Continuing education of the clergy includes, in addition to theological education, sociocultural disciplines, training in professional skills, and personal development. Institutional provisions are many and varied--theological schools, universities and colleges, conference and study centers, institutes, interseminary centers, denominational boards, and interdenominational organizations. The question of who has responsibility for providing it is debatable; a strong case can be made for seminaries but it might be a peripheral interest and a financial strain. It has been suggested that an interseminary approach--already undertaken with some success--seems better; residential study has advantages over other programs, as shown by the "Tower Room Scholars" (Union Theological Seminary in Richmond), the "Seabury Fellows" (Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, Evanston), and others; there should be some association with, or in the setting of, a good university. A minister may be motivated by a career or identity crisis or by the authority of hierarchical jurisdictions. Denominational or interdenominational boards should publicize evaluative criteria for judging programs, provide financial support, and act as intermediary between the agencies and the ministers. (EB)