Daysh, G. H. J., Higgins, R. R. S., MacPherson, A., McL, P., Duff, D., Bird, J. H., Guilcher, André, Miller, R., Watson, J. W., Wannop, A. R., Osborne, R. H., Robertson, C. J., Petrie, G., Johnson, M. R. W., Crole, R. L., MacGregor, D. R., Mellor, R. H. E., Williams, A. F., Klawe, J. J., Taylor, A. B., Kinniburgh, I. A. G., Mellor, R. E. H., Chalmers, A., Hogg, A. A. M., Paul, R., Guthrie, D., and Tivy, Joy
EUROPECanon Company. By R. H. Campbell. 9 × 5¾. Pp. xii + 346. 12 plates. End-paper map. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1961. 30s.On Scottish Hills by W. Kersley Holmes. 8¾ × 5½. Pp. x + 128. 16 plates. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, revised edition, 1962. 15s.The Third Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. 9. The County of Argyll. Edited by C. M. MacDonald. 8½ × 5½. Pp. 396. 18 figures. 17 plates and folding map at back. Glasgow: Collins, 1961. 42s.The Economic Geology of the Fife Coalfields. Area II. Cowdenbeath and Central Fife. Memoirs of the Geological Survey, Scotland. By E. H. Francis. 9¾ × 6. Pp. viii + 152. 3 folding maps. 12 figures. Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 2nd Edition, 1961. 25s.The Industries of London Since 1861. By P. G. Hall. 7½ × 5. Pp. 192. 23 maps. 26 tables. 3 end-paper maps. London: Hutchinson University Library, 1962. 12s. 6d.La Vendée littorale, étude de géomorphologie. By Mireille Ters. Pp. 578. 11 × 8½ 50 figures and 68 photos. Rennes and Paris: Oberthür, 1961. n.p.Malta: background for development. H. Bowen-Jones, J. C. Dewdney and W. B. Fisher. 7 × 9¾. Pp. 356. 143 figures. 47 tables. 20 plates. Department of Geography, Durham Colleges, Research Paper Series No. 5. Newcastle upon Tyne: King's College, 1961. 42s.AMERICANorth America, A Regional Geography. By J. H. Paterson. 8¾ × 5¾. Pp. xiii + 454. 79 figures. 24 plates. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1960. 37s. 6d.The Falkland Islands. By M. B. R. Cawkell, D. H. Maling & E. M. Cawkell. 8½ × 5½. Pp. xii + 252. 16 plates. 4 figures. Frontispiece map. London: MacMillan & Co., 1961.18s.AUSTRALIALand Use Research in the Hunter Valley. Monograph 6. The Land Cover Survey. By T. M. Burley. 10 × 8. Pp. iv + 28 (+ 16 appendix). 5 figures. Newcastle, NSW: The Hunter Valley Research Foundation, 1961. 5s. Monograph 9. The Land Cover Pattern. By T. M. Burley. 10 × 8. Pp. vi + 93. 28 plates. 17 figures. 2 folding maps (1:253,440) inside back cover. Newcastle NSW: The Hunter Valley Research Foundation, 1961. n.p.ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHYIndustrial Activity and Economic Geography. By R. C. Estall & R. Ogilvie Buchanan. 7½ × 4¾. Pp. 232. 2 maps. 2 end-paper maps. 14 tables. London: Hutchinson University Library, 1961. 12s. 6d.Problems of Applied Geography. Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography. Geographical Studies No. 25. Pp. 148. 14 photographs. 18 maps. 7 diagrams. Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1961.CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYINGPlane Surveying. By J. A. Sandover. Including chapters on photogrammetry by D. H. Maling. 8¾ × 5½. Pp. viii + 424. 206 figures. London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd, 1961. 35s.Photogeology. By V. C. Miller & C. F. Miller. 12½ × 10. Pp. vii + 248. 210 figures, including photographs. London: McGraw-Hill, 1961. 104s. 6d.Navigation. By H. Brinton & P. Moore. 8½ × 7. Pp. 72. 12 photographs. 38 diagrams. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1961. 10s. 6d.International Yearbook of Cartography. Edited by E. Imhof. 9⅔ × 6⅔. Pp. 199. 34 plates. 69 maps and diagrams. London: George Philip & Son Ltd., 1961. 35s.ATLASESNelson's Canadian Atlas. Edited by J. W. Watson. 11¼ × 8¾. Pp. 32 (Text) + 48 (Maps) +11 (Index). Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 2nd Ed, 1960. 30s. Nelson's Concise World Atlas. Edited by J. W. Watson. 11¼ × 8¾. Pp. 16(Text) + 48 (Maps) + 11 (Index). Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 1961. 18s.Atlas over Danmark. Edited by N. Nielsen. Vol. II. Befolkningen, The Population. By A. Aagesen. Atlas volume. 21¾ × 15¼. Pp. iv + 11 coloured maps. Text volume. 11¼ × 8. Pp. 124. 30 figures, several tables. Copenhagen: Det Kongilege Danske Geograflske Selskab, 1961. D. kr. 90.00Collins' Graphic Atlas. 8⅜ × 10¼. Pp. 130 (64 of four-colour maps, 10 of black and white maps, 8 of text, photographs and cartographic sketches, 48 of index). 2 end-paper maps. Glasgow: Collins Clear Type Press, 1961. 12s. 6d. Collins' Pocket Atlas. 4⅜ × 7⅛. Pp. 173 (96 of four-colour maps, 16 of two-colour maps, 13 of text and cartographic sketches, 48 of index). Glasgow: Collins, 1961. 3s. 6d.Early Maps of the British Isles, A.D. 1000-A.D. 1579, Royal Geographical Society Reproductions of Early Maps, VII, 34 × 27½. 20 reproductions. Introduction and notes by G. R. Crone. 10 × 12½. Pp. 32. London: Royal Geographical Society, 1961. 35s.Everyman's Classical Atlas. By J. O. Thomson. Pp. lxx text + 56 maps + 34 index + 28 photographs. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., New Edition, 1961. 18s.Atlas der Republik Osterreich. Edited by H. Bobek. 18¾ × 28¾. 22 sheets, forming Part 1. Wien: Freytag-Berndt und Artaria, 1961. OS. 285.EDUCATIONALHandbook for Geography Teachers. Edited by G. J. Cons & R. C. Honeybone. 8 × 5¼. Pp. xv + 525. London: Methuen & Co., 4th edition, 1960. 22s. 6d.Europe and the British Isles. By C. E. Clowser and E. J. Colenutt. The General Certificate Geographies. Book Four. 8 × 5½. Pp. xv + 288. 53 figures. 34 photographs. Glasgow: Blackie & Son Ltd, 1961. 12s. 6d.South America. Advanced Level Geography, Book III. By D. C. Money. 8½ × 5¼. Pp. vii + 328. 42 plates. 108 figures. 90 tables. London : The University Tutorial Press, 1961. 18s.GENERALDiscovery. By E. V. Appleton et al. 8 × 5¼. Pp. 144. 33 illustrations. London: Methuen & Co., for Granada TV Network, 1961. 12s. 6d.A Glossary of Geographical Terms. Edited by L. D. Stamp. 8¾ × 5¾. Pp. xxviii + 539. London: Longmans, 1961. 63s.