Allen, Sheila, Layton‐Henry, Zig, Brah, Avtar, Taylor, Stan, Pollins, Harold, Bottomley, Gillian, Lyon, Michael, Bahree, Pat, Bhatti, F. M., Wood, Donald, and Bindman, Geoffrey
The realities of unemployment David J. Smith, Unemployment and Racial Minorities, Policy Studies Institute, February 1981, £5.00, 189 pp. Profile of Handsworth P. Ratcliffe, Racism and Reaction, Routledge & Kegan Paul 1981, £12.50. Jat Sikh migrants in England A. W. Helweg, Sikhs in England: The Development of a Migrant Community, Oxford University Press, India, 1979 ;OUP, Oxford, 1980. £5.75. Differing approaches to extremism N. Fielding, The National Front, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981, (Hardback) £12.50. R. Moore, Racism and Black Resistance in Britain, Pluto Press, 1975, (Paperback) £1.25. C. Sparks, Never Again, Bookmarks, 1980, (Paperback) £1.95. Left‐wing politics and Jewry Percy S. Cohen, Jewish Radicals and Radical Jews, Academic Press, 1980, £10.80, pp. 224. Arthur Liebman, Jews and the Left, John Wiley, 1979, £15.90, 694 pp. Migration policies and politics Daniel Kubat (ed.), The Politics of Migration Policies, Center for Migration Studies, New York, 1979, pp. 294. Readings on ethnic phenomena J. Dofny and A. Akiwowo, National and Ethnic Movements. Sage Studies in International Sociology, Beverley Hills and London, 1980. h.b. £11.25, p.b. £5.50. Hinduism in England David G. Bowen (ed.), Hinduism in England, The Faculty of Contemporary Studies, Bradford College, 1981. Sikhs in Bradford Ramindar Singh, The Sikh Community in Bradford, Faculty of Contemporary Studies, Bradford College, 1980. Trinidad's fractured society Bridget Brereton, Race Relations in Colonial Trinidad, 1870–1900, Cambridge University Press, 1979, 251 pp., £18.00. The law and the ordinary citizen David Pearl and Kevin Gray, Social Welfare Law, Croom Helm Ltd, London, 1981, pp. 308, £8.95. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]