1. The Role of Chapel Programs at Selected Christian Universities
- Author
Thompson, Allan D.
- Abstract
Although chapel programs have been a part of higher education in America for over two centuries, little is written at the dissertation level on the nature and role of chapel. This qualitative collective case study examines the nature and role of chapel at four Christian universities. The research examines the threefold question of how do chapel programs at Christian universities contribute to or perhaps hinder: the purposes assigned by the institution to chapel; the spiritual formation of students; and the shared or common identity of a respective Christian college or university? One secondary triangulation occurred with notes made from observations of chapel services, videos of chapel services, and examination of chapel schedules. The primary research consisted of 68 interactions, which included interviews with leaders of chapel, administrators, faculty members, and students at the four campuses studied. One person and two person interviews were conducted as well as focus groups. The interviews were transcribed, coded, analyzed, and findings emerged from the analysis, first as individual case studies for each of the four universities, and then across case studies. Conclusions and recommendations emerged from the across case study findings. Chapel contributed to the formation of spiritual growth, worldview, identity and core values of the university, and vocational choices. Other areas covered in the interviews and findings were chapel programming, the relation of chapel to the classroom and the church, and the physical space used for chapel programs. Of particular note was the growing interest in the use of technology in chapel programming, and the desire for more student interactivity with chapel programming. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://www.proquest.com/en-US/products/dissertations/individuals.shtml.]
- Published
- 2013