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163 results

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1. The Attractiveness of European HE Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Faculty Remuneration and Career Paths. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.1.2023

2. Challenges and Enablers in Designing Transnational Joint Education Provision: Thematic Peer Group Report. Learning & Teaching Paper #22

3. Intersectionality in Education: Rationale and Practices to Address the Needs of Students' Intersecting Identities. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 302

4. Indicators of Inclusion in Education: A Framework for Analysis. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 300

5. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01

6. Refugees' Access to Higher Education in Their Host Countries: Overcoming the 'Super-Disadvantage'. Policy Paper

7. The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 5: Education and Labour Market Outcomes for Graduates from Different Types of VET System in Europe. Cedefop Research Paper. No 69

8. Globalisation Opportunities for VET: How European and International Initiatives Help in Renewing Vocational Education and Training in European Countries. Cedefop Research Paper. No 71

9. Education Policy Evaluation: Surveying the OECD Landscape. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 236

10. The Role of Labour Market Information in Guiding Educational and Occupational Choices. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 229

11. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225

12. Refugee Education: Integration Models and Practices in OECD Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 203

13. The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 14-06

14. Navigating Difficult Waters: Learning for Career and Labour Market Transitions. Research Paper No 42

15. Macroeconomic Benefits of Vocational Education and Training. Research Paper No 40

16. The Relevance of General Pedagogical Knowledge for Successful Teaching: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the International Evidence from Primary to Tertiary Education. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 212

17. Renewing VET Provision: Understanding Feedback Mechanisms between Initial VET and the Labour Market. Research Paper No 37

18. Interviewers, Test-Taking Conditions and the Quality of the PIAAC Assessment. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 191

19. Making Skills Transparent: Recognising Vocational Skills Acquired through Workbased Learning. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 180

20. Academic Resilience: What Schools and Countries Do to Help Disadvantaged Students Succeed in PISA. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 167

21. Why Socrates Should Be in the Boardroom in Research Universities. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.3.10

22. Early Childhood Transitions Research: A Review of Concepts, Theory, and Practice. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development, No. 48

23. Family Policy in the US, Japan, Germany, Italy and France: Parental Leave, Child Benefits/Family Allowances, Child Care, Marriage/Cohabitation, and Divorce. A Briefing Paper Prepared by the Council on Contemporary Families.

24. The Evolution of Gender Gaps in Numeracy and Literacy between Childhood and Adulthood. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 184

25. Education Systems, Education Reforms, and Adult Skills in the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC). OECD Education Working Papers, No. 182

26. Association between Literacy and Self-Rated Poor Health in 33 High- and Upper-Middle-Income Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 165

27. Internationalising Vocational Education and Training in Europe: Prelude to an Overdue Debate. A Discussion Paper. Conference on Internationalising Vocational Education and Training in Europe (Thessaloniki, Greece, May 25-27, 2000). CEDEFOP Panorama Series.

28. Cross-National Variation in Educational Preparation for Adulthood: From Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood. Working Paper No. 2001-01

29. The Effect of Firm-Based Training on Earnings. Working Paper.

30. Papers in Language Policy from the Language Policy Conference (Roskilde, Denmark, January 29, 1996). ROLIG Papir No. 56.

31. Birthplace Diversity, Income Inequality and Education Gradients in Generalised Trust: The Relevance of Cognitive Skills in 29 Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 164

32. The Determinants of Transitions in Youth. Papers from the Conference Organized by the ESF Network on Transitions in Youth, CEDEFOP and GRET (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) (Barcelona, Spain, September 20-21, 1993). 2nd Edition. CEDEFOP Panorama. Second Edition.

33. Approaches and Obstacles to the Evaluation of Investment in Continuing Vocational Training: Discussion and Case Studies from Six Member States of the European Union. CEDEFOP Panorama. Discussion Paper/Case Studies.

34. Linking VET to Productivity Differences: An Evaluation of the Prais Program, and its Implications for Australia. Working Paper No. 18.

35. Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Papers on Higher Education Series.

36. The Social Protection of Teachers in Europe. Papers presented at a Workshop of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession (Budapest, Hungary, May 9-11, 1992).

37. Five Training Models. Training Occasional Paper No. 9.

38. Age, Ageing and Skills: Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 132

39. Test-Taking Engagement in PIAAC. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 133

40. The Impact of Literacy, Numeracy and Computer Skills on Earnings and Employment Outcomes. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 129

41. Working and Learning: A Diversity of Patterns. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 169

42. Employment Patterns in OECD Countries: Reassessing the Role of Policies and Institutions. OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 486

43. Understanding the Regional Contribution of Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 9

44. Bringing about Curriculum Innovations. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 82

45. Integration of Immigrants in OECD Countries: Do Policies Matter? OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 564

46. Teacher Evaluation: Current Practices in OECD Countries and a Literature Review. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 23

47. What Works in Migrant Education? A Review of Evidence and Policy Options. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 22

48. Assessment and Innovation in Education. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 24

49. Media, Multimedia, Omnimedia: Selected Papers from the CETaLL Symposium on the Occasion of the AILA World Congress (11th, Jyvaskyla, Finland, August 4-9, 1996) and Man and Media Symposium (5th, Nancy, France, June 5-7, 1997). Bayreuth Contributions to Glottodidactics, Vol. 7.

50. The Transition from School to Work--the European Experience: Implications for Research and Development. Occasional Paper No. 49.