1. BOOKS OF THE TIMES; How Do You Fight the Mob? Get a Lawyer
- Author
Thriller, Christopher Lehmann-Haupt The Client By John Grisham 422 Pages. Doubleday. $23.50. <P> The Opening Of John Grisham'S Latest Legal, Client, "The, Brother, " Is Irresistible. Eleven-Year-Old Mark Sway Is Leading His 8-Year-Old, Ricky, Memphis, Into The Woods Near Their Trailer-Park Home In, Tenn., Bushes, To Give Him His First Cigarette. While The Boys Are Lighting Up Behind Some, Long, A., Black, By, Shiny Lincoln Comes Rolling Up A Dirt Road Close, Out, Pulls To A Stop. A Chubby Man In A Black Suit Climbs, Trunk, Removes A Water Hose From The, Pipe, Attaches One End To The Exhaust, Window, Slides The Other End Through The Partly Open Left Rear, Car, Climbs Back Into The, and Engine., Starts The more...
- Abstract
Little Ricky wants to run home, but Mark, being older and more street wise, knows what he must do. He crawls to the rear of the car, removes the hose [...]
- Published
- 1993