This is a separate second issue of Kahn's poster diagram on the workings of the human body, including a reproduction of the 8 text pages that explain it, taken from the five volume work. This poster was also folded and included in the back pocket of volume five, the final volume of Kahn's "Das Leben des Menschen," a pioneering work on the human body as interpreted through info graphics - the body as a machine. The book illustrates the body's different functions through images of technical processes., This is a second issue of the poster (there may be other issues too) with changes to the title at the bottom and the coloring of some of the labels., From Taschen "Fritz Kahn Infographics Pioneer" II. Respiration, Atmung, Respiration l Oxygen in the air, Sauerstoff der Luft, Oxygene de /'air 2 Upper nasal channel, Oberer Nasengang, Meat nasal superieur 3 Windpipe, Luftrohre, Trachee 4 Lung, Lunge, Poumon 5 Oxygen transfer into the blood, Sauerstoffiibergang ins Blut, Passage de l'oxygene dans le sang 6 Connecting vein between lung and heart, Verbindungsader zwischen Lunge und Herz, Connexion veineuse entre les poum,ons et le cCEur 7 Left heart pump, Linke Herzpumpe, Pompe cardiaque gauche 8 Carotid artery, Halsschlagader, Carotide 9 Abdominal artery, Bauchschlagader, Aorte abdominale 10 Artery to the pancreas, Aderrohr zur Bauchspeicheldriise, Artere vers le pancreas 11 Artery to the spleen, Aderrohr zur Milz, Artere vers la rate 12 Artery to the leg-muscle turbine, Aderrohr zur Beinmuskelturbine, Artere vers la turbine musculaire de lajambe 13, 14 Artery to the bone marrow, Aderrohr zum Knochenmark, Artere vers la moelle osseuse 15 Artery to the kidney, Aderrohr zur Niere, Artere vers /es reins 16 Vein return line from the lower abdominal organs, Venenriickleitung der unteren Bauchorgane, Retour veineux des organes abdominaux inferieurs 17, 18 Vein return line from the upper abdominal organs, Venenriickleitung der oberen Bauchorgane, Retour veineux des organes abdominaux superieurs 19 Right heart pump, Rechte Herzpumpe, Pompe cardiaque droite 20 Carbon dioxide transfer to the windpipe, Kohlensiiureiibergang in die Luftrohre, Passage du gaz carbonique dans la trachee 21 Windpipe, Luftrohre, Trachee 22 Lower nasal channel, Unterer Nasengang, Meat nasal inferieur 23 Exhaled carbon dioxide, Ausgeatmete Kohlensiiure, Gaz carbonique expire. III. Nutrition, Erniihrung, Nutrition a Food, Nahrung, Aliments b Incisors, Schneideziihne, Incisives c Molars, Mahlzahne, Molaires d Esophagus, Speiserohre, CEsophage e Stomach opening, Mageneingang, Cardia f Hydrochloric acid containers, Salzsiiurebehalter, Cuve a acide chlorhydrique g Pepsin containers, Pepsinbehiilter, Cuve a pepsine h Rennin containers, Labbehiilter, Cuve a rennine i Pylorus, Ffortner, Py/ore j Bile influx, Gallenzufluss, Affl.ux de sue biliaire k Pancreatic influx, Bauchspeichelzufluss, Affl.ux de sue pancreatique l Chyle influx, Darmsaftzufluss, Affl.ux de sue intestinal m Fat absorption area, Ort der Fettaufsaugung, Zone d'absorption des graisses n,o Fat passing into the blood, Fettleitung ins Blut, Entree des graisses dans le sang p Protein absorption area, Ort der Eiweifsaufsaugung, Zone d'absorption de l'albumine q Sugar absorption area, Ort der Zuckeraufsaugung, Zone d'absorption des sucres r Portal vein to the liver, Pfortader zur Leber, Veine porte vers le foie s Sugar filter, Zuckerfilter, Filtre a sucres t Sugar conversion into starch, Zuckerverwandlung in Starke, Transformation des sucres en amidon u Starch conversion into sugar, Stiirkeverwandlung in Zucker, Transformation de l'amidon en sucres v Protein filter, Eiweilsfilter, Filtre a albumine w Protein waste processed into urea, Eiweifs-Abfall-Verarbeitung zu Harnstoff, Dechets albuminiques transformes en uree x Toxin filter, Giftstofffilter, Filtre a toxines y Blood waste processed into bile, Blut-Abfall-Verarbeitung zu Galle, Transformation des dechets sanguins en bile z Connecting vein between the liver and blood, Verbin-dungsader zwischen L~ber und Blut, Veine hepatique reliant le foie a la circulation sanguine COLOR KEY/FARBENERKLARUNG/ LEGENDE DES COULEURS: RED/ROT/ROUGE: Arterial blood, Arterienblut, Sang arteriel BROWN/BRAUN/MARRON: Air-pipe, Luftrohr, Voies respiratoires BLUE/BLAU/BLEU: Venous blood, Venenblut, Sang veineux YELLOW/GELB/JAUNE: Intestine-Tube, Darmrohr, Tube digestif