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1. Exploratory Analysis of VET Market Segments. Technical Paper

2. Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) 2009 Cohort User Guide: Data Elements B1--Education (School and School Transition). Technical Paper 74B1

3. Developing Pre-Service Teachers' Understanding of Numeracy

4. Student Perspectives of Engagement in Mathematics

5. Identities of Mathematics Teacher Educators in a 'Hybrid' Mathematics and Mathematics Education Department

6. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (29th, Melbourne, Australia, July 10-15, 2005). Volume 2

7. Children's Drawings as a Source of Data to Examine Attitudes towards Mathematics: Methodological Affordances and Issues

8. Challenges in Assessing Mathematical Reasoning

9. 'Maths Inside': A Project to Raise Interest in Mathematics

10. The Beliefs about Mathematics, Its Teaching and Learning of Those Involved in Secondary Mathematics Pre-Service Teacher Education

11. Mapping Concept Interconnectivity in Mathematics Using Network Analysis

12. Custodians of Quality: Mathematics Education in Australasia--Where from? Where at? Where to?

13. Large-Scale Professional Development towards Emancipatory Mathematics: The Genesis of YuMi Deadly Maths

14. MERGA 2012: Where We've Been, Where We Are, and Where We're Going

15. Learning at the Boundaries

16. Investigating Mathematics Students' Motivational Beliefs and Perceptions: An Exploratory Study

17. A Primary Teacher's Developing Understanding of Mathematical Reasoning

18. The Impact of an Intervention Program on Student Approaches to Learning: A Case Study

19. 'I Just Need to Believe in Myself More': The Mathematical Self-Belief of Year 7 Students

20. Developing Students' Functional Thinking in Algebra through Different Visualisations of a Growing Pattern's Structure

21. Peer Observation as Professional Learning about Mathematical Reasoning

22. Cross-Country Comparisons of Student Sense Making: The Development of a Mathematics Processing Framework

23. The Odd Couple: The Australian NAPLAN and Singaporean PSLE

24. Students and Real World Applications: Still a Challenging Mix

25. The 'Make It Count' Project: NAPLAN Achievement Evaluation

26. Translating between and Within Representations: Mathematics as Lived Experiences and Interactions

27. Use of Learning Trajectories to Examine Pre-Service Teachers' Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching Area and Perimeter: Emerging Issues

28. An Exploration into Growing Patterns with Young Australian Indigenous Students

29. The Gendering of Mathematics among Facebook Users in English Speaking Countries

30. Empowering Andrea to Help Year 5 Students Construct Fraction Understanding

31. Mathematical Language Development and Talk Types in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments

32. 'I Was in Year 5 and I Failed Maths': Identifying the Range and Causes of Maths Anxiety in First Year Pre-Service Teachers

33. Young Indigenous Students' Engagement with Growing Pattern Tasks: A Semiotic Perspective

34. Who Is Really Interested in Mathematics? An Investigation of Lower Secondary Students' Mathematical Role Models

35. The Effect of Language, Gender and Age in NAPLAN Numeracy Data

36. Tracking Structural Development through Data Modelling in Highly Able Grade 1 Students

37. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA) (Madrid, Spain, October 19-21, 2012)

38. Developing Mathematical Resilience among Aboriginal Students

39. Abstracting by Constructing and Revising a 'Partially Correct Construct': A Case Study

40. Student Attitude, Student Understanding and Mathematics Anxiety

41. Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM) (2nd, Cordoba, Spain, July 1-3, 2009)

42. Mathematics Competitions, Gender, and Grade Level: Does Time Make Difference?

43. Methodological Difficulties of Assessing Metacognition: A New Approach.

44. Learning Progressions: Tools for Assessment and Instruction for All Learners. Technical Report #1307

45. Gap Thinking in Fraction Pair Comparisons Is Not Whole Number Thinking: Is This What Early Equivalence Thinking Sounds Like?

46. Consolidating One Novel Structure whilst Constructing Two More

47. Cross-National Validation and Use of Classroom Environment Scales.

48. Mathematics as a Gendered Domain: New Measurement Tools.

49. Exploring Perceived Personal and Social Gender Stereotypes of Maths with Secondary Students: An Explanation for Continued Gender Differences in Participation?

50. Students' Gendered Perceptions of Talent at High School According to Academic Domain, and Their Effect on Career Aspirations.