189 results on '"Bauer BL"'
Search Results
152. Strahlentherapie
- Author
Michael Wannenmacher, Jürgen Debus, Frederik Wenz, Michael Wannenmacher, Jürgen Debus, and Frederik Wenz
- Subjects
- Radiology, Oncology
- Abstract
Das vorliegende Buch soll dem angehenden Facharzt einen Überblick über die aktuellen Standards in der Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie geben. Das Hauptaugenmerk der Autoren lag hierbei in der Darstellung praxisrelevanter Aspekte für die tägliche Arbeit. So wurde insbesondere in den Organkapiteln auf ausführliche Literaturlisten zugunsten von konkreten Handlungsabläufen und Behandlungsalgorithmen verzichtet. Die aktuellen Neuentwicklungen werden ebenso wie die theoretischen Grundlagen bewusst nur in kurzen Kapiteln gestreift.
- Published
- 2007
153. Brain Injury Medicine : Principles and Practice
- Author
Douglas I Katz, MD, Ross D Zafonte, DO, Nathan D Zasler, MD, FAAPM&R, FAADEP, DAAPM, Douglas I Katz, MD, Ross D Zafonte, DO, and Nathan D Zasler, MD, FAAPM&R, FAADEP, DAAPM
- Subjects
- Brain--Wounds and injuries--Patients--Rehabi, Brain--Wounds and injuries--Patients--Care, Continuum of care, Brain Injuries, Continuity of Patient Care
- Abstract
A Doody's Core Title 2012Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the management issues involved in caring for the person with brain injury - from early diagnosis and evaluation through the post-acute period and rehabilitation. It is the definitive core text needed by all practitioners in this area, including physiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, nurses, and other health care professionals. Written by over 100 acknowledged leaders in the field, and containing hundreds of tables, graphs, and photographic images, the text deals with issues of neuroimaging and neurodiagnostic testing, prognosis and outcome, acute care, rehabilitative care, treatment of specific populations, neurologic problems following injury, neuromusculoskeletal problems, and general management issues. Key features include: Emphasis on a disease state management approach to patient assessment and treatment Promotion of a holistic, biopsychosocial model of patient assessment and care Review of current expert consensus on practice guidelines Exploration of epidemiologic and basic pathophysiologic aspects of brain injury Examination of clinical issues throughout the continuum of rehabilitative care Cutting edge, practical information based on the authors'extensive clinical experience that will positively impact patients and families following brain injury
- Published
- 2007
154. Operative Neuromodulation : Volume 2: Neural Networks Surgery
- Author
Damianos E. Sakas, Brian A. Simpson, Damianos E. Sakas, and Brian A. Simpson
- Subjects
- Nervous system--Diseases--Treatment, Nervous system--Diseases, Nervous system--Surgery
- Abstract
Neuromodulation is a rapidly evolving multidisciplinary biomedical and biotechnological field. The two volumes present the state-of-the-art in established and emerging applications for pain, spasticity, movement disorders, bladder and bowel dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, psychiatric illness, impairment of hearing and vision, and computational neuromodulation. Experts describe the neural networks involved and the appropriate surgical approaches, provide clinical guidelines, technical descriptions of implanted devices, proposals for refinements and personal views on future prospects of the field. The immense therapeutic potential is highlighted which arises from the close collaboration of biomedical scientists and biotechnological engineers in this area and signifies the transition from the conventional'resective'surgery to functional neuroprosthetic surgery (Vol. I) and neural networks surgery (Vol. II) which uses neuro-engineering to improve impaired neural function. Vol. 2 describes the techniques and procedures applied by direct a) contact with the central nervous system or cranial nerves, in order to modulate the function of neural networks as in the case of motor cortext stimulation for pain or vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy, or b) in deeply located structures inside the nervous system, in order to alter the function on specific networks as in the case of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease.
- Published
- 2007
155. Operative Neuromodulation : Volume 1: Functional Neuroprosthetic Surgery. An Introduction
- Author
Damianos E. Sakas, Brian Simpson, Elliot S. Krames, Damianos E. Sakas, Brian Simpson, and Elliot S. Krames
- Subjects
- Nervous system--Surgery, Nervous system--Diseases
- Abstract
Neuromodulation is a rapidly evolving multidisciplinary biomedical and biotechnological field. The two volumes present the state-of-the-art in established and emerging applications for pain, spasticity, movement disorders, bladder and bowel dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, psychiatric illness, impairment of hearing and vision, and computational neuromodulation. Experts describe the neural networks involved and the appropriate surgical approaches, provide clinical guidelines, technical descriptions of implanted devices, proposals for refinements and personal views on future prospects of the field. The immense therapeutic potential is highlighted which arises from the close collaboration of biomedical scientists and biotechnological engineers in this area and signifies the transition from the conventional'resective'surgery to functional neuroprosthetic surgery (Vol. I) and neural networks surgery (Vol. II) which uses neuro-engineering to improve impaired neural function. Volume I describes techniques and procedures applied in internal contact with non-neural tissues surrounding the nervous system (dura or cerebrospinal fluid), as in the case of epidural stimulation for pain, etc. or intrathecal drug application for the treatment of spasticity and pain. There is also a special section on non-invasive functional neuroprosthetic systems, which are usually applied by transcutaneous contact with the nervous system.
- Published
- 2007
156. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur Band 35
- Author
Hartwig Altenmüller, Nicole Kloth, Hartwig Altenmüller, and Nicole Kloth
- Abstract
Die seit 1974 erscheinenden Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur zählen zu den international renommiertesten ägyptologischen Fachzeitschriften. Die Bände enthalten Erstveröffentlichungen und Bearbeitungen von Dokumenten und zu Denkmälern sowie archäologische, philologische, historische und religionswissenschaftliche Erörterungen und Abhandlungen.
- Published
- 2006
157. Medikamentös induzierte neurologische und psychiatrische Störungen
- Author
Frank Block, Christian Prüter, Frank Block, and Christian Prüter
- Subjects
- Neurology, Psychiatry
- Abstract
Multimedikation und Polypharmazie sind nicht nur Begriffe, die im Alltag eines behandelnden Arztes insbesondere bei der Behandlung älterer Patienten eine Rolle spielen, sie können auch die Behandlung erschweren. Viele Medikamente haben Nebenwirkungen und manchmal ist nicht klar, ob es wirklich noch um ein durch die Krankheit ausgelöstes Symptom geht oder ob das Symptom als Nebenwirkung eines bereits eingesetzten Medikamentes auftritt. Systematisch haben die Autoren alle wichtigen neurologischen und psychiatrischen Symptome aufgegriffen, die auch durch Medikamente ausgelöst werden können und die in der Literatur dargestellt werden. Dieses Buch soll dem Kliniker und praktisch tätigen Arzt dabei helfen, klarer zuzuordnen, wodurch ein Symptom ausgelöst wurde, besonders wenn es nicht auf eine Krankheit zurückgeführt werden kann oder eine bestehende Krankheitssymptomatik nicht in den Griff zu bekommen ist. Aber auch zum Aufbessern des pharmakologischen Wissens ist das Werk hervorragend geeignet, da es symptomorientiert in alphabetischer Reihenfolge den Nutzer gut strukturiert durch den Dschungel der medikamentös induzierten neurologischen und psychiatrischen Nebenwirkungen lotst. Ein'Muss'für jeden Neurologen und Psychiater, eine Orientierungshilfe für Internisten und Geriater.
- Published
- 2006
158. Endoscopic Anatomy of the Third Ventricle : Microsurgical and Endoscopic Approaches
- Author
Wolfgang Seeger and Wolfgang Seeger
- Subjects
- Heart--Ventricles--Atlases, Microsurgery--Atlases, Heart--Ventricles--Endoscopic surgery--Atlases
- Abstract
In this atlas anatomical aspects important for combinations of microsurgical and endoscopic approaches are presented and illustrated. Modern imaging techniques are necessary for the three-dimensional orientation but do not show enough details for endoscopic interventions. The small visual fields need a combination of the depiction of fine details and of the three-dimensional presentation of large areas. Furthermore, problems with little known anatomical standard variants of the target areas may arise. Therefore, numerous common anatomical variants are demonstrated with reference to their impact for the surgical technique. The basis for Professor Seeger's well known drawings have been anatomical preparations, cadaver dissections and intraoperative pictures. The correct proportions are derived by measuring the distances of anatomical landmarks of cranial preparations and from CT and MR Images. The concise text supports the understanding of the anatomical figures.
- Published
- 2006
159. Transendoscopic Ultrasound for Neurosurgery
- Author
Klaus Dieter Maria Resch and Klaus Dieter Maria Resch
- Subjects
- Nervous system--Diseases, Endoscopic ultrasonography, Nervous system--Diseases--Surgery, Surgery
- Abstract
Endoscopic neurosurgery has not yet reached the safety and applicability of microsurgery. Endo-neuro-sonography is a new technique aimed at making endoscopy safer by real-time imaging and navigation capacity (brain-radar). The endo-neurosonographic image is a sonographic scan at the tip of the endoscope (mini-CT) providing additional information to the endoscopic view. Endo-Neuro-Sonography is the first book on this new topic, presenting techniques and equipment, anatomical features, and the first clinical series. Schematic drawings, tables and 237 figures (122 in color) offer a precise overview of this technique. The final chapter is dealing with future concepts on minimally invasive neurosurgery and specific reference to ergonomics in neurosurgery.
- Published
- 2006
160. Growth, Differentiation and Sexuality
- Author
Ursula Kües, Reinhard Fischer, Ursula Kües, and Reinhard Fischer
- Subjects
- Research, Mushrooms, Mycology--Research, Mycology, Fungi
- Abstract
Since publication of the first edition of Volume I in 1994, the field of fungal biology has developed tremendously, mainly through the advancement of various molecular techniques and international fungal genome projects. To accommodate these developments, the second edition has been completely updated. Six chapters have been revised by former authors, others by newly recruited experts, and also novel subjects, emerged in more recent years, have been added to the book. Leading scientists in the field have compiled comprehensive overviews as well as latest results obtained from cytological, genetic and molecular studies. Topics include: cellular and colony growth of fungi, cellular fusion and incompatibility, senescence and programmed cell death, environmental and physiological signalling in differentiation processes, asexual and sexual reproduction, mitosis and meiosis of various types of fungi. Both parallels and differences become visible between individual fungi as well as between fungal classes.
- Published
- 2006
161. Computer-Assisted Neurosurgery
- Author
Gene H. Barnett, Robert Maciunas, David Roberts, Gene H. Barnett, Robert Maciunas, and David Roberts
- Subjects
- RD593.5
- Abstract
Richly illustrated to showcase the best practices, surgical methods, and procedures for difficult situations in neurosurgery, this reference demonstrates strategies to manage brain metastases, intracranial gliomas and meningiomas, pituitary region tumors, and intracranial vascular malformations; spinal operations; and surgeries of the skull base wi
- Published
- 2006
162. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI'98 : First International Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 11-13, 1998, Proceedings
- Author
William M. Wells, Alan Colchester, Scott Delp, William M. Wells, Alan Colchester, and Scott Delp
- Subjects
- Radiology, Signal processing, Computer vision, Pattern recognition systems, Biomedical engineering, Artificial intelligence
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI'98, held in Cambridge, MA, USA, in October 1998.The 134 revised papers presented were carefully selected from a total of 243 submissions. The book is divided into topical sections on surgical planning, surgical navigation and measurements, cardiac image analysis, medical robotic systems, surgical systems and simulators, segmentation, computational neuroanatomy, biomechanics, detection in medical images, data acquisition and processing, neurosurgery and neuroscience, shape analysis, feature extraction, registration, and ultrasound.
- Published
- 2006
163. Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Vol. 31
- Author
Pickard, J. D. and Pickard, J. D.
- Subjects
- Nervous system--Surgery
- Published
- 2006
164. Pediatric Hydrocephalus
- Author
G. Cinalli, W.J. Maixner, C. Sainte-Rose, G. Cinalli, W.J. Maixner, and C. Sainte-Rose
- Subjects
- Children, Infants, Hydrocephalus, Hydrocephalus in children, Pediatric neurology, Brain--Diseases
- Abstract
In the last ten years the pediatric neurosurgeon has witnessed a real revolution in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric hydrocephalus, the most frequently encountered condition in everyday clinical practice. The evolution of MRI and the advent of neuroendoscopic surgery have resuscitated the interest in the classification, etiology and pathophysiology of hydrocephalus. The book offers an updated overview on the recent progress in this field, and a new approach to hydrocephalus: the reader will find in it a modern and new presentation of an old disease, where genetics, endoscopy, cost-effectiveness analyses and many other aspects of the various therapies are extensively discussed. The volume will be useful not only for neurosurgeons, but for all specialists interested in the various aspects of hydrocephalus: pediatricians, radiologists, endocrinologists, pathologists and geneticists.
- Published
- 2005
165. Neurogener Schmerz : Management von Diagnostik und Therapie
- Author
D. Rosenow, V. Tronnier, H. Göbel, D. Rosenow, V. Tronnier, and H. Göbel
- Subjects
- Nervous system--Surgery, Orthopedics, Medical radiology, Neurology, Nervous system--Pathophysiology, Pain medicine, Anesthesiology, Pain
- Abstract
Eine effektive Therapie neuropathischer Schmerzen erfordert grundlegende Kenntnisse der Pathophysiologie des Schmerzgeschehens sowie der möglichen Therapiestrategie. Renommierte Autoren und erfahrene Praktiker haben die Themen übersichtlich und praxisnah zusammengestellt: •Grundlagen des Schmerzgeschehens, um Ursachen zu erkennen •Diagnotische Verfahren, die schnell Klarheit verschaffen •Effektive konservative und operative Therapieverfahren, die Behandlungserfolg versprechen: Medikamente, Nevenblockaden, SCS, Pumpen, usw. •Behandlung spezieller Schmerzformen und einzelner Krankheitsbilder Außerdem: Kapitel zur Taxonomie, physikalische Verfahren, psychiatrische und psychologische Behandlungsmethoden. Plus CD-ROM mit zahlreichen Abbildungen zu bildgebenden Verfahren und Gerätesystemen neuroaugmentativer Verfahren.
- Published
- 2005
166. Subdural Hematoma : A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References
- Author
Parker, Philip M., Parker, James N., Parker, Philip M., and Parker, James N.
- Subjects
- Subdural hematoma--Computer network resources, Subdural hematoma--Bibliography, Subdural hematoma--Electronic information resources, Subdural hematoma--Information resources, Subdural hematoma--Dictionaries
- Abstract
Title from e-book title screen (viewed on April 22, 2005)
- Published
- 2005
167. The Aging Spine
- Author
Max Aebi, Robert Gunzburg, Marek Szpalski, Max Aebi, Robert Gunzburg, and Marek Szpalski
- Subjects
- Spine, Older people, Spine--Diseases--Age factors, Spine--Aging, Geriatric orthopedics
- Published
- 2005
168. Verdun 1916 : Urschlacht des Jahrhunderts
- Author
Jessen, Olaf and Jessen, Olaf
- Published
- 2017
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
169. Cerebral Aneurysm : A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References
- Author
Parker, James N., Parker, Philip M., Parker, James N., and Parker, Philip M.
- Subjects
- Intracranial aneurysms--Computer network resources, Intracranial aneurysms--Bibliography, Intracranial aneurysms--Dictionaries, Intracranial aneurysms--Popular works, Intracranial aneurysms--Research
- Abstract
Title from ebook title screen (viewed Oct. 22, 2004).
- Published
- 2004
170. Infections in Cancer Patients
- Author
John N. Greene and John N. Greene
- Subjects
- RC262
- Abstract
Outlining the best means of infection management and emphasizing early recognition and identification of pathogens, this trailblazing volume pinpoints the distinct immunodeficiencies related to specific malignancies that result in predictable opportunistic infections-containing accessible reviews of the latest scientific research, reports from the
- Published
- 2004
171. Studien Zur Altägyptischen Kultur Band 31
- Author
Hartwig Altenmüller and Hartwig Altenmüller
- Abstract
MOHAMED ABDELRAHIEM: The Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt Meru. LOUIS CARLENS: Le transport fluvial de charges lourdes dans l'Égypte antique. JOANNE CONMAN: It's About Time: Ancient Egyptian Cosmology. JOHN COLEMAN DARNELL: A Stela of the Reign of Tutankhamun from the Region of Kurkur Oasis. MARK DEPAUW: A''Second''Amuletic Passport for the Afterlife. P. Sydney Nicholson Museum 346 b. PHILIPPE DERCHAIN: Kabbale et Mystique. A propos d'un livre récent. MARTIN FITZENREITER: Richtungsbezüge in ägyptischen Sakralanlagen – oder: Warum im ägyptischen Tempel das Sanktuar hinten links in der Ecke liegt (Teil I). FEE-ALEXANDRA HAASE: Die lateinische Übersetzung des Steins von Rosetta. Zur Bearbeitung antiker Textquellen in der Philologie der Neuzeit. MAHMOUD EL-HAMRAWI: Gapping bei nicht-ersten Satzkernen im Mittelägyptischen. JIRÍ JANÁK: Journey to the Resurrection. Chapter 105 of the Book of the Dead in the New Kingdom. KARL JANSEN-WINKELN: Zu einer Genealogie aus der frühen 22. Dynastie. SHOUFU JIN:''Schlichten''und''Richten''. Über die altägyptischen Termini wpj und wDc. HOLGER KOCKELMANN: Vier späte Leinenamulette für Mumien im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien und im Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. DAVID MARTINEZ Y DE PRETER: N.y-Ppy: A New Vizier of the Sixth Dynasty? YAHIA EL-MASRY: An Unpublished Stela from the Ancient Cemetery of Thinis. ALESSANDRA NIBBI: The Mounds of the Nile Delta. MALTE RÖMER: Das''Gesicht''des Orakelgottes. AD THIJS: The Troubled Careers of Amenhotep and Panehsy: The High Priest of Amun and the Viceroy of Kush under the Last Ramessides. URSULA VERHOEVEN / ORELL WITTHUHN: Eine Marburger Totenstele mit Anruf an die Lebenden.
- Published
- 2003
172. Information Processing in Medical Imaging : 17th International Conference, IPMI 2001, Davis, CA, USA, June 18-22, 2001. Proceedings
- Author
Michael F. Insana, Richard M. Leahy, Michael F. Insana, and Richard M. Leahy
- Subjects
- Internal medicine, Computer vision, Pattern recognition systems, Artificial intelligence, Medical informatics, Radiology
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, IPMI 2001, held in Davis, CA, USA, in June 2001.The 54 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on objective assessment of image quality, shape modeling, molecular and diffusion tensor imaging, registration and structural analysis, functional image analysis, fMRI/EEG/MEG, deformable registration, shape analysis, and analysis of brain structure.
- Published
- 2003
173. Carbohydrates : A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References
- Author
Parker, James N., Parker, Philip M., Parker, James N., and Parker, Philip M.
- Subjects
- Carbohydrates--Computer network resources, Carbohydrates--Popular works, Carbohydrates--Dictionaries, Carbohydrates--Bibliography
- Abstract
Title from title screen.
- Published
- 2003
174. Handbook of Neurological Rehabilitation
- Author
Richard J. Greenwood, Thomas M. McMillan, Michael P. Barnes, Christopher D. Ward, Richard J. Greenwood, Thomas M. McMillan, Michael P. Barnes, and Christopher D. Ward
- Subjects
- Nervous system--Diseases--Patients--Rehabili
- Abstract
Changes in the focus of neurological practice worldwide have led to the need for new standard texts that reflect the current state of this expanding area of clinical expertise. The second edition of the Handbook of Neurological Rehabilitation is a major reference source that fulfils this need, providing an invaluable resource for all professions that work with patients suffering from neurological disorders. It brings restorative neurology to the bedside and shows how a reiterative, goal-oriented, problem-solving training programme can benefit patients, sometimes on a scale not achieved by pharmacological or surgical interventions.The book is divided into three sections all of which have been updated. Section One explores the clinical and biological principles underpinning rehabilitation practice in the context of neurological disablement. Section Two describes the assessment, treatment, and management of the major physical, cognitive and behavioural impairments, and the resulting functional deficits that may follow or accompany neurological disease. The final section explores in more detail these problems and their management in relation to the more common specific disorders of the nervous system.The text emphasises the fact that rehabilitation is an ongoing process involving multidisciplinary problem-solving, goal-setting and education; in which organised care is more effective than unorganised care; and the breakdown of professional barriers within rehabilitation, to facilitate the use of combined treatment techniques, improves outcome. It describes the contribution made by neural reorganisation and compensatory mechanisms to recovery of function, focuses on the avoidance of secondary deficit, and explores the physical, cognitive, affective and behavioural problems that may occur after neurological damage.At a time when new medical technologies threaten to fragment the integrity of medical care at individual and societal levels, it is crucial that all those involved in the management of chronic neurological disease have a working knowledge of the contents of this book. Their perspective on clinical practice will then be truly integrated and holistic and their patients will benefit accordingly.
- Published
- 2003
175. Pain : Current Understanding, Emerging Therapies, and Novel Approaches to Drug Discovery
- Author
Chas Bountra, Rajesh Munglani, William K. Schmidt, Chas Bountra, Rajesh Munglani, and William K. Schmidt
- Subjects
- Pain--Chemotherapy, Pain--Treatment, Pain--therapy, Analgesics--therapeutic use, Drug Evaluation, Preclinical, Pain--physiopathology
- Abstract
This reference presents a detailed overview of approaches and techniques in the management of pain caused by tissue, nerve and central nervous system injuries, categorizing pain into a variety of syndromes and underlying mechanisms to aid the development of interventional pharmacologic measures.
- Published
- 2003
176. Normal Tissue Reactions in Radiotherapy and Oncology : International Symposium, Marburg, April 2000
- Author
W. Dörr, R. Engenhart-Cabillic, J. S. Zimmermann, W. Dörr, R. Engenhart-Cabillic, and J. S. Zimmermann
- Abstract
Drawing from the International Symposium on Normal Tissue Reactions in Radiotherapy and Oncology, held in Marburg on April 14-15, 2000, this volume covers all aspects of side effects in radio-oncological treatment of tumors, and of combined, multi-modal therapies. Recent developments as well as future perspectives in radiation biology of acute and late responding normal tissues are included. Special focus is given to more general treatment effects, such as anaemia, fatigue and impairment of quality of life, and post-treatment rehabilitation requirements. The book illuminates forensic aspects of radiation therapy and related complications; it further exemplifies incidence, documentation, and clinical management approaches for side effects as well as novel cyto-/tissue-protective strategies. Particular features of side effects after stereotactic or radiosurgical treatment of brain tumors, unconventional irradiation protocols for head and neck tumors, and conformal radiotherapy for prostate tumors are illustrated and followed by discussions of an optimization of physical treatment planning, e.g. by intensity modulation techniques. Bringing together medical, biological, molecular and physical expertise, research in the field of radiation-induced side effects is a true interdisciplinary effort. This publication will therefore be of great value to biologists, physicists and physicians of all disciplines involved in radio-oncological and multi-modal tumor therapy.
- Published
- 2002
177. Color Atlas of Microsurgery of Acoustic Neurinomas : Endoscope-Assisted Techniques - Neuronavigational Techniques - Radiosurgery
- Author
W. Koos, Christian Matula, Johannes Lang, W. Koos, Christian Matula, and Johannes Lang
- Subjects
- Microsurgery--Atlases, Acoustic neuroma--Surgery--Atlases, Nervous system--Surgery--Atlases
- Abstract
An extensively illustrated surgical atlas from pioneers of the technique!In Wolfgang Koos'final work, a lifetime of experience in the surgical treatment of the acoustic neurinoma is presented in the style of the brilliantly successful Koos-Spetzler microneurosurgery series.Diagnosis is a strong point of this atlas, as surgical strategies are planned according to the anatomic location and growth pattern of these tumors.The preoperative considerations, operating room set-up, patient positioning, and neuronavigational equipment are described for microsurgery in the cerebellopontine angle region.The operative techniques for removing acoustic neurinomas in correlation with size and extension of the tumor are then provided in step-by-step detail; intraoperative photographs are paired with explanatory colored line drawings of astonishing clarity.Finally, the tumors of the cerebellopontine angle that may mimic acoustic neurinoma are described.
- Published
- 2002
178. CT of the Head and Spine
- Author
Norbert Hosten, Thomas Liebig, Norbert Hosten, and Thomas Liebig
- Subjects
- Radiography, Spine--Tomography, Head--Tomography
- Abstract
Maximize the diagnostic capabilities of CT imaging!This book provides the essential information needed for formulating findings in CT of the head and spine. The book is conceived as a highly practical guide for use in routine CT diagnosis, as well as in critical on-call emergency situations.The features:Condenses information to the core questions of the diagnostic problem at hand without oversimplifying: What does the clinician want to know? What must be included in the findings, and what differential diagnosis must be excluded? Clear and didactic organization of information in pathogenesis, clinical findings, and CT morphology Convenient summaries, offset by a second color, provide information to be used during the CT examination that assure that nothing will be overlooked Detailed descriptions of normal anatomy with normal values help to differentiate pathologic from normal findings.
- Published
- 2002
179. Pain Management in Rehabilitation
- Author
Dr. Martin Grabois, MD, Dr. Trilok Monga, MD, Dr. Martin Grabois, MD, and Dr. Trilok Monga, MD
- Subjects
- Medical rehabilitation, Rehabilitation, Pain, Chronic pain
- Abstract
Pain is a common symptom of many diseases and is often referred for a physical medicine and rehabilitation consultation. Despite the availability of information on the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of acute musculoskeletal pain, chronic pain still remains an unsolved problem for many patients. Pathophysiology in these patients often remains obscure, assessment difficult, and management frustrating.These issues become magnified when pain, acute or chronic, complicates a primary disabling disease such as spinal cord injury, cerebrovascular accident or multiple sclerosis. To date, the physiatric management of these complex syndromes has not been dealt with in a comprehensive fashion, especially with regard to the relationship of pain, functional status, and quality of life in these patients. Pain Management in Rehabilitation provides a single source that synthesizes information about the diagnosis and management of various pain syndromes in patients with primary disabling diseases. It discusses pain as it relates to various disease processes from the perspective of both rehabilitation specialists and primary care providers. It describes pain syndromes, their assessment and management, in some of the most common impairments seen in a rehabilitation setting. Relevant literature is reviewed, with emphasis on assessment and physiatric management. This valuable text is an unparalleled guide to the successful management of pain in persons with a primary disabling disease, with the goal of preventing physiological and functional decline and the improvement of functional abilities, which in turn lead to enhanced psychosocial functioning and quality of life.
- Published
- 2002
180. Operative Techniques in Pediatric Neurosurgery
- Author
A. Leland Albright, Ian F. Pollack, P. David Adelson, A. Leland Albright, Ian F. Pollack, and P. David Adelson
- Subjects
- Infants, Human beings, Children, Nervous system--Surgery, Children--Surgery, Pediatric neurology
- Abstract
This atlas of pediatric neurosurgery describes and demonstrates the spectrum of operations to treat the major disorders, including congenital malformations, hydrocephalus, tumors, vascular and functional disorders, and trauma. The chapters present state of the art techniques and are written by nationally recognized authorities. The text serves as a companion to Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery.
- Published
- 2001
181. The Kaiser's Army : The Politics of Military Technology in Germany During the Machine Age, 1870-1918
- Author
Eric Dorn Brose and Eric Dorn Brose
- Abstract
This volume covers a fascinating period in the history of the German army, a time in which machine guns, airplanes, and weapons of mass destruction were first developed and used. Eric Brose traces the industrial development of machinery and its application to infantry, cavalry, and artillery tactics. He examines the modernity versus anti-modernity debate that raged after the Franco-Prussian war, arguing that the residue of years of resistance to technological change seriously undermined the German army during World War I.
- Published
- 2001
182. A - Bra (A1 - A2764)
- Author
Peter Mortzfeld, Herzog August Bibliothek, Peter Mortzfeld, and Herzog August Bibliothek
- Published
- 1996
183. Bre - Em (A2765 - A 5598)
- Author
Peter Mortzfeld, Herzog August Bibliothek, Peter Mortzfeld, and Herzog August Bibliothek
- Published
- 1997
184. Advances in Chemical Engineering
- Author
Vermeulen, Theodore, Hoopes, John Walker, Drew, Thomas Bradford, Vermeulen, Theodore, Hoopes, John Walker, and Drew, Thomas Bradford
- Subjects
- Chemical engineering
- Abstract
Advances in Chemical Engineering
- Published
- 1964
185. German Nachspiel in 18 Century
- Author
David G. John and David G. John
- Subjects
- German drama--18th century, Prologues and epilogues, Theater--Germany--History--18th century, German drama (Comedy)--History and criticism
- Abstract
John defines the Nachspiel genre and undertakes an intensive investigation of its nature, function, and forms. By surveying theatrical writings of both eighteenth- and twentieth-century authors, he determines the prevailing understanding of the Nachspiel and many of the contradictions associated with it.
- Published
- 1991
186. Ancient Egyptian Literature : History and Forms
- Author
Antonio Loprieno and Antonio Loprieno
- Subjects
- Egyptian literature--History and criticism
- Abstract
This volume deals with the development and the characteristics of the literature of Ancient Egypt over a period of more than two millennia, from the monumental origins of autobiography at the end of the Old Kingdom (ca. 2150 BCE) down to the latest literary compositions in Demotic during the Graeco-Roman period (300 BCE-200 CE).This book, the result of an international co-operation among more than twenty scholars, is divided into sections devoted to the definition of literary discourse in Ancient Egypt; the history and genres of these texts, their linguistic and stylistic features; and the image of Ancient Egypt as displayed in later literary traditions of the Mediterranean world - Greek, Coptic, Arabic.With over thirty chapters, this volume provides an interdisciplinary account of current research in one of the methodologically most advanced fields of Egyptology.
- Published
- 1996
187. Bonner Katalog : Verzeichnis reversgebundener musikalischer Aufführungsmateriale
- Author
West> Deutsches Musikarchiv <Berlin and West> Deutsches Musikarchiv <Berlin
- Subjects
- Music--Bibliography--Catalogs
- Published
- 1982
188. Skull Base Surgery : Anatomy, Diagnosis and Treatment. 1st International Skull Base Congress, Hannover, June 1992
- Author
M. Samii and M. Samii
- Subjects
- Skull base--Surgery--Congresses, Skull--surgery--congresses
- Published
- 1994
189. Geriatric Psychopharmacology
- Author
J. Craig Nelson and J. Craig Nelson
- Subjects
- Older people, Mental illness, Geriatric psychopharmacology
- Abstract
This authoritative, clinically relevant resource offers state-of-the-art discussions on the current status of geriatric psychopharmacology-furnishing an empirically based approach to the treatment of psychiatric disorders in elderly patients and focusing on the management of specific illnesses. Examines the pharmacological treatment of depression in conjunction with other conditions, including heart disease, cancer, Parkinson's disease, and dementia! Written by more than 20 internationally recognized experts representing distinguished institutions in the United States and Europe, Geriatric Psychopharmacologyreviews the pharmacokinetics of psychotropic drugs and neurochemistry during the aging process analyzes therapeutic approaches to psychotic depression, major depression, and bereavement-related depression describes anticonvulsant and lithium therapy for bipolar disorder and lithium toxicity in older patients details the treatment of late-life psychosis and psychosis in Parkinson's disease explains therapeutic approaches for anxiety, panic, and obsessive-compulsive disorder as well as the role of sedative-hypnotics addresses the neuroleptic and nonneuroleptic treatment of dementia and more!
- Published
- 1998
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