13 results on '"J, Trotoux"'
Search Results
2. Scoperte mediche non autorizzate : Le cure proibite osteggiate dalle multinazionali del farmaco
- Author
Marco Pizzuti and Marco Pizzuti
- Abstract
coperte mediche non autorizzate prende in esame una serie di scoperte che, per quanto censurate, screditate e bandite dall'establishment medico asservito a “big pharma”, trovano conferma in documenti, ricerche scientifiche e testimonianze di numerosi pazienti. Molti malati sono infatti guariti da patologie ritenute incurabili (cancro, AIDS, autismo, sclerosi multipla ecc.), si sono alzati dalla sedia a rotelle o hanno migliorato le loro condizioni in modi che hanno fatto gridare al miracolo. Marco Pizzuti mette finalmente a nudo i meccanismi che trasformano la propaganda commerciale delle grandi case farmaceutiche in “scienza medica” e che etichettano grandi/scomode scoperte alla stregua di “clamorose bufale”. Forte di una mole di dati clinici interamente verificabili, riporta fonti corroborate da interviste e dichiarazioni di eminenti luminari nel campo della sanità. Elenca inoltre per la prima volta tutte le informazioni di contatto necessarie per poter consultare i “medici eretici” citati nel testo e trarre le proprie conclusioni. A volte, ascoltare la cosiddetta “altra campana” può salvarci la vita!
- Published
- 2020
3. Du symptôme à la prescription en médecine générale
- Author
Olivier Blétry, Ibrahim Marroun, Cécile FOULLON, Pierre GONDRAN, Olivier Blétry, Ibrahim Marroun, Cécile FOULLON, and Pierre GONDRAN
- Subjects
- Symptoms
- Abstract
Le praticien dispose d'un grand nombre de techniques d'imagerie et de tests de laboratoire qui lui permettent d'effectuer des examens poussés pour ses patients. Cependant, il faut resituer cet arsenal technique au sein d'une médecine globale, car tous ces moyens modernes et pointus n'ont pas diminué la proportion des erreurs médicales. Aujourd'hui encore, recueillir de façon exhaustive les antécédents et les symptômes du patient et procéder à un examen physique approfondi, sont les étapes préalables à une bonne prise en charge thérapeutique. « Partir du symptôme pour éviter l'erreur médicale », tel est le principe de cet ouvrage qui recense tous les symptômes que peut rencontrer le médecin dans sa pratique quotidienne. Ce guide pratique et complet permet de poser le bon diagnostic, prescrire le traitement adapté en réduisant le risque d'erreur, et/ou orienter le patient vers un spécialiste pour une prise en charge plus complète. Les auteurs, internistes et praticiens hospitaliers, se sont appuyés sur l'expérience d'un généraliste de terrain. Ils partent des symptômes classés par régions anatomiques du corps, détaillent les étapes de l'examen clinique et les examens complémentaires à demander, la conduite à tenir face à une anomalie de l'examen physique ou du bilan biologique de routine, et les dépistages actuellement recommandés. L'utilisation de cet ouvrage est facilitée par un index des symptômes, des maladies et des traitements. De même la thérapeutique est mise en avant pour être repérée du premier coup d'oeil. Fort du succès de la première édition et face aux évolutions permanentes de la médecine, une nouvelle édition de cet ouvrage de référence s'imposait. L'intégralité des chapitres a été revue pour prendre en compte la découverte de nouvelles pathologies (par exemple le syndrome des anti-synthétases, ou de nouvelles causes de surcharge ferrique) et les nombreux progrès thérapeutiques (essor des biothérapies, prise en charge des thrombopénies auto-immunes, nouveaux traitements anti-viraux pour le traitement des hépatites B ou C, etc.). De nombreux chapitres ont été ajoutés (neutropénie, gammapathies monoclonales, etc.).
- Published
- 2014
4. Oralpathologie I : Pathologie der Speicheldrüsen
- Author
Gerhard Seifert and Gerhard Seifert
- Subjects
- Pathology
- Abstract
Die Speicheldrüsen sind in mannigfacher Weise in den Organismus eingebunden, so daß aus der Analyse des Speichels Rückschlüsse auf krankhafte Funktionen anderen Organsysteme gezogen werden können. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Speicheldrüsen und Organismus spielen in der Ätiologie und Pathogenese der verschiedenen Formen der Sialadenitis eine bedeutsame Rolle. Hierzu gehören Immunkrankheiten, metabolische Erkrankungen, hormonale Dysfunktionen, neurologische und auch genetische Erkrankungen. Auf dem Gebiet der Speicheldrüsentumoren sind durch den Einsatz neuer Methoden (Immunhistochemie, Molekularpathologie, Prolifikationsmarker, Chromosomenanalyse) viele neue Erkenntnisse gesammelt worden.
- Published
- 2013
5. Oralpathologie I : Pathologie der Speicheldrüsen
- Author
G. Seifert and G. Seifert
- Subjects
- Otorhinolaryngology, Pathology
- Abstract
Die Speicheldrüsen sind in mannifacher Weise in den Organismus eingebunden, so daß aus der Analyse des Speichels Rückschlüsse auf krankhafte Funktionen anderer Organsysteme gezogen werden können. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Speicheldrüsen und Organismus spielen in der Ätiologie und Pathogenese der verschiedenen Formen der Sialadenitis eine bedeutsame Rolle. Hierzu gehören Immunkrankheiten, metabolische Erkrankungen, hormonale Dysfunktionen, neurologische und auch genetische Erkrankungen. Auf dem Gebiet der Speicheldrüsentumoren sind durch den Einsatz neuer Methoden (Immunhistochemie, Molekularpathologie, Prolifikationsmarker, Chromosomenanalyse) viele neue Erkenntnisse gesammelt worden.
- Published
- 2013
6. Referate : Klinik, Diagnostik und Chirurgie der vorderen Schädelbasis und ihrer angrenzenden Gebiete
- Author
E. Stennert and E. Stennert
- Subjects
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Published
- 2013
7. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy
- Author
Pierre Banzet, James F. Holland, David Khayat, Marise Weil, Pierre Banzet, James F. Holland, David Khayat, and Marise Weil
- Subjects
- Oncology, Pharmacology, Otorhinolaryngology, Neurology, Nervous system—Radiography
- Abstract
This book includes some selected presentations given at the 3rd International Congress on Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy which was held in Paris from February 6th to February 9th, 1991. It was attended by over 2000 physicians from around the world and by 700 nurses. Its organisation was saddened by the untimely death of Professor Claude Jacquillat on October 12th, 1990. It was further complicated in January and February 1991 by the gulf events which led some guests to cancel their participation. However with the outstanding help of the two presidents cho sen by Claude Jacquillat before his death, Pierre Banzet from Paris and James F. Holland from New York, the organizers could set up an exciting meeting confirming the impact of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy on relatively new indi cations such as non-small lung cancers, bladder cancer, esophagal cancer, cer vix cancer, etc... It is noteworthy that a contradictory debate on primary chemotherapy in non-small lung cancer turned into a consensus conference. In breast cancer, the downstaging induced by primary chemotherapy is ack nowledged by all and the conviction that Jacquillat defended so heartily that breast preservation should be proposed to all patients with breast cancer what ever their tumour size is shared now by more and more people. A special emphasis was given to new drugs, new combination, new access (locoregional therapy) and new developments such as that of growth factors and of interleukin 2.
- Published
- 2013
8. Recent Advances in Diseases of the Esophagus : Selected Papers in 5th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus Kyoto, Japan, 1992
- Author
Kin-ichi Nabeya, Tateo Hanaoka, Hiroshi Nogami, Kin-ichi Nabeya, Tateo Hanaoka, and Hiroshi Nogami
- Subjects
- Esophagus--Diseases--Congresses, Esophageal Diseases--congresses, Esophageal Neoplasms--congresses
- Abstract
The Fifth World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus was held in the historic city of Kyoto, Japan, from August 5 through 8, 1992. Approximately 40 countries throughout the world participated and roughly 500 presentations were made. Excellent authors were selected and they were requested to send in their manuscripts for publication of this book. It is our ardent hope that this book will prove to be beneficial to the doctor interested in the esophagus and that it will provide the reader with first-hand information from leading scientists and clinicians in this field. The incidence of esophageal diseases vary greatly from country to country and in recent years, worldwide interest in these diseases has resulted in various international studies. The International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus was inaugurated by Professor Komei Nakayama in 1979 and since that time it has actively contributed to the exchange of information regarding these diseases and has made endeavors in bringing about advancement in the struggle against diseases of the esophagus in every way possible.
- Published
- 2012
9. Hearing, Speech, and Communication Disorders : Cumulated Citations 1973
- Author
Information Center for Hearing Speech and Disorders and Information Center for Hearing Speech and Disorders
- Subjects
- Speech disorders--Bibliography, Hearing disorders--Bibliography
- Abstract
Information analysis centers were developed to help the scientist and practitioner cope with the ever increasing mass of published and unpublished information in a specific field. Their establishment resulted from a further extension of those pressures that had brought about the formation of the specialized primary journal and the abstracting services at the turn of the century. The information analysis center concept was greatly advanced by the 1963 report of the President's Science Advisory Committee Panel on Science Information. This report stated:'... scientific interpreters who can collect relevant data, review a field, and distill information in a manner that goes to the heart of a technical situation are more help to the overburdened specialist than is a mere pile of relevant docu ments.'Such specialized information centers are operated in closest possible contact with working scientists in the field. These centers not only furnish information about ongoing research and dis seminate and retrieve information but also create new information and develop new methods of infor mation analysis, synthesis, and dissemination. The continually expanding biomedical literature produced by scientists from the world's laboratories, research centers, and medical centers led the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke in 1964 to initiate a National Neurological Information Network of specialized centers for neurological information. The Centers are designed to bring under control and to promote ready access to important segments of the literature.
- Published
- 2012
10. Uncommon Causes of Movement Disorders
- Author
Néstor Gálvez-Jiménez, Paul Tuite, Néstor Gálvez-Jiménez, and Paul Tuite
- Subjects
- Movement disorders--Etiology, Diagnosis, Differential
- Abstract
A large number of neurological conditions result in abnormal movements of the body; these are often characterized by changes in coordination and altered speed of voluntary movement. Many obscure diseases, conditions and environmental insults can cause movement disorders but these are often overlooked. This volume expands and differentiates the many varied clinical presentations of movement disorders. Written by an international team of authors, including some of the most prominent clinicians in the field, disorders are defined and expanded in a clinically useful manner. Pathophysiological theories, genetic discoveries, new classifications, differential diagnoses and therapies are discussed extensively. Uncommon Causes of Movement Disorders provides a broad and comprehensive review of the field, concentrating on conditions infrequently seen but essential for practitioners to recognize in order to implement appropriate management. This is a key text for movement disorders specialists and general neurologists at all stages of their career.
- Published
- 2011
11. Du symptôme à la prescription en médecine générale : Symptômes - Diagnostic - Thérapeutique
- Author
Olivier Blétry, Thomas LAVOIPIERRE, Olivier Blétry, and Thomas LAVOIPIERRE
- Subjects
- Symptoms
- Abstract
Le praticien dispose aujourd'hui d'un grand nombre de techniques d'imagerie et de tests de laboratoire qui lui permettent d'effectuer des examens poussés pour ses patients. Cependant, il faut resituer cet arsenal technique au sein d'une médecine globale, car tous ces moyens modernes et pointus n'ont pas diminué la proportion des erreurs médicales. Aujourd'hui encore, recueillir de façon exhaustive les antécédents et les symptômes du patient et procéder à un examen physique approfondi, sont les étapes préalables à une bonne prise en charge thérapeutique. « Partir du symptôme pour éviter l'erreur médicale », tel est le principe de cet ouvrage qui recense tous les symptômes que peut rencontrer le médecin dans sa pratique quotidienne. Ce guide pratique et complet permet de poser le bon diagnostic, prescrire le traitement adapté en réduisant le risque d'erreur, et/ou orienter le patient vers un spécialiste pour une prise en charge plus complète. Les auteurs, internistes et praticiens hospitaliers, se sont appuyés sur l'expérience d'un généraliste de terrain. Ils partent des symptômes classés par régions anatomiques du corps, détaillent les étapes de l'examen clinique et les examens complémentaires à demander, la conduite à tenir face à une anomalie de l'examen physique ou du bilan biologique de routine, et les dépistages actuellement recommandés. L'utilisation de cet ouvrage est facilitée par un index des symptômes, des maladies et des traitements. Les situations d'urgence sont également bien individualisées, ainsi que la thérapeutique.Partir du symptôme pour éviter l'erreur médicale Votre guide incontournable pour : • poser le bon diagnostic, • prescrire le traitement adapté en réduisant le risque d'erreur • orienter le patient vers un spécialiste si nécessaire.
- Published
- 2009
12. Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck, Second Edition, : Volume 1
- Author
Leon Barnes and Leon Barnes
- Subjects
- Head--Diseases--Diagnosis, Neck--Diseases--Diagnosis, Pathology, Surgical, Head--Tumors--Diagnosis, Neck--Tumors--Diagnosis, Head and Neck Neoplasms--pathology, Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases--pathology
- Abstract
Updated, reorganized, and revised throughout, this highly lauded three-volume reference provides an interdisciplinary approach to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of head and neck diseases, including the incidence, etiology, clinical presentation, pathology, differential diagnosis, and prognosis for each disorder-promoting clear communication between pathologists and surgeons.Written by more than 30 internationally distinguished physicians, Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck, Second Edition now contains:over 1045 photographs, micrographs, drawings, and tables-nearly 200 more illustrations than the first edition five new chapters on molecular biology, fine-needle aspiration, vesiculobullous diseases, neck dissections, and radiation a cumulative and expanded index in each volumeUnparalleled in scope and content by any other book available on the subject, Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck, Second Edition is a must-have resource for oral, surgical, and general pathologists; otolaryngologists; oral, maxillofacial, plastic and reconstructive, general, head and neck, and orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons; oncologists; hematologists; ophthalmologists; radiologists; endocrinologists; dermatologists; dentists; and residents and fellows in these disciplines.
- Published
- 2001
13. The Handbook of Pediatric Audiology
- Author
Gerber, Sanford E. and Gerber, Sanford E.
- Subjects
- Diseases, Nervous system--Diseases, Hearing disorders, Infants, Children, Sensory disorders, Hearing disorders in children, Ear--Diseases, Neurologic manifestations of general diseases, Otolaryngology
- Published
- 1996
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