
Showing total 1,223 results
1,223 results

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2. Research from University Utara Malaysia Provides New Data on Linguistics (The Effect of Paper Reading Versus Screen Reading on the Inferential Reading Performance among University ESL Learners)

3. New COVID-19 Study Findings Have Been Reported from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur (Reply To Critique of the Paper, 'investigating the Attitude and Perspectives of Indian Citizens Toward Covid-19 Vaccines: a Text Analytics Study')

4. University of Hong Kong Researcher Broadens Understanding of Coronavirus (Digital health and mobile health: a bibliometric analysis of the 100 most cited papers and their contributing authors)

5. Researchers from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Publish New Studies and Findings in the Area of Microbiology and Biology Education (Igniting children's enthusiasm for microbes with an origami paper microscope)

8. New Cancer Study Results from University Hospital Center Described (Interventional Cardiology In Cancer Patients: a Position Paper From the Portuguese Cardiovascular Intervention Association and the Portuguese Cardio-oncology Study Group of the ...)

9. University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Researcher Adds New Findings in the Area of Health and Medicine (The Impact of Data Media on Customer Spending Behavior and Consumer Psychology)