. Since that time the SPR series has altered according to the fluctuating degree of activity in various fields of chemistry. Some titles have remained unchanged, while others have altered their emphasis along with their titles; some have been combined under a new name whereas others have had to be discontinued. The current list of Specialist Periodical Reports can be seen on the inside flap of this volume.
- Published
- 1972
40. Inorganic Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements : Volume 3
- Author
C C Addison and C C Addison
- Subjects
- Chemistry, Inorganic, Mineralogical chemistry
- Abstract
Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no longer be contained within one volume and the series Specialist Periodical Reports was born. The Annual Reports themselves still existed but were divided into two, and subsequently three, volumes covering Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. For more general coverage of the highlights in chemistry they remain a'must'. Since that time the SPR series has altered according to the fluctuating degree of activity in various fields of chemistry. Some titles have remained unchanged, while others have altered their emphasis along with their titles; some have been combined under a new name whereas others have had to be discontinued. The current list of Specialist Periodical Reports can be seen on the inside flap of this volume.
- Published
- 1976
41. Theory and Structure of Complex Compounds : Papers Presented at the Symposium Held in Wrocław, Poland, 15–19 June 1962
- Author
B. Jeżowska-Trzebiatowska and B. Jeżowska-Trzebiatowska
- Subjects
- Complex compounds--Congresses
- Abstract
Theory and Structure of Complex Compounds presents the development of the chemistry of complex compounds. This book discusses the various applications of complex compounds in the laboratories and industry, particularly for preparation of reactor materials, for identification of chemical elements, and extraction of rare elements. Organized into 88 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the essential role that oxygen plays in chemical compounds, particularly in complex compounds. This text then examines the redox potentials for the manganese hematoporphyrin in a water solution. Other chapters consider the results of applying the treatment to the hexacarbonyls of chromium, tungsten, and molybdenum. This book discusses as well the optical rotatory dispersion of asymmetric organic and inorganic compounds. The final chapter deals with the general equation allowing determination of the equilibrium constants of the complex formation reaction from spectro-photometric measurements. This book is a valuable resource for chemists, physicists, scientists, and mathematicians.
- Published
- 1964
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