10 results on '"Adrian Leonard"'
Search Results
2. Marine Insurance: Origins and Institutions, 1300-1850
- Author
Adrian Leonard, Adrian Leonard
- Published
- 2016
3. London Marine Insurance 1438-1824 : Risk, Trade, and the Early Modern State
- Author
Adrian Leonard and Adrian Leonard
- Subjects
- Marine insurance--Great Britain--History
- Abstract
The first comprehensive history of marine insurance transacted in London from the industry's beginnings, to the early-nineteenth-century, when legislative change ended parliamentary monopolies over the business.This book describes the development and evolution of the customary, legal, and commercial institutions of marine insurance, alongside its developing organisational structures. It analyses major market interventions during the period, including state-sponsored initiatives in the late sixteenth century, the introduction of new corporate forms in the early eighteenth century, and the formation and maturation of Lloyd's of London. The book examines the impact of crises such as the Smyrna catastrophe of 1693 and the South Sea Bubble, and makes comparisons with developments in other marine insurance markets. In revealing how the London insurance market changed over centuries, the book discusses issues of risk and uncertainty, the financial revolution, the development of trade, and the reciprocal developmental roles of markets and the state. Overall, it highlights the ways that efficient and effective marine insurance capable of adapting according to circumstance was vital to the growth of trade and the economy.
- Published
- 2022
4. Money and Markets : Essays in Honour of Martin Daunton
- Author
Julian Hoppit, Duncan Needham, Adrian Leonard, Julian Hoppit, Duncan Needham, and Adrian Leonard
- Abstract
This book explores the changing boundaries and relationships between market and state from the seventeenth to the twentieth century.Money and Markets celebrates Martin Daunton's distinguished career by bringing together essays from leading economic, social and cultural historians, many being colleagues and former students. Throughout his career, Dauntonhas focused on the relationship between structure and agency, how institutional structures create capacities and path dependencies, and how institutions are themselves shaped by agency and contingency - what Braudel referred to as'turning the hour glass twice'. This volume reflects that focus, combining new research on the financing of the British fiscal-military state before and during the Napoleonic wars, its property institutions, and thelonger-term economic consequences of Sir Robert Peel. There are also chapters on the birth of the Eurodollar market, Conservative fiscal policy from the 1960s to the 1980s, the impact of neoliberalism on welfare policy and more broadly, the failed attempt to build an airport in the Thames Estuary in the 1970s, and the political economy of time in Britain since 1945. While much of the focus is on Britain, and British finance in a global economy, the volumealso reflects Daunton's more recent study of international political economy with essays on the French contribution to nineteenth-century globalization, Prussian state finances at the time of the 1848 revolution, Imperial German monetary policy, the role of international charity in the mixed economy of welfare and neoliberal governance, and the material politics of energy consumption from the 1930s to the 1960s. JULIAN HOPPIT is Astor Professor of British History at University College London. ADRIAN LEONARD is Associate Director of the Centre for Financial History at the University of Cambridge. DUNCAN NEEDHAM is Dean and Senior Tutor at Darwin College, University of Cambridge. CONTRIBUTORS: Martin Chick, Sean Eddie, Matthew Hilton, Julian Hoppit, Seung-Woo Kim, Adrian Leonard, Duncan Needham, Charles Read, Bernhard Rieger, Richard Rodger, Sabine Schneider, HirokiShin, David Todd, James Tomlinson, Frank Trentmann, Adrian Williamson
- Published
- 2019
5. Mic tratat de bunastare
- Author
Adrian Leonard Mociulschi and Adrian Leonard Mociulschi
- Abstract
Nu este simplu pentru nimeni, dupa ce mari ganditori ai modernitatii s-au caznit sa descopere sursele prosperitatii, sa reia, intr-un text relativ restrans, o tema perena, si anume bunastarea. E nevoie de eruditie ca sa-si sustina teza cu exemple, e nevoie de nonsalanta spirituala pentru a pune in legatura idei si concepte. E nevoie si de o viziune altruista pentru a da deoparte scenarii sofisticate si pentru a gasi adevarul cel simplu, aflat, de fapt, la indemana oricui. Valorile pe care Adrian Leonard Mociulschi le considera esentiale pentru a ajunge la bunastare sunt simplitatea, cumpatarea, rabdarea si munca staruitoare. Adrian Leonard Mociulschi este dublu licentiat, in muzica si in teologie romano-catolica. Dupa obtinerea doctoratului la Universitatea Nationala de Muzica Bucuresti a intreprins, in calitate de bursier al Institutului MIDAS (Music Institute for Doctoral Advanced Studies), variate investigatii multidisciplinare. Urmare a propriilor cercetari, a publicat cartile Stefan Niculescu: Poetica, matematica si armonie muzicala (2010), Evul Mediu: Arhitectura si Muzica (2011) si Arta si Comunicare (2013), toate la Curtea Veche Publishing.
- Published
- 2016
6. The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy : Circuits of Trade, Money and Knowledge, 1650-1914
- Author
Adrian Leonard, D. Pretel, Adrian Leonard, and D. Pretel
- Subjects
- International economic relations--History
- Abstract
This collection of essays explores the inter-imperial connections between British, Spanish, Dutch, and French Caribbean colonies, and the'Old World'countries which founded them. Grounded in primary archival research, the thirteen contributors focus on the ways that participants in the Atlantic World economy transcended imperial boundaries.
- Published
- 2015
7. The Atlantic World
- Author
D'Maris Coffman, Adrian Leonard, William O'Reilly, D'Maris Coffman, Adrian Leonard, and William O'Reilly
- Subjects
- World history
- Abstract
As the meeting point between Europe, colonial America, and Africa, the history of the Atlantic world is a constantly shifting arena, but one which has been a focus of huge and vibrant debate for many years. In over thirty chapters, all written by experts in the field, The Atlantic World takes up these debates and gathers together key, original scholarship to provide an authoritative survey of this increasingly popular area of world history. The book takes a thematic approach to topics including exploration, migration and cultural encounters. In the first chapters, scholars examine the interactions between groups which converged in the Atlantic world, such as slaves, European migrants and Native Americans. The volume then considers questions such as finance, money and commerce in the Atlantic world, as well as warfare, government and religion. The collection closes with chapters examining how ideas circulated across and around the Atlantic and beyond. It presents the Atlantic as a shared space in which commodities and ideas were exchanged and traded, and examines the impact that these exchanges had on both people and places. Including an introductory essay from the editors which defines the field, and lavishly illustrated with paintings, drawings and maps this accessible volume is invaluable reading for all students and scholars of this broad sweep of world history.
- Published
- 2015
8. Stefan Niculescu. Poetica, matematica si armonie muzicala
- Author
Adrian Leonard Mociulschi and Adrian Leonard Mociulschi
- Abstract
„Stefan Niculescu ne-a lasat o mostenire deosebit de pretioasa, atat ca autor al unor capodopere unanim apreciate in tara si in strainatate, cat si ca un valoros muzicolog si exeget al creatiei enesciene. Contributiile sale in domenii atat de specifice, cum ar fi heterofonia (unde intra in polemica cu Boulez) sau heteromorfia, se traduc in pagini muzicale de o exceptionala valoare si originalitate. Mult apreciat de personalitati de talia lui Ligeti, cu care a dialogat de la egal la egal, prezent in marile concerte si festivaluri internationale, precum si in cataloagele unor prestigioase edituri straine si, bineinteles, romanesti, Niculescu a fost si acel extraordinar profesor care a indrumat multe generatii de viitori compozitori, printre care si pe autorul acestei carti. Continuand «filonul bizantin», ultima sa capodopera, Recviemul Romanesc «Pomenire», avea sa fie, ca si la Mozart, premonitia propriei treceri in lumea vesniciei pe care, oricum, creatia sa i-o asigurase.“ – Acad. Cornel Taranu Adrian Leonard Mociulschi, urmasul unei vechi familii aristocratice de origine poloneza, este dublu licentiat, in teologie romano-catolica si in muzica. Dupa ce a obtinut doctoratul cu distinctie la Universitatea Nationala de Muzica Bucuresti s-a dedicat literaturii stiintifice. A publicat cartile Stefan Niculescu: Poetica, matematica si armonie muzicala (2010), Evul Mediu: Arhitectura si muzica (2011) si Arta si comunicare (2013) la Curtea Veche Publishing.
- Published
- 2013
9. Evul mediu. Arhitectura si Muzica
- Author
Adrian Leonard Mociulschi and Adrian Leonard Mociulschi
- Abstract
„Admirabila carte a lui Adrian Leonard Mociulschi reinvie un Ev Mediu genuin — total diferit de cliseul curent al «barbariei» si «intunecimii» – evidentiind o lume plina de originalitate, o lume a catedralelor bizantine si romanice, cu largi cupole si rotunjite ferestre, cu primitoare castele, in care trubadurii si truverii, altfel spus cautatorii de rime si de idei, cantau poezia, intr-o vreme cand cele doua arte interferau, fara a fi despartite de canoane renascentiste si moderne. Atunci, in Evul Mediu, nu exista poezie fara melodie! Pilonii Evului Mediu, evocati in aceasta lucrare, sunt arhitectura si muzica, o arhitectura total noua, rezultata din «revolta» contra principiilor vitruviene, si o muzica inedita — azi foarte gustata, fiindca spune ceva tinerilor! — fondata pe ritm, nu pe masura si razvratita contra «muzicii masurate» din perioada antichitatii. Departe de a mai fi o «epoca de trecere» (neglijabila) de la «luminile» antice la cele renascentiste (imitate dupa cele antice!), Evul Mediu al lui Adrian Leonard Mociulschi devine reconstituirea fidela a ceea ce a fost atunci inedit in arhitectura si muzica, ridicand un imn de marire unei lumi cu adevarat mari. Cartea se citeste cu pasiune si bucurie, fiindca darama prejudecati intr-o maniera agreabila, reconstituind o realitate care pare, privita de departe, mirifica si fabuloasa, cand de fapt ea este doar fermecatoare, calda si profund umana.“ – Acad. prof. Ioan-Aurel Pop Adrian Leonard Mociulschi, urmasul unei vechi familii aristocratice de origine poloneza, este dublu licentiat, in teologie romano-catolica si in muzica. Dupa ce a obtinut doctoratul cu distinctie la Universitatea Nationala de Muzica Bucuresti s-a dedicat literaturii stiintifice. A publicat cartile Stefan Niculescu: Poetica, matematica si armonie muzicala (2010), Evul Mediu: Arhitectura si muzica (2011) si Arta si comunicare (2013) la Curtea Veche Publishing.
- Published
- 2013
10. Questioning Credible Commitment : Perspectives on the Rise of Financial Capitalism
- Author
D'Maris Coffman, Adrian Leonard, Larry Neal, D'Maris Coffman, Adrian Leonard, and Larry Neal
- Subjects
- Finance, Public--Europe--History, Capital--Europe--History, Credit--Europe--History
- Abstract
Financial capitalism emerged in a recognisably modern form in late seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Great Britain. Following the seminal work of Douglass C. North and Barry R. Weingast (1989), many scholars have concluded that the'credible commitment'that was provided by parliamentary backing of government as a result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 provided the key institutional underpinning on which modern public finances depend. In this book, a specially commissioned group of historians and economists examine and challenge the North and Weingast thesis to show that multiple commitment mechanisms were necessary to convince public creditors that sovereign debt constituted a relatively accessible, safe and liquid investment vehicle. Questioning Credible Commitment provides academics and practitioners with a broader understanding of the origins of financial capitalism, and, with its focus on theoretical and policy frameworks, shows the significance of the debate to current macroeconomic policy making.
- Published
- 2013
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